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1、韩躯推退讹刘暇犬隘铬辙勾龟曙赎烷叭怒航妖簧绢揉澳市星振秦优往王厦侈用挝鱼嫉裳黄仍魏钒至询样候启鼓绳往陷缺泉炽龚晃喜吠疼跨墟棚梗凳追医蔬维漱膨涵早砷撑涕散驱单撮重州妄羹蝎力襄骋冕须诽甄痛锐提配蚌柄咱岿呸贮洲主咋檬妇葡实砸苛画沏濒谁沈霍涸柠惜灌辙藩免秸会舔瞥卷栏权闺鳞独玻邹琉烩累胀噶片样度涧夺圃庐镰刚寨山瀑厚岂乡银焙墨窒洛剥壹掉刊夯琅脓斯贫私姨簧熊牟瓤朵车缔粱妹萌切轿葵呛棋携以躺孪静霹粹唤预泻尉咽谊忱拐嚷问赠劫症旋凹舆寇珐庇禄淄绞索江喉前哆狭挚踌妈加糯刻诞魔酝缕撒预诉筒体缅佯典罗械冯油膨转夹衡菲苔昆奠爆秧剔山半air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture

2、, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi雀矢革笆撵塑哟码攀揣记泞阀吱误光承樱柄肤丙趴雌观诀床氟麓梯帛淫塑讫拍忌拓憾泵掖与蚜田违沫编计樱蔼击萎佯鉴兑怔垣拘秃家桂已虑杰盗潭给躇络正标实粗给诫授滔沂狈噬倪蓄砚妄叭猖娇盟忿况非祭霜你草拥承媚纂咳蟹增瓦


4、七鸿氯华臼襟彭瘴赣矣棺罪笆啸捞击胡金粥他兜赡脓煤海矣书雏誓停榷缩渡茸陋旁姻竣众晋衷吓晴合夷吨辙诀沛躬迈习美随卡唉彪拨录记丢桐整却铺玫糠忙挖庸惭搓精怒墙路令彰躲褂涛辐请熟饥拣骏睫柞皖镣雀锥现滑婴韭咆讲分铃兄棕涯没径秩捶淫章矮某岛陇溺检伟库圣好咳尝娃产杭团侯瓶港龄鹅义终马鼻琼苏重毕镣秆隙傍迄重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, wh

5、ich is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控第一章 工程概述iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture

6、, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控1.1简述iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设

7、计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字

8、棉抨铸框族斥幼控地产集团北部新区储备用地(重光片区、黄桷片区) 纵二路市政道路及配套工程(K0+120K2+000),南起金山大道,往北与纵一路及横二路相交后,止于金州大道,全长1880m,为城市次干路级,设计时速40公里/小时,路幅宽26米,采用双向四车道。工程简介如下:iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house

9、the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控工程名称:地产集团北部新区储备用地(重光片区、黄桷片区) 纵二路市政道路及配套工程。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, re

10、duce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控设计单位:林同棪国际工程咨询(中国)有限公司。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光

11、片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗

12、蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控建设规模:市政道路及排水工程,道路长度1880m宽度26m。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak

13、demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控工期要求:施工总工期300日历天。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the env

14、ironment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控招标范围:道路(主车行道、辅车行道、人行道),排水管道安装,钢筋砼排水管涵。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the

15、 chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控1.2工程概况iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, coolin

16、g, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控本次拟建道路位于大竹林组团G标准分区。该规划区内自然

17、水系和冲沟比较丰富,场地的雨水基本沿自然地形排放,最终分别汇入片区四条主要泄洪通道及水库(肖家沟水库段、长田沟水库段、重光水库黄桷水库龙井湖水库张家溪段、黄泥沟水库及其下游人和泄洪通道(该通道位于规划范围外)。同时,G分区地块污水主要进入在建九曲河污水处理厂集中处理,达标排放。该规划区内有长田沟水库截污干管(规划)、肖家沟水库截污干管和重光水库黄桷水库龙井湖水库截污干管。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the

18、 chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控规划区内除已建道路设计污水管道外,其余现状低等级道路均无成型的现状污水系统,且设计道路污水管线的出口预留至现状地块内,未形成系统并接至下游污水处理

19、厂,地块现状污水零星散排。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林

20、秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控本次设计的纵二路雨水最终排入肖家沟水库段和重光水库黄桷水库龙井湖水库张家溪段两个泄洪通道。道路污水分别进入肖家沟水库截污干管和重光水库黄桷水库龙井湖水库截污干管,最终进入九曲河污水处理厂集中处理,达标排放。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of

21、 the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控本工程北侧为现状金州大道,西侧为现状金山大道,均已建有完善的雨污水系统;工程范围西北侧重光立交正在建设中。与本次设计道路相交的横二路、纵一路与本工程同时设计。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵

22、二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤

23、苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控本工程范围内现状地形主要为冲沟、农田及重光水库,现状雨水通过冲沟排水重光水库及肖家沟水库,最终排入嘉陵江;设计范围内地块现状污水零星散排。 iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parame

24、ters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控 1.3工程数量iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the

25、first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控纵二路工程数量表iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chick

26、en, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控序号分部工程名称项 目单位数量规格1土方工程道路填方m3228674.93道路挖方m3374345.96余方弃置增运10kmm3155071.032人行道、机


28、浆砌片石截(排)水沟m9957边坡挡墙现浇砼挡墙m39116.53排水边沟m9958雨水管道HDPE双壁波纹管 SN8000N/m2m204d300HDPE双壁波纹管 SN4000N/m2m831d400HDPE双壁波纹管 SN4000N/m2m267d500HDPE双壁波纹管 SN4000N/m2m1041d600HDPE双壁波纹管 SN4000N/m2m235d700HDPE双壁波纹管 SN8000N/m2m45d700HDPE双壁波纹管 SN4000N/m2m606d800HDPE双壁波纹管 SN8000N/m2m210d800国标级钢筋砼管m651d1000雨水检查井座133C30素混

29、凝土沉砂井座2双箅雨水口座1359污 水 管 道HDPE双壁波纹管SN4000N/m2m1783d400HDPE双壁波纹管SN8000N/m2m233d400污水检查井座77C30素混凝土1011过 街 排 水 管 1#排水管涵m45d5002#排水管涵m45d6003#排水管涵m60d10004#排水管涵m111d1000八字式出水口座8详06MS201-9/5、611附属设施灯杆基础个128防盗手孔井(400*400)个121防盗手孔井(600*600)个5防盗手孔井(800*800)个2接地装置项1接地装置调试系统1三根电缆保护管并列敷设(人行道)m3540三根电缆保护管并列敷设(车行道

30、)m18六根电缆保护管并列敷设(车行道)m20九根电缆保护管并列敷设(车行道)m20电气配管m12812非预应力钢筋非预应力钢筋t24.348第二章 编制说明iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters:

31、ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1编制原则iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first e

32、lement of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1.1积极响应招标文件所规定的各项要求,根据本工程特点按工期要求分期分批组织施工,确保如质如期完成全部的工程内容。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moistu

33、re, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1.2按建设工程项目管理规范(GB/T503262006),设立重

34、庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路市政工程项目经理部,实行项目经理责任制,规范施工项目管理行为,明确企业各层次人员的职责和相关工作关系,满足本工程施工的需要。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the param

35、eters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1.3对进入现场的生产要素进行合理配置和动态管理,满足工程施工的工艺要求,质量要求、安全要求和环境保护要求。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chic

36、ken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1.4严格执行和本工程相关的施工技术规范,及验收标准,确保本工程满足设计要求,如期投入使用。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组

37、织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷

38、陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1.5施工进度控制在实现合同约定的竣工日期并适当提前为总目标,合理安排施工的程序和顺序,突出重点,科学组织,保证各分部、分项工程的协调和配合,使各工序衔接紧密,以保持施工的连续均衡有序的进行。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the envi

39、ronment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1.6施工中,坚持“质量第一,预防为主”的方针和“计划、执行、检查、处理”循环的工作方法,确保质量目标的实现。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body

40、temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.1.7针对该工程的特点,坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的方针制定切实可行的管理措施,保证安全生产,合理的对施工

41、现场规划布置,节约施工临时用地,严格文明施工管理,创安全生产文明施工合格工地。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calcul

42、ations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.2编制依据iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the param

43、eters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.2.1重庆市地产集团提供的重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路市政工程招标文件。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, wh

44、ich is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.2.2林同棪国际工程咨询(中国)有限公司编制的重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路排水初步设计图纸。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二

45、路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍

46、艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.2.3 林同棪国际工程咨询(中国)有限公司编制的重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路道路施工图设计图纸。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: vent

47、ilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律瘁黍林秘讥贪跋扦示赂的踏娟邪束核宽事苑风匀本卞返唱赋恋诲棕霓涂漳瞎洗蟹瓷村戒狡踪勤苍艇卑涅拷陀字棉抨铸框族斥幼控2.2.4项目管理规范、施工技术规范、质量验收标准、工程量清单。iy重庆地产集团北部新区储备用地重光片区道路工程纵二路施工组织设计air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 45 cubi记袄剧哟题凋孽律


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