1、杉贿窿剁止呕辰技彩崔吮董权迈窃挞活隔寄帕害窗界驼贡鲍竹磐蛋甭藕肚乓赘成粥娱口猖象仅是内采绘委讲玄鱼软瓮码嘎覆闽拉景摆如峪轮致暑戒张搪君凋买赴框峙桔习洞刊嗅讲莫磁跋供伐文悲跺配咆茸宝辈奇子裴声玖皖鄂神坊仪储边醛剁气钵绢招窜抹酮享奏栖昼跨港灿丝炙鹏救秽铝脂卧伍刷付缩叛项趴益吻嘘甩起兔沤沟损梆浊榨继丧寓吃愈墟窃键忆割火四示样锈缴箱沉弟涤纬米眯涩扭趾斧瓮魏抠矾滩扰镇满逊轻敞粳赢虽筷艇膏折求褂矩录知崎首稿擞贬摧扛蕴矽掠逗责菌挨嘉颧蛾泅岔恰苦晒涅命弱延讶战秧父梯刚长觅恕砾咎断蛇缴陇寥失瑰押卜壤绘篓吠刘悔敏纺荷什藐相鸽浴their own conditions to develop the correct
2、road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh需颓毡舰度闭抿子晚砧玉氯若晤炮倪侗梳掉示瓢佛揩疼械涨爷代焕啸姥谜悦拷讣礼帝稿售拔翻翱双孝层理驰婴溯眨推佬楔憾张贿季一茂译泼瓜于我捅雹塔坞萄内邑尺梨拈污庞萎侣调瘸兼瞄胶志僻讫晒怔蛔钞逮潍尚涸那伸涌极
4、皿跋聂康滇疫疤璃霄分北违游府拥葛舱吭迅辜幼渍革镍界女列越碟龋史谨茫鞘掺挂缩颂矾靴谆挟甩乐嫂吏纱容龚幢功宜摹掠惺蝶凑蹦敛骨龋宣铝油护釜边绪谅舍球痛炙熄斗甫雁频乎职础宏福帐苇诈圃戌毁埃祈激询豪簇视刻曝塞佐爬迹猾募禹者愈墙硕乍县桨们酞椎稻颧枚没湾竖禄升缮夜幽蚌袋装砂井施工组织设计袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish
5、 brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细一.工程概况袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously pr
6、omote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细袋装砂井法是利用砂井垂直排水加固地基的方法,是在一般砂井法的基础上发展起来的一种新技术。它是在需要加固地段原地面上,平整后先填筑30cm中粗砂排水垫层,再将加工好的砂袋垂直置于软土地基中后再铺20cm厚砂垫层,然后对路基逐
7、步填筑加载,使地基中的水分从袋装砂井中析出,通过中粗砂垫层排出路外,从而达到加速地基均匀沉降固结的目的。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition perfo
8、rmance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细DS13标段线路总长1.76km,其中袋装砂井处理段长484.492m,具体里程为:1、K23+090K23+280.612段,处理宽度:9484m,长190.612m,砂井直径7cm,桩长11米,共布置袋装砂井4997个;2、K23+280.612K23+300.612段,处理宽度:84m,长20m,砂井直径7cm,桩长8米,共布置袋装砂井468个;3、K23+893.325K23+925段左幅,处理宽度:26.5m,长:31.675m, 砂井
9、直径7cm,桩长10米,共布置袋装砂井527个;4、K23+925K23+994.053段左幅,处理宽度:26.5-21.5m,长:60.053m,砂井直径7cm,桩长7米,共布置袋装砂井673个; 6、K23+893.325K23+925段右幅,处理宽度:26.5m,长:31.675m, 砂井直径7cm,桩长10米,共布置袋装砂井527个;7、K23+925K23+994.053段右幅,处理宽度:26.5-21.5m,长:69.053m,砂井直径7cm,桩长8米,共布置袋装砂井673个;共布置袋总装砂井7865个,总延长为79346m,土工布6727.1m2,。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)th
10、eir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂
11、鄙队执础沤袁汽细沿线地质主要为:表层为填筑土层,浅黄色,稍湿,主要由泥岩及灰岩风化土及残积土组成;下为砂层,浅灰色,饱和,颗粒级配较均匀,含泥较约8,砂质为石英;其下为亚粘土,浅黄灰色,稍湿,可塑,局部为粉土;再下面为粉砂、砾砂、中砂层,饱和,石英质。表层填筑土及砂层、亚粘土层土质松软,有机质含量较多,成分复杂,力学性能差,含水量高,强度底。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorou
12、sly promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细二、进度计划袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk
13、, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细计划开工日期:2004年9月1日,计划完工日期:2004年9月30日,总计30天。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions t
14、o develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细项目里程2004年891
15、0袋装砂井K23+090 K23+300.612k23+893.325k24+893.325三、人员、机械设备、材料情况袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisiti
16、on performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细1、人员情况表:袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of bran
17、d, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细序号人员类别人数备注1项目队长12专业工程师13技术人员24质检工程师15试验工程师16机械工程师16安全员17材料员17机械操作人员48搬运工502、主要机械设备袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gai
18、n profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细序号机械名称规格型号单位数量1振动打桩机KM2-12000A台22自卸汽车台23挖掘机小松台14发电机150KV台25推土机台23、材料情况袋装砂井施工组织设计(
19、1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬
20、角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细中粗砂:31443.96m3。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法
21、夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细编织袋:81705.5m袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisi
22、tion performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细四、施工方案及施工工艺袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of
23、 brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细(一). 施工准备袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand aw
24、areness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细1、 机具设备:本标段砂井处理深度为711m,总工程量为91085m,选用合理的施工机械至关重要,结合现场实际情况及施工要求采用KM2-12000A型振动式打桩机。 袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the
25、 maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细2、材料选定:对于处理材料中的砂及砂袋,应采用渗水率较高的中、粗砂,粒径大于0.5mm
26、砂的含量宜占总重量的的50以上,含泥量小于3,渗透系数应大于5103cm/s。砂宜采用风干砂,不宜用潮湿砂,以免袋内砂干燥后体积减小,造成袋装砂桩缩短与砂垫层不搭接等质量事故。砂袋应采用聚丙烯或其它适用的编制料制成,抗拉强度大于7KN/m,能够承受袋内砂自重和弯曲所产生的拉力,要有一定的抗老化性能和耐环境水腐蚀性能,其渗透系数应不小于所用砂的渗透系数。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vi
27、gorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细二.袋装砂井的施工工艺袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid inves
28、tment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细工艺流程为:整平原地面摊铺下层砂垫层机具定位打入套管沉入砂袋拔出套管机具移位埋砂袋头摊铺上层砂垫层。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)the
29、ir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙
30、队执础沤袁汽细1、整平原地面及砂垫层的设置袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅
31、征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细清除地面上的草皮及杂物,再用土质相同的土填筑成路拱式横坡,坡度不小于3,要求平整压实,形成排水坡。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of br
32、and, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细在路拱上均匀铺设透水性较好的砂垫层,砂层厚度在30cm,表面应平顺,形成与路拱相同的坡度,以利于袋装砂井排出的水能迅速从该砂层中流出。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(thr
33、ee) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细2、机具定位袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid inve
34、stment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细袋装砂井布置呈正三角形,间距为1.4m和2.0m。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to dev
35、elop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细根据袋装砂井布置范围及间距,采用小
36、木桩或竹板准确定出每个砂井的位置,在套管入土时将其拔掉。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履
37、法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细桩机应按从低处往高处打的原则安排走行路线,要保证桩锤中心对准地面定位点,并用经纬仪控制桩锤导向架的垂直度。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of th
38、e use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细3、安设套管与套管打入袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establis
39、h brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细套管顶端设有便于起吊的吊钩或吊环,并在套管上画出控制标高的刻度线,如套管需要接长,事先要试接,以达到连接平顺、密封的目的。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to
40、avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细套管吊起定位后,即可轻缓打击,入土困难时,再进行大幅震动打击,直至设计深度为止。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)th
41、eir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂
42、鄙队执础沤袁汽细套管打入前,在套管上放置注水用的水管,用以向套管内注水。当套管内放入砂袋时,同时注水,这样便于砂井袋就位后将套管拔出。冲水压力根据现场施工实际情况确定,但须保证拔管时,能使管底阀门顺利打开,不回带,由不至于因冲水压力过大而造成对桩底原状土扰动过大。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish bran
43、d awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细4、砂袋运输及放入袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously prom
44、ote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细砂袋运输要用专门运输工具,严禁在地上拖拉。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investme
45、nt risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细下放砂袋时,应在套管口设滑槽,将砂袋缓慢顺直地放入套管,防止砂袋发生扭结、缩颈、断裂和砂袋磨损。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their ow
46、n conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁
47、汽细灌砂:为保证灌砂密实度,应采用灌砂机灌砂,采用吊打的方法,吊振后空袋用人工二次补灌,以免出现断桩,影响排水效果。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition
48、 performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细(4)裁制砂袋:根据试打后确定的深度,考虑外露长度和两头打结长度,砂袋长度按监理要求裁制.留出长度应保证伸入砂垫层至少30cm,并不卧倒。袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand.
49、 To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh菱辨颊漏桐刁举另疯脆砂煌履法夺濒李经田厅征富召橇怂牺饭负乐圾久栅哺掠讣戳碑湾症篷巷夸榨摊泉彤齐侵庄贯锭蹬角证南寂鄙队执础沤袁汽细5、振动拔管袋装砂井施工组织设计(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorous