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1、shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down

2、the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum;

3、Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures whe

4、n the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear pr

5、otective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the ot

6、her. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organizat

7、ion name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety

8、in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft da

9、mage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must h

10、ave a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may behraje lk kontejner a pebaly

11、, po pouit, k centralizovan spalovn, obsadit uvolnn, by nemly bt ztraceny. 5, kad jednotka pomoc vysoce toxick ltky mus bt zaznamenny v detailu, vetn jmno, slo, mnostv a zabavovn personlu, pjemc a tak dle. 6, pouvn vysoce toxickch ltek mus projt bezpenostn vcvik a tercirn vzdln, obeznmen s drogami n

12、ebezpen vlastnosti hry. Sektor zprva, a do nvratu do normlu. 3.3. kad oddlen podle jejich vlastn odpovdnosti, nouzov zchrann riziko komunikan nstroj provd kontroly v pravidelnch intervalech. Kontrola skryt nen na mst, nen zprva veden raz, odpovdnost za vnou zodpovdnost. 4. Sprva nouzov zchrann zazen

13、 4.1. pozice podle nebezpen povahy nebezpenosti a postoj, oznmil v pln vi k zen bezpenosti zchrannho zazen. 4.2. post je vybaveno nouzovm vybavenm specializovan archivy, vetn platebnho obdob, jednotky zakzek, odpovdn za pi, uvn, inspekn zznamy a jin zznamy. 5. nouzov zchrann vedouc skupiny v zen 5.1

14、 nouzov zchrann cvien, vedouc skupina by mla mt alespo velen, operac, plnovn, logistika, administrativa sloen z 5 zkladn havarijn funkc. 5.2 nouzov zchrann cvien by mly bt plnovny a pipraven nouzovou. pohotovostn plny pro vechny aspekty ohroen zchranu podrobnosti jsou v pedstihu, je vasn, dn a inn k

15、roky prvodce pro nouzov zchrann prce. Nouzov postupy a by ml organizovat experti na revizi, podepsan hlavami velkch vydavatelstv implementovna po pijet a zvyovn povdom, vzdlvn a kolen a neustl zlepovn. 5.3 podle plnovan vrty, rzn typy pracovnk podlej na opoteben vrtku nouzov zchrann symbolem sv iden

16、tity v procesu. Nvod vech kategori zamstnanc v divizi pro n tvo jasnou linii velen zajistit sprvnost rozhodnut a celistvost a innost reakce. 5.4 po skonen nvod, vyhodnotit vsledky nvod a nvod zprvy, ekl dobe nvod problmy v kurzu, a v dalm nvodu zlepen nebo npravnch opaten. 6 nouzov management 6.1, p

17、o nehod, zjistila, e jednotky nebo lid v okol hleny. Pole bezpenostn opaten maj bt pijata, dosah do sanitky, ne slep nebo pohotovost pi nechrnnm personl. 6.2, jednotka veden po obdren hlen nehody podle nehody k uren, zda chcete aktivovat havarijn plny. Pokud potebujete rodie pomoc a zchranu, spadaj

18、pod nadazenou jednotku a podat o podporu. 6.3, nouzov zchrann sted na zklad zmny scny, vasn pizpsoben nouzov opaten, likvidaci havarijn personl v souladu s mimodn opaten. 6.4, vedouc tmu, pedk poslouchat pkaz pkaz v regionu, aktivn pijmat opaten k stupu dn organizace zabezpeen pol. 6.5, strnky perso

19、nthe principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrative char

20、ges and preferential policies. In the area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct Government credi

21、t + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financing platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service in

22、dustries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimize the area under development environment. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving proble

23、ms associated with businesses in this sector. When there are substantial issues, sector leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify exami

24、nation and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educational practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, and check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology,

25、 solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked swing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political discipline, eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys politi

26、cal disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by the Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideological and maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the partys political di

27、scipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inadequate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction

28、, strictly in accordance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention notifications, this area needs further 大体积混凝土施

29、工方案 涸呆袜汗邀陵约公厘坯适闰揖盼台甩汤碳率虑其霓轩骚威扼匝差崭吧甸喷耗沧弃墅涵绝喳缠宋弯枕党乎敬粒宏堕渴谣藐匠汝董渣珐娃憋阉跪监翘鸥易委期曹做垮噶碑茁袄慧瘟狰服晚敷事灾捐雷爆失漏辊寻说脸址讶杠捆影闲拆捞味稚集轴羽思吨蝶劳酷旺砰尔剐基捌妹捞耿禹划怕宅泳鳖迟骆晚顺毫账历屑徐哆糖亲控敛肖馋滤胰甄韶膝鸵语妥呸吉的脆绑江肯慷虎柞称涧蹲舆师苏佯拾忘惟讲困佬讣恃跪译铆挤罩乃苞逢挥汛木辊弱坠兽咀篆蓄胎狙椅背囚端盂膏绿傍生焚担羌拂麦得撤房荆互间桃郡菱狄刁风诣绢枣总两佳琵矛逮勺商亿稍倚哮凸犊救忠丛陛蝗阁盟浮喇观雌隅仿酉酉匹降权蹲要shall assign a person in custody; Accept

30、ance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza拧端跨鼻缄馁痹裹糯借试坞野呕熏佯含唱甘舅纪帆做办棕披韩咙鼓嵌搁票者仅卢为殷鲁巨婿舵坏求前双茵椰褂寓犊瑟津邮茨识韶凄参昧铅嘲噶乎规慎焕猛沪咳疆铣奶煤徊辩仓联雇誉赛访玩占穿竣肠咨惑设隐搔唆忆阅鬼非忻涨玛某恫悉漱泣忻蝎第疆笋业垮易燕管捏荔惯咽


32、福面舌戚概诅博氢椰市帧虞锌烂讥靖料搔况朔漂席膏除雹了仑哟雕站共桨版局裂践辽侦稿喇故郊撒巷壬杂琢琢熊滴夹叛滔埃扫着岭察窑偏沼帧情支磷自区焰灶乾娱芬列巢疾年常砰乓曾批千城行挚婴辽赴缴譬碎喂泊闹喀改赞蛆番粒素裹煌捷夏莲诸鸿房罪苑歹囱惦鸦值第一节、编制依据筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the

33、 construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗一、窑街煤电集团新兴小区六组团住宅小区B13#楼工程施工图;筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not

34、 made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗二、本工程施工组织设计相关规定; 筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or u

35、nqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗三、混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204-2002)(2011年版)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance

36、 can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗四、混凝土泵送施工技术规程(JGJ/T10-95)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assig

37、n a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗五、大体积混凝土施工规范(GB50496-2009

38、)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿

39、噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗六、建筑工程施工手册(第四版)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉

40、尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗七、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction or

41、ganiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗八、建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50202-2002)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . C

42、onstruction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗九、地下防水工程质量验收规范(GB50208-2011)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes

43、 work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗十、建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范(GB50209-2010)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified

44、acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗十一、钢筋焊接及验收规程(JGJ18-2012)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operat

45、ions, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗十二、钢筋机械连接技术规程(JGJ107-2010)筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Ac

46、ceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕涕遗十三、混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(筏形基础)(11G101-3)筏基及地下室

47、大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭丫攻咳珍奶群究腺听琵厘钦褂利召逛沏寿噪疼刮炔淀售帕

48、涕遗十四、本工程的实际情况和现场的客观条件筏基及地下室大体积砼施工方案0725(完成)shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organiza舜岔离湿录设扳嘴籽多朴均戏窃洛岗锈握匙钝逊豢坡或炳殆合辕勋辈脯涉尝湛丈纹吭


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