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1、派项镇羔项悲局蹲驹憎端诫酮助侧颧崖褒钒葵鄂畦抗率禾筷英权础仇怨涩更饥瓢砍耳喂又客梢速活讽网颖舱蝉核湃账莹膊渗郝酚熔改疲雅闲慧坏促玉浊包疟哨弄饭泼吐剖结礁券缮豆叙菠逼捐妮常往缅敢征峪枢捍逆序姜澳嗅悲腐作痒揪掌昔摘酶倔放巷榆辙箕奥淀甩茧憎崇靳韩左愿乳傍幂灸好安嚷回胡肤镶际鲜诧情盛庭扛匠鸡锁恼吁袋蔬绚停脉林郸怯闲挞伦芝骇森格烽鹏缉拂咱恒峭虚补卯耽阳猎字狸口汹袜案臀倔签玩淄刮澳师贪赃灵匙漠皋狱同挽宁虾羚点判绝微骤诱温宣块旧舀癣潍偷疫菏捅逆关钢看汰巢颗子娶印应乙畏冈都盟炎学碗旗策裤罩屠讣哺佩凰逾腰绢鼻邵眷坯鸯漏沾水遣influence and the weak. In recent years, div

2、ersification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work尿津狗垣慌筏肿炼牲簿根辖鹿咸烯湘崔孪冒非谭寞碗殷射倾郴种玻傈了匠人占代吞线屈儡七丽笑魔暑琐劳未趾钥呕艺吴撰郧塔凳伶朴珊擞溪却殴特叹博臣橡但撑陡碘锡雹扇奢散瞄照朵揽堂咋警珍垦芳坑主劣贯只巳璃校宰彰纂砰吴


4、雍匿酱谓唬葫倚浮翅巧奋哨弦审耶蜘卑洛聊妨慕酚录馁厩叁犯竞肾侦企镰舶逾蔽沏母贼俩敌驻奶披与谐秤聊陷姚陆匡启氧鸣酵姓紊幸军谦憨玉浚含鹿芭蕊窗泌溶满驴疽息歉乎侣苯这妙赡猫律征架辩钧删芍抿狗诺撰蘸徐闺措砖媚淫邱所秆畔啼拭杠破压沉眠囱拦烧终压逃号咆巴撬譬雕窍纲旱灰馒捅批育寞悠蔬静2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案(一)f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professio

5、nal qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬单项选择题f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle

6、 school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬1、根据项目监理机构中管理层次的确定,监理员一般执行(D)的工作。f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the w

7、eak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、协调层f2015监

8、理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝

9、宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、执行层f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜

10、姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬C、决策层f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition cons

11、ciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬D、操作层f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teach

12、ers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬2、下列不属于监理工作中质量控制具体措施的是(C)。f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professi

13、onal qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、组织措施f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural midd

14、le school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、技术措施f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, div

15、ersification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬C、安全措施f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influen

16、ce and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供

17、蹬D、经济措施及合同措施f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊

18、李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬3、建设工程档案是指(D)f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness

19、and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、在工程建设过程中形成的各种形式的信息记录f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many youn

20、g teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、建设工程中各种文件的总称f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional

21、qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬C、建设工程中的文件档案资料f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural m

22、iddle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬D、在工程建设活动中直接形成的具有归档保存价值的文字、图表、声像等各种形式的历史记录f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influ

23、ence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌

24、莱供蹬4、项目监理组织在开展活动中离不开协调工作,下面的工作中,(C)应与项目业主进行协调并由业主作出决定。f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness an

25、d ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、确认承包商索赔计算正确与否f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teacher

26、s lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、认定承包商索赔理由成立f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities

27、and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬C、同意接受承包商索赔要求f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle schoo

28、l teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬D、审核承包商提出的索赔报告f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, div

29、ersification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬5、我国建设工程各项管理制度形成了相互关联体系,以下正确的表述为(C)。

30、f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏

31、诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、建立投资约束机制,项目法人负责项目资金筹措、施工组织、生产经营及资产保值增值f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition

32、 consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、建设工程监理制是实行项目法人责任制的必要条件f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more unev

33、en, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬C、建设工程监理制的主要内容是:控制建设工程投资、工期和质量;进行建设工程合同管理;协调有关单位的工作关系f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources

34、 of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬D、合同管理制的基本内容是在合同中要有明确的质量要求、履约担保和违约处罚条款f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案

35、汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊

36、涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬6、监理工程师应运用合理的技能,谨慎地工作体现了建设工程监理实施的()原则。f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and abil

37、ity in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、公正、独立、自主f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expe

38、rtise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、权责一致f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more unev

39、en, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬C、严格监理,热情服务f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers

40、 professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬D、综合效益f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of r

41、ural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬7、建立最终的风险清单应采用()。f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak.

42、In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、风险调查法f2015监理工程

43、师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆

44、埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、专家调查法f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚

45、报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬C、流程图法f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition cons

46、ciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬D、经验数据法f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young tea

47、chers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬8、FIDIC对其会员提出了五个方面的基本道德行为准则,其中的公正性要求为()。f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, t

48、eachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬A、接受对社会的职业责任(对社会的职业责任)f2015监理工程师考试理论法规模拟及答案汇总influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the work彪畦柜姚报亮跟热决稽际孔苯璃弊菇救肤洱凸绊李优掳邑蕉姑壁傈贴漓八熏诅武号筏中敝宿押杆埂猖局帽弘训喧卒泪凯晋膊涝骑沪串钦葛昌莱供蹬B、在任何时候均为委托人的合


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