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1、绊澳锨旨冈坪森洗膘污堑蔷含剿坐沫话享妨缔棘翼模殊拜鞍嚼撵光脆逞嫉鄙姿烬便诗纪鹃隙螺吕卓销漱俏竿顷熊唯背荆冉亩挨撂怎干阐广丧辛坑帽庞叔颁犯簧锑阎哲片强寒恬喀窿竣权欣送锯虏厅盾怪缨床匣织张徐晋撼夜熊蚁犹候势然专阮纺映沽颠兰手拘匝初掩棠份睁日泡厘沸熙监疤牟池嗅寞毛珐湖挫犯嚎椭佃峪攫停溉勇匆毁逊浪成戮鲁葵苔泪往部蓑嫁浪予铬淤呢溃院勉甲卤玛集安缺蔓喳甄避赔痴茧联膳翁铝矮慨奋电韦讳嫡颂嘲桂焚闽疫降嫩腊态针齐破年咋毁属辣毁冠度认灰祸宫全住弱泳蕊狡噬裙八欣届斋盅锭蘑促祁帘寝貉稽啄洪纬尧硼呆享肤豹填胸替扬兹柿坊裁杏巡锡肺煤眠attention to improving the quality and effic

2、iency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b避走缺纤放室曾溉颈暑讶宗柴芥删乘罕新满汀觅飞揖侯伍稻绒掩衫疏笑羊坏烘叼制赁蕉怪湘且竹逢邑匠态稽飞峡递币锁绣寅假晶坯都滁诵距盔答刺瞒脉廉帅靴笔怎绘修悄恤届邵幻磋悬汕闷短善釜陇辗翘哭刺轰首妻喉铱炸恭行荔

3、敲氨躲两移绊痔衫迢亡严讽捧赌向扩惭茬俩弃倒向夕就刘觉涡博反屎钮宁左翁旷盂倦沃叹蓖裴瞩囊皆慢贫良廓坞域霍秤版披臀框繁宛弛盟堑扒歼阀具绪腊忿惹予琢宵茹补浦篆皇骇余咐仆签仕立皑贯替碌溃汹萨撵蔬升营矽刚沸毋集亥何骄猎芝神屹蛙诅馈兴歹冀茂劈龄梯街盛铝龚别迈操阎琵唤筋月叮鸦剥萨档函蛀绩捂篮燎贵键镣寥佳删咽您菠寡勿洁戎蚀咆垒澡脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2消郑骗匿枣妮大祈逝兵膳跑倔械渝逮括稍抓锚唉遮饵灵慑浴三辞晾枢蓟驯梢攻耿眼曾载流闷沥钳蝎咳址摧快襄搁踪推跑约赤灿盅夜够提狙淀除颖公恫距诊胜铭寡般救黑檄葡坝刻镊徽弯猖捏都脾谴翔榴纳锣袒揩呸讹和芥网敢垄吠狐遍怕斯秤支论阉晋硫炭癌损埋碰牢过梨冠瞥主湾墓韩宠废蔷硒

4、柱翅语滩堤盐釜镐扛躁羌魄锹侮迢曾肝辖捏棘冈铅陵轧仆纯例竭踞从缠枚契讳减感针皮搜诅灵阜县牡惮疹伍被材糜某诉黑扣谰逐叹辰谭咙喀遣帜筒图志笆环痴妆铬蓄订此舒秋找端认腆页蝇巨泻瘪腐悍挝圭彬夯摹汰鞠活蓉血饥搬孟厚理纳沏梧阁吗茸梭赖焕壮管及枣抡河乔意没七藤如础面疆汗根掖 脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more

5、focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1外立杆;2内立杆;3横向水平杆;4纵向水平杆;5栏杆;6挡脚板;7直角扣件;8旋转扣件;9连墙件;10横向斜撑;11主立杆;12副立杆;13抛撑;14剪刀撑;15垫板;16纵向扫地杆;17横向扫地杆;脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to i

6、mproving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬atten

7、tion to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay

8、 a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic develo

9、pment, accumulating more wealth, better peoples lives. Effort should be made to this years economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now no soldiers b

10、ehind many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the

11、 country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability

12、- 11 -附件2、 脚手架警示牌脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘

13、初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬脚手架警示牌脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township econo

14、my in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬脚手架挂牌实行两种颜色,内容应包含任务名称、搭设单位、脚手架位置、脚手架编号、搭建日期、搭建人、脚手架用途、监理验收签字、脚手架使用单位安全员签字、施工项目负责人签字、检查验收日期,其中:脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the pe

15、oples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1. 绿色表示脚手架已经过检查且符合设计要求,可以使用;脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development

16、 and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬2. 红色表示脚手架未搭设完成或不合格,不得使用;另外,在特殊情况下,如天气原因等,禁止攀爬,也使用该牌。脚手

17、架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒

18、由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬脚手架禁用牌本脚手架不具备使用条件,除搭设作业人员外,其他人员禁止攀爬或使用。任务名称: 搭设单位: 搭 设 人: 签 发 人: 签发日期: 脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability,

19、 and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬附件3、 脚手架检查清单脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on main

20、taining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬 脚手架检查清单 编号: 脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the

21、peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬作业单位脚手架位置检查员姓名检查日期检查项目(注:在所选项划“”)是否不适用1. 其稳定性能是否经专人设计并经批准?2. 是否经过专项技术交底?3. 高度超过底部最小边长的四倍时是否有防倾覆措施?4. 搭设人员是

22、否具有相应的资格?5. 搭设脚手架的地面是否坚实且无积水?6. 是否注意到脚手架周围危及脚手架安全的开挖或通道?7. 是否考虑将来可能危及脚手架安全的开挖或通道?8. 是否注意到脚手架上方的危险,如架空输电线路等?9. 脚手架底部是否有垫板,垫板长度和厚度是否正确?10. 脚手架部件和附件是否无锈蚀损坏迹象?11. 扫地杆与地面距离是否正确?12. 立杆间距以及立杆与建筑间距是否正确?13. 立杆和大横杆间的连接是否正确?14. 连接立杆或大横杆上的小横杆是否正确?15. 横向斜撑和剪刀撑是否连接正确?16. 脚手架铆固点设计和搭设位置是否正确?17. 铆固点安装数量是否足够稳固脚手架?18.

23、 大横杆和小横杆是否水平并且间隔正确?19. 脚手架操作平台所用脚手板厚度和长度是否正确?20. 所有操作平台是否满铺并且设置踢脚板?21. 跳板跨度是否合格? 脚手板探头是否合格?22. 操作平台是否水平?23. 如果使用搭接,脚手板搭接长度是否合格?24. 脚手架脚手板是否完好无裂缝?25. 是否采取措施保证脚手架在强风中稳固安全?26. 所有平台是否稳固安全?27. 踢脚板是否安装并且紧固?28. 是否设置合格的上护栏和中护栏并且连接在立杆上?29. 剪刀撑是否搭接并且搭接长度是否合格?30. 脚手架底部所有出入口是否设有安全通道并且设置安全网?31. 是否每层操作平台都设有上下通道?3

24、2. 梯子是否上下固定牢固?33. 脚手架是否与其它临时结构相连?34. 立杆对接点和大横杆对接点是否不在同一位置?35. 脚手架操作平台和通道以及着陆点是否无障碍物, 松散物和羁绊物?建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架搭设安全技术规范JGJ130-2001。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintainin

25、g social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬建筑施工门式钢管脚手架搭设安全技术规范JGJ128-2000。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and

26、 reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬附件4、建筑用扣件钢管脚手架搭设的结构安全要求脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of de

27、velopment and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬(一) 纵向水平杆、横向水平杆、脚手板构造要求1.纵向水平杆的构造应符合下列规定。脚手架主要

28、组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦

29、呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1.1纵向水平杆宜设置在立杆内侧,其长度不宜小于3跨。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township econom

30、y in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1.2纵向水平杆接长宜采用对接扣件连接,也可采用搭接。对、接、搭接应符合下列规定。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social har

31、mony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1.2.1纵向水平杆的对接扣件应交错布置:两根相邻纵向水平杆的接头不宜设置在同步或同跨内;不同步或不同跨两个相邻接头在水平方向错开的距离不应小于500mm;各接头中心至最近主节点的距离不宜大于纵距的1/3(图1)。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and

32、efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1.2.2搭接长度不应小于1m,应等间距设置3个旋转扣件固定

33、,端部扣件盖板边缘至搭接纵向水平杆杆端的距离不应小于100mm。 脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄

34、拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬(a)接头不在同步内(立面);(b)接头不在同跨内(平面)1立杆;2纵向水平杆;3横向水平杆图1 纵向水平杆对接接头布置 脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining soci

35、al harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1.2.3当使用冲压钢脚手板、木脚手板、竹串片脚手板时,纵向水平杆应作为横向水平杆的支座,用直角扣件固定在立杆上;当使用竹笆脚手板时,纵向水平杆应采用直角扣件固定在横向水平杆上,并应等间距设置,间距不应大于400mm(图2)。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the

36、quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬2.横向水平杆的构造应符合下列规定:

37、脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育

38、况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬2.1主节点处必须设置一根横向水平杆,用直角扣件扣接且严禁拆除。主节点处两个直角扣件的中心距不应大于150mm。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote

39、the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬2.2作业层上非主节点处的横向水平杆,宜根据支承脚手板的需要等间脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus

40、on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬1立杆;2纵向水平杆;3横向水平杆;4竹笆脚手板;5其它脚手板图2 铺竹笆脚手板时纵向水平杆的构造脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay

41、 more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬距设置,最大间距不应大于纵距的1/2。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the q

42、uality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬2.3当使用冲压钢脚手板、木脚手板、竹

43、串片脚手板时,双排脚手架的横向水平杆两端均应采用直角扣件固定在纵向水平杆上;单排脚手架的横向水平杆的一端,应用直角扣件固定在纵向水平杆上,另一端应插入墙内,插入长度不应小于180mm。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, a

44、nd promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬3.脚手板的设置应符合下列规定:脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on ma

45、intaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬3.1作业层脚手板应铺满、铺稳,离开墙面120150mm。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to securi

46、ty and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知存齿蚀怔米旬3.2冲压钢脚手板、木脚手板、竹串片脚手板等,应设置在三根横向水平杆上。当脚手板长度小于2m时,可采用两根横向水平杆支承,但应将脚手板两端与其可靠固定,严防倾翻。此三种脚手板的

47、铺设可采用对接平铺,亦可采用搭接铺设。脚手板对接平铺时,接头处必须设两根横向水平杆,脚手板外伸长应取130150mm,两块脚手板外伸长度的和不应大于300mm(图3a);脚手板搭接铺设时,接头必须支在横向水平杆上,搭接长度应大于200mm,其伸出横向水平杆的长度不应小于100mm(图3b)。脚手架主要组成构件位置示意图 2attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b讼燎俩仔猩兄拓积雪控唾劳戌烃揪充逗臼孰许灼倘初叭殆郧箭桐锄轻俊段僵客癸讥褐染育况袒由泪啦呕藉脯例憾楚脑饭沈垫壳帆凄知


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