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1、security, and peace, volunteers for the integrated prevention patrol team, formed red armbands normalized patrol, patrol visits, extensive collection of reporting social conditions and public opinions, discover and master, resolve contradictions and problems, so that early discovery, early control,

2、early solve. Six is the strict application of the system of accountability, and no grasp of the information, contradictions and disputes are not in place, mediation is weak, measures are not implemented major mass incidents, firmly holding those responsible accountable. 5, peace-building comprehensi

3、ve management campaigns. Is a combination of a comprehensive management awareness month in Jinhua city community organization related departments to carry out comprehensive management awareness month square campaign. Zone print issued a letter addressed to residents and other publicity materials mor

4、e than 3,000 copies, placing publicity boards 22, flying the banner more than 20 articles, issuing security security manuals, small security fans, legal books, against the cult, anti-drug publicity more than 400 copies, fill in hundreds of anti-evil commitment card, received excellent publicity. Mea

5、nwhile, Angolan group, at the invitation of Wang Daofei, Deputy General Manager of residential households small technology and security field publicity and demonstration, highly praised by area residents, creating a strong atmosphere. II is a combination of spiritual civilization and construction of

6、 harmonious community goal, the morning of August 22, zone comprehensive management office joint development zone police station in Jinhua city community organized to create a peaceful community, enhance the public sense of square with the theme of campaign. Activities through community police stand

7、, anti-theft lock shows, award-winning security knowledge quiz, people wrote and performed by cultural and sports programs and other content, reflect the heart of community residents to, toward pleasure and away from pain, expect peace and wishes to live and work in harmony! peoples public security

8、and social satisfaction continues to rise. Powerful advocacy the objectives and tasks of peace-building, integration of the system of spiritual civilization. Third is to carry out mass sense of household information and survey activities. Activities, total household issued a letter to 7,184, questio

9、nnaires to 7,184. Judging from the statistics, answer the security of social security 56.3%, safe 28.1%; answers caused insecurity in 15.6% (such as theft, fraud, food safety and other factors). Through this survey, let us find out the area of social security, we isolate the issue in the future work

10、, improving its working methods in a timely manner, maintain social order and stability of the development zone.Second, 2016 plan a is to further strengthen the stabilisation mechanism, continue to inactivate the gold leaf Garden two certificates handling contradictions and disputes is the current f

11、ocus, based on the actual, and strive to further in 2016, finish gold leaf Garden two certificates handle disputes passivation collapse; in the focus poll to resolve work, and strive to resolve the 1-2 old appeal and often visited. Also increase the intensity of contradictions and disputes mediation

12、, disputes and mediation, mediation success rate rate 100% above 98%. II is according to law rule district led group of requirements, combined zone work actual, timely summary 65 Franco-Prussian five years to of work practice, tightly around law ruling of work技 术 交 底 记 录技术交底记录编号隧 道CLZQ6-1-CZS1#JK-防排



15、水构造图纵向施工缝防水构造图明暗衬砌相连处变形缝防水构造图不等厚衬砌相连处变形缝防水构造图等厚衬砌变形缝防水构造图2.3、止水带施工2.3.1、 施工工艺流程:中埋式止水带施工包括钻钢筋孔、安装及固定钢筋卡、固定止水带等环节其施工工艺流程如下所示: 施工准备加工背托钢筋及钢筋卡在台车挡头板上设置钢筋卡底座安装背托钢筋及钢筋卡固定止水带灌注防水混凝土结束 中埋式止水带施工工艺流程图2.3.2、 施工方法及步骤(1)立模,挡头板穿入固定钢筋;(2)安置橡胶止水带(一侧弯折)及浸沥青木丝板;(3)浇筑一侧砼;(4)拆模;(5)拉直止水带另一侧并固定(回填浸沥青木丝板);(6)立模浇筑另一侧砼;(7)


17、环向间距0.3m设置;在第二节衬砌时扳直钢筋卡将一起弯入的止水带垂直固定在第二节衬砌内。素混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案一示意图1素混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案一示意图2方案一的钢筋卡大样图素混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案二示意图1素混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案二示意图2 方案二的钢筋卡大样图B、钢筋混凝土施工缝、变形缝防水施工钢筋混凝土施工缝、变形缝防水施工主要有两种施工方案。方案一:挡头模扳由两块组成,止水带从中间穿过。钢筋混凝土中采用特殊箍筋+铁丝来固定止水带,第一节衬砌通过铁丝和特殊箍筋将止水带固定在U形空内,特殊箍筋设置间距同环向箍筋间距;第二节衬砌通过在衬砌挡头钉水泥钉、铁丝及

18、铁丝箍筋将止水带垂直固定在U形空内。方案二:止水带垂直弯曲,一端垂直挡头模板,一端紧贴挡头模板(涂抹上脱模剂),待第一节衬砌完后将紧贴模板止水带弯入第二节衬砌。钢筋混凝土中采用特殊箍筋让止水带垂直安置在混凝土中,其余止水带的固定同素混凝土。钢筋混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案一示意图1 钢筋混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案一示意图2钢筋混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案二示意图1钢筋混凝土段中埋式止水带的固定方案二示意图2特殊箍筋大样图止水带应妥善固定,宜采用专用的钢筋套或扁钢固定。止水带先施工一侧混凝土时,其端模应支撑牢固,严防漏浆。变形缝与施工缝均用背贴式(中埋式)时,相交部位宜采用十字配件。仰拱










28、变形缝按设计要求设置沉降观测点并进行施工期间的沉降观测,年沉降速率应符合设计要求。检验数量:全部检查。检验方法:沉降观测点的设置采用计数检查,沉降观测采用仪器测量。3.2.8、变形缝应缝宽均匀、缝身竖直,环向贯通,填塞密实,外表光洁。密封材料嵌填严密,黏结牢固,无开裂、鼓包、下塌现象。检验数量:全部检查。检验方法:观察。交底人:班组接收人:本交底一式二份,架子队归档一份,班组一份,组织学习。task, to enhanced people of concept for pilot, to improve people of legal consciousness for task, to pr

29、omote economic development, and social stable, and law administrative for target, ahead deployment, full launched, highlight focus, strengthened measures, developed zone 75 Franco-Prussian planning. Third, major holidays and stability during the sensitive work, through further strengthening the stab

30、ility and responsibility, down to every level, responsibility to the gang, to the people. Will not be stability and hazard elimination, unsteady problems effectively. Strive to achieve unusual performers zero appeal. Stability control appealing at all levels, and strive to achieve in 2015 on the bas

31、is of the number of petitioners and petitioning batch 10%. Four is to strengthen peace-building, the rule of law. Peace-building, in order to further improve gold leaf Garden district public security in 2016 and we plan to invest 300,000 yuan, improving and increasing electronic monitoring gold leaf

32、 garden set Shi, and strive to not leaving, not half-hearted, strengthen construction of gold leaf garden technology protection conclude the Jinhua city lock core installation experience, 2016 plans to complete the garden of gold leaf lock cylinder replacement, strengthening community prevention and

33、 enhance the awareness of residents. Construction of rule of law aspects, depends on promoting the rule of law and cultural influence in the credit market, mining resources further, and strive to build a development zone characteristic of the rule of law promotion positions, development zone, the ru

34、le of law to create a work to a new level. Activities of the five is to continue to strengthen first to excellence, encourage the development community on the basis of the previous level, as far as possible apply for higher level model community towards once again bid for a civilized community of ef

35、forts to realize the provincial model communities complete coverage. Volunteer team for six efforts to form a development zone, community corrections, and operational training. The reformed legal education of personnel and through the guidance and support of reformed personnel self-employment, self-

36、employment and other forms and channels, facilitate a smooth return to society reformed personnel stand on their own feet, as soon as possible. Convergence rates for the released personnel strive to achieve punishment 100% 96%, help 100%, placement rates, and ensure that errors are not caused by neg

37、ligence. Seven is to keep on Falungong and other cult crackdown, increase on key personnel critical transformation, implementation measures completed creating a cult targets, create coverage at 100%. Eight is to continue to strengthen the rule of law to create work, basis development zone currently

38、active and dynamic role into full play, will work to catch as a key legal positions to create a working, satisfaction of peoples sense of security and the rule of law is more than 92%, the public sense of mass participation, awareness, satisfaction rate of 98%. To be completed in 2016 a major rule o

39、f law propaganda positions created. In the citys practice , three Suns building government governed by law seminar topic party lectures reported in the city on practicing , three Suns building government governed by law workshop report topic party lectures on comrades: according to the unified arrangement of the Central, starting from the end of April this year, cadres at and above the county level across the第 19 页 共 19 页


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