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1、1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam Blowpipe guide is 1.4, and thermal power engineering a

2、djustment try shipped quality test and the evaluation standard 2, and #1 furnace started debugging organization measures and the related provides 2.1, and organization Division: for guarantee wide up thermal power plant #1 furnace started debugging and the part steam machine system of smooth voted s

3、hipped, special established #1 furnace try shipped professional group, members following: leader: Deputy Leader: supervision: crew: wide up try shipped personnel: wide up acceptance personnel: 2.2, and debugging, and try shipped content: boiler auxiliary machine Division debugging electric dust of D

4、ivision try turned and the debugging baking furnace Cook furnace boiler rushed tube, and blow sweep security door check 2.3, and operation provides and the Division: #1 furnace debugging, and try shipped by #1 furnace try shipped professional group requirements for, which single try turned and Divis

5、ion try shipped by xD three company led is responsible for. all moving operation operation must be in strict accordance with the prior authorization of the #1 boiler commissioning professional working group, and after starting, the test command-approved #1 furnace steps in the test programme, event

6、of temporary changes be reported to headquarters approval. commissioning, trial operation process is required for each project by Northwest electric power construction company ready equipment installation records, and fill in the test application form, the a and b sides after passing the checks, fil

7、l in partial commissioning checking before a visa, reported head of the approval, carried out by the leader of unified command. About each action are made by the leader of a unified command, operation after the report to the team leader. Without the Directors consent shall not unilaterally make any

8、startup operation, such as single operations, who is responsible for all security responsibilities, with no ties to the other side. all before the first turn of the motor, must be approved by both parties a common roll insulation measurement can be carried out properly. After the end of each project

9、 commissioning, fill in partial acceptance visa trial shipments. As motor in rotating equipment commissioning test switch and mechanical part of their trial cannot continuously, this is considered two test projects shall be carried out according to the above four steps. 2.4, and attached work votes

10、issued people, and license people, and work head list: party electrical first species, and second species work votes license people list: party engine work votes license people list: b electrical first species, and second species work votes issued people: b hot control professional issued people lis

11、t: b hot control professional work head: b steam machine professional work votes issued people: b steam machine professional work votes head: b boiler professional work votes issued people: b boiler professional work votes head: attached: about personnel of contact phone party b Division 3, boiler a

12、uxiliary equipment debugging scenarios 3.1, send, induced draft fan try turned 3.1.1, try turning the former requirements of:, fan body and motor installed, based the second Grouting ends, and the concrete strength is up., coupling the Centre has finished aligning standards, approved

13、 visa., bearing clearance normal outer rims and bearing clearance is up to standard., Benton . Condition. 5.1.3, oven starts all range of comprehensive systems have been installed, grate, delivery, fan and slag machine to try to transfer a qualified acceptance and visas. 5.1.4, boile

14、r pressure parts, body pipe all installed, water pressure test and acceptance of visa. 5.1.5, thermal, electrical and instrument installation, single school qualified to simulate joint school qualified, ready to operate. 5.1.6, furnace wall masonry and pipe insulation, corrosion protection all over,

15、 and acceptance. Boiler air and flue gas ducts clean, clutter-free, external oven site has been cleaned up. 5.1.7, ESP installation completion and acceptance of visa, water-film dust collector completes the installation of approved焊接工艺评定报告书评定报告书编号: 材 料 牌 号:Q345R+Q345R材 料 规 格: T=10mm焊 缝 型 式:对接焊缝 焊 接

16、方 法: 氩弧焊/电弧焊试 件 编 号: 填 报 日 期: 预焊接工艺规程(pWPS)单位名称 预焊接工艺规程编号 日期 所依据焊接工艺评定报告编号: NB47014-2011 焊接方法 氩弧焊/电弧焊 机械化程度: 手工 焊接接头:对接 坡口形式: V型 衬垫(材料及规格) 无 其他共焊4层:单道焊采用单面焊双面成形技术焊接,先焊第一层(打底层)采用手工钨极氩弧焊,再焊2,3层(中间层),最后焊第四层(盖面层)采用焊条电弧焊。0.5-31055o-60o-60o340.5-1.5简图:(接头形式、坡口形式与尺寸、焊层、焊道布置及顺序)母材:类别号 Fe-1 组别号 Fe-1-2 与类别号 F

17、e-1 组别号Fe-1-2 相焊或 标准号 GB713-2008 材料代号 Q345R 与标准号GB713-2008材料代号 Q345R 相焊对接焊缝焊件母材厚度范围 1.5-20 mm 角焊缝焊件母材厚度范围 / 管子直径、壁厚范围:对接焊缝 / 角焊缝 / 其他 无 填充金属:氩弧焊丝电焊条焊材类别:FeS-1-2FeT-1-2焊材标准:GB/T8110-2008GB/T5118-1995填充金属尺寸:2.5mm3.2mm焊材型号:ER50-6E5015焊材牌号(金属材料代号):THJ50-6THJ507填充金属类别:Fe-1-1Fe-1-1其他: 无对接焊缝焊件焊缝金属厚度范围: 12m

18、m 角焊缝焊件焊缝金属厚度范围 / 耐蚀堆焊金属化学成份(%)CSiMnPSCrNiMoVTi Nb其他:注:对每一种母材与焊接材料的组合均需分别填表焊接位置:对接焊缝的位置: 平焊 立焊的焊接方向:(向上、向下) / 角焊缝位置 / 立焊的焊接方向:(向上、向下) / 焊后热处理:保温温度(): / 保温时间范围(h): / 预热:最小预热温度() 允许最低值 最大道间温度() 允许最高值 保持预热时间 / 加热方式 / 气体: 气体种类 混合比 流量L/min保护气: 氩气 / 8-12 尾部保护气: / / / 背面保护气: / / / 电特性 电流种类 直流 极性 正接 焊接电流范围(

19、A) 90-120 电弧电压(V) 11-26 焊接速度(范围) 8-12cm/min 钨极类型及直径 铈乌 2.5mm 喷嘴直径(mm) 8mm 焊接电弧种类(喷射弧、短路弧等) / 焊丝送进速度(cm/min) 11-13 (按所焊位置和厚度,分别列出电流和电压范围,记入下表) 焊 接 工 艺 参 数焊道/焊层焊接方法填充金属焊接电流电弧电压V焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(kJ/cm)牌号直径极性电流(A)1氩弧焊THJ50-62.5正接901388.82手工电弧焊THJ5073.2反接120251018.03手工电弧焊THJ5073.2反接120251018.04手工电弧焊THJ507

20、3.2反接11524918.4技术措施:摆动焊或不摆动焊 摆动焊 摆动参数 微摆 焊前清理和层间清理: 符合要求 背面清根方法 / 单道焊或多道焊(每面) 多道焊 单丝焊或多丝焊 单丝焊 导电嘴至工件距离(mm) / 锤击 / 其他: 无 编制日期审核日期批准日期焊接工艺评定报告单位名称 焊接工艺评定报告编号 预焊接工艺规程编号 焊接方法 氩弧焊/电弧焊 机械化程度:(手工、半自动、自动) 手工 坡口形式:V型 尺寸:见左图衬垫:无共焊4层:单道焊采用单面焊双面成形技术焊接,先焊第一层(打底层)采用手工钨极氩弧焊,再焊2,3层(中间层),最后焊第四层(盖面层)采用焊条电弧焊。55o-60o-6

21、0o0.5-1.50.5-3接头简图: :(坡口形式、尺寸、衬垫、每种焊接方法或焊接工艺的焊缝金属厚度)1034母材: 材料标准 GB713-2008 材料代号 Q345R 类、组别号Fe-1-2 与类、组别号 Fe-1-2 相焊厚度 10 mm 直径 / 其他 无 焊后热处理: 保温温度() 无 保温时间(h) 无 保护气体: 气体种类 混合比 流量(L/min)保护气: 氩气 / 8-12 尾部保护气: / / / 背面保护气: / / / 填充金属:焊材类别 FeT-1-2 焊材标准 GB/T5117-1995 焊材型号 E5015 焊材牌号 THJ507 焊材规格 3.2mm 焊缝金属

22、厚度 8mm 其他 无 电特性 : 电流种类 直流 极性 反接 钨极尺寸 / 焊接电流(A) 90-120 电弧电压(V) 11-26 焊接电弧种类 其他 / 焊接位置:对接焊缝位置 向上 方向:(向上、向下)角焊缝位置 / 方向:(向上、向下)技术措施焊接速度(cm/min) 8-12 摆动或不摆动 摆动 摆动参数 微摆 多道焊或单道焊(每面) 多焊道 多丝焊或单丝焊 单丝焊 其他 无 预热:预热温度() 无 道间温度() 无 其他 无 拉伸试验 试验报告编号: 试样编号试样宽度mm试样厚度(mm)横截面积mm 最大载荷kN抗拉强度MPa断裂部位和特征L-13-03-15-820102005

23、42焊缝2010200534焊缝弯曲试验 试验报告编号: 试样编号试样类型试样厚度(mm)弯心直径(mm)弯曲角度()试验结果L-13-03-15-8板状对接焊缝1040180合格板状对接焊缝1040180合格冲击试验 试验报告编号: 试样编号试样尺寸夏比V型缺口位置试验温度冲击吸收功J侧向膨胀量mm备注L-13-03-15-8101055V型常温88焊缝中 心768968热影响 区7076金相检验(角焊缝):根部(焊透、未焊透) / ,焊缝(熔合、未熔合) / 焊缝、热影响区(有裂纹、无裂纹) 检验截面焊脚差(mm)无损检测:/RT 合格 UT / MT / PT / 其他 / 耐蚀堆焊金属

24、化学成份(重量,%)CSiMnPSCrNiMoVTiNb化学成分测定表面至熔合线的距离(mm) / 附加说明:结论:本评定按NB47014-2011承压设备焊接工艺评定规定焊接试件、检验试样、测定性能、确认试验记录正确 评定结果:(合格、不合格) 合格 焊工姓名 焊工代号 施焊日期 编制日期审核日期批准日期第三方检 验water conditions, gray trench cover under installation conditions, must pass through the channel to temporary walkway, pool not installed ar

25、ound the railings to temporary fencing to prevent persons falling residue. 5.1.9, the drum and the expansion of the indicator on the header, should drum and set the box to check the local installation of temporary inflation indicator. 5.1.10, the wall built after the manhole, inspection door should

26、be opened for natural drying. 5.1.11, choosing a furnace wall temperature measurement points according to the requirements and sampling points temperature measuring points with the following location: 1.5mm-2.0mm above the combustion chamber side wall furnace non-Central Office, at the outlet of the

27、 furnace, and economizer exit flue, middle of back wall. 5.1.12 belongs all valve tone, boiler system, and the name is correct. 5.1.13, boiler feed-water front open drum air doors, to empty the exhaust valve and traps the superheater header, injected into the boiler after treatment and softening water to drum zero meter level, glass tube level gauge should be clear and correct. 5.1.14, acres of fine fuels such as wood, coal, fuel must not be mixed with iron class stuff. 5.1.15, according to prepared baking programme, to technology to give


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