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1、牛津版 八年级(8B)Unit 3,Checkout,Unit 3 Online travel,Fill the blanks using the right form of the words in the following box.,create need save use,How can you use the computer to write an article?,A file _,and then you can begin to write.,is created,2.How can you keep the file for future use?,It can be us

2、ed any time after it _.,is saved,3.How can you search for information on the computer?,The Internet _ by people to search for information.,is used,4.What is necessary when you send and receive e-mails?,An e-mail address _ when you want to send an e-mail.,is needed,Daniel is tested on the use of diff

3、erent parts of a computer.Help him match the sentences below with the correct words.Write the correct numbers in the boxes.1 You can use this set of keys for typing.2 You move it with your hand to work on the computer.3 You can see words and pictures on it.,4 You use this to put your words and pictu

4、res onto paper.5 These sets of instructions are used to control your computer.6 It shows a list of information and lets you choose what to do.,printerkeyboardprogramsmenumousescreen,4,1,5,6,2,3,中考链接,1.Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular.It _ in many schools around the world.A.teaches B.i

5、s teaching C.has taught D.is taught,本题在语境中考查动词的时态和语态。前一句意为:目前,汉语正变得越来越流行。根据这个意思可以推断出后一句意为:汉语在全世界的许多学校都被教授。根据上下文及句意,可判断出空缺处为一般现在时态且为被动语态,所以本题选D。,2.A talk on development in science and technology _ in the school hall next week.A.given B.will be given C.has been given D.gives本题在语境中考查动词的时态和语态。根据时间状语next

6、 week,可知该句为一般将来时态。分析句意可知该句是指“一场演讲将被举行”,根据这个意思可以判定该句为被动语态,所以本题选B。,3.Remember to _ the lights when you leave your classroom.A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down,本题在语境中考查形似短语动词的含义。该句意为:当你离开教室时,记得把灯关掉。四个选项中,turn on意为“打开(电视、灯等)”,turn off意为“关掉(电视、灯等)”,turn up意为“调高(音量)”,turn down意为“调低(音量)”,由此可以看出只有tu

7、rn off符合语境,所以本题选B。,4.You can study the grammar_ memorizing it.A.with B.by C.on D.at本题在语境中考查介词的用法。该句意为:你可以通过记忆法学习语法。四个选项中只有by可后接v-ing形式作方式状语,意为“通过”,所以本题选B。,5.She never comes late,_ she?A.doesnt B.doesC.is 本题考查反意附加疑问句的用法。根据前半句中的副词never,可知附加疑问句应为肯定形式;根据动词comes可知,附加疑问句应借助助动词does,所以本题选B。,Make an informat

8、ion folder,Project,Do you like traveling?Where did you go during the summer holiday?Did you go to any places of interest?Have you been abroad?Which country?,Free talk,If you have a chance,which place will be your best choice?Why?,Discuss your ideas about your dream holiday with your partner.,Outline

9、 for your writing(提纲),country,population:_language:_climate:_food:_festivals:_any other points:_,Popular tourist attractions,(China),(France),(the USA),(Japan),(Australia),Lets make our information folders.,Task 1,Discussion,Work in groups,decide on a country and then talk with your partners about i

10、t.(You should say why you have chosen that country,what you know about it,and what you like/dislike about it.),Task 2,Writing,1.Read through the questions on page 58 and use your research materials to answer them.2.Begin writing the text for your folder.You should group and order the information so

11、that it follows a logical sequence.,Task 3 Using pictures,Decide which pictures/drawings/photos/posters/decorations you want to use.Plan the arrangement of each page before you start pasting anything in,and the pictures should be relevant to the text on each page.,Task 4 Drafting and checking,1.Writ

12、e your first draft.2.Check your work with your groups.(Check for spelling and grammatical mistakes.),Task 5 Presentation,Show your folder to your partner and talk about the country of your choice.2.Present your groups folder to the class and lets discuss them together.,An information folder of Austr

13、alia,AUSTRALIA,Australia is the worlds biggest island country.It lies in the southern part of the earth.When people are having a hot summer there,we have a cold winter here.Australia has an area of 7,680,000 square kilometers,but its population is small,which is only about 19.2 million.,You may not believe that it changes its colour at different times of the day or when the weather changes.If you do not,see it for yourselves.,Im sure that I will go there to pay a visit some day.,Homework,Use the computer to help you arrange the text and pictures nicely,then e-mail me your information folder.,


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