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1、branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects

2、: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network

3、resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: i

4、ncluding equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management syste

5、m in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system mon

6、itoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output managem

7、ent services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, nee

8、ds information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the ar

9、t network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET

10、, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factorybranch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision,

11、design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high lev

12、el. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety manageme

13、nt: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network lay

14、er, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distrib

15、ution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network manage

16、ment event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance

17、, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 facto

18、ry NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platfor

19、m for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factory硬质聚氨酯、聚苯颗粒保温浆料复合外墙外保温施工方

20、案一、施工概况 该工程为长电临河风景物业楼,框架结构4层,整个建筑面为3504.2平方米,屋面采用4厚现场硬质聚氨酯喷涂保温,外墙采用2厚现场硬质聚氨酯喷涂、聚苯颗粒保温浆料复合外保温,抗裂砂浆复合耐碱玻纤网格布为保护增强层,表面为外墙涂料、瓷砖饰面层所组成的新型保温节能墙体。二、施工准备件条1施工用电:采用330V和220V电压即可满足施工要求,可用电缆线由总电源箱接出分别引到各楼层处。为了保证机器设备的正常运行及施工照明的需求,供电电压不得低于正常电压的5%。供电所用的导线、开关等应能够满足设备的正常运行及安全保护要求。2施工用脚手架:根据现场实际情况,屋面聚氨酯喷涂在层面即可操作,外墙聚

21、氨酯喷涂及保温浆料抹灰采用外脚手架。 3设备机具:配备国外进口设备聚氨酯喷涂机1台,气泵1台,双轮推车2台。三、劳动力组织 人员组织,公司结合本工程的特点,选派有丰富施工和管理经验的项目部施工。项目经理1名,负责整个施工过程中的全面工作。质检员1名,负责工程的全面质量工作,对工程质量负全责。现场选派2名有多年丰富经验的聚氨酯喷涂枪手来完成整个喷涂面的工作。1名机修工,负责机器的维修及保养,确保整个施工过程中机器的正常运转。界面喷涂1名,其它人员15名,负责施工过程中的基层清理及维护工作。颗粒保温及抗裂砂浆面层抹灰部分,设班组长1名、抹灰技工20名,力工15人,组成外保温颗料抹灰班组,每一位员工

22、上岗前要经过培训。四、现场应具备的作业条件1 首先施工现场应具备“三通一平”即水、电、道路畅通,及材料的堆放场地。2 外墙面的垂直度和平整度应符合现行国家施工及验收规范要求。3 外墙面上的雨水管卡、预埋铁件等应提前安装完毕,并预留外保温厚度。4 施工用脚手架应牢固,必须经检验合格后,方可施工。塔吊等机械设备应能满足正常施工的要求。5 作业时环境温度不得低于5,风力不应大于3级,严禁雨天施工,雨期应做好防雨措施。五、主要材料采购及性能 1黑、白料采用国外进口料,供应商由国内知名品牌企业烟台万华负责供应,各项性能指标稳定,符合工程质量要求。 2保护层界面剂、聚苯颗粒浆料、面层抗裂砂浆均由我厂生产,

23、采用国内先进的技术水平,科学的合理配方,各项性能指标均达到国家规范要求。 3.原材料的采购:为确保工程质量,在原材料采购方面经过了长时间的充分准备,在全国各地的不同区域进行筛选比较,最后选定了国内知名品牌企业烟台万华负责供应,产品无论在质量上、数量上,以及供货时间等几方面均能满足我们工程需求的厂家。 4.材料的储存:1) 黑、白料:进入施工现场的黑、白料应分别存放,同时黑料还要避免阳光的直射,用雨布遮挡好,防止结晶变质。施工时可根据每层楼的实际喷涂面积,计算出所需吨数由上料口采用塔吊将黑、白料分别运至每层楼,按要求摆放整齐。2) 界面剂:进入施工现场的界面剂,应按先后进场顺序码放于通风良好,干

24、燥的室内,堆放高度不应大于10个包装袋,先进场的应先使用。无溶剂硬泡聚氨酯的主要性能指标项 目单 位指 标干密度/35-36导热系数W/mk0025压缩强度MPa015拉伸强度MPa015燃烧性平均燃烧时间平均燃烧高度S30250聚氨酯界面防潮剂的主要性能指标项 目单 位指 标容器中状态-搅拌后无结块,呈均匀状态施工性-刷涂无困难低温贮存稳定性-3次试验后,无结块,凝聚及组成物的变化拉伸粘结度与水泥砂浆MPa常温常态07耐水05耐冻融05拉伸粘结度与聚氨酯MPa常温常态02聚氨酯破坏耐水02聚氨酯破坏耐冻融02聚氨酯破坏5保温浆料应具有检测报告:(导热系数达到0.059W/(mk)、压缩强度大

25、于250Kpa)、固化后的干密度稳定在230/M3以下,保证材料的干密度和导热系数,检查单袋重量、及有效期,且严禁曝晒雨淋、兑入其它物料,。 6.耐碱涂塑玻璃纤维网格布应满足施工质量、技术要求。标准网达到139克/、网距44,耐碱抗拉强度经向534N/2.5、纬向535 N/2.5。网格的存放应立码,不宜平堆且应防火。7.聚合物抗裂耐水干粉砂浆:包装应为50/袋、保质期三个月,应存放在阴凉、防水、防潮的地点。符产品标准说明书及出厂合格证。六、主要施工工具、设备喷涂机、高压气泵、抹子、手持电动搅拌器、多用刀、拉线、靠尺等。branch network, the Internet, support

26、ing DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifa

27、ceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detectio

28、n, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user r

29、ights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelligent of factory construct

30、ion many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring platform, makes user can thro

31、ugh this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services/help desk change and con

32、figuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs information stored in the system,

33、as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network connecting all Department o

34、ffices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick access to the INTERNET, Excha

35、nge information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factorybranch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of netw

36、ork resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitor

37、ing and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of plannin

38、g to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many level

39、s of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get conce

40、ntrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management

41、 database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various appli

42、cations, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia

43、, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientifi

44、c research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factory七、施工进度计划施工进度计划施工进度计划表工程名称:临河风景物业楼聚氨酯喷涂、聚苯颗粒外保温工程序号分项工程名称工程量劳 动 计 划6月 份7月 份技工力工工作日27293024681012141618202224242628301基层清理552污染防护5103材料吊运5254喷涂防潮剂2105聚酯氨酯喷涂15606喷涂界面剂2107抹颗粒保温浆料20153508竣工验收


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