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1、2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulatio

2、ns, in strict compliance with the prohibitions and provisions of safety, perform guard duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security measures, issuing safety permits, inspection tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without inspection, shal

3、l be deemed to have access to electricity, is forbidden to touch. 4, electrical maintenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the no close warning signs before they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts of ongoing supervision and inspection of t

4、he accident. 1. safety advance teams and individuals, by the workshop (Department) to fill in the security work incentive assessment report production technology section, approval approval of the company led by. 2. Advanced shop by production technology section to complete the work of reward and pun

5、ishment assessment form, company leaders executed. 3. with regard to personnel and Unit Awards, presented by the workshop and team, the security sector review, reported that the companys leadership approved for implementation. V, annex 1, from the date of approval of the system implementation. Secti

6、on I of the sixth chapter of carbon safety regulations on rewards and punishments discipline 1th late, leave early, absence from work, according to the Department of business administration and the Ministry of personnel issued the assessment methods perform. 2nd during the depressed, sleepy, found o

7、ne evaluation responsibility for 50 Yuan. 3rd strictly comply with normal leave program while off duty and simulation system, no special circumstances non-compensatory time off and overtime compensation without permission and phone calls leave and so on. 4th pre-shift and post-shift system strictly,

8、 not routine leave that fails to participate, each assessment 30. 5th before I go to work not to drink, where to work after drinking, ordered to rest, treated as lay-off in this class. 6th during work to maintain a good state of mind, self and work-related things, offender assessment 20 Yuan. No lac

9、k of concentration during the 7th stocktaking, to talk to others, engaged in work not related to stocktaking, found a check 30 yuan, in January found that more than two in a row, evaluation responsibility 100, charge 50 Yuan. 8th rigid equipment patrol inspection system, inspection should be control

10、led within an hour or so of time, late or inspection are not serious, equipment defects not found in time, each assessment 30. 9th in the class go out without permission is strictly prohibited. Failure to perform normal leave out, according to the time length of assessment 30 yuan, more than 30 minu

11、tes as truant. Employee absenteeism, a deduction of wages this month 20%. Chain gang during the 10th non-work, found gang assessment 30 yuan. 11th respect for消防安全标识标牌一、建筑外部标识(一)消防总平面布局图。设置要求:在建筑大门口左侧或住宅小区(厂区、库区)主入口处的醒目位置应设置XX建筑消防总平面布局图。主要包括建筑(住宅小区、厂区、库区等)总平面布局图、消防车道、扑救面、室外消火栓、水泵结合器、消防控制室位置、建筑通向室外的主要

12、出口、以及住宅小区(厂区、库区等)通向外部的出入口等内容。实例: (二)重要设备房室外引导标牌。设置要求:住宅小区(厂区、库区等)内消防控制室、泵房等,在室外应设置的引导标牌。实例:(三)消防车道标识。设置要求:在建筑的不同方位的车道上应喷涂“消防车道严禁占用”。利用市政道路的可不喷涂。实例:(四)室外消火栓、水泵结合器等消防设施。设置要求:1、地下式采用红底白字喷涂。2、设置在建筑外墙以及花坛等部位及其附近的,采用标牌标明。3、分区设置的应标明所管区域。实例: 二、消防设施设备标识标牌(一)重要设备房标牌。设置要求:在重要设备房门上部应设置标牌,是消防安全重点部位的应设置“消防安全重点部位”

13、标牌。实例: (二)水泵、报警阀、控制柜、阀门等标识标牌。设置要求:水泵、报警阀、控制柜等标牌应为红底白字,标明编号、所管楼层范围、水流方向等相关内容。实例: (三)消防设备管理铭牌。设置要求:主要消防设施应设置管理铭牌标牌。实例:(四)手报按钮标牌。设置要求:在手动报警按钮上方应张贴自发光式标牌,标牌大小:110110mm。实例:(五)消火栓标牌及操作方法图例。设置要求:在消火栓箱门中上部应设置自发光式“消火栓箱”标牌,在中下部张贴操作方法图例,图例大小420140mm。实例: (六)灭火器标牌及使用方法图例。设置要求:在灭火器箱体正面中上部应设置自发光式“灭火器箱”标牌,在箱体上方张贴操作

14、方法图例,图例大小420140mm。实例: (七)防火门标牌。设置要求:在防火门中上部应设置防火门保持常闭标牌,以及禁止占用等警示标语。实例: (八)电梯、扶梯禁用标牌。设置要求:在电梯按钮附近或扶梯上行醒目位置应张贴火灾禁用标牌。实例: (九)防火卷帘下方标识线。设置要求:在防火卷帘正下方应划定黄色标识线,并标明防火卷帘下方严禁占用提示语。实例:三、消防控制室设置(“123456”)(一)1种工作证书操作人员消防岗位资格证书(消防培训合格证)。实例:(二)2个消防柜(可合二为一)。消防档案柜、消防应急装备柜。实例:(三)3种必备图纸。建筑消防设施系统图、消防设施平面布置图、安全出口布置图等。

15、实例:(四)4种上墙图例。建筑消防总平面布局图、消防安全组织机构图、消防系统操作流程示意图、消防安全重点部位示意图。实例: (五)5种上墙制度。消防控制室管理及应急程序、消防控制室值班制度、消防控制室日常管理制度、消防控制室岗位职责、消防系统维护保养制度。实例:(六)6种必备资料。消防控制室值班记录、防火巡查检查记录、消防设施测试记录、消防设施设备登记表、消防安全管理规章制度、员工培训及演练记录。四、其他标识标牌(一)消防公益宣传栏。设置要求:人员密集场所醒目位置和住宅小区应设置向公众宣传消防知识的宣传栏。实例:(二)疏散走道标识线。设置要求:1、商场市场的疏散走道与卖场摊位间应划定明显标识线

16、,主通道宽度不小于3m,次通道宽度不小于2m,当一层营业厅建筑面积小于500m2时,主通道宽度不小于2m,次通道宽度不小于1.5m。2、公共娱乐场所大厅走道两侧应划定黄色标识线,走道宽度不小于1.1m。实例: (三)禁烟标牌。设置要求:1、公众聚集场所应设置禁烟标牌;2、宾馆饭店客房床头应设置“请勿卧床吸烟”标牌。实例: (四)楼层疏散示意图。设置要求:1、人员密集场所在各楼层醒目位置应楼层疏散示意图。2、宾馆、餐厅、娱乐场所等包房门后应设置楼层疏散示意图。实例: (五)应急手电、防烟面具标牌。设置要求:在高层旅馆等设置的应急手电、防烟面具应设置相关提示标牌。实例: (六)人数核定标牌。设置部

17、位:在歌舞娱乐放映游艺场所大厅和互联网上网场所的主入口处应设置人数核定标牌。实例: 五、四个能力建设设施、标识(一)疏散引导器材箱每1000平方米1个,每个单位或场所不少于2个。设置在本区域的明显、便于取用的位置。每个器材箱内应配备不少于1根疏散荧光棒、1个移动疏散指示标志、4个口哨、1个手持扩音器、2件反光背心、2个手电筒、2具防烟面具、20条毛巾、10瓶矿泉水等器材。(二)岗位提示上墙标牌岗位防火检查和疏散引导员标牌(岗位防火检查和疏散引导员标牌可分开做也可合用):每个区域一个,与疏散引导器材箱位置对应配置,提示本区域的当天值班岗位防火检查人员和疏散引导员。消防安全重点部位责任人标牌:消防

18、水泵房、消防控制室、配电房、风机房等消防安全重点部位的门口,提示该部位的责任人;(三)消防安全告知书设置在商场、宾馆、公共娱乐场所等公共聚集场所主要入口处。(四)四个能力建设宣传海报自己因地制宜制作,也可到消防部门领取。teachers, care workers. No finger-pointing at work, spat Brawl, canceling parties all bonuses for the month. In severe cases, defence or public security authorities the 12th actively partici

19、pate in group activities and voluntary work, without the participants, assessment of 50 Yuan. 13th caring for public property, instruments, etc, if the price of the damage should be according to the deadline for compensation. After the 14th problem, defect inspection device discovery is not register

20、ed, not reported in a timely manner, each assessment 10. 15th when filling out two votes should be standardized, serious, prompt and accurate, otherwise evaluation 10. Article 16th worker without a ticket, do not stop, do not report on. Assessment of 50 Yuan. Article 17th when work starts, not to th

21、e scene; no acceptance at the end, do not check, not control, work order without delay, the end is not the end, and so on, depending on the seriousness of each evaluation 50-100. Article 18th work incomplete registrations, tickets cancelled after the end of work, each . 43rd greenery of the grass, t

22、he flowers must be timely pruning, pesticide, if management cant keep up to cause flowers and barren, except for rectification, a heads of evaluation units of 100 Yuan. Equipment management section III comprehensive index assessment regime 44th equipment availability: main equipment availability bec

23、ause of poor management are not up to a good standard, each set of 200 Yuan assessment task force people, head of head of 500 Yuan, still not dealt with within the time specified in the authority, short of good standard double assessment. Article 45th auxiliary equipment because of poor management a

24、re not up to a good standard (three devices) each set of 50 Yuan assessment task force people, head of head of 200 Yuan, still not dealt with within the time specified in the authority, short of good standard double assessment. Cause equipment damage accidents, health and technology carried out acco

25、rding to the safety assessment. Article 46th equipment leak rate: production found a leakage point, fails to appraisal of 20 Yuan, put an end to a serious leak (refers to the need to shut down, stopping the leaks affecting the normal operation of the furnace), an assessment of 100 Yuan, and deadline

26、s. General indicators finished the examination belongs to the workshop of 300 yuan, workshop directors assume 70%. 47th equipment defect elimination rates: equipment defect elimination rates monthly assessment, see defect management General index finished, assessment Director performance 30/and equi

27、pment task force 10 Yuan. 48th maintenance plan completion rate: fulfillment ratio of repair plan monthly assessment, assessment criteria 100%, for no reason I didnt finish, each assessment workshop Director of 200 Yuan, 50 Yuan, Director of biotechnology and equipment task force 20 (if it is a repa

28、ir issue must be agreed by the leaders of the company signed its). Provisional duties assigned, fails to accept the assessment workshop leaders, 100 Yuan (there is special reason to unit leaders to explain, consent), without special reasons, does not require the time to complete the assessment officer 100


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