1、rehabilitation training, because at that time the city has not specifically for deaf children of professional rehabilitation agencies, she will accept rehabilitation training must go to Suzhou, due to her age is too small must take care of their parents, her mother had to resign to Suzhou to take ca
2、re of her, thus to their family brought two problems, one is the economic pressure, second, children are in the most need caring parents feel Term age and father separated, unable to feel the happy family to grow. In order to avoid more and more families appear this kind of circumstance, actively co
3、ordinating the city FIMITIC established rehabilitation center, operation center for the XX membership received rehabilitation training of special children and parents brought great convenience, to enable them to the nearest and handy to get high-quality rehabilitation services, Huimin policy of the
4、Communist Party of China has been fully reflected.Regular organization of the fast forward, three special children into society. Due to the special childrens own disability, they rarely and social contact, we hope that in their rehabilitation training can have more opportunities to integrate into so
5、ciety, by the municipal CDPF coordination has been relevant departments of the strong support, promote the special children into social work: one is the municipal CDPF and City Bureau of education in training children rehabilitation assessment, 2015 years 3 hearing-impaired children get a rehabilita
6、tion of the good results, enter the ordinary kindergarten and primary school; the second is the city library volunteer monthly to center on childrens stories, playing games and other entertainment activities, into a Step broaden their way of thinking; the third is under the support of the City Board
7、 of education, the center will and Yanshan Mountain kindergarten cooperation, fusion education project weekly by the special education teacher lead 1-2 hearing-impaired children into Yanshan Mountain kindergarten accept half a day of kindergarten education, let children with special filling feeling
8、kindergarten learning atmosphere, for their future access to kindergarten and primary school lay a solid foundation., handicap love, care for children with special. Caring for children with special needs to let them with healthy children as happy growth but also our work direction: one is actively c
9、ontact the society from all walks of life of the difficulties children with special care and support this year in coordination with the city FIMITIC, Ningbo Bank Co., Ltd. XX branch president assistant Zhao Yi for a row represents dandelion love fund to in the center received rehabilitation training
10、 of Xu Yang and Xu Miao brother and sister to send two of the loving enterprises special care; the second is actively contact the love team and community volunteers to the children in the center to all kinds of theatrical performances and interactive games, let them enjoy the happiness in the activi
11、ties, and further enrich the Their spiritual and cultural life.Five, increase the propaganda of rehabilitation services, and further enhance the sense of rehabilitation. In the suburbs especially in rural areas, to disabled唐山市某供水工程净水厂水池闭水试验施工方案编制:审核:审批:河北省某公司唐山市某供水工程净水厂项目部2008年5月25日一、工程概况3二、主要材料及要求4
13、、给排水、电气、自控及机械等单位工程)的全部工程内容。2、闭水工程介绍:序号单位工程名称水池座数单位工程说明1排泥排水调节池排水池1平面尺寸为6m8m,池底标高为-3.6m,工艺设计试水水位标高为-0.6m,闭水试验用水量约为180m,沉降观测点标高在闭水试验的前一天进行测量。排泥池1平面尺寸为10m8m,池底标高为-3.6m,工艺设计试水水位标高为-0.6m,闭水试验用水量约为300m,沉降观测点标高在闭水试验的前一天进行测量。 2浓缩池储泥池1平面尺寸为8.4m4.8m,池底标高为-0.4m,工艺设计试水水位标高为3.8m,闭水试验用水量约为170m,沉降观测点标高在闭水试验的前一天进行测
14、量。浓缩池2平面尺寸为9m9m,池底标高为-0.4m,工艺设计试水水位标高为4.0m,闭水试验用水量约为710m,沉降观测点标高在闭水试验的前一天进行测量。 3净水间滤池4平面尺寸为10.84m3.38m,池底标高为4.4m,工艺设计试水水位标高为8.1m,闭水试验用水量约为540m,沉降观测点标高在闭水试验的前一天进行测量。4沉淀池2平面尺寸为10.5m10.5m,池底标高为3.65m,工艺设计试水水位标高为8.8m,闭水试验用水量约为1150m,沉降观测点标高在闭水试验的前一天进行测量。5絮凝池1平面尺寸为4m26.1m,池底标高为5.2m,工艺设计试水水位标高为9m,闭水试验用水量约为4
19、水为设计水深的2/3;第三次充水至设计水深。对大、中型水池,可先充水至池壁底部的施工缝以上,检查底板的抗渗质量,当无明显渗漏时,再继续充水至第一次充水深度。2) 充水时的水位上升速度不宜超过2m/d。相邻两次充水的间隔时间,不应小于24h。3)每次充水宜测读24h的水位下降值,计算渗水量,在充水过程中和充水以后,应对水池作外观检查。当发现渗水量过大时,应停止充水。待作出处理后方可继续充水。 3、水位观测1)充水时的水位可用水位标尺测定。2)充水至设计水深进行渗水量测定时,应采用水位测针测定水位。水位测针的读数精度应达1/10mm。3) 充水至设计水深后至开始进行渗水量测定的间隔时间,应不少于2
21、cm,高30cm的水箱,经检查无任何渗漏的条件下在其间充水约20cm置于水池旁边,在测读水池水位的同时测定水箱中的内的水位。六、渗水量计算 水池渗水量按以下公式计算: A1(E1-E2)-(e1-e2)q = A2式中:q渗水量(LM d)A1水池水平面面积A2水池浸湿总面积E1水池中水位测读初读数E2测读E1后24小时水池中水位测读末读数e1测读E1时,蒸发水箱中水位测针初读数e2测读E2时,蒸发水箱中水位测针末读数当连续观测时,前次E2、e2即为下次E1和e1值,若遇下雨,当降雨量大于蒸发量时,此时e1、e2为负值,则测试结果无效,必须待雨停重测。七、闭水试验标准在满水试验中并应进行外观检
22、查,不得有漏水现象。水池渗水量按池壁和池底的浸湿总面积计算,钢筋混凝土水池不得超过2L/m2 d。试水合格后即可缓慢放水,池内至少要留05米深的水,以保持池体湿润状态。水池闭水试验应填写试验记录,格式应符合给水排水构筑物施工及验收规范(GBJ 14190)附录三中附表3.2的规定。构筑物不得有漏水现象,渗水量不得超过2L/d;满水试验合格后,应及时进行池壁外的各项工序及回填土。八、安全1、做好安全技术交底,严格执行安全技术操作规程,严禁违章指挥违章操作;2、施工范围内的过路口,以及沟、槽等危险部位,必须设置护栏,加盖等防护措施,并设置警示标志,夜晚要挂红灯;3、各机电设备应由专人看管,电气必须
24、沟支管工程水池名称施工单位陕西富源水电工程公司水池结构圆形允许渗水量(L/m2d)水池平面尺寸(mm)水面面积(m2)水 深(m)湿润面积工(m2)测读记录初 读末 读再次读数差测读时间(年月日时分)水池水位e(mm)蒸发水箱水位e(mm)大气温度()水温()实际渗水量(m3/d)L/m3d占允许量的百分率参加单位和人员建设单位监理单位设计单位施工单位 年 月 日年 月 日年 月 日年 月 日 office.children are in need of early detection, early intervention. Early rehabilitation concept is r
25、elatively weak, is generally believed that developing children behind with the growth of the age will continue to improve, to increase the propaganda of rehabilitation policy and the concept of rehabilitation is crucial. For this center to increase efforts to promote the relentless efforts: is to as
26、sist the city FIMITIC in national ear care day national helping the disabled day during major festivals held special rehabilitation knowledge lectures, rehabilitation policy and rehabilitation concept and a series of publicity activities; the second is on a monthly basis to carry out parent training
27、 and rehabilitation guidance Into the family and other rehabilitation services. Two regulations promulgated in party power for a long time and under the condition of governing the country according to law, implement the full strictness of strategic deployment, implementation by Board Trustee adminis
28、tering the party and strengthen the inner-party supervision of major initiatives. Two rules match, the guidelines adhere to the positive advocacy, LiDE, party members and cadres to visible, reach the high standards; Around discipline cracked the requirements of the regulations, set out a negative li
29、st, and focus on State control, which gives the party organizations and party members out of the bottom line. The following, mainly from four to two party rule interpretation: first part of both necessity and process of legislative changes within the party; part two interpretation of legislative cha
30、nges within the party principles of part two of regulation within the party after the third major change and several key issues need part on how well the two implementation of inner-party regulations. A, the guidelines and the regulations of the need for revision and revision process of Central Comm
31、ittee of CPC party members and leading cadres honesty in politics a number of amendments to the guidelines and the Chinese Communist Party disciplinary regulations classified as 2015 1 the focus of strengthening the construction of partys laws and regulations. Two party rule revisions last year, cen
32、tralized the party wisdom, gather consensus, learn from historical experience, respect for wisdom, reflecting the unity of inheritance and innovation; Follow the correct direction and seize the limited objectives, uphold the partys leadership, people, centered on solving problems. New standards and
33、regulations, as amended, and reflects the partys 18 and 18 in the third, four in the plenary session, reflects the experience of studying and implementing the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, reflects the partys 18 since the comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party
34、. (A) the need to amend the two regulations in the party of the code was in 1997 the CPC party members and leading cadres honesty in politics a number of standards (for trial implementation) revised on the basis of which, published in January 2010, on strengthening the construction of leading cadres
35、 play an important role. But with the deepening of the party controls the party, strictly administering the party, has been unable to fully adapt to the needs. A is content had fan, 8 a ban, and 52 a no to remember, and also to practice line; II is gel refining positive advocate insufficient, ban sex terms too much, no reflected self-discipline of第 9 页 共 9 页