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1、本科生毕业论文册 学院 外国语学院 专业 英语 班级 20XX级英语X班 学生 XXX 指导教师 XXX 河北师范大学本科毕业论文任务书编 号: 论文题目: 初论X杰XXX的XXXX中XX梦的破灭 学院: 外国语学院 专业: 英语 班级: 2010级英语三班 学生姓名: XXX 学号: 20XX01XXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:副教授 1、 论文研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是探讨X杰XXX的XXXX中美国梦的破灭的几个方面。其主要任务是分析二十世纪美国梦的破灭对现代人的启示。2、论文的主要内容 本论文分为三章,第一章分析本杰明与其父亲、妻子和儿子的种种矛盾和利益冲突。第二章分析了本

2、杰明父亲、本杰明和本杰明妻子各自地位的变化,来展示他们的社会地位最终的幻灭。第三章从本杰明和本杰明的父亲的角度阐释了美国梦的破灭。3、论文的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是文学家对菲茨杰拉德以及美国梦的研究结果。 研究路线是从不同的角度对X杰XXX的XXXX中二十世纪美国梦的破灭进行详细的阐述,并分析美国梦的破灭对现代人的启示。4、主要参考文献Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 2009. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Beijing: Law Press.Kuehl, John. 1991. F. Scott Fitzgerald:

3、a study of the short fiction. Boston: Twayne Publishers.常耀信. 1993. 美国文学简史. 天津: 南开大学出版社.吴建国. 2002. 菲茨杰拉德研究. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.5、计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目2014年1月10日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字1月11日-1月17日3提交论文提纲1月16日-3月8日4交初稿和文献综述3月20日-3月28日5交终稿和评议书4月30日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 河北师范大学本科生

4、毕业论文开题报告书 外国语 学院 英语 专业 2014 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目初论X杰XXX的XXXX中XX梦的破灭指导教师XXX专业职称 副教授所属教研室英语基础教研室研究方向语言学与英汉翻译课题论证:通过二十世纪美国梦的破灭,探讨X杰XXX的XXXX中XX梦的破灭的几个方面,分析二十世纪美国梦的破灭对现代人的启示。方案设计:第一章分析本杰明与其父亲、妻子和儿子的种种矛盾和利益冲突。第二章分析了本杰明父亲、本杰明和本杰明妻子各自地位的变化,来展示他们的社会地位最终的幻灭。第三章从本杰明和本杰明的父亲的角度阐释了美国梦的破灭。进度计划:2014年1月10日前确定初步论文题目 1月17

5、日前写开题报告、任务书3月8日前提交论文提纲3月28日前提交初稿和文献综述4月30日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日河北师范大学本科生毕业论文评议书姓 名 XXX学院外国语学院专业英语年级(班)2010级英语三班论 文 题 目初论X杰XXX的XXXX中XX梦的破灭完成时间2014/4/12论文内容摘要 弗朗西斯司各特菲茨杰拉德是美国20世纪著名的小说家。他的作品以其独特的风格真实地记录和反映了美国特定历史时期里所呈现出的诸多典型特征,所以被誊为“爵士乐时代的杰出代言人”、优秀的“编年史家”及“迷惘的一代”的代表作家。他不仅亲身


7、以及他们的社会地位最终的幻灭。第三章从本杰明和本杰明的父亲的角度,阐释了美国梦的破灭,并分析从美国梦的破灭到对生命的严肃思考。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日河北师范大学本科生毕业论文文献综述Literature ReviewF. Scott Fitzgerald is a well-known American novelist for his great contribution to the American literatur

8、e in the 1920s. Hemingway once recalled Fitzgerald and said that, “Since he can write such a good book as The Great Gatsby, I believe that he certainly be able to write a much better book”. A wave of enthusiastic study of his works commences in the last thirty years in China. A lot of scholars publi

9、cized their own distinctive views on his works. There are many observations and surveys of his works from different perspectives. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is one of Fitzgeralds famous short stories and it has been studied from many aspects. The following are the recent studies on the Jazz

10、 Age and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Yu Jianhua made an overall exploration of the American culture trends and literature overview in 1920s in The High Tide of American Literature, which had a specific introduction of entering into the Jazz Age. And he also discussed Fitzgerald, the famous

11、representative of “the Lost Generation” from the origin and connotation. In the Chapter11 of A Survey of American Literature, Chang Yaoxin attempted to interpret the Jazz Age from its background and unique features, discovering and asserting the essence of life at that time, exposing and criticizing

12、 the utilitarianism view which influenced a whole generation. In The Short Stories of F.Scott Fitzgerald: New Approaches in Criticism, Jackson R .Bryer mainly analysed the short stories of Fitzgerald from the novels style and art. In the techniques of Fitzgeralds short stories, Alice HallPetry discu

13、ssed the love, sex and marriage; self and society; the will and fate; dream and disillusionment; historical consciousness; the concept of family techniques of Fitzgeralds short stories from the sequence of Fitzgeralds works published. In the Jazz Age and Fitzgeralds novels, the breaking of American

14、dream is an eternal topic. The American Dream is based on the ideology that each one,no matter what his origin is,can be successful through his own efforts and by cultivating his qualities. When the thirteen colonies became overcrowded, the settlers began to move west. The opening of the middle and

15、western states increased the sense of hope and faith. The democratic system,first voiced in Jeffersons Declaration of Independence in 1997, may be traced as the basic attitude of hope and confidence. So during the eighteen century and the nineteen century, when America was mainly an agriculture soci

16、ety, the dream was transformed into self-reliance. Since success was seen in a proper position in society, people tried to realize their ideals as much as possible because realization was seen as an important condition for a proper social status. The famous representative of rags to riches in this p

17、eriod is Franklin. Developing to the time of the Jazz Age in the 1920s and 1930s, the American dream of freedom and opportunity also became a dream of material advancement. The desire for wealth and status became almost virtuous pursuit. Most Americans were born with the American dream. They dreamed

18、 of making personal achievement, enjoying popular fame, or getting great wealth through their hard work. And any failure in achievement could lead to keen disappointment. And this encouraged a spirit of mutual suspicion of the motives of others and led to cases where obtaining of wealth begins to ou

19、tweigh all other moral considerations. During the time of the Jazz Age, the American dream was doomed to fail, and this tragedy of failure was to a great extent related to the Consumer Culture at that time. In The Epic of America, Adams Truslow Adams held that “The American dream is that dream of a

20、land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. The American dream is to be understood as an ethical doctrine that is symptomatic of a crisis in national identity during the thirties. The newly invented dream call

21、s out for a supplement to the outmoded narrative of individual uplift, which had lost its moral capacity to guide the nation during the Depression”.The reflection of the Jazz Age and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button indicates that the 1920s is a tragic age and the major characters in The Curious

22、Case of Benjamin Button are full of tragedy and melancholy. As a love story, it shows how time destroys love and how love revenges people. From the social point of view, this story is against the clock and that is the most distinctive part. It is a story about Benjamin Button, who was born as a seve

23、nty years old man and died as a newborn baby.In conclusion, Fitzgerald was one of the most important writers who describe the breaking of American dream. The breaking of American dream of his works was studied by many people; however, people only study his long and major novels and The Curious Case

24、of Benjamin Button was not studied by people from the aspect of the breaking of American dream. 本科生毕业论文题目:初论X杰XXX的XXXX中XX梦的破灭作者姓名: XXX 指导教师: XXX 所在学院: 外国语学院 专业(系): 英语 班级(届): 20XX届 完成日期:20XX年4月12日 On the Breaking of American Dream inThe Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonByRen XianhuiProf. Gao Tianzeng,

25、SupervisorA Thesis Submitted to the B.A.Committee in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Department of Foreign LanguageCollege, Hebei Normal UniversityApril 12, 2014Abstract F. Scott. Fitzgerald is a famous novelist in American twentieth Century. Wit

26、h unique style, his works truly record and reflect a lot of typical characteristics in the American specific historical period. So he is hailed as “the brilliant spokesman in the Jazz Age, excellent Chronicle and the representative writers of the lost generation. He not only personally experienced t

27、he most luxurious and indulged life in the American history, but also looked at what is happening in that era with the sharp eyes.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was one of the most famous short storied of Fitzgerald. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button told a story about Benjamins fantastic lif

28、e. Benjamin was born as a seventy-year-old man and died like a newborn baby. He became younger and younger all his life. And because of his strange life, Benjamin lived a tragedy life, as well as his father, wife and son.This thesis analyses the breaking of American dream in The Curious Case of Benj

29、amin Button. This thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter shows that the dream of family love is too weak to be broken through the different kinds of contractions and conflicts between Benjamin and his father, wife and son. The second chapter reflects the wrong cognition of the Amer

30、icans about the honorable reputation and eventually reveals the breaking of their social status, by analyzing the status changes of Benjamin, his father and his wife. The third chapter analyses the breaking of American dream in the view of Benjamin and his father, and further analyses the thought of

31、 life from the breaking of American dream.Key words: Fitzgerald The Curious Case of Benjamin Button American dream摘 要 弗朗西斯司各特菲茨杰拉德是美国20世纪著名的小说家。他的作品以其独特的风格真实地记录和反映了美国特定历史时期里所呈现出的诸多典型特征,所以被誊为“爵士乐时代的杰出代言人”、优秀的“编年史家”及“迷惘的一代”的代表作家。他不仅亲身经历了美国历史上最奢华享乐的时代的生活,而且以敏锐的目光,审视着那个时代所发生的一切。本杰明巴顿的人生奇旅是菲茨杰拉德最著名的短片小说之


33、 菲茨杰拉德 本杰明巴顿的人生奇旅 美国梦 ContentsIntroduction1Chapter One Human Relations.5A. Relation Between Benjamin and His Father.5B. Relation Between Benjamin and His Wife.6C. Relation Between Benjamin and His Son.8Chapter Two Honorable Reputation.10A. The Breaking of Roger Buttons Reputation.10B. The Breaking o

34、f Benjamin Buttons Reputation11C. The Breaking of Hildegarde Moncriefs Reputation.13Chapter Three American Dream.15A. The Breaking of American Dream in Roger Buttons View.15B. The Breaking of American Dream in Benjamin Buttons View.16C. The Thought of Life from the Breaking of American Dream17Conclu

35、sion.20Notes21Bibliography.22 vIntroduction The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is one of the short stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940). In 1922, Fitzgerald published Tales of the Jazz Age, including The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Although The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is not the

36、most famous fiction of Fitzgerald, it shows the breaking of American dream, just as his other famous long stories, such as, The Side of Paradise (1920), The Great Gatsby (1925) and Tender Is the Night (1934). Fitzgerald was born in a merchant family on September 24th, 1986. His ancestries were very

37、rich; however, his family came down in the world since his parents. In 1913, he went to the noble university-Princeton University through his relatives help. But he put his energy and heart on social activities instead of study. So he always could not pass his exams. In order to erase his difference

38、s of his background and study, he tried his best to join the literature organization and to change his local accent.at the age of eighteen, he fell in love with a daughter of fortunes; however, the girls father said that the poor boy had no choice to marry his daughter. Then Fitzgerald joined the ar

39、my in the summer of 1917 and yet he did not be appointed to go to the battlefield. In July, 1918, Fitzgerald met Zelda Sayre-the little daughter of the Supreme Court justice in Alabama. To marry Sayre, he strived to make money to let his wife live a rich life. Jazz age was the ten years that Fitzger

40、ald and Sayre lived in an easy and luxurious life. But good time do not last long, Sayre was diagnosed schizophrenia. For his wife and daughter, Fitzgerald had to write for Hollywood for the high payer, on the other hand, he could not endure that his works were revised. What is the worse, the entire

41、 world sank into great depression in 1929 and the Fitzgerald time was lost. His works were not paid attention. At the same time, he began to drink excessively and he defaulted to hand in the manuscripts. As a result, periodical offices and newspaper offices stopped to appoint the manuscripts success

42、ively. On December 21st, 1940, Fitzgerald died for the reason of heart attack caused by the long time intemperance. Before his death, he went bankrupt and required to hold “the cheapest funeral” in his testament. Actually, all of Fitzgerald life was a breaking of American dream. He did his best to l

43、ive in the high class; for all that, he lost himself in the luxury and dissipation life. Over and above that, Fitzgerald had his writing dream; nevertheless, he surrendered to the money society and died in tragedy.The generation of American Dream had its own specific history background. Its origin could date back to the time when a great number of European immigrants came to this land. They had strong desire to get freedom and equality. Besides, some people who were Puritans held lofty ideality. They built up from nothing and worked in


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