1、democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works p
2、ublic of supervision Guide, led organization County financial, and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led group members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervision, further specification has village wor
3、ks public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, and institutionalized, effective guarantees farmers masses of four right; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mechanism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary ins
4、pection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social services and social welfare work. Funeral services: p
5、romote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accordance with the principles of sustainable, f
6、urther improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other special groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. To increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consultati
7、ons of stakeholders this year, plans to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Henan province. Invested 500,000 yuan this year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equipped with . Turn off the unit, creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a total of 78, re
8、placement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of so
9、cial organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet prudently carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positions, to social
10、workers team construction for focus, based actual, through various carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of different feat
11、ures, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhance the vitality
12、of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life.(11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party style construction. Outside the grasp of all services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to散 装 胀 接 锅 炉 安 装 工 法1、前言在化工安装和工业设备安装工程中,经常遇到蒸发量不超过二十吨
16、构件上进行下一工序的安装工作,以免造成难以消除的积累误差。2011二级建筑工程备考试题图一:锅炉安装施工工艺流程图施工准备设备清点检查校对 炉管退火 管头磨光基础验收定位放线钢架组装 汽泡安装 胀 管水冷壁安装 预热器安装省煤器安装本体管安装水压试验燃烧系统安装筑 炉烘 炉 煮 炉 试运行 辅机安装烟风道安装电仪安装辅机试运竣工验收图二:锅炉施工网络计划2011二级建筑工程备考试题基础验收(2)定位放线(2)刚架组装(3)胀管(3)汽包安装(3)施工准备(1)设备清点(2)检查校对(2)炉管退火(2)管头磨光(2)水冷壁安装(3)预热器安装(3)省煤器安装(3)辅机安装(6)水压试验(4)燃烧
17、系统(3)筑炉(5)烘炉(5)本体管安装(3)风道安装(6)电仪安装(6)辅机试运(6)煮炉(5)试运行(7)总体验收(17)竣工 (3)为了防止焊接变形,可视具体部位采用对称焊接或在焊口附近予加拉撑等措施。2.汽泡安装(1)先安装有支座的一个汽泡(一般为上汽泡),该汽泡找正后加临时固定,防止在以后的安装过程中移位。(2)另一个汽泡(无支座的汽泡)放置在可调节的临时支架上,以上汽泡为基准对其进行找正。(3)汽泡纵横方向的水平以其上的水平中分线(一般制造厂应在汽泡两端作出标记,现场复查)为基准,用玻璃管水平仪进行找平。下汽泡的纵横中心位置从上汽泡中心往下吊垂线进行检查。3.受热面管子的安装(1)
18、管子的检查和校正管子在校管平台上进行检查 和校正。校管平台上应放出弯管大样,将炉管逐根进行检查。如有超差现象应予以校正。(2)管子检查完毕,应进行编号。编号应醒目且具有方向性。即在安装过程中,不至于搞错方向。(3)管端退火。用铅浴法对胀接管管端进行退火,退火长度不小于100,退火温度为600650C,保持1215分钟,然后放入石棉灰中缓冷至常温。硬度抽检HB170。(4)管头磨光。用电动磨管机对管头进行磨光处理。(5)试胀。用和正式胀接相同规格,同材质,同硬度的管和板(由锅炉厂供)进行试胀,通过试胀,确定合理的胀管率。(6)胀管。先胀基准排,然后采用反阶梯式顺序(见图三)依次完成胀管作业。胀管
19、时应坚持经常检查,防止出现较多不合格胀口。图3 胀管顺序(7)炉管的焊接。对接口采用氩弧焊,角焊缝采用手工电弧焊。5、施工环境条件(1)胀管时环境温度不应低于0C;(2)焊接时环境温度不应低于0C,相对湿度在90以下;(3)施工区域应不受风、雨、雪以及较多灰尘的侵袭。四、 机具设备锅炉安装主要机具设备见表一。表一 要施工机具一览表编号名称规格型号单位数量备注1汽车吊16t台12汽车吊18t台13电焊机直流AX-320台44氩弧焊机NSA4-300台25气焊工具套26电动胀管机P3Z1-51台2带自控仪7电动磨管机5170台28电动试压泵SY-600台19手动试压泵6.4MPa台210手提式硬度
20、计HB0 5台111卷扬机5t慢速台312钢管式抱杆10t根113砂轮切轮机400台114手把砂轮机150台415角向砂轮机100台416行灯变压器220/12v台117力光探伤仪RFZ505台118通风机轴流式台419空压机2V-6/8台120砂浆搅拌机375L台121液压弯管机G 3台2五、 质量标准和质量控制(一)质量标准1、符合蒸气锅炉安全技术监察规程(原劳人部1987版)中有关要求;2、达到机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范 TJ231-78各项技术指标;3、符合锅炉制造厂各项设计要求。(二)质量控制措施1、严格按照公司锅炉质量保证体系控制图表的要示进行管理。2、切实抓好质量保证的基础。
22、。(2)百分表控制管外径胀管法。该法的特点是:胀管时用带百分表的专用量具测量炉管外径,当达到预定的胀管值时,即停止胀管。使用该方法操作技术简单,胀接质量稳定,能可靠的实行予控制。4、推行“工程质量责任制”,将施工任务与施工质量挂钩。层层分解,落实到人,使每个施工者对自已所承担的施工项目技术要求,质量标准清楚,并对此承担责任。5、按工艺程序进行“三检”与“停点共检”的全过程的质量控制。六、劳动组织以两台SHL-10-1.27A型锅炉安装为例,施工工期为90天,施工人员及数量见表二。表二 锅炉安装人员及岗位序号工种人数岗位1钳工8本体及辅机安装、胀管2铆工4钢架、烟风道、煤斗安装3起重8运输、吊装
23、、配台安装4电焊4本体内焊接5气焊2配台安装6电工6电气安装7仪表工4自控安装8管工4校管及本体管安装9油工2除锈、防腐10筑炉工12筑炉11保温工4保温12技术员5各专业技术管理合计63锅炉安装人员由现场指挥统一调配,根据施工进度需要,对各作业组进行调整,做到灵活调配,不拘一格。各施工人员认真执行岗位责任制,达到其工作标准。劳动力旬平衡计划见附件一。七、安全措施锅炉安装除遵守一般安全规章制度(如炼油化工施工安全规程、建筑安装工人安全操作规程)外,还应从以下几个方面采取措施:1. 进入汽包内施工,行灯电压为12V,且应加通风装置。汽包外应有人监护。2. 电气设备应加保安装置,防止触电事故。3.
24、 用四氯化碳清洗管头和管孔时,应通风良好,防止中毒。4. 管头用铅液退火时,操作人员应穿戴整齐劳保护具,防止铅液溅出伤人。5. 锅炉试压以及烘炉、煮炉和试运行期间,严禁带压作修理工作。八、经济分析(一)施工手段用料见表三;(以安装两台10吨链条炉为例,下同)。表三 施工手段用料一览表编号名称材质规格单位数量备注1钢板A3F=12t18平台周转2工字钢A3F16t4.1平台周转3槽钢A3F12t0.48临时支架4角钢A3FL505t0.188临时支架5水煤气管A3F1t2.28脚手架周转6无缝钢管202377t0.46抱杆7无缝钢管20383t0.05试压8钢管黄铜101.5m20试压(二)消耗
25、材料见表四;表四 材料消耗一览表 序号名 称材 质规 格单位数量 备 注1电焊条T422 3.2kg1852电焊条T4222.5kg253焊丝H08A2.0kg104镀锌铁丝A38-12#kg1605花篮螺栓M16250套186煤油70#kg307机油10#kg408黄油钙基脂kg109四氯化碳kg5010石棉橡胶板=2-3kg1011锉刀12把1012铁砂布0#张4013钢锯条细牙根5014砂轮片400片2015砂轮片150片5016砂轮片100片5017破布kg3018白布m419钢板3#=2-16t0.420焦炭t0.821木材kg30022青铅kg120只计损耗23石棉带440kg12
26、24石棉绳10kg2025电石kg320(三)实际成本与预算成本分析比较见表五。表五 实际成本与预算成本分析表项目预算成本实际成本 成本降低额(元)降低率%锅炉本体辅机锅炉本体辅机机械费2904.14105.362350.5069.00590.0019.60材料费7617.67643.286262.82546.551451.5817.57人工费2423.03649.882156.00552.40364.5111.86合计12944.841398.5310769.321167.952406.0916.77注:1 本表以安装SHL-10-13锅炉一台为单位进行分析比较。2 本表套用定额:全国统一安
28、装被评为优质工程,工期提前20天,经济效益和社会效益较为显著,事故发生率为零。受到了上级和当地劳动监察部门的好评。同时,我们也认识到该工法还存在许多不足之处,如炉管胀接工艺的改进和提高,以期胀管质量得到有效控制;对不同型式的锅炉应根据具体情况采取更为合理的安装工艺;以及安装现场多专业,多工种施工时,更加科学地作好劳动力的调配和协调,真正做到“人尽其力,物尽其用”。使工程质量,经济效益,安全生产等方面取得进一步的提高。tree quality, image outside. Council leadership unity and strong, exemplary implementation
29、 of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construction increased; the second is to strengthen learning and improve quality. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of political theory and professional knowledge
30、, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capacity; the third is strengthening the bureaucracy in activities construction and bureaucracy had improved markedly. Construction of ideological style of cadres and workers have also been strengthened, public servant, service is greatly enhan
31、ced, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larger changes and improved four is to strengthen the party conduct clean government and discipline inspection and supervision work, wind operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership by example, leading party and low accountabilit
32、y, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County home while some achievements had been made, but there are still a lot
33、of problems, mainly in: one is the County of frequent natural disasters, disaster caused by diseases of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve should be doing. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, three-no home rescue objects such as persons of more than
34、10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by diseases of poverty could not be included in the scope of protection in a timely manner. Second, pension benefi
35、ts institutional infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare projects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has project construction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resulting in the existing benefits of weak institutions
36、, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of social welfare career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tension, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and health, auxiliary treatment facilities serious la
37、ck, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained service object minimum of living, guarantees content single, only looks at Yu most basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition, the current staffing of welfare institutions less
38、 and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home the overall quality of cadres will determine the eff
39、ectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the strong political, professional, style is team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve social assistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,附件一 劳动力旬平衡计划12345678910人数65605040302010 时间12345678910