1、Gay is now a provincial key construction project of aluminum Ltd-province with an annual output of 50,000 tons of technical innovation project of environmental protection and energy saving of electrolytic aluminum project manager. In this technological transformation projects, he has overall respons
2、ibility for the day-to-day affairs of the project. In order to ensure that southern companys control the scale of investment, strengthen field management, pay special attention to project progress, and ensure a successful operation, the overall goal. He and Engineering Department under the leadershi
3、p of all the staff in the companys technical command, on the difficulties and to overcome technical difficulties in the process, work hard, have made outstanding achievements, mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, careful organization and management achieved remarkable results. Technical
4、 innovation project of the year, started and completed a series of bids and completed to date, from production engineering to put into production after nearly a year, has achieved very significant results. A project first 56 slots from dismantling the old slot just 168 days, civil engineering, insta
5、llation, commissioning, guarantee engineering quality under the premise, on the production side transformation under difficult conditions, created the national industrys fastest speeds. II 32 large prebaked electrolytic cell on November 7 has been installed, marks has an annual production capacity o
6、f 50,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum production capacity of aluminum. Entire project almost 8 months earlier than planned, achieved the goal of production transformation benefits that year, created favorable conditions for aluminum through South. Second, effectively control the investment. Project
7、 is subject to a scientific approach to bidding, bidding to make savings of 20 million Yuan, in the implementation process of the project, every domestic prices of steel, cement and other building materials, the old buildings on the base encountered great difficulties in dealing with significant inc
8、rease in the volume of civil engineering, but through rationalization and optimization, project control in fixed investment of 350 million Yuan. Third, environmental energy-saving effect of the project. Project investment of nearly 30 million Yuan, using large prebake technology and aluminum oxide d
9、ense phase and hyper dense phase conveying technology, fluoride and other harmful gases purification efficiency of up to 98%. Compared with Soderberg cell before the modification, power consumption can be reduced by 1500 tons of electrolytic aluminum, and project environmental protection and energy
10、saving effect is obvious. Four are in a relatively short period of time to the normal production. After four months of efforts, a project has put into operation all the 54 240KA large cell into regular production, stable current channel conditions and all the economic indicators are good, current ef
11、ficiency in October had reached 93%, is close to and reach the domestic advanced level. In the case of production half of the cell, this effect can be achieved and better level in the industry. 50,000 tons of electrolytic modification process, from preliminary study to equipment selection, cost cont
12、rol, project progress, quality control and coordination among the various sub-projects and various professional, technical command under the correct leadership, both from an overall perspective, emphasis on integrity, and earnestly implement the relevant laws and regulations, strictly act according
13、to the contract. He tried to learn relevant knowledge, good style of business, operational and organizational coordination ability, project efficiency, quality and safety assurance system in place, with all units involved with the coordination and good .生命科学系20 级园林专业学生实习(调研)报告姓 名: 李杰 学 号: 1212406012
14、 专 业: 园林 班 级: 12级园林6班 时 间: 2014年5月28日 地 点: 珠江三角洲 指导老师: 雷凌华、谢小菲 2014年 5 月 28 日Four outstanding works. They are derived from their own inner feelings. I also sent a student to attend the class Department speech contest, failed to get a good result, but also actively cooperate with the Department and c
15、lass activities! in order to create a demonstration dorm room, our weekly class to every bedroom check, where proposed is insufficient. In order to clean up the bedroom, we use the brush brushes a bedroom again. For the class out of a force. In the event we, many projects did not get the desired res
16、ults. But we understand that we tried, and in the struggle. Also has made good progress in many of the! in my class the work carried out and the results achieved, thanks to the concern and support of the Department, thanks to instructor teachers good, proper guidance, thanks to 46 students in the cl
17、ass will work closely together, to work together. Of course, we also have our weaknesses, needs to be further correction in their future learning and life, with a view to achieving greater results. Five declarations of good party branch branch is a fortress, a party member is a banner. Fighting in t
18、he railway engineering construction Group Headquarters Headquarters branches, a total of members 18. Role of the Xiang-GUI railway and tight South Lebanon railway, heavy, poor conditions of disadvantage, the branch closely around the construction work. Holding high the flag of our party members, uni
19、te and lead staff on the difficulties, overcome difficulties, take the zhengyou, a job well done and an engineering task, won the highly valued by leaders at all levels. Since October last year since the project began, Headquarters Branch is tightly around the center of its activities. Face South, c
20、limate is wet, sooner or later temperature larger, specific difficult, I branch from thought requirements all workers active motivated, do can long-term hard, dare fight of spirit prepared, while requirements all members lead, encouraged colleagues Zhijian each other help, each other learning busine
21、ss knowledge, overcome temporarily difficult, active into to engineering official starts of the prepared work in the to, play out has as a branch of fighting fortress role and members of pioneer model role. Since its start, I command under the correct leadership of the party branch in the Group and
22、the superior party, centering on building a qualified party branches, branch of the forts and the battle to play the exemplary vanguard role of party members, actively working. In command personnel less, and task heavy of situation Xia, all members always according to party stronger, and style to ar
23、e, and service better, and efficiency to high of requirements, from overall starting, better to completed has production organization, and coordination, and guarantees and the management work, in engineering progress, and quality, and benefits, and safety, aspects are made has good of results, get h
24、as owners and the Group and grass-roots units of praise. First, give full play to the exemplary role of party members. The exemplary role of party members and cadres are silent on the command, the exemplary role of party members and cadres are the best of the ideological and political education. We
25、pay close attention to party building, requires political party members and cadres must take the lead in learning, set strict demands on themselves, .目录一、园林植物部分二、调研总结报告三、园林规划设计部分四、写生作品暑假实习植物调查 1. 植物品种:黄金香柳 拉丁名:Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell. Revolution Gold 科属名:桃金娘科 白千层属 观赏习性:是形态优美的彩色树种,具极高观赏价值,有金黄、芳香
26、、新奇等特点。枝条柔软密集,随风飘逸,四季金黄,经冬不凋。 生态习性:适应的气候带范围广,种植适宜范围从海南到长江流域以南甚至更北的地区,可耐7至10的低温。 园林应用特点:可作为家庭盆栽、切花配叶、公园造景、修剪造型等 2. 植物品种:小叶榕 拉丁名:Ficus microcarpa var.pusillifolia 科属名:桑科榕属 观赏习性:榕树是常绿大乔木,小叶榕是常绿小乔木。树冠伞形或圆形。高度冠幅:榕树20m15m。小叶榕6m4m。质感:中色泽:叶色深绿。果实绿转淡红褐色。 生态习性:热带树种,生长中至见快。耐热、怕旱、耐湿、耐瘠、耐阴、耐风、抗污染、耐剪、易移植、寿命长。 园林应
27、用特点:树性强健,绿荫蔽天,为低维护性高级遮荫、行道树、园景树、防火树、防风树、绿篱树或修剪造型,是台湾地区景观利用最广泛的树种。庭园、校园、公园、游乐区、庙宇等,均可单植、列植、群植。 3.植物品种:凤凰木 拉丁名:Delonix regia 科属名:云实科 凤凰木属 观赏习性:红色花 生态习性:落叶乔木,无刺。叶为二回偶数羽状复叶,具托叶。叶柄基部膨大成垫状。伞房状总状花序顶生或腋生。花两性。花红色,具黄及白色花斑,匙形。荚果带形,扁平,稍弯曲。 园林应用特点:一般用于行道树 4.植物品种:苹婆 拉丁名:Sterculia principis 科属名:梧桐科 苹婆属 观赏习性:叶大而美丽
28、生态习性:多生于山坡上 园林应用特点:可用于作行道树5.植物品种:红花檵木 拉丁名:Loropetalum chinense var.rubrum 科属名:金缕梅族 檵木属 观赏习性:珍贵乡土彩叶观赏植物 生态习性:红花檵木枝繁叶茂,姿态优美,生态适应性强 园林应用特点:易造型,广泛用于色篱、模纹花坛、灌木球、彩叶小乔木、桩景造型、盆景等城市绿化美化。6. 植物品种:金边龙舌兰 拉丁名:Agave americanavar. Marginata 科属名:龙舌兰科 龙舌兰属 观赏习性:质厚,平滑,绿色,边缘有黄白色条带镶边,有红或紫褐色刺状锯齿。 生态习性:喜温暖、光线充足的环境,生长温度为15
29、-25;耐旱性极强,要求疏松透水的土壤。 园林应用特点:多栽培于庭园。分布于西南、华南。 7.植物品种:木棉 拉丁名:Bombax Linn. 科属名:木棉科 木棉属 观赏习性:落叶大乔木,幼树的树干通常有圆锥状的粗刺。叶为掌状复叶。花单生或簇生于叶腋或近顶生,花大,先叶开放,通常红色 生态习性:木棉生于海拔1400(-1700)米以下的干热河谷及稀树草原,也可生长在沟谷季雨林内 园林应用特点:栽培作行道树 8.植物品种:鹅掌柴 拉丁名:Schefflera J. R. et G. Forst 科属名:五加科 鹅掌柴属 观赏习性:花排成伞形花序、总状花序,稀为头状花序或穗状花序,此等花序通常再
30、组成圆锥花序 生态习性:广布于热带、亚热带,喜温暖潮湿环境 园林应用特点:可做行道树或是灌木绿篱 9. 植物品种:鹅掌楸 拉丁名:Magnoliaceae 科属名:木兰科 鹅掌楸属 观赏习性:树姿高大,整齐,枝叶繁茂绿荫如盖,初夏开花满树,花大且香 生态习性:中性偏阴树种。喜温和,相对潮湿。耐寒性强,在-20度条件下完全不受冻害。在排水良好的酸性或微酸性的土壤上生长良好。生长速度快,寿命长,实生苗10年左右开花。对有害气体的抗性强,是工矿区绿化的良好树种。也是目前最盛行的高档次景观树种。 园林应用特点:可作行道树,或庭荫树 10 植物品种:小叶女贞 拉丁名:LigustrumquihouiCa
31、rr. 科属名:木犀科女贞属 观赏习性:耐修剪,萌发力强 生态习性:小叶女贞喜阳,稍耐荫,较耐寒,华北地区可露地栽培;对二氧化硫、氯化氢等毒气有较好的抗性。 园林应用特点:常作绿篱 11 植物品种:大叶黄杨 拉丁名:Euonymus japonicus Thunb. 科属名:卫矛科 卫矛属 观赏习性:常绿灌木或小乔木,叶片革质,表面有光泽,倒卵形或狭椭圆形 生态习性:大叶黄杨温带及亚热带树种产我国部及北部各省栽培甚普遍日本亦有分布喜光亦较耐荫喜温暖湿润气候亦较耐寒要求肥沃疏松土壤极耐修剪整形 园林应用特点:本种极耐修剪,是良好绿篱材料 12植物品种:澳洲鸭脚木 拉丁名:Brassaia act
32、inophylla 科属名:五加科 鸭脚木属 观赏习性:观叶类 生态习性:对于光线适应性强 园林应用特点:作庭园树、室内盆栽。 13 植物品种:向日葵 拉丁名:Sunflower beautiful 科属名:菊科 向日葵属 观赏习性:花色呈黄色,大而艳丽 生态习性:适应性强,对土质要求不严,酸、碱、粘性土壤均能正常生长开花。在-30以上的地区,不加任何防护可安全越冬。在干旱、风大、空旷、无积雪的地区,覆盖保温的杂草、稻草、麦栉及牲畜粪便培土保护也可正常越冬。 园林应用特点:作为花田植物 14 植物品种:山茶 拉丁名:Camellia japonica L. 科属名:山茶科 山茶属 观赏习性:叶
33、革质,椭圆形,花娇艳,数量多 生态习性:山茶花系半阴性树种,深根性,主根发达,常生于松栎混交林或常绿阔叶林次生灌丛中,在土层深厚、有机质丰富的疏阴湿润地或沟谷两侧生长良好。 园林应用特点:可做孤植树,盆景15 植物品种:假槟榔 拉丁名:Archontophoenix alexandrae 科属名:棕榈科假槟榔属 观赏习性:假槟榔,乔木;干单生,有环纹;叶长,簇生于茎顶,羽状全裂,裂片多数,果色艳丽,比较大。 生态习性:热带树种,喜温暖潮湿环境 园林应用特点:行道树或孤植 16 植物品种:马尾松 拉丁名:Pinus massoniana Lamb 科属名:松科 松属 观赏习性:树冠在壮年期呈狭圆
34、锥形,老年期内则开张如伞装;干皮红褐色,呈不规则裂片 生态习性:马尾松是阳性树种,不耐庇荫,喜光、喜温。 园林应用特点:林丛类 17 植物品种:罗汉松 拉丁名:Podocarpus macrophyllus 科属名:罗汉松科 罗汉松属 观赏习性:球果呈红色 生态习性:喜温暖湿润气候,耐寒性弱,华北盆栽观赏;耐阴性强 园林应用特点:行道树或孤植树 18 植物品种:月季 拉丁名:Rosa chinensis 科属名:蔷薇科 蔷薇属 观赏习性:良好的观花植物,但是有刺 生态习性:喜日照充足,空气流通,排水良好而避风的环境,盛夏需适当遮荫。 园林应用特点:作为花卉植物使用19 植物品种:苏铁 拉丁名:
35、Cycas revoluta 科属名:苏铁科 苏铁属 观赏习性:叶为羽状复叶,多而向四周伸长,丛生于茎顶,观叶植物 生态习性:抗性极好,可耐多种不良环境 园林应用特点:盆栽或是群植 20 植物品种:蒲葵 拉丁名:Livistona chinensis 科属名:棕榈科 蒲葵属 观赏习性:观叶植物 生态习性:性喜温暖湿润向阳的环境,生长适温2028,喜光,亦耐阴。栽培需用湿润、肥沃的粘性土壤。 园林应用特点:林丛类 行道树 21 植物品种:米兰 拉丁名:Aglaia odorata 科属名:楝科 米仔兰属 观赏习性:米兰树姿秀丽,枝叶茂密,花清雅芳香,是颇受欢迎的花木 生态习性:喜阳光充足,也耐半
36、阴。喜温暖,湿润气候,不耐寒。宜疏松,富含腐殖质、的微酸性土壤或砂壤土。长江流域及其以北各地皆盆栽。冬季移入室内越冬,湿度需保持10-12。夏、秋季开花。 园林应用特点:宜盆栽布置客厅、书房、门廊及阳台等。暖地也可在公园、庭园中栽植。 22 植物品种:金叶女贞 拉丁名:Ligustrum Vicaryi 科属名:木樨科 女贞属 观赏习性:观金色叶片 生态习性:喜温暖环境 园林应用特点:绿篱 23 植物品种:紫鸭趾草 拉丁名:Setcreasea purpurea B.K.Boom 科属名:鸭跖草科 鸭跖草属 观赏习性:其花叶俱美 生态习性:喜温暖、湿润,不耐寒,要求光照充足,但忌曝晒。对土壤要
37、求不严,以疏松土壤为宜 。 园林应用特点:为优良地被植物,也可盆栽作室内观叶植物。 24 植物品种:散尾葵 拉丁名:Chrysalidocarpuslutescens 科属名:棕榈科散尾葵属 观赏习性:株形秀美, 生态习性:散尾葵性喜温暖湿润、半阴且通风良好的环境,不耐寒,较耐阴,畏烈日,适宜生长在疏松、排水良好、富含腐殖质的土壤,越冬最低温要在10以上。 园林应用特点:在华南地区多作庭园栽植,极耐荫,可栽于建筑物阴面。其他地区可作盆栽观赏。可作观赏树栽种于草地、树荫、宅旁,也用于盆栽,是布置客厅、餐厅、会议室、家庭居室、书房、卧室或阳台的高档盆栽观叶植物。在明亮的室内可以较长时间摆放观赏 2
38、5 植物品种:高山榕 拉丁名:Ficus virens 科属名:桑科 榕属 观赏习性:叶形优美,革制 生态习性:黄葛树喜光,耐旱,耐瘠薄,有气生根,适应能力特别强 园林应用特点:园林应用中适宜栽植于公园湖畔、草坪、河岸边、风景区,孤植或群植造景,提供人们游憩、纳凉的场所,也可用作行道树。 26 植物品种:琴叶榕 拉丁名:Ficus pandurata Hance 科属名:桑科 榕属 观赏习性:株型高大,挺拔潇洒,叶片奇特,叶先端膨大呈提琴形状,琴叶榕具较高的观赏价值,是理想的大厅内观叶植物,也可用于装饰会场或办公室 生态习性:喜温暖、湿润和阳光充足环境,生长适温为25至35,1 5左右休眠,5
39、以上可安全越冬。 园林应用特点:是当今国内外较为流行的庭园树、行道树、盆栽树, 对空气污染及尘埃抵抗力很强。 27 植物品种:橡皮树 拉丁名:Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem. 科属名:桑科 榕属 观赏习性:全株光滑,无比毛,茎秆生气生根,有乳胶汁,革制叶,大而美丽 生态习性:性喜暖湿,不耐寒,喜光,亦能耐荫。要求肥沃土壤,宜湿润,亦稍耐干燥,其生长适温为2025。 园林应用特点:可作行道树或孤植树 28 植物品种:橡皮榕 拉丁名: 科属名: 观赏习性: 生态习性: 园林应用特点: 29 植物品种:海桐 拉丁名:Pittosporum tobira 科属名:海桐科
40、山茶属 观赏习性:海桐分枝能力强,耐修剪,开春时需修剪整形,以保持优美的树形。 生态习性:喜温暖湿润的海洋性气候,喜光,亦较耐荫。对土壤要求不严,粘土、沙土、偏碱性土及中性土均能适应,萌芽力强,为中性树种,在阳光下及半阴处均能良好生长。 园林应用特点:可修剪成成球形或作绿篱 30 植物品种:茉莉 拉丁名:Jasminum sambac 科属名:木犀科 茉莉花属 观赏习性:能发出淡淡幽香,沁人肺腑,常绿灌木。 生态习性:性喜温暖湿润,在通风良好、半阴环境生长最好。土壤以含有大量腐殖质的微酸性砂质壤土为最适合。 园林应用特点:可作绿篱或是花卉植物 31 植物品种:栀子花 拉丁名:Gardenia
41、jasminoides 科属名:茜草科 栀子属 观赏习性:花芳香,颜色纯洁 生态习性:喜温暖湿润和阳光充足环境,较耐寒,耐半阴,怕积水,要求疏松、肥沃和酸性的沙壤土。 园林应用特点:作为观花植物或绿篱和地被 32 植物品种:睡莲 拉丁名:Nymphaea tetragona 科属名:睡莲科 睡莲属 观赏习性:在水池中只需种上几丛,便可使景色清新秀丽,情趣盎然,秀色可人。 生态习性:耐寒,喜强光和通风良好,在蔽荫之处生长时,虽也能开花,但生长势较弱。喜高温水源,水池不宜过深,过深时水温低,不利于生长,生长所需的水深应不超过80厘米。 园林应用特点:作为水景植物 33 植物品种:肾蕨 拉丁名:Ne
42、phrolepis auriculata (L. ) Trimen 科属名:骨碎补科 肾蕨属 观赏习性:观叶植物 生态习性:喜温暖潮湿的环境,生长适温为1625,冬季不得低于10。 园林应用特点:绿篱或地被 34 植物品种:花叶良姜 拉丁名:Alpinia sanderae Hort. 科属名:姜科 山姜属 观赏习性:花叶良姜叶色艳丽,十分迷人;花姿优美,花香清纯,是非常有观赏价值的观叶观花植物。 生态习性:喜高温,多湿环境,不耐寒,怕霜雪.喜阳光,又稍耐荫。 园林应用特点:既可以盆栽种植,摆放于 室 内 、 厅堂过 道 、窗台等明亮处,亦可露地栽培于室外,如庭院、池畔、公园等处作为点缀植物
43、35 植物品种:棕竹 拉丁名:Rhapis excelsa (Thunb.) Henry ex Rehd 科属名:棕榈科 棕竹属 观赏习性:观羽状全裂叶片和细长干 生态习性:棕竹喜暖湿润及通风良好的半阴环境,不耐积水,极耐阴,夏季炎热光照强时,应适当遮荫。 园林应用特点:作为盆景或是绿篱 36 植物品种:黄花夹竹桃 拉丁名:Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum. 科属名:夹竹桃科 黄花夹竹桃属 观赏习性:观叶片和黄色花 生态习性:喜温暖湿润的气候。耐寒力不强 园林应用特点:孤植树,环境改造树 37 植物品种:矮牵牛 拉丁名:Petunia hvbrida 科属
44、名:茄科 碧冬属 观赏习性:花大,有白粉、红、紫、堇紫等色,花还多 生态习性:不耐寒,也不耐酷暑。喜疏松、排水良好的微酸性砂质土壤。种子甚小,发芽率60%。 园林应用特点:地被或是盆栽 38 植物品种: 拉丁名: 科属名: 观赏习性: 生态习性: 园林应用特点: 39 植物品种:酒瓶椰子 拉丁名:Hyophorbe lagenicaulis (L.H.Bailey) H.E.Moore 科属名:棕榈科 酒瓶椰子属 观赏习性:常绿观赏植物,因其茎干似酒瓶而得名。 生态习性:性喜高温、湿润、阳光充足的环境,怕寒冷,耐盐碱、生长慢,冬季需在10以上越冬。 园林应用特点:行道树或是孤植树,行道树 40植物品种:加拿利海枣 拉丁名:Phoenix canariensis 科属名:棕榈科 刺葵属