热能动力工程专业毕业论文240T循环流化床锅炉设计 任务书 开题报告 外文翻译.doc

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《热能动力工程专业毕业论文240T循环流化床锅炉设计 任务书 开题报告 外文翻译.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《热能动力工程专业毕业论文240T循环流化床锅炉设计 任务书 开题报告 外文翻译.doc(108页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation in the innovation of science and technology. We have placed at the core of the overall development of science and technology innovation Location and develop technology, branding, quality as the core competitive advantages of regional inno

2、vation, better use of the multiplier effect on economic development. To strengthen scientific and technological cooperation. Around the forest and mineral resources of the deep processing, exploitation of technical innovation to promote transfer, transformation, application and popularization of sci

3、entific and technological achievements. We should improve the system of science and technology. Thoroughly implement the Central stream of deepening the reform of science and technology programme and the province issued regulations on scientific and technological progress, promoting the regions scie

4、nce and technology enterprises three years action plan, optimize the allocation of scientific resources, maximum release innovation potential of science and technology, and strive to better enterprise in seed industry and beyond, and more new Board listing. Sought to improve science and technology p

5、rojects and administration. Strengthening science and technology innovation projects top design, and strive with national and provincial Thirteen-Five technology plans, actively seek national and provincial major science and technology projects, industrial projects and demonstration projects, suppor

6、ting science and technology enterprises to increase scientific and technological investment in research and development and technology, research and Development Center, forming a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights. (Specific to the XX, we will continue

7、to do a good job in agricultural research and demonstration of County agriculture Park, rural agricultural demonstration base into full play the dual role of active counties to build cooperation with the provincial Agricultural University, introduction of advanced scientific research and experiments

8、 in promotion, promoting produce, learn, research development. Strengthening grass-roots agricultural technicians system construction and management to progressively increase the agricultural sensible quantities to build County XX County planting structure adjustment of agricultural technology-savvy

9、 experts. ), Third, we must strengthen human resources support. Talent is supporting the development of the first resource. Both the development of new industries, or corporate development requires talent as a lead. I was personnel structure characteristic of traditional forestry, professional and t

10、echnical personnel more than 85% for culture, education, health and forestry personnel, pure business managers is less than 12%, with the capability of research and development professionals is not enough 1%, talent as a whole cultural structure of structure and low level of development 毕 业 设 计 任 务

11、书设计题目:240T/H循环流化床锅炉设计(义马烟煤)专 业: 热能动力工程 一、毕业设计的目的为了与经济发展相适应,我国发电设备的总装机容量也正以每年78的速度增长。截至2010年底,全国发电装机累计达到9.6亿千瓦,其中,水电2.1亿千瓦,火电7亿千瓦,核电1080万千瓦,风电3107万千瓦。燃煤电站锅炉是大气污染物的主要排放源,我国烟尘排放量的70%、SO2排放量的90%、氮氧化物排放量的67%都来自于燃煤。在我国,原煤占常规能源的84.7%。循环流化床(CFB)是国际上公认的商业化程度最好的洁净煤燃烧技术,已经在我国得到大力推广应用。采用高蒸汽参数的大型循环流化床技术不仅拥有环保、调峰

12、、燃烧劣质煤等方面的优势,而且具有大幅提高发电效率、有效降低温室气体排放量等优点。本课题针对CFB锅炉技术,设计240t/hCFB锅炉,通过设计,掌握CFB锅炉技术发展及特点,训练CFB锅炉的设计技能和锅炉基本计算能力。通过设计,培养学生实地考察、查阅文献、收集资料的能力;锻炼学生综合运用所学专业知识的能力,从传热学到锅炉原理,把理论知识与工程设计相结合;提高学生运用资料综合分析的能力;提高制定合理的设计方案的能力;培养学生深入细致进行设计运算校核的能力,合理运用工具书的能力;同时通过绘图,训练工程师的基本功。二、毕业设计内容1. 阅读和收集中英文资料,翻译英文资料(4000字以上)。写开题报

13、告。2. 主要设计内容:(1) 电厂锅炉现状。(2) CFB锅炉发电技术特点、研究状况、污染物排放的处理及发展前景。(3) CFB锅炉热力计算。(4) CFB锅炉受热面布置。(5) 热平衡计算。(6) 绘制CFB锅炉本体结构图、汽水流程图。3. 整理论文整理编写毕业设计说明书,格式要符合学校文件的规定。毕业设计书的组成:A、封面;B、毕业设计任务书;开题报告;C、中英文摘要;D、目录;E、正文;F、参考文献;G、附录。4.答辩总结自己的设计成果,准备答辩。学生在规定时间内清楚陈述自己毕业设计的主要内容和工作,并在规定时间内回答毕业设计内容和相关专业知识的提问。三、重点研究问题1CFB锅炉发电技

14、术特点、研究状况、污染物排放的处理。2CFB锅炉热力计算原理、程序、方法及受热面布置。四、主要技术指标或主要设计参数1燃煤特性项 目符号单位燃煤元素分析收到基碳%Car49.60收到基氢%Har3.2收到基氧%Oar11.6收到基氮%Nar0.7收到基硫分%St,ar1.3工业分析收到基灰分%Aar16.6收到基水分%Mt17.0空气干燥基水分%Mad10.0干燥无灰基固定碳%Cdaf干燥无灰基挥发分%Vdaf41.0收到基低位发热量Qnet,arkJ/kg196902锅炉主要参数锅炉主要参数:名 称单 位数值锅炉最大连续蒸发量(B-MCR)t/h240过热器出口蒸汽压力MPa(g)9.8过热

15、器出口蒸汽温度540预热热份额%18.8汽化热份额%51.7给水温度2153性能要求(1)最大蒸发量240 t/h;(2)锅炉燃烧效率95%;锅炉热效率85%。4石灰石石灰石序号名称符号数值单位1石灰石CaCO3含量caco397.32%2石灰石MgCO3含量Mgco30%3石灰石水分Md0.8%4石灰石灰分Ad1.88%五、设计成果要求(一)提交的成果:1毕业设计说明书一份。2 CAD图纸一套。3刻录光盘一张。(二)要求:1. 论文或说明书的电子版和打印文档各一份,要求语句通顺,无错别字,排版规范。毕业设计说明书字数不少于2万字。设计计算书应包括:热力计算过程,结果汇总。结论:对所做的设计计

16、算过程及结果进行分析,并对应用前景进行综述。2. 绘图要求计算机绘图,要提交一份所使用工具本身要求的格式的文件一份、保存成jpeg或gif格式的文件一份,打印图一套。3. 提交的电子文档命名要求:每人的电子文档要求存在以个人的“名字学号”命名的文件夹内,文件夹内应包含word文档、“相关设计图”文件夹和转换成jpeg或Gif格式后的文件夹和相关说明。Word文档的命名采用设计的题目。“相关设计图”文件夹内每张图的命名要反映图的具体内容,用具体的系统名称或设备名称命名。转换格式后的文件夹命名为“转换后图形”。相关说明可用记事本填写,内容应包含所提交的设计结果内容说明。4.提交电子文档,发送六、设

17、计进度1 12周,收集资料,写开题报告;2 59周,热力计算;3 1011周,绘图;4 1213周,编写设计说明书;5 14周,打印说明书及图纸,制作幻灯片,答辩。七、 主要参考书目1 刘焕彩流化床锅炉原理与设计武汉:华中理工大学出版社,1988.2 刘德昌,阎维平合编流化床燃烧技术水利电力出版社,1995.3 李加护锅炉课程设计中国电力出版社,2007.4 刘柏谦. 国产75t/h循环流化床锅炉的现状与发展J. 锅炉技术,2000.5 蒋敏华,肖平. 大型循环流化床锅炉技术. 中国电力出版社,2009.6 芩可法,倪明江等. 循环流化床锅炉理论设计与运行. 北京:中国电力出版社,1997.7

18、 车得福,庄正宁,李军,王栋. 锅炉. 西安:西安交通大学出版社,2010.8 朱国桢,徐洋. 循环流化床锅炉设计与计算. 北京:清华大学出版社,2004.9 周强泰,周克毅,冷伟,钟辉. 锅炉原理. 北京:中国电力出版社,2009.10 冯俊凯,岳光溪,吕俊复. 循环流化床锅炉. 北京:中国电力出版社,2005.11 赵翔,任有中. 锅炉课程设计. 北京:水利电力出版社,1996. 大学本科生毕业设计开题报告 姓名学号专业热能与动力工程(火力发电方向)设计题目 240T/H循环流化床锅炉设计(义马烟煤)主要内容一、 流化床锅炉简介及现状流化床炉工作时,床层上的固体燃料处于上、下翻腾的状态(即


20、定数量得循环流化床锅炉,也有300MW容量等级的实验循环流化床锅炉再建。循环流化床锅炉脱硫装置简单,低温燃烧产生的有害NO和NO2气体较少,但会产生另一种有害气体,即消耗大气同温层臭氧的温室气体N2O。循环流化床锅炉仍然存在诸多阻碍其在发电厂中发展的问题。首先是运行安全可靠性较低,尤其是炉内粗颗粒与高气流速度相结合带来的相关部件的磨损相当严重,炉内排渣顺畅性和冷砸器运行可靠差。其次是运行经济性较差,主要表现在锅炉效率较低和厂用电率较高。再次,锅炉调节性能也不尽如意。二、 采取的主要技术路线或方法通过一周的搜集及整理资料,我对循环流化床锅炉的设计与计算有了更深入全面的认识后,现初步拟定设计及计算




24、图等),选择适当的参数通过综合计算确定出各受热面总的传热系数K以及对流辐射的吸热量,确定计算误差范围在2%以内,如不能满足,重新不止受热面进行计算。4校核看锅炉本体的结构设计是否合理,风机的选用是否恰当,并进行热力计算数据的修正以及排烟温度、热空气温度、热平衡计算误差的校核,校核后汇总热力计算结果。5绘制图纸包括锅炉本题结构图,工质流程系统图,采用CAD制图。三、提交的成果1毕业设计说明书一份。2 CAD图纸一套。3刻录光盘一张。四、时间安排1 12周,收集资料,写开题报告;2 59周,热力计算;3 1011周,绘图;4 1213周,编写设计说明书;5 14周,打印说明书及图纸,制作幻灯片,答

25、辩。五、循环流化床锅炉未来发展方向能源综合利用是循环流化床锅炉今后发展的另一个重要方向,能源综合利用包含有三方面内容:其一是以CFB锅炉为平台对一些低级能源资源综合优化利用。目前在这方面做的 比较好已开发出针对于燃烧石油焦、污泥、生物质、垃圾废弃物等各种类型CFB锅炉并取得了成功经验;其二是循环流化床锅炉与其它能源或原材料加工系统整合从事能源高效利用,这是循环流化床锅炉技术今后应重点发展的一个方向。目前以循环流化床锅炉技术为基础的IGCC系统、PCFBC系统均已开发成功并已产业化,今后应朝着大型化和优化运行方向发展; 其三是CFB锅炉燃烧后产生的灰渣综合利用。 这是CFB锅炉今后发展中尚待解决

26、的一个难点问题。循环流化床锅炉运行中由于采用了炉内添加石灰石脱硫技术,这样不但增加了它的灰渣数量而且也使它的灰渣与普通煤粉炉产生的灰渣在形态、粒度、化学性质等有很多不同之处,以至于很难用常规的灰渣利用方式对其进行处理。开发研究适合CFB锅炉脱硫灰渣的处理方式和利用途径已成为目前国内外关于循环流化床锅炉未来发展的一个研究热点。 鉴于锅炉产生的灰渣数量巨大,人们希望能够寻找某种在燃烧时就改变灰渣性质的工艺,以便从源头上杜绝灰渣的产生。 指导老师意见同 意签名: 年 月 日八、 参考文献1 刘焕彩流化床锅炉原理与设计武汉:华中理工大学出版社,1988.2 刘德昌,阎维平合编流化床燃烧技术水利电力出版

27、社,1995.3 李加护锅炉课程设计中国电力出版社,2007.4 刘柏谦. 国产75t/h循环流化床锅炉的现状与发展J. 锅炉技术,2000.5 蒋敏华,肖平. 大型循环流化床锅炉技术. 中国电力出版社,2009.6 芩可法,倪明江等. 循环流化床锅炉理论设计与运行. 北京:中国电力出版社,1997.7 车得福,庄正宁,李军,王栋. 锅炉. 西安:西安交通大学出版社,2010.8 朱国桢,徐洋. 循环流化床锅炉设计与计算. 北京:清华大学出版社,2004.9 周强泰,周克毅,冷伟,钟辉. 锅炉原理. 北京:中国电力出版社,2009.10 冯俊凯,岳光溪,吕俊复. 循环流化床锅炉. 北京:中国电

28、力出版社,2005.11 赵翔,任有中. 锅炉课程设计. 北京:水利电力出版社,1996.12芮新红,朱皑强.循环流化床锅炉设备及系统.中国电力出版社附录五 锅炉本体结构图(CAD制图)附录六 工质流程图(CAD制图)目 录目录1摘 要1Abstract2第一章概述31.1循环流化床锅炉的原理31.2循环流化床特点41.2.1循环流化床优点41.2.2循环流化床缺点5第二章 燃料与脱硫剂62.1 燃料62.2 脱硫剂6第三章 脱硫与排烟有害物质的形成73.1循环流化床锅炉在环保上的必要性73.2影响循环流化床锅炉SO2的排放控制73.2 影响脱硫效率的一些主要因素83.3 无脱硫工况燃烧计算9

29、3.3.1无脱硫工况下燃烧计算93.3.2无脱硫工况下烟气体积计算9第四章 物料循环倍率104.1循环灰量104.2物料循环倍率的选择10第五章 脱硫工况计算125.1燃烧和脱硫化学反应式125.2脱硫计算12第六章 锅炉燃烧产物热平衡176.1脱硫对循环流化床锅炉热效率的影响176.1.1脱硫对入炉可支配热量的影响176.1.2脱硫对q4的影响176.1.3脱硫对q2的影响186.1.4脱硫对q6的影响186.2锅炉热平衡计算18第七章 传热系数计算217.1炉膛膜式水冷壁传热系数计算217.2炉膛汽冷屛传热系数计算22第八章 锅炉结构设计248.1炉膛设计248.1.1炉膛介绍248.1.

30、2炉膛床温选择248.1.3炉膛高度的选择258.2炉膛汽冷屛设计258.3汽冷旋风分离器设计268.4回料器的设计27第九章 热力计算299.1炉膛热力计算299.2汽冷旋风分离器热力计算31第十章 尾部受热面3410.1 过热器3410.2 省煤器3410.3 空气预热器36第十一章 计算结果3811.1 基本数据3811.1.1 设计煤种3911.1.2 石灰石3911.2 燃烧脱硫计算3911.2.1 无脱硫计算时的燃烧计算3911.2.2 无脱硫工况时的烟气体积计算4011.2.3 脱硫计算4011.2.4 脱硫工况时受热面中燃烧产物的平均特性4311.2.5 脱硫工况时燃烧产物焓温

31、表4311.3 240t/h CFB 锅炉热力计算4511.3.1 锅炉设计参数45循环硫化床燃烧4511.3.2 锅炉热平衡及燃料燃烧方式和石灰石消耗量4511.3.3 炉膛膜式水冷壁传热系数4811.3.4 炉膛汽冷屏传热系数计算5011.4 结构计算5211.4.1 炉膛膜式水冷壁计算受热面积:5211.4.2 炉膛汽冷屏计算受热面积5311.4.3 炉膛汽冷旋风分离器计算受热面积5411.5 热力计算5511.5.1 炉膛热力计算5511.5.2 汽冷旋风分离器热力计算58第十二章 烟道计算61121高温过热器计算6112.1.2高温过热器结构计算6112.1.2高温过热器传热计算62

32、12.2低温过热器计算6412.2.1 低温过热器结构计算6412.2.2低温过热器传热计算6512.3省煤器设计及传热计6712.3.1省煤器结构计算6712.3.2 省煤器传热计算6812.4空气预热器设计计算7012.4.1空气预热器结构计算7012.4.2空气预热器传热计算7112.5 锅炉热平衡计算误差校核75热力计算结果汇总表76第十三章 总结77参考文献78致谢79附录80附录一 外文文献80附录二 翻译91附录三 毕业设计任务书97附录四 开题报告102附录五 锅炉本体结构图(CAD制图)106附录六 工质流程图(CAD制图)106thickness of about 0 5m

33、m; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130-133 c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysi

34、s sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed i

35、nto the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheate

36、d to 130 c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer with

37、in 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0

38、-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take theWithout leads, my transition would be struggling. To improve the talent mecha

39、nism. Recently, the Central Government issued a circular on opinions on deepening the reform of talent development system aimed at stimulating innovation to create the maximum of entrepreneurial activity. We to actual research developed implement views of implementation approach, further perfect pre

40、fectural last year introduced of 19 article talent policy, to through flexible introduced talent, and joint construction development center, and cooperation established focus laboratory, measures solution local talent short problem, implementation technology results pricing shares, and equity option

41、 incentive, and Division, award approach, guarantees talent to knowledge, and skills, and management, innovation elements participation interests distribution, in-depth implementation students introduced engineering and local students return engineering, Reverse the shortage situation as soon as pos

42、sible. To further optimize the allocation of talent. Establishing and perfecting the talent flow system, improving horizontal and vertical mobility, promoting talent in the orderly flow of units with different properties and different areas, improve the wages, health benefits, job appraisal, pension

43、 policy, encouraging talent flows to the base first, production line, especially those business park, enterprise incubator . Policy, Tai Hing talent in the whole society, love, weight, using only wind, talent innovation create profit, honor, status, efforts to create a social media environment to en

44、courage innovation, failure tolerated. Four to foster the market. Vibrant market, it is an important foundation for economic transformation and development. Inspire creativity is to enhance endogenous impetus for economic development. Padded short I industrial Panel, accelerating the pace of develop

45、ment, must be hard work on fostering market players. To activate the stock of State-owned enterprises. Through the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, reshape the industry chain and the supply chain, more soft values. (XX, to highlight the industrial development plan, lead cultivation and created on board the enterprise, in the Thirteen-Five period, added on board the Enterprise 4, on the regulation of industrial enterprises reached 5. While breakthrough clean energy into industrial development, optimizing


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