球罐施工焊接焊后热处理程序Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure.doc

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《球罐施工焊接焊后热处理程序Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《球罐施工焊接焊后热处理程序Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure.doc(21页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、球罐施工焊接焊后热处理程序Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure目 录 Table of contents1. 概述 General.32. 热处理前的准备工作 Preparations before PWHT.33. 热处理方法及工艺要求Methods and process of PWHT .44. 施工程序及工艺要点 Construction sequence and key points.65. 质量标准 Quality standard .116. 施工组织与安全措施 Construction organization and safety measur

2、es .111. 概述 GeneralXX石化球罐项目总共有十四台球罐,其中2 台1300m3 主材质为16MnR,厚度为30 mm,1 台1300m3 主材质为SA537 CL.1,厚度为36 mm; 8 台1500m3 主材质为SA537CL2,3 台3000m3 主材质为SA537 CL2,厚度为:52 mm,根据ASME和GB12337-1998钢制球型储罐等有关技术标准,需进行焊后整体热处理。本程序仅适用于XX石化球罐项目球罐焊后整体热处理。There are totally 14 spherical tanks for the XX Xx Petrochemicals Sphere

3、 Projects.Including: 2 sets 1300m3 tanks with materials of 16MnR ,the thickness is 30mm; 1 set 1300m3 tank with materials of SA537 CL.1 ,the thickness is 36mm;8 sets 1500m3 tanks with materials of SA537 CL2;3 sets 3000m3 tanks with materials of SA537 CL2 .Thethickness is 52mm. These spheres need to

4、be post weld heat treated as a whole according to ASME Section , GB12337-98Steel Spherical Tanksand the related standards. This procedure is only applicable to the PWHT of 11 spheres of XX Xx Petrochemicals Sphere Projects.1.1 编制依据 References1.1.1 质技监局锅发 1999 154 号压力容器安全技术监察规程Safety and Technologica

5、l Supervision Regulation of Pressure Vessel No.1999 1541.1.2 GB150-1998钢制压力容器GB150-1998Steel Pressure Vessel1.1.3 GB12337-1998钢制球形储罐GB12337-1998Steel Spherical Tank1.1.4 ASME 的有关规定Requirements of ASME Section 1.1.5 XX石化球罐项目的施工图纸及相关技术要求。Drawings and the relevant technical requirements of XX Naihai Pe

6、trochemicalprojects.1.2 焊后热处理的目的 Purpose of PWHT消除球罐组装与焊接的残余应力,稳定球罐几何尺寸,改善焊接接头和热影响区的组织和性能,达到降低硬度,提高塑性和韧性,进一步释放焊缝中的有害气体,防止焊缝的氢脆和裂纹的产生。The purpose of PWHT is to relieve stress caused by assembling and welding, stabilize the geometrical dimensions of spheres, improve the properties of heat-affected zon

7、e,reduce hardness of spherical shell plates, improve plasticity and toughness, releaseharmful gas in welds and prevent welds form hydrogen brittle and cracks.2. 热处理前的准备工作 Preparations before PWHT2.1 球罐组装、焊接工作全部结束,球罐内外表面经质量检查合格,热处理前的各种施工技术资料齐全,并符合要求。The assembly and welding of spheres shall be comple

8、ted. The inside and outside surface are to be inspected and approved. All kinds of technical documents for PWHT are ready and comply with the requirements.2.2 球罐本体所有焊缝按图纸、规范规定进行无损探伤并全部合格。All welds of spherical body should be NDE and accepted in accordance with the related drawings, regulations & spe

9、cification.2.3 与球罐相连的开孔接管,劳动保护垫板等均按图纸要求焊接完毕。All nozzles connected to spheres and pad plates have to be welded according to drawings.2.4 球罐内部彻底清理干净。与球罐相连的拘束构件必须解除,防止热膨胀产生应力使球体受损,凡与热处理无关的接管均用盲板封住。The inside of sphere shall be completely cleaned. All structural parts must be dismantled from sphere to p

10、revent shell plate damage due to the heat expansion. All nozzles, which are not related to PWHT, shall be closed with blind flanges.2.5 产品试板焊接完,并按规定经无损探伤合格。Upon the completion of templates welding, apply NDE according to specification.2.6 所有设备、机具等均应进行检查调校并处于正常状态,热电偶的准确率应在1%内。All equipments and tools

11、 should be inspected, calibrated and are in order , The thermocouple accuracy shall be within +/-1% 。2.7 与当地气象部门联系,掌握48 小时内的天气情况,并要有相应的防风、防雨措施,同时防止停电。Local meteorological department shall be contacted in order to know the weather condition in the next 48 hours. Measures shall be taken to prevent fro

12、m strong wind, rain and power failure.2.8 热处理工艺程序编制完毕,并按规定履行审批手续。对参加热处理的所有施工人员进行详细的技术交底,明确各岗位职责。Process of PWHT is ready and approved by the responsible personnel. All persons involving in PWHT shall be instructed of work procedure of PWHT. Each person shall fully understand his or her own responsib

13、ility.3. 热处理方法及工艺要求Methods and process of PWHT3.1 热处理方法和原理 Method and principles of PWHT本措施采用内部燃油整体热处理方法,利用球罐内部为炉膛,选用0 号柴油作燃料,球罐外部用保温材料进行绝热保温,通过空压机送风和喷嘴将燃料油喷入并雾化,由点火器点燃,在球罐内部形成具有一定高度和直径的火焰作热源,通过对流和热辐射作用,将球罐金属均匀加热至规定温度,并在规定条件下恒温和降温,从而达到消除焊接残余应力,提高焊接区金属的韧性及其抗应力腐蚀能力的目的。This procedure shall select inner

14、 burning fuel method as the heat treatment process. Tank external will be insulated by special preservation material. Tank internal will act as a burner oven. Through air-compression and infra-red heating, the tank will be pre-heated to the required temperature and be subjected to cooling as stated

15、in code specification to achieve a reduce in welding stress, increase of tensile strength and increase in anticorrosion capability of the base metal.3.2 热处理工艺曲线及工艺要求:PWHT Technique curve and requirements3.2.1 热处理工艺曲线如图3.2.1。Process curve is as follows (See Figure 3.2.1)略3.2.2 热处理工艺要求 Requirements of

16、 PWHT3.2.2.1 升温时,4300以下的升温速度可不限制,4300以上的升温速度宜控制在5080/h,升温速度应保持均衡。In process of heating up, the heating rate should be unlimited below 4300.Above 4300, the heating up speed should be controlled within the range of 5080/h. 恒温时间应保持各测温点的温度均匀。During the constant period, the temperatures shall be u

17、niformity. 降温时,4300以上的降温速度宜控制在3050/h,4300以下的降温速度可不限制。During the cooling period. Above 4300, cooling speed should be controlled within the range of 3050/h; Below 4300,cooling speed should be unlimited . 300以上升温和降温过程中,球罐表面上任意测温点间的温度不大于130.During the period of heating and cooling the tank

18、. Above 300, the temperature difference between any two points on the external surface should not be more than 球罐的焊后整体热处理工艺必须与焊接工艺评定和焊接工艺指导书相一致。The PWHT shall strictly comply with the relating WPS & PQR.4. 施工程序及工艺要点 Construction sequence and key points4.1 施工程序 Construction sequence本措施的球罐

19、整体热处理施工工艺程序如下:工序交接 设置试板 安装热电偶 安装燃烧装置 安装柱脚移动装置 安装保温钢带 敷设保温层 连接测温系统 检查保温质量 检查测温系统 点燃点火器 向喷嘴送风 送油点火 升温 恒温 停火 降温拆卸保温层 试板检验 质量评定开始测温、移动柱脚 开始测温、移动柱脚The construction sequence of PWHT is as below.(1) Process handover(2) set up templates(3) install thermocouples(4) install burners(5) install movable device f

20、or column(6) install steel strip for heat preservation(7) install materials of heat preservation(8) set heat preservation layers(9) connect the temperature-measuring system(10) inspect the quality of heat preservation(11) inspect temperature-measuring system(12) start igniter(13) blow spray nozzles(

21、14) inject fuel then ignite it(15) heating (measure the temperature and adjust the column)(16) holding temperature(17) put out the fire(18) cooling (measure the temperature and adjust the column)(19) dismantle the heat preservation layer(20) check the templates(21) evaluate the quality4.2 热处理要点 Key

22、points during PWHT4.2.1 安置产品焊接试板,将产品焊接试板放置在赤道线以上的高温区,并固定牢固,然后在每张试板上安装热电偶。Set up templates,put them in high temperature zone above the equator plate then fix itthen attach thermocouple on the each test plate.4.2.2 喷嘴试喷 Test-run of spray nozzles根据热工计算,确定喷嘴型号和轻柴油流量,热处理前需在现场球罐内进行试喷工作,验证在计算条件下的火焰燃烧是否正常,并

23、由柴油流量、空气压力和火焰高度三者之间的关系,确定在预定升温速度下最佳火焰高度,使球罐受热均匀。According to calculation performed for hot work, ensure nozzle type and diesel oilinjection rate. Conduct trial-run of spray test before the commencement of PWHT on thebasis of diesel oil flux, air pressure, flame height. This is to confirm the most fa

24、vorableflame temperature during heating period so as to ensure that heat is evenly distributed inthe tank .4.2.3 球罐保温 Heat preservation of tank4.2.3.1 保温材料Materials of heat preservation保温材料选单层厚度50mm,分内外两层,厚度应均匀,保温材料应放置于干燥处存放并防止受潮。The heat preservation material consists of two (inner and outer) layer

25、s structure.Each layer thickness is 50mm (uniformity). The materials should be stored under dry andwater-proof condition. 保温材料的敷设Laying of heat preservation materials球罐保温质量的好坏,对热处理过程的温度控制影响很大,施工时要求保温层必须与球壳表面贴紧,局部间隙最大为20mm,保温层厚度应均匀,无空洞、脱落,片与片之间接缝要严密,两层间的接缝要错开。球罐上的人孔、接管、连接板及从支柱与球壳连接的焊缝的下端起向下至少1

26、000mm 长度范围内的支柱应保温。为便于保温层的固定,在上下人孔周边设置两圈18 圆钢箍,然后在球壳表面经线方向均布403 的扁铁条,用倒链拉紧后,两头与圆钢箍连接,经向扁铁条上焊5mm 的保温钉,保温材料穿入保温钉后,并用1mm 的铁丝钩扎保温钉,从而将保温层固定住。热处理过程中,保温层外表面温度不应大于60。The quality of insulation will greatly affect the temperature control of PWHT. The heatpreservation layer must be connected to the spherical s

27、urface closely; the maximum gapis 20mm. The thickness of heat preservation layer shall be uniform without holes anddamage. The heat preservation layer should be strict in each other; The joints betweenthe two layers should be staggered. Heat preservation zone should be in range of1000mm from the wel

28、ds to each parts (including manholes, nozzles, connecting platesand the columns). In order to fix the heat preservation materials, two18 fasten ring areplaced at the top manhole and the bottom center nozzle respectively. Flat bars whosesize is 403 are placed uniformly in vertical direction. After a

29、piece of flat bar is tightenedby manual hoists, its two ends shall be connected to the round bars. Anchor bolts whosediameter is 5mm are welded to the flat bars. Put the felt through the anchor bolts andmake the ends of the anchor bolts bend, and then connect the anchor bolts with 1mmiron wires. In

30、this way, the heat preservation material can be fixed. The temperature ofthe external surface of the heat preservation material shall not more than 60 duringPWHT. 4.2.4 辅助装置安装Installation of auxiliary parts4.2.4.1 烟囱的安装Installation of stack热处理在球罐上部人孔处装设一个烟囱,以便于烟气排放。烟囱高度为15002000mm,直径为500mm,采用34mm 的钢

31、板卷制,烟囱内部安装一个翻板阀,用以控制烟气排放量,烟囱下部用钢板制作4 个简易耳板与球罐上人孔法兰相连接,在烟囱下部距法兰300mm 处设一热电偶接管,用以安装测量烟气温度的热电偶。One stack is installed at the top manhole for discharging exhausted gas . The height ofthe stack is 15002000mm and its diameter is 500mm. The stack is made of steelplate whose thickness is 34mm. One valve is

32、installed in the stack to control thedischarge capacity. At the bottom of the stack there are 4 lug plates used to connect thestack to the manhole. A pipe (which is used to install a thermocouple for measuring thetemperature of exhausted gas ), is installed in position of 300mm above the bottom ofth

33、e stack. 支柱移动装置的安装Installation for moveable device of column球罐热处理时,由于升温和降温过程引起球罐膨胀和收缩,为避免球罐支柱上部与球壳板相贯处产生过大的应力,球壳温度上升时,支柱应向外移动,冷却时向内移动,常温时恢复原位,移动装置是采用一个固定在球罐基础上的槽钢框架(见图4.2.3.2),由螺旋千斤顶支在框架上,使支柱移动,每隔100移动一次,支柱移动量参考数据见表4.2.3.2。During the period of PWHT, the sphere will expand and contract due to

34、heating andcooling. In order to avoid over stress at the places where the columns are connected tothe sphere, the columns should be moved outwards when the tank is heated, movedinwards when the tank is cooled and restored to its original position, when the tanktemperature turns normal. The moveable

35、device is a frame made of channel steel andfixed on the tank foundation. A 570 ton jack is used to make the column move for every100. The distances that the columns should move are as follows. (See Table略4.2.4.2 支柱移动装置 drawing of column movable device4.2.4.3 热电偶的安装与分布Installation &distribut

36、ion of thermocouples测温用的表面热电偶,热处理前用螺母和螺栓将其固定于球罐外壁见图4.2.4.3 所示,两测温点的距离应不大于4500mm,上、下极板上各设2 点,其中在距上、下人孔200mm 处各设一个测温点,位于高温区的每块产品试板上设一个测温点,烟囱下部距法兰300mm 处设一个测温点。球罐表面的温度测量就是通过热电偶向温度测量仪传输信号,温度测量仪处理信号后,显示出各点的温度。The thermocouples (for temperatures measuring) should be fixed on the external surfaceby tack we

37、ld on nuts& bolts before PWHT. Max distance between any two points is4500mm .2 measuring points should be set on the top and bottom crowns respectively ,one point should be set on the top and bottom manhole respectively, one point on eachtemplate of the high temperature zone, another set at point 30

38、0mm above the bottom ofthe stack. The measurement for temperature on tank surface apply thermocouple ,ittransmit signal to professional temperature instrument and display the temperature on thevarious thermocouple at different locations.4.3 工艺流程及操作步骤Process flow and operational steps4.3.1 球罐整体热处理工艺流

39、程见附图2。Process flow of PWHT sees the attached drawing.4.3.2 操作步骤Operational steps4.3.2.1 点火前将烟囱翻板置于全开位置,恒温时逐渐关闭。Open the valve fully in the stack before ignition; close the valve gradually during constanttemperature period. 首先开启鼓风机,用空气对球罐内部吹扫。Start up the blower and blow air into the tank.4.3.

40、2.3 开启点火启发Inject air and fuel tovolatile stage4.3.2.4 向雾化器送空气和燃料油。Send air and fuel to the atomizer. 开启点火器,点燃燃烧器,并适当调节火焰大小。Start igniter, ignite the burner and adjust the flame to the suitable size. 恒温时将火焰调整到合适大小,以控制恒温温度在要求范围内。During the constant period, adjust the flame to suitable si

41、ze so as to limit the temperaturein the range required. 降温阶段时,首先关闭燃料油阀,再关闭鼓风机,最后关闭点燃器。During the cooling period, shut the oil valve first, then turn off electro-fan ,finally closethe igniter . 操作过程中,如果雾化器点然后,出现火焰脉动或爆燃声音至熄火,则说明燃料油或压缩空气中含水量过多,应排除燃料油或压缩空气中的水分,或者将燃料油加热后使用。During the period

42、 of PWHT, if the flame in unconstant condition, there is explosion soundor the fire turns off, it means there are too much water contained in fuel or compressedair. Therefore, the water in fuel or compressed air shall be removed or the fuel should beheated and then put into use.5. 质量标准 Quality stand

43、ard5.1 实际操作的热处理曲线应符合设计和本工艺措施要求。The actual process curve shall meet the requirements of design and this procedure.5.2 热处理试板的试验结果应满足设计和标准要求。The test results of templates should meet the requirements of design and the relatedstandards.5.3 热处理后,球罐几何尺寸无异常变化,支柱垂直和直线度符合标准要求。After PWHT, there is no abnormal

44、 change in geometrical dimensions of the tanks. Theverticality and straightness of column shall meet the requirements of the standards.6. 施工组织与安全措施 Construction organization and safety measures6.1 施工组织Construction organization热处理工作应在现场指挥领导小组的组织和领导下工作,热处理过程中各岗位设置及职责范围如下表:The PWHT shall be conducted u

45、nder the leadership of site management team. The postsand responsibility of the personnels involving in the PWHT are as follows.6.2 热处理工作的劳动组织 Labor organization of PWHT总指挥 Posts 1 人技术人员 technician 1 人铆工 erector 4 人保温工 heat preserving worker 20 人电焊工 electric welder 1 人钳工 Locksmith 1 人电工 Electrician

46、1 人仪表工 instrument worker 2 人6.3 安全措施Safety measures6.3.1 服从BSF、REL 承包商现场安全管理,严格遵守用电管理制度,遵守施工现场安全制度。Compliance with BSF, HSE management system.6.3.2 球罐热处理前,必须对参加人员进行专门的安全教育,熟悉本岗位操作要领,并具有一定的水平和处理事故的能力。Before PWHT, the people participating in it shall be safety oriented. They must know theimportance of

47、 their roles and be able to handle any accidents.6.3.3 热处理现场严禁吸烟,并严格实行动火制度。Smoking is prohibited on jobsite. Hot work permit should obtain prior to commencementof any hot work.6.3.4 球罐周围划定的安全距离以内,应将易燃物彻底清除干净。The flammable materials shall be removed completely from the jobsite and keep in thesafety storage area.6.3.5 球罐燃烧器附近,无关


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