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1、听力重点学科概述,By Sandy,课程咨询qq:2880267976答疑qq:2880169563托福千人qq群:200437589,听力重点学科概述,听力重点学科概述,闪,迪,的,科,普,时,间,听力重点学科概述,Part 1.Geology,关键词:layer;plate;topography;technology过去出现过的相关话题:板块运动;岩石圈;地质地貌和气象,听力重点学科概述,Plate tectonics,Key Words:theory of continental drift;sea-floor spreading hypothesis;edge of the plate

2、;volcano and earthquake,听力重点学科概述,听力重点学科概述,Definition:Avolcanois aruptureon thecrust地壳of aplanetary-mass object,such as the Earth,which allows hotlava岩浆,volcanic ash,and gases to escape from amagma岩浆 chamberbelow the surface.On Earth,volcanoes are generally found wheretectonic plates aredivergingorco

3、nverging.,听力重点学科概述,环太平洋火山带,听力重点学科概述,Divergent plate boundaries 分离边界(生长边界)At themid-oceanic ridges,twotectonic platesdiverge from one another as newoceanic crustis formed by the cooling and solidifying of hot molten rock.Because the crust is very thin at these ridges due to the pull of the tectonic p

4、lates,the release of pressure leads toadiabatic隔热的 expansion and the partial melting of themantle,causing volcanism and creating new oceanic crust.Most divergent plate boundariesare at the bottom of the oceans;therefore,most volcanic activity is submarine,forming new seafloor.Black smokers海底黑烟囱(also

5、 known as deep sea vents火山口)are an example of this kind of volcanic activity.Where the mid-oceanic ridge大洋中脊 is above sea-level,volcanic islands are formed,for example,Iceland.著名地貌:红海,大西洋,东非大裂谷(板块内部张裂),听力重点学科概述,Convergent plate boundaries 聚合边界(消亡边界)Subduction zonesare places where two plates,usually

6、 an oceanic plate and a continental plate,collide.In this case,the oceanic plate subducts,or submerges under the continental plate forming a deep ocean trench just offshore(例如太平洋板块俯冲到亚欧板块之下形成马里亚纳海沟).In a process calledflux melting,water released from the subducting plate lowers the melting temperatu

7、re of the overlying mantle地幔 wedge,creatingmagma.This magma tends to be veryviscous due to its highsilica硅content,so often does not reach the surface and cools at depth.When it does reach the surface,a volcano is formed.Typical examples of this kind of volcano areMount Etna埃特纳山and the volcanoes in t

8、hePacific Ring of Fire太平洋火圈带.,听力重点学科概述,Hotspots“Hotspots”is the name given to volcanic areas believed to be formed bymantle plumes(地幔羽),which are hypothesized to be columns of hot material rising from the core-mantle boundary in a fixed space that causes large-volume melting.Because tectonic plates

9、move across them,each volcano becomes dormant and is eventually reformed as the plate advances over the postulated plume.TheHawaiian Islandshave been suggested to have been formed in such a manner,as well as theSnake River Plain,with theYellowstone Calderabeing the part of the North American plate c

10、urrently above the hot spot.This theory is currently under criticism,however.,听力重点学科概述,Classification:活火山 active volcano死火山 extinct volcano休眠火山 dormant volcano全世界有516座活火山,其中69座是海底火山,以太平洋地区最多。活火山主要分布在环太平洋火山带,地中海-喜马拉雅-印度尼西亚火山带、大洋中脊火山带和红海-东非大陆裂谷带,听力重点学科概述,Classification:层状火山(Stratovolcano,又称为成层火山),其外观多

11、为优美、对称的锥形。它们是由无数熔岩流不断堆积形成的。此种火山的熔岩黏滞性较高,通常为安山岩质。因其优美对称的外型,多成为观光胜地。许多著名的山都属此类,例如:日本的富士山、台湾的七星山、菲律宾的马荣火山、意大利的维苏威火山、斯特龙博利火山等,听力重点学科概述,盾状火山盾状火山(Shield Volcano)具有宽广缓和的斜坡,整体看来就像是一个盾牌。此种火山通常由玄武岩岩浆构成,流动性高,故能够分布在很大的区域,才能形成宽广的山形。最著名的例子是夏威夷群岛,这个群岛的每个岛屿都是一座巨大的盾状火山。,冒纳罗亚火山,听力重点学科概述,火山穹丘火山穹丘(lava dome,或称为熔岩穹丘),常见

12、于火山口内或火山的侧翼,是一种圆顶状的突起,看起来类似某些植物的球根。火山穹丘是由高黏度的熔岩形成的,由于其黏度太高,不能从火山口远流,在火山口上及其附近冷却凝固。火山穹丘会成长,这是由于地底岩浆库的空间不足以容纳所有岩浆,导致部分岩浆挤入穹丘下方。如果成长中的穹丘是位于陡峭的山坡上,其成长有可能导致重心的不稳定,最后导致山崩或火山碎屑流。,听力重点学科概述,火山渣锥火山渣锥(Cinder cone)是指由火成岩屑或火山渣(火山的喷出物质)在火山口周围堆积而成的山丘。大多数的火山渣锥都很耐侵蚀,因为落到锥上的降雨渗入到高渗水性的火山渣里,较少对它们的表面进行侵蚀作用。由于火山碎屑物胶结松散,故

13、无法形成较高的堆积,通常都小于500米。,破火山口(Caldera)破火山口通常是由于火山锥顶部(或一群火山锥)因失去地下熔岩的支撑崩塌形成。外形为碗形的凹地,其直径为数百米至数公里不等。著名的例子是美国黄石国家公园的黄石复式破火山口,听力重点学科概述,低平火山口(maar)是由岩浆和水相互作用发生爆炸而形成。在地表下形成了深切到围岩的圆形火山口,并被一个低矮的碎屑环包围。常常会积水而形成火山湖。,听力重点学科概述,Part 2.Biology,关键词:botany,zoology,microbiology过去出现过的相关话题:海洋动物;蝙蝠;生物适应性;动物保护;植物特性,听力重点学科概述,

14、Animal Behavior,觅食行为foraging behavior攻击行为aggressive behavior防御行为defense behavior繁殖行为breeding behavior节律行为Rhythmic behavior社群行为social behavior定向行为orientation behavior通讯行为communication behavior,先天性行为学习行为,听力重点学科概述,觅食行为,听力重点学科概述,防御行为,初级防御:穴居或洞居、保护色、警戒色、拟态等 次级防御:回缩、逃逸、威吓、假死、转移捕食者攻击的部位、反击等。如:竹节虫拟态;乌贼释放墨汁,

15、听力重点学科概述,拟态计算机受拟态章鱼启发(mimic computing),听力重点学科概述,社群行为,听力重点学科概述,Part 3.Art,听力重点学科概述,关键词:内容分支painting,novel,poetry,music,dance;类型分支skill介绍,历史介绍,人物介绍过去出现过的相关话题:portraiture,painting;music history;novelist;pigment,The Words of Painting skills:Sketch 素描Proportions 均衡,协调;面积,大小Curve 曲线carve 雕刻Stroke 笔画,一笔Pig

16、ment 颜料Thin/thickDissolveSuspendPowder 粉Synthetic 合成的Organic/inorganicBrilliant 色泽鲜艳的,色彩明亮的,听力重点学科概述,Cave Painting-Archeology;skill,feature,preservation。Altamina Cave,Lascaux cave古文明时期与帝国的统治时期相关:Egyptian paintingChinese Bronze vessel(青铜器)Greek Ceramic art(古希腊瓶画),绘画历史简介,听力重点学科概述,宴乐图,三名参加泛雅典运动会的赛跑者,Re

17、naissanceall about individual and freedomBaroque ArtChristian ChurchRococo ArthumanNeoclassicism(新古典主义),马拉之死,蓬巴杜夫人,听力重点学科概述,Romanticism(浪漫主义)Realism(现实主义)Impressionism(印象主义)-color and light,自由引导人民,红磨坊街的舞会,日出印象,听力重点学科概述,Post-Impressionism(后印象主义)-modern art,subjectiveModern ArtExpressionism,Fauvism,Cu

18、bism,Abstractionism,Surrealism,星月夜,Vincent Willem van Gogh,呐喊,哭泣的女人Pablo Picasso,记忆的永恒,听力重点学科概述,Post-modernPopArt(利用照片),Photorealism,苏珊像,玛丽莲梦露,听力重点学科概述,听力重点学科概述,Definition:The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in theearly modern period.Beginning

19、in Italy,and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century,its influence was felt in literature,philosophy,art,music,politics,science,religion,and other aspects of intellectual inquiry.Renaissance scholars employed the humanistmethod in study,and searched for realism and human emotion in art.,

20、Renaissance(文艺复兴),Key words:CoreHumanismFoundationeconomic development;rise of capitalismInspirationclassical culture from Rome and GreekFuseblack plague,听力重点学科概述,The Words of artistic forms:sonnet 十四行诗warm color 暖色系fresco(教堂)壁画,听力重点学科概述,Neoclassicism,Westernmovementsin the decorativeandvisual arts,

21、literature,theatre,music,andarchitecturethat draw inspiration from the classical art and culture of Ancient GreeceorAncient Rome.The main Neoclassical movement coincided with the 18th centuryAge of Enlightenment,and continued into the early 19th century,latterly competing withRomanticism.In architec

22、ture,the style continued throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and into the 21st.,Relationship with Enlightenment:A cultural movementofintellectualsbeginning in late 17th-century Europe emphasizingreasonandindividualismrather thantradition.Its purpose was to reform society using reason,to challenge

23、 ideas grounded in tradition and faith,and to advance knowledge through thescientific method.It promoted scientific thought,skepticism怀疑论,and intellectual interchange.The Enlightenment was a revolution in human thought.This new way of thinking was that rational thought begins with clearly stated pri

24、nciples,uses correct logic to arrive at conclusions,tests the conclusions against evidence,and then revises the principles in the light of the evidence.,Jacques-Louis David,30 August 1748 29 December 1825,an influential French painter in theNeoclassicalstyle,considered to be the preeminent painter o

25、f the era.In the 1780s his history painting历史画marked a change in taste away fromRococofrivolity toward a classical austerity and severity,heightened feelingchiming with the moral climate of the final years of theAncien Rgime波旁王朝.,General introduction:In the painting,the three brothers express their

26、loyalty and solidarity with Rome before battle,wholly supported by their father.These are men willing to lay down their lives out of patriotic duty.With their resolute gaze and taut,outstretched limbs,they are citadels of patriotism.They are symbols of the highest virtues of Rome.Their clarity of pu

27、rpose,mirrored by Davids simple yet powerful use of tonal contrasts,lends the painting,and its message about the nobility of patriotic sacrifice,an electric intensity.This is all in contrast to the tender-hearted women who lie weeping and mourning,awaiting the results of the fighting.Compositional t

28、echnique:The background is de-emphasized,while the figures in the foreground are emphasized.The focus on clear,hard details and the lack of use of the more wispy brushstrokes preferred byRococoart.The use of straight lines to depict strength is also demonstrated in the swords,two of which are curved while one is straight,perhaps foreshadowing that only one brother would survive the encounter.,明日内容预告:Conversation要点结合一篇TPO听力巩固听力出题点把握技巧,听力重点学科概述,听力重点学科概述,搜索微信“tpo188”还有更多好玩的互动哦课程咨询qq:2880267976答疑qq:2880169563托福千人qq群:200437589,


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