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1、自主学习方案1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,熟读重点短语和句子。(见学习目标)课堂导学方案Step 1 复习Ask the students as a sixteenyearold teenager,what we should be allowed to do and what we should not be allowed to do.环节说明:简要复习上节课作为青少年,我们应该允许做和不能做的事的教学内容。Step 2 情景导入Say we all have our own parents,and they are normally our muchloved p

2、ersons in our life,but sometimes they may be very strict with us,we are always asked to do as they tell and not to do many things.As for the those,can you tell us something?环节说明:让学生表述父母平时允许和不允许做的事,熟悉且亲切,能自然切入到3a。Step 3 完成教材3a-4c的任务1.3a学生大声朗读本节的诗,和搭档讨论标题的意思。2.3b学生再次阅读,找出本节问题的答案。3.处理3a重难点,学生朗读。4.3c学生回

3、忆一件尽管你的爸爸妈妈叫你不要做而你做了的事,并和同伴分享。5.4a按照例子写句子。6.4b学生用方框内动词的正确形式完成文段。参考答案:be asked,are allowed,be educated,start,move,take,continue7.4c你和你的朋友准备开一个英语俱乐部,制定一些规则,哪些该做,哪些不该做。课堂资料包Step 重难点解析1.I regret talking back,not listening to Mom.我后悔顶嘴,没有听妈妈的话。regret 作动词,意为“后悔;悔恨”。如:If you dont do it now,youll only regre

4、t it. 你如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。I came to regret what I said.我对我的言辞开始感到后悔。regret to do sth.对要做的事遗憾。(未做) regret doing sth.对做过的事遗憾、后悔。(已做) 。如:I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没有办法。I dont regret telling her what I thought.我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。2.Parents should give teenagers chances to mak

5、e their own decisions.父母亲应该给孩子们一些自己做决定的机会。make ones own decisions 意为“某人自己做决定”,相当于make decisions for oneself。其中decision 是动词decide的名词形式,意为“决定,决心”。如:Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.=Teenagers should be allowed to make decisions for themselves.应该允许青少年自己做决定。3.Do you think we must

6、keep teenagers away from the Internet?你认为我们必须让青少年远离因特网吗?keep away from意为“避开;远离”。如:As long as you can keep away from them,youre safe.只要你离他们远一点,你就会安全。Keep away from the fire.不要靠近火。Step 2 小结训练(C)1.I that he was badly ill and made you worried.A.regret to sayB.regrets to sayC.regret saying(B)2.When and w

7、here to spend the holiday yet.Lets make it now.A.doesnt decideB.has not been decidedC.has decided(B)3.To consider the students safety,the strangers must the school.A.keep away fromB.be kept away fromC.be keeping away from环节说明:学生进一步巩固对regret,decide,decision等知识点的理解和运用。Step 3 问题探究1.We all think you hav

8、e made such a great (decide).【解析】答案是:decision。根据句意,应该用decide的名词性。2.He was in the classroom English.A.to read B.reading C.reads【解析】答案是B。用动名词词组做补足语。3.What do you want to do with the boy?I want to to wait for help.A.lift up himB.lift him upC.be lift up him【解析】答案是B。“动词WW(WW)副词”词组,代词作宾语要放中间,名词作宾语还可以放在后面。

9、4.What are the teenagers doing there?They to do some volunteer work.A.are being encouragedB.are encouragedC.are encouraging【解析】答案是A。are being encouraged,根据句意,应该用encourage的现在进行时态,被动语态。5.When I was seven badly,she said no icecream for me.A.cough B.to cough C.coughing【解析】答案是C。此处用cough的动名词形式coughing作定语修

10、饰主语I。6.My mother gave me warm arms.A.to sleep B.sleeping in C.to sleep in【解析】答案是C。此处是动词不定式作宾语,因动词sleep不能直接接arm,所以要用介词“in”。7.If you go out at night,you must make sure .A.safe B.to be safe C.be safe【解析】答案是B。由made sure to do sth.“确保做”;make sure of sth./doing sth.“弄清,查明”;“make sure+从句”可知之后用to be safe,因safe是形容词,不能直接用于make sure之后。课后评价方案1.完成课时作业二。2.熟读并背诵3a。


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