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1、 教学基本信息课题The Best Of Manhattans Art Galleries,Using Language Reading, Unit 1 Art, Book 6是否属于地方课程或校本课程否学科英语学段:高中年级高二相关领域英语阅读教材书名:英语选修六 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2007年4月教学设计参与人员姓名单位联系方式设计者赵娟北京大兴兴华中学13651150256实施者赵娟北京大兴兴华中学13651150256指导者王郁松 杨冬连大兴教师进修学校13466699337 15901226495课件制作者赵娟北京大兴兴华中学13651150256其他参与者无无无指导思

2、想与理论依据本课的教学目标在于进一步培养中学生学习英语的兴趣,提高英语的阅读理解及听说能力,增强用英语表达思想的信心,特别是提高日常生活中英语的口语表达能力;通过对真实任务的探究,促进学生从不同的角度提高对语言的运用能力,从而进一步提高学生独立的审美能力和学科素养。根据新课标要求,学生应具备以下几种能力:(1) 在人际交往中得体地使用英语的能力。(2)用英语获取和处理信息的能力。(3)用英语分析问题和解决问题的能力以及批判性思维能力。 英语学科素养尤其重视学习者的自然学习发生。强调what,why,how的思维进阶顺序。文本解读的角度中,what主要关注主题意义和主要内容;why主要关注作者意


4、因此,在这班级,英语教学开展是令人满意的。通过高一一年的学习,他们已经掌握了简单的英语学习策略和技巧,有一定的英语听、说、读、写能力,一定程度上接触和了解了西方国家文化,懂得了一些中外文化差异,希望学习更多有关艺术话题的知识。教学方式:教学策略方法及学法 Ask the students to compete as a group to help them to strengthen their cooperation and arouse their interests. Enable the students to get the specific information alone by

5、 Silent Reading. Help the students understand the passage further and deeper by Picture Tour as well as discussion in pairs. Enable the students to talk about the five art galleries in groups.教学手段:Prepare five short passages for the game and ask five students to be familiar.技术准备:Computer and project

6、or. 教学目标(内容框架)l At the end of the class, students will able to 1)know the meaning of the new words: art gallery,avenue,circular,reputation, civilization,Egypt,reputation,appeal to, fragrant, fragile, preference, contemporary,permanent. 2)read the expressions of the five Art Galleries; 3)catch some k

7、ey words and get the specific information; 4)talk about their favorite art galleries and why they like it; 5)know more about the art galleries in New York, gain more knowledge about art and share art with others.教学过程(文字描述)本节课由标题入手,通过一系列自然地学习反问引导学生自主探索文本中两个方面:1. 怎样介绍一个博物馆(介绍些什么方面内容+具体句子是那些)。2. 标题中的形容

8、词“best”在文中如何体现(阅读素养的reflection方面)。其中重点:精读每一段,分析:当你要描写一个艺术博物馆的时候,你会选择写哪些方面(what)呢?(比如:它的馆藏、它的历史等等等等)你为什么最喜欢这个博物馆(why),认为它最好呢?进而对于这些方面,你会怎样去描述介绍(how)?用什么样的句子来表达?请充分利用文本对于你的帮助。教学过程(表格描述)教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排创设情境Lead students to concentrate on the title of the passage and predict the content. Questio

9、ns: 1. What will we learn in this passage? 2. What will we show others if wed like to introduce an art gallery?3. How many art galleries are there in our passage?4. Why there are five?Concentrate on the title “The Best Of Manhattans Art Galleries”, and then predict what will go on in this passage.Po

10、ssible answers:1. Art galleries.3. Five. 4. Because there are five subtitles. 从文章标题入手,自然进入课本情境。PPT3mins温故知新Show and teach the new words and expressions: art gallery,avenue,circular,reputation,civilization, reputation,appeal to, fragrant, fragile, as if, preference, contemporary,permanentDivide the w

11、hole class into groups to compete in the competition.Learn and read the new words and expressions.熟悉新单词,为本节课阅读的开展做铺垫。激起学生热情参与课堂,提高他们的竞争意识。PPT5mins新课讲解Task 1T: Please read the passage as quickly as you can to find out the answers to the questions on the screen.Read out the five names of the art galle

12、ries.Task 2 Require the students to read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks. (by Silent Reading)Guggenheim Museum owns 5000 1)_ modern paintings, sculptures and drawings. The exhibition in it is always 2 )_. When you walk into the gallery, you feel 3)_ you were inside a fragile, white seashell. The

13、4) _ way to see the paintings is to start from the floor and walk down to the bottom. The museum also has an 5)_ restaurant. 突出比喻的修辞。Task 3 Please read para.3&4 and talk about your preferences. (references aid:P3 on Page 7)1. Youre fond of Chinese exhibits, which museum would you like to choose, Mus

14、eum of Modern Art or Metropolitan Museum of Art?2. Since time is limited, you have only one museum to visit, which of the two museums do you prefer and why?Task 4Lead students to read paragraph 5, find out and translate the following phrases into Chinese.( work in a small group of three or four)Read

15、 out the five names of the art galleries and try to be familiar with them.Read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks. (by Silent Reading)Read and answer questions.Read paragraph 5, find out and translate the following phrases into Chinese.( work in a small group of three or four)读理解部分设计:第一段阅读并回答问题;第二段应

16、用阅读默读法阅读并填入所缺单词。第三、四段深层次阅读并应用文本句型表达观点。第五段理解所给的词汇表达,翻译进而理解文段。同时训练了学习读、听、辨别信息、理解词汇等等能力。考察学生有个人活动、两人合作和小组合作,形式多样。重视各部分对于阅读素养的训练。PPT15mins实践操作Match the numbers on the map with the names of museums(Ex1. on Page7)Match the numbers on the map with the names of museums(Ex1. on Page7)培养学生读地图和确定方向的能力。PPT 2min

17、s分享交流Further reading:1. How did the author introduce the five art galleries? Can you underline those phrases and sentences?2. Where is “best” in the title reflected?Cooperate with group members and write them down on your piece of paper. Later share on the blackboard.学生合作完成本环节,深挖文本,通过体会形容博物馆的词、短语与句子

18、来感知作者的态度情感,生发对于博物馆介绍的兴趣和做语言铺垫。为下面环节做基础。PPT10mins效果评价Guess the place (competing)Guess the place (competing)在真实的语言任务环境中检测评价学习效果。PPT5mins归纳总结1. How to introduce an art gallery? (the aspects and sentences)2. How to reflect “best”?Students conclude what they have learned and reflected.加深对课文的理解和加入自己的想法后对这

19、些艺术馆更深层次的喜爱。培养学科素养中的阅读素养。PPT3mins拓展提高1.Please finish Ex.2 on P72.Find out some useful expressions and sentences in the passage.3.Preview Listening on page 7 and P41 in Workbook. Further learn.巩固拓展。培养学生运用能力,自主探究能力。PPT2mins学习效果评价设计评价方式:以小组的形式共同完成学习任务。评价量规合作学习效果自评表项目标准等级组内分工4人都主动承担并完成任务A1人被动承担任务或不负责任B2




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