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1、8A Unit4课题8A Unit4 Wild animals Comic strip & Welcome to the unit学习目标知识目标词汇:wild, delicious, bear, dolphon,gaintpanada,kangaroo, squirrel句型:If you eat my food, I wont talk to you. If I dont have food, I will die.能力目标能够掌握一些野生动物的词汇。情感目标培养爱护野生动物的情感。学习重点介绍描述野生动物的名称学习难点介绍描述野生动物的名称课前自学一、翻译下列短语:1. 最喜爱的野生动物

2、 2. 与谈话 3. 照顾你自己 4. 更多地了解野生动物 5. 脱离危险 6. 处于危险中 7. 写一篇关于大熊猫的报道 8. 死于 9. 给野生动物做个测试 10. 看上去美味 二、根据描述和首字母填动物名称:1. There are many w_ animals in the forest.;2. What do _(松鼠)like to eat?3. One of my classmates went to Australia during the Spring Festival and saw some lovely _ (袋鼠)there.4. The _(海豚) show at

3、tract many visitors.5. Giant pandas and_(熊)look alike.6. T_ have yellow fur with black strips.课堂交流展示一听录音,交流以下问题1. Is Eddie willing to share the food with Hobo?2. What will happen if they dont eat food ?二分小组表演Comic strip部分的对话三做游戏各组组长给提示,其他同学猜一猜他描述的是哪一种动物。组长可以看以下的提示,也可自由发挥。猜的同学不可以看提示。1. It has a long,

4、 soft tail and lives in the trees. It can climb trees quickly.2. It is the biggest animals on land. It can lift heavy things.3. It looks like a large fish in warm sea. You can watch them jump in the zoo.4. Its like a bear, but it has black and white fur.5. It lives in Australia and it has a long str

5、ong tail and has strong legs. There is a useful bag for its baby.6. It looks like a cat and has yellow fur and black stripes.7. Its large and heavy with thick(厚)fur. It is very strong.8. It has no legs. Some of them are poisonous enough to kill people.9. We can get meat from them. It likes sleeping

6、very much.10. Its small. It is afraid of cats because cats like eating them for a nice meal.11. It is very clever. Its favorite food is banana.12. Its a useful animal for people. When the stranger comes, itll bark.四讨论展示Talk about wild animals, just like:A: Which is your favourite wild animal?B: I li

7、ke best./ My favourite wild animal is .A: Which animal do you like least? B: I like least .课堂达标检测一、词组翻译1看上去高兴2野生动物3和他们交谈4最喜欢5照顾你自己 6 in danger 7giant panda8 no one二、根据所给中文,拼写单词1.I enjoy the food very much, because it is very _(可口的).2.There are many animals in the zoo, such as _(熊)_(袋鼠)and _(老虎).3.If

8、 you _(死) ,no one will look after me.4.The number of the _(野生的) foxes is becoming_(更小的).三、你能翻译下列句子吗?1、这食物看上去美味。 2、没有人在学校门口等我。 3、关于动物你了解多少? 4、如果明天下雨,我不去北京动物园。 5、 如果我死了没有人会照顾你。 课题Unit 4 Wild animals Reading(1)学习目标知识目标1) 掌握并运用本课时的四会单词。 2) 理解并掌握描述熊猫外貌特性、它们所面临的危险以及采取保护措施的词组和句型。能力目标1)能根据上下文猜测词汇在文中的含义。2)能描

9、述大熊猫的成长过程、面临的危险以及采取的保护措施。 情感目标善待大熊猫和其它野生动物并尽力保护它们。学习重难点理解文章的大意,掌握语言知识。课前自学一、翻译下列短语,并在课文中画出:1. 婴儿大熊猫 2. 看上去象只小白鼠3. 重一百克 4. 开始了第一次的外出5. 长成一只健康年轻的大熊猫 6. 吃母乳多达14小时7. 开始吃竹笋 8. 抓住一只大熊猫9. 在野外生存 10. 为了它的皮杀它二. 快速度课文,判断“T”or “F”(1) Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda. ( )(2)Baby giant pandas are very sm

10、all when they were born.( ) (3)They grow very quickly.( ) (4)At 3 months , she was 10 kilos. ( )(5)Xi Wang had to look after herself when she was 10 months old. ( )(6) Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur. ( )三、完成课本Part B .四、再次课文,注意希望的生长过程,完成下面的表格。The story of XiWangYearSome details about he

11、r1 day she looked like a white mouse.4 months 6 months 12 months She started to look after herself课堂交流展示一展示预习内容二Read from Line 1 to Line 14.完成课本Part C .三.讨论:We know giant pandas are very lovely. But they may have many problems in the future, what are they? 我们知道大熊猫很可爱,但是他们也面临着很多危险。Read from Line 15 t

12、o Line 22.You can see five problems here. What can you get from the passage? 这五个危险,文章中提到了哪几个?1. If giant pandas live in the wild, the other big animals will eat them.2. If farmers cut down trees and forests, they will have nowhere to live. 3. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its

13、 fur. 4. If the weather is too hot, they will have no food to eat. 5. If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away. 四Read from Line 23to Line 29讨论:The actions we can takeGiant pandas are in danger, we should protect them. What can we do? 大熊猫处于危险中,我们应该保护他们,我们该做什么呢?Remember: If we

14、do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.五.完成课本E部分内容。课堂达标检测一. 翻译词组。1 第一次 2 八年以后 3 不再 4 鼓励某人做某事 5 长成 6 照顾自己 7 无处可住 8 生小孩 9 某人自己 10 在将来 二. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空:1. He looks _(sadly) today.2. When she was born, she _ (weight) three kilos.3. The giant pandas like eating bamboo _ (shoot) and

15、_(leaf) very much.4. We love the panda _(call) Xi Wang.5. We should _(encourage) Jim _(brave).6. Now many pandas are in _(dangerous).7. If it rains tomorrow, we _(stay) at home.8. They asked the hunters _ (not kill) the tigers.三句型转换。1. I cant leave my sister alone. She is too young.(写出同义句)I cant lea

16、ve my sister _ _ _.She is too young.2. We not protect them, there not be any bears soon. (用if连成条件句) _3. Xi Wang weighed about 10 kilograms at four months. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _Xiwang _at four months?4. A male wolf always protects its baby. (改成复数形式) Some male _ always _ _ _ .课题8A Unit4 Wild animals Reading

17、 (2)学习目标知识目标理解并掌握描述熊猫外貌特性、它们所面临的危险以及采取保护措施的词组和句型。能力目标简单描述熊猫的生长过程,面临的问题以及我们怎样保护大熊猫。情感目标通过文章的学习来增强学生保护野生动物的意识学习重难点熟悉故事并能简单描述故事课前自学一、 找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。二、根据提示完成下列练习。 1. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams. weigh (v.) weight (n.)(1) Eddie _ 500 grams when he w

18、as born. What a heavy baby dog!(2) The _ of Eddie is 40 kilograms now. How heavy he is!2. We can encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事老师经常鼓励我们要互相帮助。Teachers often _. 3. If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. on on

19、es own / by oneself / alone 独自,单独学生应该独自完成作业。Students should finish the work _.三、讨论题:描述大熊猫的处境,讨论如何保护它们。课堂交流展示一、Yesterday we learn the story of a giant panda. Can you say something about Xi Wang?( 小组展示)二、 Reading:Let the Ss read the context carefully and then answer the QS.仔细阅读课文,小组合作讨论以下问题 Qs: 1. How

20、 old was Xi Wang when the writer first saw her?2. What did Xi wang look like?3. What did she eat when she wan six months old?4. When did she start to look after herself?5. What will hunters do if they catch a giant panda?三、阅读课文,小组解决B部分内容。四、阅读以下词组,并利用下面的词组复述课文。1. The growth of pandas weigh, look like

21、 a white mouse, start to go outside, grow into, at the very beginning, bamboo shoots and leaves2.The problems giant pandas meet hunters, kill.for., farmers, cut down, have nowhere to live, on ones own, takeaway3.The actions we should take in danger, take actions, make reserves bigger, build more res

22、erves,encourage.to do. 五、讨论题:描述大熊猫的处境,讨论如何保护它们。课堂达标检测 一.将错误的地方调出,并在横线上改正。1. When did she started to look after herself? _ 2. Oh, your sister really look likes you . Are you twins?_3. She weighted about 66 kilos._4. The forests are very important. Please dont cut down them._5. At the very begin, she

23、was too shy to say any words in front of us._二 句型转换 1 At 20 months, she started to look after herself.(改为同义句)she started to look after herself_ she _ 20 months _ .2 I first saw him in Lianyungang last week. (改为同义句) I saw him in Lianyungang _ _ _ _ last week.3 She weighed just 100 kilograms.(对划线部分提问)

24、 _ _ did she _ ?4 She was not a baby any more. (改为同义句) She was _ _ a baby.5 Hunters kill the giant pandas to get their fur. (改为同义句) Hunters kill the giant pandas _ their fur.6 The old man lived there alone, but he didnt feel lonely. (改为同义句) The old man lived there _ _ _ ,but he didnt feel lonely三 翻译

25、下列句子。1如果我们什么也不做,那么不久以后世界上就不会有大熊猫。2起初希望每天喝奶长达14个小时. 3如果人们发现小熊猫是孤单的,他们总是把她带走。课题8A Unit4 Wild animals Vocabulary 学习目标知识目标掌握有关描述外貌的四会单词能力目标通过学习构词法,扩大词汇量,熟悉不同动物的名称情感目标通过学习来增强学生保护野生动物的意识学习重难点掌握关于动物的单词课前自学一用所给的单词填空:(tigers, dolphins, elephants, monkeys, giant pandas, camels) 1. -Where do the _ live? - In t

26、he deserts. 2. -Can _carry things for the people? - Yes, they can. 3.-Do the _ live on the land or in the sea? -In the sea4. -Which animals eat bamboo shoots and leaves? - _ , I think. 5. -Do _ eat meat and can survive in the forest? -Yes, they do.二.小组合作,完成表格。Different animalsnamesappearancecamelpol

27、ar bearetc.课堂交流展示复习Reading 部分内容,回答以下问题。A:What is Xi Wang like?B: She is A: What food does she eat?B: She likes to eat 小组展示预习二的内容完成课本56页练习。根据图片,学习去描述动物的外貌,习性。 It is a _. It is _ It likes eating_. 小组讨论,交流。What are they?What do they like eating?What do they look like? 六小组展示。课堂达标检测一 根据所学内容,填表。NameFoodAp

28、pearanceCamelFoxGiraffeLionMonkeyPolar bearTortoisewolfzebraGiant panda二 结合表格一 写写喜欢的动物。字数要求00 个单词。 课题8A Unit 4 Wild animals Grammar A学习目标知识目标学习并掌握 if引导的条件状语从句。 能力目标能运用 if引导的条件状语从句。学习重点if引导的条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时。学习难点if引导的条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时。课前自学一、找出Reading部分学过if引导的条件状语从句。-二翻译词组(英译中):1.u

29、sually live alone_ 2. lost of living areas_ 3.make from _ 4. peaceful animals _5.live in family groups _6. continue to do / doing _7.make a lot of money _ 8.make a face _9.elephant tusks _ 10. suitable homes _课堂交流展示一小组展示预习二的内容二小组讨论。 If I am a nurse, If I am a pliceman, If it doest rain tomorrow, If

30、I see a snake in front of I will_. I will_. We will_ me, I will_ We will learn a lot about I will stay at home if it The birds will have no where to animals if I_. _tomorrow. live if we _.三完成课本63页A部分内容。四小组合作总结规律。Conditional sentences(条件状语从句)“if” clause_ Main clause _.五完成课本63页B部分内容。 课堂达标检测一 找出下列句子的错误

31、并改正。1 If I will be free next week, I will go to the zoo. 2 Giant pandas will survive, if we protect it.3 If I find the park, I will have a fun there.4 I will happy if I finish my homework on time .二 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1 The tigers _ (attack) people if they are hungry.2 If Nick_ (pass) the exam, all of u

32、s _ (feel)happy.3 The hunter_ (hunt) a panda yesterday.4 I would like to buy a coat _ (make )of wool.5 Miss Wang is a female and Mr Wang is a _ (female).四 翻译下列句子。1 如果狼饿了,它会干什么?2.如果老虎有了虎仔, 他们将会群居在一起。3.如果大象渴了他们将会寻找水源。4.如过你中午到的话, 你将会看到我。5.如果看见你眼前我条蛇,你一定会走另一条路。课题8A Unit 4 Wild animals Grammar B学习目标知识目标学

33、习并掌握 because, because of 的 用法及区别。能力目标能运用 because和because of 。 学习重点掌握 运用because, because of 的 用法学习难点掌握 运用because, because of 的 用法课前自学一,看图写下他们的名称。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二小组对话练习,可以用下面的句子作为范例。Which animal do you like best? I like best. Why?Because I think Which animal do you like least? I like least.Why?Be

34、cause I think 三将下面的句子组合成一句话,用线连接。The dolphin show was long. I stayed in the zoo for so much time.Wild animals are our friends. We must protect wild animals. 课堂交流展示一 小组合作展示预习二的内容。二 根据预习,展示67页B部分内容。1._2._3._4._三合作探究。根据图片,完成下面两句话。I didt go to the zoo yesterday because_I didt go to the zoo yesterday bec

35、ause of_- 四根据探究总结because以及because of的用法。a sentence ; a noun/a noun phrase/ a pronun. because+ _ because of + _五完成67页C部分内容课堂达标检测一 选择合适的词或词组填空:because because of so 1. He didnt come this morning _he was badly hurt.2. Jack have a headache_ _he go to see the doctor with his mother together.3. “Why are you late this time ,Tom?” _ I got up so late.4. _him, I missed the excellent chance. How unlucky!5. I never eat bananas _


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