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1、Book V Unit 1 Great scientists 语言运用导学案 编写人: 何建谊 审核人:何建谊 审批人:何建谊 【学习目标】1. 扎实掌握7个单词、4个短语的用法,提高语言运用的能力。. 2. 通过自主学习和合作探究,学会归纳总结的方法。3. 激情投入,高效参与课堂,体验用英语表达情感的快乐。 【自学导引】I. Words:1. attend vt&vi. attendance n. 出席,到场,参加(1). attend on/upon sb.照顾某人/伺候某人 His mother is ill, so he has to attend on/upon her.他母亲生病了

2、,因此他必须照顾她。(2)出席,参加Will you attend the meeting tomorrow?你明天去出席那个会议吗?attend a lecture/school /church 听报告/上学/做礼拜(3)attend to sb/sth. 处理,对付=deal with;接待(顾客);专心,注意Attend to your work and stop talking.专心工作,不要说话。Excuse me, but I have an important matter to attend to.对不起,我有件要事要办。2.expose vt. 暴露,揭露,使曝光,使面临ex

3、posure n. 暴露,显露;揭露,揭发1)expose sth./sb./oneself (to.)显露或暴露某事物/某人/自己给- We want to _ _ _ _ as much art and culture as possible.我们想让孩子们受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。2)be exposed to 暴露于._ _ _ the sunlight for a long time is harmful to your skin.在阳光下暴晒很长时间有害于皮肤。3) 揭露 I threatened to _ _ _the police. 我威胁要向警察检举他。3. blame1

4、)vt. 责备,指责;把.归咎于Sb be to blame (for sth.某人)对(坏事)负有责任,应受责备blame sb. for sth./doing sth.因为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事blame sth on sb 把某事归咎到某人身上1)Which driver _ _ _ _the accident?哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者?2)Dont always_ your own failure _others. Sometimes you yourself _ _ _. 不要总把自己的失败归咎于他人,有时该怪你自己。2)n. 过失,责备,常有结构:take /bear t

5、he blame for sth. 承担-责任lay/put the blame on/upon sb for sth.把某事归罪于某人You must _ _ _ _ the accident.你必须承担这次事故的责任。She blamed him _ the failure of their marriage.=She blamed the failure of their marriage_ him.她把婚姻的失败归咎于他。He _ _ _ _ his failure in the exam on his teacher.她将这次考试的失败归咎于他的老师。4.announce vt1)

6、宣布,宣告(决定、计划等)announce sth (to sb.) (向某人)宣布、通告某事announce that 宣布。;通知。It is announced that 据宣布。Please _ _ _ _ that there will be no school tomorrow.请通知你们班明天不上学。It _ _ _ _ _he will pay a second visit to China soon.据官方消息称,他不久将再次来中国访问。 2)(事情)显示。,预告The bright flowers announced that spring was here.鲜艳的花朵显示

7、春天已经来到。区分announce与declare5. contribute vt.&vi.作贡献,捐献;投(稿)contribution n. 贡献,捐献,投稿contributor n. 捐助者;投稿人contribute to sth. 增加=add to/increase;促成某事=lead tocontribute sth. to/towards 给-捐献/捐赠make a contribution =contributions to.为-作贡献 (1)We should _ food and clothing _ the relief of the poor.我们应该捐赠食品和衣物

8、救济贫民。(2)Drink _ his ruin.酗酒促使他毁灭。6. suspect vt.怀疑;不信任n嫌疑犯;可疑对象suspect sth.怀疑某事; suspect that clause怀疑-suspect sb. of(doing) sth.怀疑某人有某种罪行或做过某事suspect sb. to be.猜想某人是-(1)I began to _ (that) they were trying to get rid of me.我开始怀疑他们试图摆脱我。(2)They _ him _ murder.他们怀疑他犯有谋杀罪。7. concludeconclude.from.从-中推断

9、in conclusion 最后,总之 a conclusion 使-结束make a conclusion 下结论 to conclude (做插入语)最后(一句话)arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论,告一段落(1)He _ his speech with a joke.他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲。(2)They _ _ _ _ _ nothing was wrong with the machine.他们得出的结论是这台机器没有问题。(3)The police _ that he must be the murde

10、rer.警察断定他一定是杀人凶手。(4)_, wish all of you good health and a long life.最后祝大家健康长寿。(5)_, I would like to thank all the people present at the meeting today.最后我想感谢今天参加会议的所有人。II. Phrases:1. put forward 提出(想法、观点、理由等) The plan put forward by the old professor was well worth considering。那位老教授提出的计划很值得考虑。1) He _

11、_ a problem at the meeting yesterday.=He _ _ _ a problem at the meeting yesterday.在昨天的会议上他提了个问题。2) A problem _ _ at the meeting yesterday.在昨天的会议上提了个问题。put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把放在一边put off 延期;推迟put out 熄灭;关掉;扑灭put up 搭建;张贴;举起put up with 忍受;忍耐2. link to 把。与。连接;联系 The new bridge being built now will link

12、 the island to the mainland.ry这座正在建的新桥将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。The economy of our cuntry is closed linked to that of the world.我们国家的经济与世界经济是密不可分的。There is a direct link between the disease and diet.这种疾病和饮食之间有直接的联系。I am determined to find some scientific evidence that the material _ _ _ skin cancer.3. make sense

13、 讲得通;有道理;很有意义make sense of sth. 懂;了解-的含义 make no sense 讲不通;无意义in a sense 就某种意义而言;在某种意义上 in no sense 决不是;决非There is no sense in doing sth. 做没必要/道理a sense of humor/safety 幽默感/安全感 common sense 常识4. apart from/in addition(to)/as well as/except/except for/except that/besidesapart from 除-之外(既可以表示 except或

14、except for,也可以表示 besides)in addition 也;另外;此外;还(相当于副词 besides)in addition to 除-以外还(相当于介词 besides)(1)I like her _ she is angry.(2)I have read a lot of novels _some short stories.(3)Your composition is very good _ some spelling mistakes.(4)_, we have a researchoriented program.(5)They all went to sleep

15、 _ the little boy.1. 归纳attend的用法1) 2) 3) 2.用expose 完成句子3.归纳blame的用法并完成句子: 4.用announce完成句子。5用contribute完成句子6. 用suspect完成句子7.用conclude完成句子8.牢记put forward的意思并完成句子。9.linkto的意思: 10.牢记make sense相关词组11.完成左边五个句子我的疑问我的收获【课内探究】翻译下列语句,使用本单元所学语言结构。恰当使用衔接词,使之流畅。 在孩童时代,袁隆平就十分聪明,很好地吸取了老师所授的知识(absorb)。毕业之后,他投入到农业研究

16、之中(devote)。他曾经经常质疑传统的种植方法,并下定决心在保持种植面积不变的情况下提高粮食产量(suspect).在研究过程中,他失败了许多次,但是他从不放弃(give up)。除此之外,他还经常整日暴露在日晒雨淋中(expose)。最终,他提出了许多先进的理论,并向世界宣布他已经成功研发了一种新的品种,可以增收20%的粮食产量(announce)。_When he was a child,he was very clever and absorbed all the knowledge well that the teachers taught him .After graduatio

17、n,he devoted himself to agricultural study. He used to suspect the traditional planting methods and was determined to increase rice harvest without increasing the area of fields. In his study process,he wasdefeated many times,but he never gave up.Apart from this,he often exposed himself to the rain and sunlight all day. At last he put forward many advanced theories and he announced to the world that he had succeeded in developing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yields. 5


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