1、In order to ensure normal teaching order, protecting students healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow the prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses principle, according to the local conditions,
2、 make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security under the leadership of President security work leading group. The head teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, implementation of the accountability system. 2, school monthly student know
3、ledge about safety education, education should be diversified in the form every safety education for students of classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, an
4、d so on) use common sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system. School students report major accident within an hour of education; student run and disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, a correctional centre, a police stat
5、ion, a township peoples Government shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers are on duty system, establish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, management of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teaching order; responsible for school safety leadership always
6、 maintained close contact and district police stations, canvassing support from the police station on school safety and help. 5, strengthening teachers moral education, establish a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students psychological changes at any time and take preventive
7、 measures, no corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students, student out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6, units or departments use student Street propaganda or participate in the celebrations, as well as participating in other social work, without approval of the Correctiona
8、l Centre, school principals consent, without organization. Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate students to obey the school rules and regulations, on time, on time home to prevent acc
9、idents. 8, school to school inspections on a regular basis, found hidden in time, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to the local peoples Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls,
10、ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are s
11、afe and reliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protection of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and students, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is
12、 developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定表2
13、013年7月目 录第一部分 土石方工程单元工程质量验收评定表 169第二部分 混凝土工程单元工程质量验收评定表70175第三部分 提防工程单元工程质量验收评定表 176241第四部分 地基处理与基础工程单元工程质量验收评定表 242278第五部分 水工金属结构安装工程单元工程质量验收评定表 279281第六部分 水轮发电机组安装工程单元工程质量验收评定表 282284第七部分 水力机械辅助设备系统安装工程单元工程质量验收评定表 285287说 明本表样是根据中华人民共和国水利部2012版水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准土石方工程(SL631-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收
14、评定标准混凝土工程(SL632-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准地基处理与基础工程(SL633-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准堤防工程(SL634-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准水工金属结构安装工程、(SL635-2012)水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准水轮发电机组安装工程、(SL636-2012)水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准水力机械辅助设备系统安装工程(SL637-2012)等七项标准编制而成,各项目在使用过程中,应切实对照以上规范标准的要求,认真填写质量验收评定表格。特此说明 二零一三年七月Electri
15、city lines, equipment inspections, found hidden in time for rectification, maintenance, and security. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burning stove, lit candles, mosquito repellent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household appliances is not allowed. 10
16、, live on campus faculty members, must lead by example, and educate families and children ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-proof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, dining room must be quali
17、fied, and annual testing of pressure vessels, to regularly check, the canteen workers must be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished,
18、 until investigated for legal responsibility. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school governance covers personal and food hygiene, cultu
19、ral events and other aspects, integrated governance shall obtain wide support and full cooperation of the community. On the surrounding environment in schools should be closely monitored. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school environment, should tak
20、e the initiative to contact the district police station, the village Committee, Correctional Centre, Township government, business management and other departments to do a good job management. 3, teacher on duty with the exception of inspections in schools, should also pay attention to environmental
21、 inspections near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, according to different situations reported school officials or the police station in a timely manner, to protect the safety of students. 4, every day before
22、 school, teachers remind students, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, should educate students to respect social ethics, and various regulations, maintaining public order, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the est
23、ablishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and deployed. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organizations out of safety management system organization activities between teachers an
24、d students, to draw up a precise plan and security measures must be signed by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Correctional Center agreed to implement. Organization to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educatio
25、n Bureau in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a specific responsibility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, activities, location, field surveys should be carried out in advance. 4, activities for the means of transport should explain the situation to the school
26、 to comply with vehicle, safety requirements, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have security, emergency response plan for accidents. 6, picnics, hiking, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, prevention of fall accidents 7, the activities near the rivers, reser
27、voirs, no measures or do not meet the security requirements of the Organization and not let students into the water单元工程施工质量验收评定表(划分工序)表A.0.1-2单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次单元工程量工序质量验收评定等级123456 施工单位自评意见各工序施工质量全部合格,其中优良工序占 %,且主要工序达到 等级。单元质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经抽查并查验相关检验报告和检验
28、资料,各工序施工质量全部合格,其中优良工序占 %,且主要工序达到 等级。单元质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日注1:对重要隐蔽单元工程和关键部位单元工程的施工质量验收评定应有设计、建设等单位的代表签字,具体要求应满足SL176的规定。注2:本表所填“单元工程量”不作为施工单位工程量结算计量的依据。表土及土质岸坡清理施工质量标准表4.2.3单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检验方法检验数量检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1表土清理树木、草皮、树根、乱石、坟墓以及各种建筑物全部清除;水井、泉眼、地道、坑窖等
29、洞穴的处理符合设计要求 观察,查阅施工记录全数检查2不良土质的处理淤泥、腐殖质土、泥炭土全部清除;对风化岩石、坡积物、残积物、滑坡体、粉土、细砂等处理符合设计要求3 地质坑、孔处理构筑物基础区范围内的地质探孔、竖井、试坑的处理符合设计要求;回填材料质量满足设计要求观察,查阅施工记录,取样试验等一般项目1清理范围满足设计要求。长、宽边线允许偏差:人工施工050cm,机械施工0100cm量测每边线测点不少于5个点,且点间距不大于20m2土质岸边坡度不陡于设计边坡每10延米量测1处;高边坡需测定断面,每20延米测1个断面施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不
30、合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日表土及土质岸坡清理施工质量验收评定表表4.2.3单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1表土清理树木、草皮、树根、乱石、坟墓以及各种建筑物全部清除;水井、泉眼、地道、坑窖等洞穴的处理符合设计要求2不良土质的处理淤泥、腐殖质土、泥炭土全部清除;对风化岩石、坡积物、残积物
31、、滑坡体、粉土、细砂等处理符合设计要求3地质坑、孔处理构筑物基础区范围内的地质探孔、竖井、试坑的处理符合设计要求;回填材料质量满足设计要求一般项目1清理范围满足设计要求。长、宽边线允许偏差:人工施工050cm,机械施工0100cm2土质岸边坡度不陡于设计边坡施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日软基或土质岸坡开挖施工质量标准表4.
32、2.4单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检验方法检验数量 检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1保护层开挖保护层开挖方式应符合设计要求,在接近建基面时,宜使用小型机具或人工挖除,不应扰动建基面以下的原地基观察、测量、查阅施工记录全数检查2建基面处理构筑物软基和土质岸坡开挖面平顺。软基和土质岸坡与土质构筑物接触时,采用斜面连接,无台阶、急剧变坡及反坡3渗水处理构筑物基础区及土质岸坡渗水(含泉眼)妥善引排或封堵,建基面清洁无积水一般项目1基坑断面尺寸及开挖面平整度无结构要求或无配筋长或宽不大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为-
33、1020cm观察、测量、查阅施工记录检测点采用横断面控制,断面间距不大于20m,各横断面点数间距不大于2m,局部突出或凹陷部位(面积在0.5以上者)应增设检测点长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为-2030cm 坑(槽)底部标高符合设计要求,允许偏差为-1020cm垂直或斜面平整度符合设计要求,允许偏差为20cm有结构要求有配筋预埋件长或宽不大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为030cm 坑(槽)底部标高 符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm斜面平整度符合设计要求,允许偏差为15cm施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点
34、的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日注:“”表示欠挖。软基或土质岸坡开挖施工质量验收评定表表4.2.4单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1保护层开挖保护层开挖方式应符合设计要求,在接近建基面时,宜使用小型机具或人工挖除,不应扰动建基面以下的原地基2建基面处理构筑物软基和土质岸坡开挖
35、面平顺。软基和土质岸坡与土质构筑物接触时,采用斜面连接,无台阶、急剧变坡及反坡3渗水处理构筑物基础区及土质岸坡渗水(含泉眼)妥善引排或封堵,建基面清洁无积水一般项目1基坑断面尺寸及开挖面平整度无结构要求或无配筋长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为-1020cm长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为-2030cm坑(槽)底部标高符合设计要求,允许偏差为-1020cm垂直或斜面平整度符合设计要求,允许偏差为20cm有结构要求有配筋预埋件长或宽不大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为030cm坑(槽)底部标高 符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm斜面
36、平整度符合设计要求,允许偏差为15cm施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日注:“”表示欠挖。岩石岸坡开挖施工质量标准表4.3.3单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检验方法检验数量检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1保护层开挖浅孔、密孔、少药量、控制爆破观
37、察、量测、查阅施工记录每个单元抽测3处,每处不少于102开挖坡面 稳定且无松动岩块、悬挂体和尖角观察、仪器测量、查阅施工记录全数检查3岩体的完整性爆破未损害岩体的完整性,开挖面无明显爆破裂隙,声波降低率小于10%或满足设计要求 观察、声波检测(需要时采用)符合设计要求一般项目1平均坡度开挖坡面不陡于设计坡度,台阶(平台、马道)符合设计要求观察、测量、查阅施工记录总检测点数量采用横断面控制,断面间距不大于10m,各横断面沿坡面斜长方向侧点间距不大于5m,且点数不小于6个点;局部突出或凹陷部位(面积在0.5以上者)应增设检测点2坡角标高20cm3坡面局部超欠挖允许偏差:欠挖不大于20cm,超挖不大
38、于30cm4炮孔痕迹保存率节理裂隙不发育的岩体80%节理裂隙发育的岩体50%节理裂隙极发育的岩体20%施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日岩石岸坡开挖施工质量验收评定表表4.3.3单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1保护层
39、开挖浅孔、密孔、少药量、控制爆破2开挖坡面稳定且无松动岩块、悬挂体和尖角3岩体的完整性爆破未损害岩体的完整性,开挖面无明显爆破裂隙,声波降低率小于10%或满足设计要求一般项目1平均坡度开挖坡面不陡于设计坡度,台阶(平台、马道)符合设计要求2坡角标高20cm3坡面局部超欠挖允许偏差:欠挖不大于20cm,超挖不大于30cm4炮孔痕迹保存率节理裂隙不发育的岩体80%节理裂隙发育的岩体50%节理裂隙极发育的岩体20%施工单位自评意见主控项目检验点100%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经复核,主控项目检验点1
40、00%合格,一般项目逐项检验点的合格率 %,且不合格点不集中分布。工序质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日岩石地基开挖施工质量标准表4.4.3单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检验方法检验数量检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1保护层开挖浅孔、密孔、小药量、控制爆破观察、量测、查阅施工记录每个单元抽测3处,每处不少于102建基面处理开挖后岩面应满足设计要求,建基面上无松动岩块,表面清洁、无泥垢、油污全数检查3多组切割的不稳定岩体开挖和不良地质开挖处理满足设计处理要求4岩体的完整性爆破未损害岩体的完整性,开挖面
41、无明显爆破裂隙,声波降低率小于10%或满足设计要求观察、声波检测(需要时采用)符合设计要求一般项目1无结构要求或无配筋的基坑断面尺寸及开挖面平整度长或宽不大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为-1020cm观察、仪器测量、查阅施工记录检测点采用横断面控制,断面间距不大于20m,各横断面点数间距不大于2m,局部突出或凹陷部位(面积在0.5以上者)应增设检测点长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为-2030cm坑(槽)底部标高符合设计要求,允许偏差为-1020cm垂直或斜面平整度符合设计要求,允许偏差为20cm有结构要求或有配筋预埋件的基坑断面尺寸及开挖面平整度长或宽不大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为010cm长或宽大于10m符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm坑(槽)底部标高 符合设计要求,允许偏差为020cm垂直或斜面平整度符合设计要求,允许偏差为15cm施工单位自评意见