1、projects for the country to great promotion and role model. Six, winning multiple awards, enterprises to establish a good brand image in 2012, the companys project management, work safety, science and technology innovation and cultural construction, won multiple awards, show a good corporate image,
2、creating more powerful brand. Engineering management aspects, company a period engineering has get has 2012 degrees China power quality Engineering Award, 2012 degrees power engineering excellent survey, and excellent design first prize and 2012 degrees national quality engineering Silver, engineeri
3、ng construction early established of high standard production, create national power industry quality engineering, striving for national quality engineering of construction target all achieved, showed that company infrastructure engineering management level get power peer and social of full recogniz
4、ed. Safety, the successful completion of the Olympic task, test the effectiveness of the production management system, XX company and national electricity regulatory Bureau was rated as Advanced units of the Olympic Games, showed that companies in the risk control and safety management quality have
5、made substantial improvements. Technology innovation aspects, company 600MW unit domestic DCS system of development and application project won XX power technology progress first prize, and 2007 degrees power industry technology progress first prize, hidden information management get national power
6、industry enterprise innovation results third prize, while, company also won China power information benchmark enterprise title, show out company in technology innovation aspects huge of strength, and for Enterprise set up has do designed do strong of good image. Cultural construction, the company wa
7、s awarded by the China enterprise culture improvement Association issued a enterprise culture construction in excellent title, the company in strengthening the basic culture construction, advance XX characteristics and culture of success creating has been . -Additional inventory does not increase in
8、ventory to zero after the repair. NOSA review more than three stars. 3% production costs and reduce rates, management cost reduction ratio 8%. FCM grade, and took the lead in the XX system location. Three, and 2013 focus work (a) to upgrade quality for purposes, insisted science development, full co
9、nstruction five type Enterprise insisted science development is requirements enterprise in development process in the, to right processing security, and reliability and economic sex of relationship, insisted go connotation and extension both of development of road, put to specific of practice among,
10、 is requirements we to implementation science development views, construction five type Enterprise. Building five enterprise is the Shenhua Groups global strategic enterprise development requirements, the company faced an increasingly difficult market situation and huge pressure on the operation of
11、the河南城市快速路立交现浇箱梁高大模板碗扣支架施工方案(详细计算书,2012)【工程概况】 桥梁全长:780.938m 桥梁宽度:25.5m 桥孔布置:(235m)+3(335m)+(32+249+32m)+(235.984+235.985m)+(330m) 上部结构:预应力混凝土斜腹板连续箱梁结构(单箱四室) 施工方式:碗扣式满堂支架逐段现浇施工【内附图表】 1.横梁处剖面图 2.箱梁跨中剖面图 3.碗扣脚手架节点详图 4.碗扣架体搭设详图 5.架体预压示意图 6.碗扣架钢管材料控制流程 7.预应力混凝土连续箱梁施工工艺流程图 含详细计算书,2012年编制XX市XX大道与XX快速通道立交工
12、程现浇箱梁高大模板支撑系统(碗扣架)施工专项方案一、编制依据1、建筑施工碗扣式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ166-2008)2、建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ130-2011)3、混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204)4、建筑施工脚手架实用手册(中国建筑出版社)5、公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范(JTG D63-2007)6、XX市XX大道与XX快速通道立交工程施工图设计二、工程概况建设单位:XX中建基础设施开发有限公司设计单位:XX建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司监理单位:XX卓越工程管理有限公司施工单位:中国建筑XX工程局有限公司结构形式:现浇预应力箱梁XX市XX大道与
15、面图三、碗扣式满堂架方案简介3.1架体参数该箱梁的碗扣式满堂脚手架组成如下:1)立杆:框架垂直承载杆、立杆上每隔0.6米有一个插座;在箱室部位立杆间距顺桥向0.6m,横桥向0.9m;在横梁和腹板位置因箱梁混凝土厚度较大,立杆进行加密,横梁部位立杆间距顺桥向0.3m,横桥向0.9m;腹板部位顺桥0. 6m,横桥向0.6m。2)横杆:框架水平承载杆、横杆两端各有一个横插头,横杆步距均为1.2m。3)剪刀撑:满堂支架用48无缝钢管做剪刀撑以增强其整体稳定性,架体外侧四周及内部纵、横向每6m8m由底至顶设置竖向剪刀撑。当架体搭设高度在8m以下时,应在架顶部设置连续水平剪刀撑;当架体搭设高度在8m及以上
16、时,应在架体底部、顶部及竖向间隔不超过8m分别设置连续水平剪刀撑。水平剪刀撑宜在竖向剪刀撑斜杆相交平面设置。剪刀撑斜杆接长采用搭接,搭接长度大于1000mm,对接点分在不同跨且长于500mm,与主节点距小于1/3跨。斜杆与立杆或水平横杆采用旋转扣件固定且扣件中心与主节点距离小于150mm。 碗扣脚手架节点详图如下:3.2架体设计简介满堂式碗扣支架体系由支架基础(10cm C15砼层、50cm山皮石分两层、素土分两层,各层压路机碾压密实,原XX大道行车道宽14米范围采用原地面作基础即可),沿线路中心向两侧留2%的横坡,避免支架范围内地面积水。支撑系统由483.5mm碗扣立杆、横杆、斜撑杆、可调节
17、顶托、10cm15cm木方(横向分配梁)、10cm5cm木方(纵向分配梁)组成;模板系统由侧模、底模、芯模、端模等组成。10cm15cm木方分配梁沿横桥向布置,直接铺设在支架顶部的可调节顶托上,箱梁底模板采用定型大块竹胶模板,后背10cm10cm木方,然后直接铺装在10cm15cm、10cm5cm木方分配梁上进行连接固定;侧模、翼缘板模板为竹胶板木模。根据箱梁施工技术要求、荷载重量、荷载分布状况、地基承载力情况等技术指标,通过计算确定,每孔支架立杆布置:纵桥向为:630cm+7660cm+530cm,共计87排(横梁部分30 cm,变截面部分、跨中部分为60 cm,适用于整个立交工程)。横桥向
18、立杆间距为:(120cm+390cm+360cm +390cm +260cm +490 cm+60cm) 2,共34排(即两侧翼缘板(外侧)为120cm,腹板区、箱室连接区域为60cm,翼缘板区、箱室部分为90cm,适用于整个立交工程)。支架立杆步距为120cm,底层纵、横向水平杆作为扫地杆,距地面的高度为35cm,支架的四边与中间每隔5排立杆设置一道纵横向剪刀撑,由底至顶连续设置,两端与中间每隔4排立杆从顶层开始向下每隔3步设置一道水平剪刀撑;支架两端的纵、横杆系通过垫木牢固支撑在桥墩上;立杆顶部安装可调节顶托,立杆底部支立在底托上,底托安置在混凝土面层上,以确保地基均衡受力。曲线箱梁布置时
23、变形值。根据以上实测的支架变形值,结合设计标高,确定和调整梁底标高。梁底立模标高=设计梁底标高+支架弹性变形值。3.4.6预压重量计算(以ZXU05联为例)1、整联混凝土共计2942.8m3。(2942.8m3包含翼板砼方量,预压时一般不计翼板方量,本工程考虑预压质量,计算翼板砼方量,预压时只预压底板及腹板位置,翼板不预压)。2、折算每跨钢筋混凝土重量是2942.82650kg/ m3=7798420kg=7798t。3、预压重量按照重量的30%预压,预压重量是7798t30%=2340t。4、预压重量按照重量的60%预压,预压重量是 7798t60%=4680t。5、预压重量按照重量的100
25、52顶托重量大于设计重量磅 秤底托重量大于设计重量旧脚手架使用前进行检查,有裂缝、变形的严禁使用,钢管端部弯曲超过5mm严禁使用。工字钢进行检查,外观几何尺寸满足要求,有相应的质量检查报告和合格证,使用前进行检查,对有裂缝、变形的严禁使用,工字钢的长度满足使用要求。优质脱模剂;4.1.2技术准备结合实际情况编制详细的施工方案,对箱梁各个位置和结构形式分别计算支撑体系,并对操作工人进行安全技术交底,确保操作工人严格按照技术交底内容进行施工。预应力混凝土连续箱梁施工工艺流程图如下:现场检查支架地基处理支架基础施工支架拼装底板铺设、侧模安装支架预压及沉降、变形观测卸载及底模标高的调整底板钢筋、腹板钢
27、础地面铺筑好,承载力达到设计要求,通长布置垫板,不得有悬空挑头板。(2)每根立杆必须坐落在垫板上,扫地杆纵横向都须设置。(3)立杆要竖直设置,不得弯折,2 m高度的垂直偏差最大为15mm。(4)考虑各种不利因素的影响,支架纵横向均匀设置纵向剪刀撑,支架的四边与中间每隔5排立杆设置一道纵横向剪刀撑,由底至顶连续设置,两端与中间每隔4排立杆从顶层开始向下每隔3步设置一道水平剪刀撑,以确保整体稳定。(5)脚手架必须配合施工进度搭设。(6)剪刀撑的斜杆接长采用搭接,搭接长度不小于1m,采用2个以上的旋转扣件固定,扣件的边缘至杆端距离要大于100mm。5.1.2模板支架拆除措施(1)箱梁模板的拆除必须待
29、撞柱、箱梁等混凝土,以防模板变形和损坏结构。(2)拆除模板时要轻轻撬动,使模板脱离混凝土表面,禁止狠砸硬撬,防止破坏模板和混凝土;拆下的模板,不得抛掷。(3)拆除下的模板应及时清理干净,涂刷脱模剂,暂时不用时应遮荫覆盖,防止暴晒。inevitable choice, is to realize the strategic goal of promoting enterprise development, are important measures to adhere to the scientific development and embodiment. Company levels pe
30、rsonnel to further from strategy and global of height full awareness construction five type Enterprise on achieved enterprise and good and fast development, constantly upgrade sustainable development force strategy target of major meaning, accurate grasp construction five type Enterprise of deep con
31、notation, seriously learning XX company construction five type Enterprise assessment standard and the implementation rules, clear five type Enterprise construction of target planning, efforts put insisted science development of thought and construction five type Enterprise of initiatives throughout
32、to the production business activities among, Correctly dealing with five enterprise all aspects of the construction, and strive to achieve five types implementation, go hand in hand, harmony and unity. While, General employees especially levels leaders to further awareness to, construction five type
33、 Enterprise cannot only stay in slogan Shang, to will its eventually reflected in enterprise operation index of advanced Shang, reflected in enterprise quality of upgrade Shang, reflected in resources, and environment and enterprise of coordination development Shang, so construction five type Enterp
34、rise must to from actual starting, must to took data talk, to from based work starts with, company internal to through carried out created five type team of activities, to grass-roots team construction to promote Five enterprise construction. Meanwhile, the construction of five enterprise will caref
35、ully handle the relationship between cost and benefit, and handle well the relationship between speed and security, maintaining all the business activities of low cost, high efficiency, maintain faster growth and better standards of production safety, up to speed, quality, efficiency and security, h
36、armonization, to achieve effective and healthy development of the enterprise. (Ii) to economic for Center, insisted security development, best grasp production business work security is enterprise development of political lifeline, company production business work to to stable reliable of security s
37、ituation for based, to economic for Center, from rammed security management based, improve equipment health level starts with, to in market marketing and coal mine coordination management aspects increased efforts, implementation fine of management way, constantly upgrade company production business
38、 management level, for full completed annual the production business task lay based. 1, strengthen safety management . Fair working environment; further standardize the management, improve the level of service, from a healthy diet, accommodation, property and other aspects to improve the quality of service, staff worries, meanwhile, actively carried out to practice and promote harmonious development as the theme of the activities, to build