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1、target (management) decomposition responsibility (reference) Ann 2-5-1 to seriously implement implementation security first, and prevention of approach, according to building construction security checks standard and Chengdu city building construction site supervision management provides of requirem

2、ents, in combined this project manager production of reality, will and company signed set of safety integrated target management responsibility in the of target responsibility by about management personnel of security accountability for target decomposition, In order to maximize the control and redu

3、ction of all kinds of accidents in the construction of the project to ensure production safety. First, objectives: the project governed by the (Department) directly responsible for the production. Management team from project commencement to completion during by no casualties injured in accident, in

4、jury accident rate of no more than% (year), mechanical damage, fire accidents and may not happen. Second, implement safety measures, according to partial security technology to give the low-down the project team in a timely manner, and accumulation of security team members-organizational learning-re

5、lated operations. Third, on the part of the management of project risk site, mechanical, electrical and other effective protection should be taken, not in violation of education workers not to break the operation to stop illegal operations. Four, regular safety checks to clear risks, supervision and

6、 inspection of owning the job correct use of protective . Personal economy, and the exercise of a veto. This responsibility shall come into force from the date of signature. Project Manager (signature): Project Manager (signature): date of project management (management) security objectives appraisa

7、l form (reference) 2-5-2 project name: manager name: Title: class dates (months) items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to implement technical measures (10 points) as part of construction organization design of techniques and measures to implement the technology to give the low-down (20 points) are govern

8、ed by the team in time for technology to give the low-down the safe operation (20 points) whether organizations shift workers learn safety procedures Full protection (10 points) whether on by tube points part items engineering dangerous parts take has effective protection security checks (20 points)

9、 whether often for security checks, timely elimination hidden anti-three against (5 points) not illegal command, education workers not illegal operation stop illegal job protection supplies (5 points) supervision check belongs team personnel right using personal protection supplies civilization cons

10、truction (20 points) by jurisdiction team job site whether reached civilization construction Total project assessment overall assessment security assessment of the leading group inbehavior rules scientifically divided to six classes. A of the form of politics is the discipline, discipline, honesty a

11、nd discipline, discipline of the masses, work discipline and discipline of life. It can be said is to cover the party activities. Second is the discipline method separately, Ji, concentrated on the discipline. The revised regulations from the original irregularities of the ten variable into six cate

12、gories. Regulations of violation of the party constitution, to the detriment of the constitution authority and discipline behavior lacks necessary and serious responsibility accountability, and there is a discipline method. Now we adapt fully in accordance with the law of governing the country by la

13、w and in accordance with the regulations governing the party to take them apart, the legal attribution of law and discipline discipline. So the prominent characteristic is the discipline method separately, Ji The provisions of the Ordinance to discipline the table, make the law do not put inside the

14、 tube, to avoid our discipline or into party public security. Dont relate to the field, thus avoiding the repeated cross. Three is a reflection of strengthening the partys discipline construction of the latest achievements. New mainly reflect the partys eighteen years central resolutely implement th

15、e eight provisions, and resolutely against the four winds and so on, these new wrote the. For example, said the new in the implementation of the central eight of the spirit, a lot of opposition to the four winds wrote a clean Ji Law chapter, it represents the comprehensive strictly Party A the lates

16、t achievements. Party members if there is illegal and even criminal behavior, how to pursue disciplinary responsibility? According to Ji from the revision principle, where the state laws and regulations have stipulated content, will not re complex provisions. Revision of the Communist Party of China

17、 deleted 79 and criminal law, repeated terms of Public Security Management Punishment Law, and other laws and regulations. However, deletion law has provisions and not that the act is no longer the discipline, no longer be given disciplinary punishment. According to the party constitution, Party mem

18、bers have exemplary compliance with the obligations of the state laws and regulations, violations of the laws of the country are discipline Behavior. Remove the overlap with the discipline of the content and how to pursue party illegal and even criminal behavior of Party discipline and responsibilit

19、y. difference between five different conditions, with special provisions to stipulate, to achieve effective convergence of laws and discipline. It should be said, the revised in the Ji method to separate the stickRefers to the provisions of regulations set at the same time, through the special provi

20、sions, the disciplinary punishment and the law of the land treatmentManipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid developmen

21、t in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use a

22、lso brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller)

23、is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful

24、development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and progra

25、mming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed lin

26、e that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn o

27、f has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in bot

28、h at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluatio

29、n standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect th

30、e external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to

31、use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand学建筑,考建造师到鸭题库YaTiK做精准试题,更多押题资料下载窗体顶端2015年一级建造师公路工程管理与实务全新预测 一、单项选择题(每题1分)第 1 题 不得用作路基填料的土是( )。A.巨粒土B.有机土C.石质土D.砂土正确答案:B,第 2 题 预裂爆破就是要在开挖边线上形成一条足够宽度的裂缝,其目的是( )。A.保护爆破区岩体,以免能量损失B.保护爆破区岩体免遭破坏C.增大爆破区的范围D.削减爆破区的冲击波能量,保护保留区岩体免遭破坏正确答案:D,第 3 题 下列

32、选项中,可在雨期施工地段为( )。A.重黏土地段B.盐渍土地段C.砂类土地段D.膨胀土地段正确答案:C,第 4 题 可用于各级公路基层和底基层的粒料材料是( )。A.天然砂砾B.级配碎石C.泥结碎石D.填隙碎石正确答案:B,第 5 题 使用振动压路机碾压沥青玛蹄脂碎石SMA混合料时,宜采用的振动方法是( )。 A.低频率、低振幅B.高频率、高振幅C.低频率、高振幅D.高频率、低振幅正确答案:D,第 6 题 桥跨结构相邻两支座中心之间的距离称为( )。A标准跨径 B理论跨径 C计算跨径 D经济跨径正确答案:C,第 7 题 在竖向荷载作用下无水平反力产生的桥型是( )。A梁式桥 B刚架桥 C拱式桥

33、 D吊桥 正确答案:A,第 8 题 重力式墩台的主要特点是( )。A靠自身重量来平衡外力保持其稳定 B靠自身重量和土侧压力来保持其稳定C靠自身重量和车辆荷载来保持其稳定 D靠自身重量、土侧压力和车辆荷载来保持其稳定正确答案:A,第 9 题 ( 隧道洞口受坍方、落石、泥石流等危害时,通常应设置( )。A仰坡 B挡土墙C拦水带 D明洞正确答案:D,第 10 题 ( 护栏按其刚度的不同可分为( )A柔性护栏、刚性护栏两种B普通护栏、加强护栏两种C柔性护栏、半刚性护栏、刚性护栏三种D柔性护栏、组合性护栏、刚性护栏三种正确答案:C,第 11 题 ( 土方路基工程施工中用适宜材料,必须采用设计和规范规定的

34、适用材料,保证原材料合格,正确确定土的( )和最佳含水量。A天然密度 B.平均密度 C.毛体积密度 D.最大干密度正确答案:D,第 12 题 ( 在悬索桥钢筋混凝土索塔施工中,要求断面尺寸的检测频率为( )。A. 每5m检查2点 B. 每5m检查1点 C. 每6m检查1点 D. 每6m检查2点正确答案:B,第 13 题 (单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 在安全管理中,项目部主管安全的经理、副经理对职责范围内的安全管理工作负责体现了( )的原则。A管生产必须管安全 B谁主管谁负责C预防为主 D动态管理正确答案:B,第 14 题

35、(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 在船舶通航的大江、大河、大海区域进行水上施工作业前,按中华人民共和国水上水下施工作业通航安全管理规定的程序,在规定的期限内向( )提出施工作业通航安全审核申请。A建设单位 B施工所在地海事部门C监理单位 D施工单位的上级主管单位正确答案:B,第 15 题 (单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 土基达到最大干密度所对应的含水量是( )。A.最大含水量 B.最小含水量 C.最佳含水量 D.最差含水量正确答案:C,第 16 题 (单项选

36、择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 在悬臂浇筑施工中,挂篮组拼后,应全面检查安装质量,并对挂篮进行试压,以消除结构的非弹性变形。挂篮试压的最大荷载一般可按下列荷载考虑:( )A.全跨浇注梁段重量的1.2 倍 B.各悬浇梁段平均重量的1.2 倍C.最大悬浇梁段重量的1.3 倍 D.各悬浇梁段平均重量的1.3 倍正确答案:C,第 17 题 (单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 下面关于技术资料的描述正确的是( )。A.工程技术资料是工作依据 B.工程技术资料必须遵照执行C.工程

37、技术资料只是一种参考资料 D.技术资料是在工程建设中自然形成的正确答案:C,第 18 题 (单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 既能改善混凝土拌合物流变性能,又能改善混凝土耐久性的外加剂是( )。A引气剂 B泵送剂C减水剂 D着色剂正确答案:A,第 19 题 (单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 高填方路基施工时应考虑早开工,路面基层施工时应尽量安排晚开工,以使高填方路基( )。A.有充分的沉降时间B.填料干燥C.提高回弹模量D.压实度提高正确答案:A,第 20 题

38、(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 单项选择题 公路工程在建项目,事故报告单位为( )A建设单位 B.施工单位C监理单位 D.接养单位正确答案:B, 二、多项选择题(每题2分)第 21 题 高速公路路基土的干湿类型状态应处于( )。A.超干燥B.干燥C.中湿D.潮湿E.过湿正确答案:B,C,第 22 题 特殊路基类型包括有( )。A.沿河路基B.岩溶地区路基C.黄土地区路基D.涎流冰地段路基E.岩溶地区路基正确答案:B,C,D,E,第 23 题 ( 级配碎石可用于各级公路的( )。A.上面层B.下面层C.基层D.底基层E.连接层正确答案:C

39、,D,第 24 题 石灰稳定土基层裂缝的防治方法有( )。A.采用塑性指数较高的土B.在石灰土中适量掺加砂、碎石C.施工用土中适量掺加粉煤灰D.在石灰土层中设置伸缩缝E.含水量提高3个百分点正确答案:B,C,D,第 25 题 ( 下列属于按桥梁基础分类的是( )。A刚性基础 B承台 C沉井 D盖梁 E地下连续墙正确答案:A,C,E,第 26 题 连续梁桥属超静定结构,能产生附加内力的因素有( )。A混凝土的收缩徐变 B混凝土的浇筑方式 C墩台不均匀沉降D截面温度梯度变化 E预应力正确答案:A,C,D,E,第 27 题 在软弱围岩地段施工时,应遵守的原则有( )。A短进尺 B强爆破C早喷锚 D勤

40、量测E紧封闭正确答案:A,C,D,E,第 28 题 按测量仪器工具的使用和保管的要求,下列哪些情况下的仪器应停止使用( )。A.使用时间过长 B.显示不正常C.超过了规定的周检确认时间间隔 D.仪表封缄的完整性已被破坏E.功能出现了可疑正确答案:B,C,D,E,第 29 题 (多项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 多项选择题 山岭隧道施工通常采用( )A.钻爆法 B.地下连续墙法C.盖挖法 D.掘进机法E.沉管法正确答案:A,D,第 30 题 (多项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) 题目分类:未按章节分类的试题(如真题 模拟预测题) 多项选择题

41、公路工程质量监督规定公路工程从业单位包括( )A.公路建设单位 B.勘察、设计单位C.施工单位 D.公路行政主管单位E.监理单位正确答案:A,B,C,E, 三、解答题(每题8分)第 31 题 背景资料:某高速公路L合同段(K55+600K56+600),主要为路基土石方工程,本地区岩层构成为泥岩、砂岩互层,抗压强度20MPa左右,地表土覆盖层较薄。在招标文件中,67%挖方为是石方,填方路段填料由挖方路段调运,施工过程部分事件摘要如下:事件1:施工单位在路段开工后发现,部分路段地基下面发现溶洞。施工单位与监理单位联合向建设单位以书面形式提出工程设计变更的建议。建设单位组织勘察、设计、施工、监理等

42、单位及有关专家对溶洞处理进行了经济、技术论证,建议处理方案是对小型的溶洞直接用浆砌片石等回填密实,对大型溶洞采用桥梁跨越,由设计单位及时完成勘察、设计,形成设计变更文件,变更后的造价超过施工图设计批准预算60万元,经建设单位审查确认后,开始实施变更方案。事件2:在填筑路堤时,旋工单位采用土石混合分层铺筑,并用平地机整平每一层,最大层厚40cm,填至接近路床底面标高时,改用土方填筑。局部路段因地形复杂而采用竖向填筑法施工。事件3:该路堤施工中,严格质量检验,实测了压实度、弯沉值、纵断高程、中线偏位、宽度、横坡、边坡。问题: 背景材料中的“设计变更”,是否符合变更设计制度的要求?说明理由。第 32

43、 题 背景资料:某高速公路L合同段(K55+600K56+600),主要为路基土石方工程,本地区岩层构成为泥岩、砂岩互层,抗压强度20MPa左右,地表土覆盖层较薄。在招标文件中,67%挖方为是石方,填方路段填料由挖方路段调运,施工过程部分事件摘要如下:事件1:施工单位在路段开工后发现,部分路段地基下面发现溶洞。施工单位与监理单位联合向建设单位以书面形式提出工程设计变更的建议。建设单位组织勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位及有关专家对溶洞处理进行了经济、技术论证,建议处理方案是对小型的溶洞直接用浆砌片石等回填密实,对大型溶洞采用桥梁跨越,由设计单位及时完成勘察、设计,形成设计变更文件,变更后的造价超过

44、施工图设计批准预算60万元,经建设单位审查确认后,开始实施变更方案。事件2:在填筑路堤时,旋工单位采用土石混合分层铺筑,并用平地机整平每一层,最大层厚40cm,填至接近路床底面标高时,改用土方填筑。局部路段因地形复杂而采用竖向填筑法施工。事件3:该路堤施工中,严格质量检验,实测了压实度、弯沉值、纵断高程、中线偏位、宽度、横坡、边坡。问题: 指出事件2中施工方法存在的问题,并提出正确的施工方法。第 33 题 背景资料:某高速公路L合同段(K55+600K56+600),主要为路基土石方工程,本地区岩层构成为泥岩、砂岩互层,抗压强度20MPa左右,地表土覆盖层较薄。在招标文件中,67%挖方为是石方

45、,填方路段填料由挖方路段调运,施工过程部分事件摘要如下:事件1:施工单位在路段开工后发现,部分路段地基下面发现溶洞。施工单位与监理单位联合向建设单位以书面形式提出工程设计变更的建议。建设单位组织勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位及有关专家对溶洞处理进行了经济、技术论证,建议处理方案是对小型的溶洞直接用浆砌片石等回填密实,对大型溶洞采用桥梁跨越,由设计单位及时完成勘察、设计,形成设计变更文件,变更后的造价超过施工图设计批准预算60万元,经建设单位审查确认后,开始实施变更方案。事件2:在填筑路堤时,旋工单位采用土石混合分层铺筑,并用平地机整平每一层,最大层厚40cm,填至接近路床底面标高时,改用土方填筑。局部路段因地形复杂而采用竖向填筑法施工。事件3:该路堤施工中,严格质量检验,实测了压实度、弯沉值、纵断高程、中线偏位、宽度、横坡、边坡。问题: 指出事件3中路堤质量检验实测项目哪个不正确?还需补充哪个实测项目?第 34 题 背景材料:某桥梁3号 墩为桩承式结构,承台体积约为200m3,承台基坑开挖深度为4m,原地面往下地层依次为:050cm腐植土,50280cm黏土,其下为淤泥质土,地下水位处于原地


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