Xx罐区工程脚手架搭设程序Scaffolding Installation Procedure中英对照.doc

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1、Xx罐区工程脚手架搭设程序Scaffolding Installation Procedure目录1范围Scope32目的Purpose33定义Definition34依据 Reference45脚手架搭设前准备Preparation Before Scaffold Installation46脚手架搭设措施Scaffold Installation Measures57安全文明措施HSE Safety Measures101 范围Scope1.1 本程序适用于xx罐区工程施工脚手架的安装、改变或拆除,主要用于储罐安装。The procedure applies to the installa

2、tion, alteration or removal of scaffolds for the intermediate product of the xx Project and its tank project, mainly for tank installation. 2 目的Purpose2.1 为xx罐区工程施工一共提供脚手架安装、拆除,建立统一检查标准。It is to establish a unified inspection standard for installation and removal of scaffolds for the intermediate pr

3、oduct of the xx Project and its tank project.3 定义DefinitionHSEHealth, Safety and Environment健康、安全和环境3.1 脚手架:脚手架定义为一个临时结构,提供通道、施工或用于支撑材料、装置或设备。分为两种类型:Scaffold: Scaffold is defined as a temporary structure providing pass for construction or being used for supporting material, apparatus or equipment. I

4、t is classified as two types:3.1.1 单体形式、梯子、圆形或所有其它用途的框架或整体结构;Single-form, ladder, circular or other useful frames or whole structure.3.2 管道和扣件:不同长度的单根管子用一个个连管节(连接,旋转,直角)连接在一起。Tubes and coupler: Tubes of different length are joined together with each other by tube couplers ( sleeve, swivel, and right

5、 angle).3.3 脚手架标签:绿色标签为合格标签,红色标签为不合格标签。Scaffold label: Green label is qualified and red label is not qualified. 4 依据 Reference4.1 DEPHSE脚手架程序文件:(包括中华人民共和国行业标准:JGJ-130-2001/J84-2001)HSE scaffold procedure document.(Include reference to the atteached P.R.C. scaffold procedure: JGJ-130-2001/J84-2001)4.

6、2 设备起重吊装工程 ( 北京:机械工业出版社,2002.1);Equipment Hoisting Engineering (Beijing: Mechanic Industry Publishing House, 2002.1).4.3 安全施工管理工作实施细则。Regulations for Implementing Safety Construction Management4.4 BB HSE 脚手架程序 HSE Scaffolding 脚手架规范 Scaffold Service Specification 5 脚手架搭设前准备Preparation Before Scaffold

7、 Installation5.1 本工程序所使用的脚手架材料必须经过BB/CC认可,方可使用。All scaffold materials for this project can only be used after they are passed BB approval.5.2 在脚手架进场前先按厂家出厂产品样式提供给BB认可,在得到进场许可证之后,在脚手架部件最显眼的地方缠上一张绿色标签,在第二次进行抽检合格后,相应缠上第二张绿色标签。Sampled scaffold shall be submitted for approval by BB before delivery from t

8、he quarantine area. When the scaffold is granted the site-entrance permit, the scaffold should be attached with a green label on an apparent position. After it is qualified via sampling inspection for the second time, the second green label should be attached accordingly.5.3 施工现场设置合格品存放处和不合格存放处,并在不合

9、格品上贴上一张红色标签,并及时清理出场进行修理,修理后经自检认为合格后再申请入场,得到许可后再多贴上一张绿色标签以便识别。A place for storing qualified scaffolds and another place for storing unqualified scaffolds attached with red labels should be provided at the construction site. Unqualified scaffolds shall be timely cleared away from the site for repair.

10、After they are repaired and deemed being qualified, application for reuse shall be submitted for approval. For sake of identification, one more green label shall be attached to each after it is allowed to be used at the site. 5.4 脚手架材料必须统一堆放在专门堆放的区域,严禁乱堆乱放,严禁堆放在有油或水的地方,严禁用作厂家出厂规定以外的其他用途。All scaffold

11、s must be stacked in a special storage location. It is forbidden to place them disorderly or in a place with oil or water. It is forbidden for scaffolds and scaffold materials to be used for purposes other than those specified by the manufacturer. 5.5 必须对脚手架进行定期检查和维护,发现扭曲、变形、破裂的架子必须做好标记并清除出施工现场。Scaf

12、folds must be regularly inspected and maintained. Twisted, deformed and fractured scaffold must be marked and removed from the site. 5.6 必须加强对脚手架及连接部件的检查,发现不合格或者已坏的构件应及时更换并将以损坏构件清除出施工现场。Scaffolds and fasteners and fittings must be well inspected. Unqualified or damaged scaffold materials must be rep

13、laced at once and the damaged pieces removed from the site. 5.7 严禁对脚手架的管道、单元和框架进行焊击和磨切,必须保证元件的完好。It is forbidden to weld and grind scaffold tube, unit and frame. All elements must be intact.6 脚手架搭设措施Scaffold Installation Measures6.1 钢管脚手架的搭设准备工作:脚手架搭设前准备好钢管和连接件,并检查其是否有缺陷,搭设地面要平整、坚实、无障碍物。Installation

14、 preparation for steel tube scaffold: Steel tubes and fasteners and fittings must be well prepared before installation. Check them for defects. Installation foundation must be level, solid and has no obstacles. 6.2 搭设的步骤Installation procedures6.2.1 处理好地面;Ground shall be well treated.6.2.2 安放底座或垫板;Pl

15、ace bottom case or base plate6.2.3 树立杆并设置扫地杆,并相互紧固;Erect standard, install ground ledger and fasten them tightly. 6.2.4 装扫地杆小横杆并与立杆、扫地杆紧固;Install transom ground pole and fasten it with the standard and the ground ledger.6.2.5 安第一步大横杆并与各立杆紧固;Install first level ledger and fasten it with the standard.

16、6.2.6 安第一步小横杆、脚手板、手扶护栏、中间护栏以及踢脚板;Install first level transom. And install first level scaffold boards, handrails, mid rails, and toe boards.6.2.7 安第二步大横杆;Install second level ledger. 6.2.8 安第二步小横杆;Install second level transom.6.2.9 安第三、四、五步大横杆和小横杆;Install third, fourth and fifth level ledger and tra

17、nsom.6.2.10 加设剪刀、斜撑、加固撑;Install truss, diagonal reinforcing.6.3 搭设脚手架具体要求Concrete requirements for scaffold installation6.3.1 安立杆时要垂直,其偏差为脚手架高度的1/200,相邻立杆接头要相错500mm,而且不要在同一步距内,以保证架子的稳定性。standard must be erected vertically; whose deviation shall be 1/200 of the scaffold height. In order to ensure sca

18、ffolds stability, adjacent joints of the standard shall be staggered by 500mm and shall not be within the same step interval.6.3.2 大横杆要平直,纵向水平高度差要不超过50mm,横杆的接头在同一步距内也应错开。ledger must be straight. The longitudinal height difference shall be not more than 50mm. Joints of the ledger within one step shou

19、ld be staggered.6.3.3 剪刀撑的搭设是将一根斜杆紧固在立杆上,另一根斜杆紧固在小横杆的伸出部分,以防止钢管变形并保持其稳定性。斜杆两端连接件与立杆交点的距离要小于20cm,最下面的斜杆与立杆的连结点离地面不应超过50cm。Installation of trusses is to fasten a trussed pole to the standard firmly and another trussed pole is fastened to the extended section of the transom, so as to prevent steel tube

20、 from deforming and to ensure scaffold stable and reliable. The distance from fittings on both ends of a trussed pole to the intersecting point of standard shall be less than 20cm. Distance from the joining point of the bottom trussed pole and the standard to the ground shall not be more than 50cm.

21、6.3.4 脚手架各种杆件相交伸出的长度,均应大于10mm,以避免出现滑脱现象。The protruding length of the intersected poles, bars and trusses should be more than 100mm so as to avoid slipping out.6.3.5 连接件的安装,开口朝向要合适,连接大横杆的对接连接件,其开口应朝向架子内侧,紧固螺栓向上,防止雨水浸入。直角式连接件安装时,开口不得朝下。Installation of fittings and slot direction shall be proper. Slot

22、of the butt-fitting to connect ledger shall face toward the inside of the scaffold. In order to prevent rain and water from flowing into the tube, fastening bolts shall be fitted upward. Slot of the right-angle fitting shall not be installed downward.6.3.6 拧紧螺栓时,松紧程度要适宜。过松时脚手架稳定性不好,过紧时易损坏连接件,一般扭距在39

23、49Nm范围内。操作时,可用测力扳手进行控制。When tightening the bolts and nuts, their tightness shall be proper. Over-looseness will make scaffold unstable and over-tightness would damage the fittings, generally, torque shall be 3949Nm. During installation, it can be controlled with a torque-indicating wrench.6.3.7 脚手架各

24、杆的纵向跨距为0.75m,和每层高度为2m,立杆横向跨距为2m,具体总高度根据储罐高度而定。The vertical span shall be 0.75m. Height of each layer shall be no more than 2m. The horizontal span shall be no more than 2m. Total height of the scaffold depends upon the tank height.6.4 脚手板的铺设Installation of scaffold boards6.4.1 钢脚手板,厚度为23mm,长度为1.53.6

25、m,宽度为2325cm,肋高5cm,两端要有连接装置,板面有防滑孔或防滑条。Steel scaffold board materials shall be 23mm thick, 1.53.6m long and 2325cm wide, whose rib height shall be 5cm. Two ends shall be provided with connecting devices. There shall be antiskid holes or strips in the board.6.4.2 木脚手板,厚度要大于38mm,材质为杉木或松木,宽度2030cm,板两端用8

26、号镀锌铁丝缠绕24圈。Thickness of wood board shall be more than 38mm. it shall be of cedar wood or pine wood. Its width shall be 2030cm. Both ends of the board shall be lashed with 8# zinc-plated wire by 24 rounds.6.4.3 对于有裂纹、扭曲、腐朽、斜纹、破裂、大横透节等缺陷的脚手板不得使用。任何已损坏或不合格的材料应及时清除出施工现场Scaffold boards with crack, distor

27、tion, corrosion, cross grain, fracture, big and through knot shall be not used. Any damaged or unqualified materials must be removed from the site in a timely manner.6.5 脚手架的维护和保管Maintenance and storage of scaffold 6.5.1 对脚手架用的钢管要经常维护,发现有弯曲、变形的应清除出施工现场,并定期进行除锈和防腐工作,防止锈蚀。Steel tubes used for scaffold

28、 installation shall be regularly maintained. Bent and deformed tube shall be remove from the site. Rust-removal and corrosion-proof treatment shall be done periodically. 6.5.2 连接件用过后,应清洗和检查,并除以防锈油脂。不符合求的要及时清理出施工现场。Fittings shall be cleaned and inspected after being used, and lubricated with rust-pro

29、of grease. Unqualified fittings should be removed from the site. 6.6 搭、拆脚手架的安全要点Key safety points for installation and removal of scaffold6.6.1 脚手架要具有稳定的结构和足够的承载能力,能保证施工期间在允许载荷的作用下不变形、不倾斜、不摇晃。Scaffold structure must be stable and have sufficient load bearing capacity, which can ensure that scaffold

30、will not deform, decline or swing under action of allowable load.6.6.2 要把好材料关,对不合格钢管,不得使用,防止发生事故。In order to avoid accident, unqualified steel tube shall be not used.6.6.3 为保证脚手架搭设质量,地基要处理好,不准在未经处理的起伏不平和软硬不一的地面上进行搭设。In order to guarantee scaffold quality, ground must be well prepared. Scaffold is no

31、t allowed to be installed on an uneven ground.6.6.4 要严格按脚手架的结构尺寸进行搭设,控制好立杆的垂直偏差和横杆的水平偏差,并确保节点的可靠连接。Scaffold shall be installed strictly according to the structure sizes. Vertical deviation of the stand pole and horizontal deviation of the cross pole shall be well controlled within their limits. All

32、joints shall be reliably connected.6.6.5 严格控制使用载荷,确保有较大的裕量,一般要求安全系数不小于3。脚手架上面堆放重物每平方米不超过2700N,必要时要采用加固措施。Operating load must be strictly controlled and a plentiful amount of load shall remain. Generally, safety coefficient shall not be less than 3. Weight on the scaffold shall not exceed 2700N/m2. I

33、t shall be reinforced if necessary. 6.6.6 脚手架搭设过程中及时设置斜撑杆、剪刀撑以及加固结构,防止有搭设中出现偏斜甚至倾斜事故。Diagonal bar and trussed pole shall be timely installed during scaffold installation so as to reinforce the structure and avoid scaffold declination. 6.6.7 在脚手架上拉设电源线,必须要有可靠的接地措施,在雷雨季节,高层钢脚手架要有防雷设施。In case of connec

34、ting electric cable via scaffold, cable must be reliably earthed. During lightning season, high steel tube scaffold must be equipped with lightning arrester.6.6.8 脚手架上面不准敷设起吊桅杆,同时不许将起吊桅杆的缆风绳栓在脚手架上面。To install a hoisting mast on the scaffold is not allowed and to tie the slinging rope to the scaffold

35、 is not allowed too. 6.6.9 在脚手架搭设时,钢管、连接件的传递要用绳子进行,不准抛扔,以免发生事故。During installation, in order to avoid accident, steel tubes and fittings shall be carried with rope; to throw them is not allowed. 6.6.10 脚手架搭设完毕,要经过有关部门检查核定,并由认可的脚手架主管调查员批准后,方可使用。At completion of scaffold installation, it can only be u

36、sed after it is inspected by the approved scaffolding supervisor/inspector. 6.6.11工程完工后,拆脚手架时,要划定工作区标志,禁止非架子工进入。When project is completed and scaffold shall be removed, a forbidden area shall be defined, and non-scaffolding builders are not allowed to enter the area without permission. 6.6.12 拆脚手架时,

37、要按拆除序进行,由上向下,后拧紧者先拆,先拧紧者后拆。一般先拆栏、杆脚手板、剪刀撑,而后拆小横杆、大横杆、立杆等。Scaffold removal shall be done from the top down according to the removal procedures. Fitting that was tightened later shall be removed first and vice versa. Generally, fence and scaffold board shall be removed at first, then small cross pole,

38、 big cross pole and stand pole.6.6.13 脚手架拆除时,指挥要统一,上下动作协调一致,传递钢管和连接件时,要用绳索运送,防止高空物体附落伤人。Scaffold removal shall be well coordinated by unified command, to lay down the steel tubes and fittings with rope, so as to avoid personnel injury caused by falling material.6.7 现场储罐安装所要搭设的脚手架,我门根据上述方法进行施工。在正式搭设脚

39、手架之前,在现场搭设一个脚手架样本,经过BB相关人员认定后,今后就按此样本进行搭设脚手架。When scaffold is required to install tanks at site, we shall install the scaffold according to the procedures mentioned above. A sample scaffold shall be erected prior to a formal one. The required scaffold shall be erected exactly according to the sample

40、 one after the personnel from BB approved it.7 安全文明措施HSE Safety Measures7.1 现场施工人员必须有操作证;Site employees must have scaffold builder certificates. 7.2 施工前对架子工进行培训;Scaffold builders shall be trained before commencement of construction.7.3 作业期间必须始终佩带好安全带;It is required to wear safety harness during scaf

41、fold building activities.7.4 搭设前,协调好交叉作业。Overlapping operations shall be well coordinated before scaffold installation.7.5 有专业人员现场指挥。There should be site command performed by qualified supervisors.7.6 所有员工在开始工作前必须接受脚手架使用安全培训All employees will receive scaffold user training as part of their initial jobsite orientation.


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