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1、共 92 页,1,选修6Unit 1 Art,共 92 页,2,要 点 梳 理高效梳理知识备考,共 92 页,3,重点单词,1abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的 n摘要2faith n信任;信心;信念faithful adj.忠实的faithfully adv.忠实地3aim n目标;目的 vi.&vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力4typical adj.典型的;有代表性的5adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养6possess vt.拥有;具有;支配possession n拥有,共 92 页,4,7coincidence n巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合coincident adj.

2、同时发生的;同一时间发生的8attempt n努力;尝试;企图 vt.尝试;企图9predict vt.预言;预告;预测prediction n预言predictor n预言者10specific adj.确切的;特定的11exhibition n展览;陈列;展览会12preference n喜爱;偏爱prefer v喜爱,共 92 页,5,13appeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt.将上诉 n呼吁;恳求14civilization n文明;文化;文明社会civilize v使文明;使开化15visual adj.视觉的;看得见的invisual adj.看不见的16contempor

3、ary adj.当代的;同时代的,共 92 页,6,重点短语,1concentrate on集中2as well as 也;还;而且3by coincidence 巧合地4a great deal 大量5lead to 导致6scores_of.大量的,共 92 页,7,7on the other hand(可是)另一方面8in the flesh 活着的;本人9have a preference for 偏爱10appeal to(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣11lie in 在于;位于,共 92 页,8,重点句型,1If the rules of perspective had no

4、t been discovered,_no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.如果没有发现透视法,就没有人能画出如此逼真的画。2Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,_who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。,共 92 页,9,3Many art lovers would rat

5、her visit this small art gallery than any other in New York.许多艺术爱好者宁愿参观这个小艺术馆而不参观纽约其他的艺术馆。4It is amazing that so many great works of art from the late 19th century to the 21st century are housed in the same museum.令人惊奇的是,从19世纪后期到21世纪的如此众多的艺术名品竟都被同一家博物馆收藏。,共 92 页,10,高考范文,(2008湖北)假设你是卜曼宜,你购买了一部某外国公司生产

6、的手机,因有质量问题,要求该公司更换。请根据下列要点,用英文写一封电子邮件。要点:1.问题:手机不响铃,不能发短信;该产品已售完,无法更换;型号新,无配件,无法维修。,共 92 页,11,2要求:公司应尽快予以更换。注意:1.词数为100左右;2参考词汇:配件spare part;3电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数)。,共 92 页,12,Dear Sir,I am writing to you for the mobile phone of DephoneS250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan,China._T

7、hank you for your consideration.Sincerely yours,Bu Manyi,共 92 页,13,范文Dear_Sir,I_am_writing_to_you_for_the_mobile_phone_of_DephoneS250_I_bought_on_20th_Apr._2008_at_Tele_Mall_in_Wuhan,_China.Ten days after that,it didnt ring or send short messages.Then I took it to the seller,but was told that the mo

8、del had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one.Later I went to the repairman.He said since it was a new model in China,it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts.I was so desperate on hearing that.,共 92 页,14,How can I wait that long?Therefore,I require tha

9、t you send me a new one of the same model within a month.Thank_you_for_your_consideration.Sincerely_yours,Bu_Manyi,共 92 页,15,考 点 探 究互动探究能力备考,共 92 页,16,.词汇短语过关1aim n&v.瞄准;对准;目标miss ones aim 未击中目标have a high aim in life 胸怀大志achieve ones aim 达到目的take aim at 向瞄准without aim 漫无目的with the aim of doing sth.

10、意在做某事aim at/for sth.致力于,意欲,旨在,共 92 页,17,aim to do sth.旨在干;以为目标be aimed at 对象是;针对即学即练1(1)She went to London _ _ _ _ finding a job.她去伦敦是为了找工作。(2)Bobs one _ _ _ is to earn a lot of money.鲍勃唯一的一个人生目标就是挣很多的钱。,with,the,aim,of,aim,in,life,共 92 页,18,(3)Theyre _ _ training everybody by the end of the year.他们

11、力求做到在年底前人人得到培训。(4)These measures are _ _ preventing violent crime.这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。,aiming,at,aimed,at,共 92 页,19,2adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养adopt an approach/strategy/policy采用某方法/战略/政策an adopted son养子,共 92 页,20,即学即练2(1)The couple couldnt have children of their own so they _ _ _ _ _.这对夫妇没有自己的孩子,所以他们收养了两个孩子。,adopt

12、ed,a,couple,of,kids,共 92 页,21,(2)Circumstances will force us finally to _ _ _.形势将最终迫使我们采取这项方针。(3)Our school has _ _ _ _ _.我们学校已经采用了新的教学方法。(4)Wed like to _ _ _.我们愿意采纳你的看法。,adopt,this,policy,adopted,a,new,teaching,method,adopt,your,idea,共 92 页,22,提示:adopt/adapt这两个单词仅有一个字母之差,要注意它们含义的区别。adopt采用,采纳;收养;正式

13、通过adapt改编;使适应,共 92 页,23,3possess vt.拥有,占有possession n.拥有,占有,所有,pl.财产come into ones possession 被某人占有;落入某人之手,take/get/gain possession of 拿到;占有;占领in possession of 拥有;持有in the possession of sb./in ones possession 为某人所有be possessed of 具有(某品质),共 92 页,24,即学即练3(1)That top secret document has _ _ _ _.那份绝密文件已

14、被她拿到。(2)Our forces _ _ _ the hill.我们的部队占领了那座小山。(3)He is _ lawful _ _ a shotgun.他合法地持有猎枪。,come,into,her,possession,took,possession,of,in,of,possession,共 92 页,25,(4)The rare stamp is _ _ _ _ an unknown collector.那张珍贵的邮票为一位不知名的收藏家所拥有。(5)He lost _ _ _ in the fire.在那场火灾中他失去全部财产。,in,the,possession,of,all,

15、his,possessions,共 92 页,26,4attempt vt.&vi.试图;企图 n努力;尝试;企图attempted adj.未遂的attempt to do sth.试图做某事(try/seek to do)make an/no attempt to do sth./at doing sth.企图/没有企图做某事,in an attempt to do/at doing sth.为了做某事at the first attempt 首次尝试an attempted murder/suicide 谋杀/自杀未遂,共 92 页,27,即学即练4(1)He _ _ _ to clim

16、b the mountain but failed.他企图要爬上这座山,但失败了。(2)I _ _ _ but was stopped.我想走但被拦住了。(3)I passed my driving test _ _ _ _.我考汽车驾驶执照时一次就通过了。,made,an,attempt,attempted,to,leave,at,the,first,attempt,共 92 页,28,(4)He was accused of _ _.他被控告谋杀未遂。,attempted,murder,共 92 页,29,5appeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助vt.将上诉appeal to对有吸引力;

17、呼吁;上诉;引起的兴趣appeal to sb.for sth.请求某人某事appeal for sth.呼吁某事;请求给予某物appeal to/for sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事make an appeal for sb.to do sth.呼吁某人做某事,共 92 页,30,即学即练5(1)Her sense of humour _ _ _ enormously.她的幽默感强烈地吸引住了他。(2)She _ _ _ _ _ against her sentence.她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。,appealed,to,him,appealed,to,the,high,cou

18、rt,共 92 页,31,(3)The government is _ _ the public _ help for those who lost their homes in the flood._ _ _ _ _ by the government for help for those who lost their homes in the flood.政府正在呼吁公众对在水灾中丧失家园的人给予援助。,appealing,to,for,An,appeal,is,being,made,共 92 页,32,6a great deal 大量,非常(多做宾语,也可修饰形容词以及副词的比较级)a

19、great deal of 很多,大量(后接不可数名词)即学即练6(1)He knew _ _ _ more than I did.他懂的比我多得多。(2)He is _ _ _ more experienced in it than I.这方面他比我的经验多得多。,a,great,deal,great,a,deal,共 92 页,33,(3)_ _ _ _ their work is unpaid.他们很多工作都是没有报酬的。,A,great,deal,of,共 92 页,34,拓展:a great/good deal of不可数名词许多;大量a large amount of不可数名词许多

20、a great/good many可数名词许多a great/good number of可数名词许多plenty of可数/不可数名词许多a lot of(lots of)可数/不可数名词许多,共 92 页,35,7on the other hand(可是)另一方面on(the)one hand.,on the other hand.(引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)一方面,另一方面(却)first(ly).;second(ly).第一;第二for one thing.,for another.一则,二则,共 92 页,36,即学即练7(1)He was praised by his t

21、eacher _ _ _ _,but blamed by his friends _ _ _ _.一方面,他受到了老师的表扬,但另一方面,又受到了朋友的责怪。(2)Hes an able man,but _ _ _ _ he demands too much of people.他是一位能干的人,但是另一方面,他对人要求太高了。,on,the,one,hand,on,the,other,hand,on,the,other,hand,共 92 页,37,(3)Im not going to buy it,_ _ _ I dont like the colour,and _ _ its far t

22、oo expensive.我不买这东西,一是我不喜欢这颜色,二是太贵了。,for,one,thing,for,another,共 92 页,38,8scores of 许多;大量dozens of许多,大量tens of数十(个等)hundreds of许多,数百thousands of 许多,成千上万tens of thousands of 大量,无数,数以万计的millions of 大量,无数,数百万billions of 大量,无数,数十亿,共 92 页,39,即学即练8(1)_ _ people are in line for food.很多人在排队等候食物。(2)We have _

23、 _ things to do now.我们现在有很多事要做。(3)Men have been making music for _ _ years.人类创作音乐已有数千年的历史了。,Scores,of,dozens,of,thousands,of,共 92 页,40,提示:(1)score意为“二十”,当前面有数字时,本身不能加s,名词前常加of。如:two score of books 40本书。(2)dozen意为“十二”,当前面有数字时,本身也不能加s,名词前有修饰词,则加of,否则一般不加。如:two dozen eggs两打鸡蛋two dozen of these eggs两打这样

24、的鸡蛋,共 92 页,41,.重点句型详解1Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在这些脱离传统绘画风格的画家中就有生活和工作在巴黎的印象派艺术家们。此句是一个倒装句,正常语序应为The Impressionists who lived and worked in Paris were among the painters who broke away from the tradi

25、tional style of painting.此句为表语部分提前而引起的倒装。,共 92 页,42,Sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.一个腼腆的长着两只大眼睛的女孩坐在屋子的后面。Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.妇女受歧视的年代一去不复返了。,共 92 页,43,即境活用1Present at the meeting _.AMr.Liu was,who taught us EnglishBwas Mr.Liu,who taug

26、ht us EnglishCwas who taught us English,Mr.LiuDMr.Liu,who taught us English,was,答案:B,共 92 页,44,2It is amazing that so many great works of art from the late 19th century to the 21st century are housed in the same museum.令人感到惊奇的是同一家博物馆中收藏了那么多伟大的从19世纪晚期至21世纪的艺术作品。it在句中做形式主语,真正的主语是 that 从句。it做形式主语,可以代替不

27、定式、动名词、从句,置于句首,无意义,使句式结构更平衡。常见句型有:,共 92 页,45,(1)It is important(easy,hard,difficult,possible,necessary.)for sb.to do sth.(2)It is a pity(a shame,a pleasure,ones duty,bad manners.)for sb.to do sth.(3)It is kind(nice,wise,brave,silly,polite,friendly.)of sb.to do sth.(4)Its a pity(a shame,a fact,a wond

28、er.)that.(5)It is strange(obvious,true,good,possible,likely,clear.)that.,共 92 页,46,(6)It seems(happens,turns out,occurs to me.)that.(7)It is said(reported,decided,expected.)that.,共 92 页,47,It is nice of you to give us so much help.你这么帮助我们真是太好了。Its a pity that I didnt think of it earlier.真可惜我没有早想起来。I

29、t is reported that the production has been put into use.据报道,这种产品已投入使用。,共 92 页,48,即境活用2The foreign minister said,“_ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”AThis is BThere isCThat is DIt is,解析:it做形式主语,that引导的从句做真正的主语。,答案:D,共 92 页,49,易 错 点 拨自我完善误区备考,1.attempt/try/manage(1)attempt正式用语,常指一次

30、的而不是继续的尝试,往往暗示这种尝试达不到目的,常包含“冒险”意义。(2)try通俗用语,指为成功做某事而付出努力或花费一定代价,后接不定式表示“试图做某事”,后接动名词表“试着做某事”。,共 92 页,50,(3)manage“成功地做成某事”,强调结果。应用1(1)All the students _ to pass the exam.(2)The prisoner _ an escape,but failed.(3)We should _ our best to catch up with others.,managed,attempted,try,共 92 页,51,2.predict

31、/forecast/foresee(1)predict强调把预见的事情说出来。(2)foresee指预告,强调预先感觉到事情的发生。(3)forecast主要指预报天气,也可指预测可能发生的事。,共 92 页,52,应用2(1)Earthquakes cant be prevented,but they can be _.地震不能预防,但能够预测。(2)It is _ that it will rain tomorrow.据预报明天有雨。(3)No one can _what the outcome of the election will be.没有人能预测选举结果。,predicted,f

32、orecast,foresee,共 92 页,53,高 效 作 业自我测评技能备考,共 92 页,54,.单词拼写1Some fortunetellers say that they can p_ future events.2A good salesperson has to be a_ in todays competitive market.3With the development of the society,there are no p_ jobs any more.4Have you seen the e_ of paintings by Picasso?5The tree ca

33、st its s _ on the lake.,predict,aggressive,permanent,exhibition,shadow,共 92 页,55,6Dont be _(荒唐的)!You cant pay 50 for a Tshirt!7Environmental damage threatens the whole _(文明)8It was _(典型的)of her to forget.9He came here without friends or _(财产)and made his fortune.10The greatest _(学者)cant solve this d

34、ifficult problem.,ridiculous,civilization,typical,possessions,scholar,共 92 页,56,.单项选择1Would you rather _ there tomorrow?No,Id rather he _ there instead of me.Ato go;will goBgo;wentCgo;will go Dgoing;shall go,答案:B,解析:本题考查 would rather 后要用动词原形以及从句中的动词形式。,共 92 页,57,2_them have been to New York_.AScores

35、;dozen of timesBDozens of;score of timesCScores of;dozens of timesDTwo scores of;two dozens of times,答案:C,共 92 页,58,解析:当 score,dozen 前无具体数字修饰时,应用复数形式,且必须和 of连用,构成 dozens of,scores of,表示“许多,大量”。而D项中的 score与 dozen 不能用复数形式,因前面有具体数字。句意为:“他们中有许多人已去过纽约许多次。”,共 92 页,59,3Jerry works out every morning,_ a wei

36、ght loss of ten pounds.Aputting forward Brelying onCsetting foot in Daiming at,答案:D,解析:考查动词短语。aim at doing sth.“目的是/旨在”。put forward 提出;rely on 依赖;set foot in 踏入。,共 92 页,60,4I would like a job which pays more,but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.Ain other words Bon the other handCfor one thi

37、ng Das a matter of fact,答案:B,解析:本题意思是“我喜欢酬劳更多的工作,但是从另一方面来说,我很满意我现在正在做的工作”。in other words 换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing 首先;as a matter of fact 事实上。从逻辑上来讲,A、C、D都不正确。,共 92 页,61,5Can they take _ of that house if we fail to reach an agreement with them?Anotice BholdCpossession Dcare,答案:C,解析:ta

38、ke possession of“占有,拥有”,合题意。take notice of 注意;take hold of 抓住;take care of 照顾。,共 92 页,62,6He _ to escape from the prison,but he couldnt find anybody to help him.Asucceeded BattemptedCadvised Doffered,答案:B,解析:succeed 后不接不定式做宾语,“成功地做某事”应为 succeed in doing sth.;advise doing sth.(建议做某事);offer to do sth.

39、(主动帮助做某事);attempt to do sth.意为“尽力去做,但不一定成功”。,共 92 页,63,7How do you like the film?Oh,it is wonderful.People here think _ of it.Aa number Ba great dealCa great many Da plenty,答案:B,解析:此处 think a great deal of 相当于 think much of“评价很高”。,共 92 页,64,8French fashionable dress has been _ by people in many part

40、s of the world.Aadopting BadoptedCadapted Dadapting,答案:B,解析:句意:法国时尚时装被世界许多地方的人采用。adopt采纳,接受;adapt改编,适应。根据句意应选B。,共 92 页,65,9Jack is late again.It is _ of him to keep others waiting.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dtypical,答案:D,解析:句意:杰克又迟到了,让别人等他是他的典型特点。typical典型的,符合句意,而normal普通,正规的;ordinary正常的;common共同的。均不合

41、句意。,共 92 页,66,10(2010长春调研)The Harry Potter books _ to readers of all ages.Aattract Bpay attentionCappeal Dattach,答案:C,解析:哈利波特系列丛书吸引了不同年龄段的读者。appeal to“吸引”,符合题意。,共 92 页,67,11The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday,but _ didnt help.Ait BsheCwhich Dhe,答案:A,解析:此处it指代前面句子的内容。此题易误选

42、which,引导一个非限定性定语从句,因前面已有连词,故不用which。,共 92 页,68,12(2010福建六校三联)It was the skills _ he had acquired at his training period _ enabled him to get such a high post in that worldfamous company.Athat;what Bwhat;thatCthat;that Dthat;which,答案:C,解析:考查定语从句和强调句。第一空的that引导定语从句,并在从句中作acquired的宾语;第二空的that与句首的It was

43、构成强调句的基本结构。,共 92 页,69,13It seems quite _ to expect a student to acquire so many fresh skills within such a short period.Aurgent BavailableCscary Dridiculous,答案:D,解析:句意:那似乎是荒谬的,指望一个学生在如此短的时间内掌握这么多新技能。ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的;urgent 紧急的;available可用的;scary 吓人的。,共 92 页,70,14If it were not for the fact that I

44、_ very busy,I would go with you.Aam BwasCwere Dshould be,答案:A,解析:if 从句用了虚拟语气,但 the fact 的同位语从句中不用虚拟,故选A。,共 92 页,71,15_for the free tickets,I would not have gone to the films so often.AIf it is not BWere it notCHad it not been DIf they were not,答案:C,解析:主句 would have done表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故 if从句应用 had do

45、ne,其中 if可以省略,变为倒装句。,共 92 页,72,.阅读理解 AThe view over a valley of a tiny village with thatched(草盖的)roof cottages around a church;a drive through a narrow village street lined with thatched cottages painted pink or white;the sight over the rolling hills of a pretty collection of thatched farm buildingth

46、ese are still common sights in parts of England.Most people will agree that the thatched roof is an essential part of the attraction of the English countryside.,共 92 页,73,Thatching is in fact the oldest of all the building crafts practiced in the British Isles.Although thatch has always been used fo

47、r cottages and farm buildings,it was once used for castles and churches,too.Thatching is a solitary(独自的)craft,which often runs in families.The craft of thatching as it is practiced today has changed very little since the Middle Ages.Over 800 fulltime thatchers are employed in England and Wales today

48、,maintaining and renewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses.,共 92 页,74,Many property owners choose thatch not only for its beauty but because they know it will keep them cool in summer and warm in winter.In fact,if we look at developing countries,over half the world lives under thatch,

49、but they all do it in different ways.People in developing countries are often unwilling to go back to traditional materials and would prefer modern buildings.,共 92 页,75,However,they may lack the money to allow them to import the necessary materials.Their temporary mud huts with thatched roofs of wil

50、d grasses often only last six months.Thatch which has been done in the British way lasts from twenty to sixty years and is an effective defence against the heat.,共 92 页,76,1Which of the following remains a unique feature of the English countryside?ACottages with thatched roofs.BChurches with cottage


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