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1、7B Unit3复习纲要,1.介绍方位的表达及交通工具,能认识各种交通标志。2.学会给别人指路,能够在真实的情境中正确指明路线并做出回应。3.掌握位移介词和一般将来时。4.通过有关问路、指路的学习,能写简单的邀请信,并指明目的地的方向,到达的途径。,中考备考手册7B Unit3语言知识巩固运用 Page25,词汇:1.stop的含义和搭配 vt.1.停止;中止 stop doing sth.It has stopped raining.雨停了。2.阻止,阻挡 stop from The policemen stopped the fight.警察制止了这场斗殴。The heavy snow s

2、topped him from coming to our party.那场大雪使他未能前来参加我们的宴会。vi.stop to do 停下来去做另一件事 You look so tired.Why not stop to have a rest?你看上去如此累,为什么不停下来休息呢?n.1.停止;停车The train came to a stop.火车停了下来。2.停车站 Ill get off at the next stop.我将在下一个车站下车。,2 cross,across,through,cross(v.)=go/walk across 横穿;across(prep.)从外部穿过

3、;through(prep.)从内部穿过,walk across the roadswim across the river,go through the forestrun through the tunnel,用across/cross/through填空1 Dont _ the road when the light is red.2 The sun shines _ the window.3 Look!There is a train going _(across/through)quickly.4 He _ the road and then swam _ the river.A.a

4、cross,across B.cross,across C.crossed,cross D.crossed,across,cross,through,through,D,3 other,another,the other,others,other 作前置定语 any other+单数 表示任何一个 other+复数=others 表示其他一些eg:We study Chinese,Maths,English and other lessons.He is taller than any other student in his class.Ill come again some other d

5、ay.,another 用于泛指三者以上的不定数目的“另一个”.其名词前不加冠词.I dont want this one.Please give me another.我不想要这个,请给我另一个.There is another seat.I can sit over there.还有一个座位,我可以坐在那儿.,the other 表示两者中的“另一个”或两部分中的“另一部分”,是特指.I have two books.One is a comic book,the other is a story book.There are six students in the classroom.F

6、our are girls,the other two are boys.,others 用作代词,泛指“其他人”或“其它物”Some are reading,some are singing,others are flying kites the others指整体中除去一部分后,剩余的全部.There are 41 students in Class 20.Thirty-one of them are boys.The others are girls.,选用other,another,the other,others的适当形式填空1.I have two cousins.One is a

7、 doctor,_ is a policeman.2.This book isnt interesting.Can you show me _ one?3.There are six students in the classroom.One is reading,the _/the _ five are chatting.4.Dont copy_ homework.5.What _ things can you see in the picture?,the other,another,others,other,others,other,pass,pastpassed与past同音;pass

8、=walk/run past e.g.改错He past a bookshop just now.,改为passed,pass(v.)pass the ball(传球)pass the exam(通过考试)pass sth.to sb.(把某物传给某人)We passed(经过)the post office.past(n.)in the past(在过去)past(adv./prep.)drive past the house(经过)walk straight past(径直走了过去)past(adj.)in the past few years(在过去几年中),拓展,位移介词 across

9、,along,over,to,up,down,through,round,from用正确的介词填空1.Look!There is a cat climbing _ a tree.2.My grandma walks _ the lake to exercise herself every morning.3.Walk _ the road until you reach the traffic lights,you can see the shopping mall.4.Can you swim _ the river?5.He is busy working _ morning to nig

10、ht.,up,round,along,across,from,语法:1.移动方向性介词的意义和用法,6.The plane flies _ the building with a great noise.7.You can have a clear look at the moon if you look _ the telescope.8.Be careful when you walk _ the ladder.9.We seldom talk _ foreigners.10.Its dangerous for a single man to walk _ a forest.,over,t

11、hrough,up/down,to,through,一、一般将来时的意义:用来描述一个即将要发生的动作;谈论未来的计划和打算。,二、一般将来时的基本结构:will/shall动词原形 be going to动词原形,2.一般将来时态中will,shall,be going to 的意义和用法,三、常见时间状语:,next Tuesdaynext weekthe coming Sundaynext yearthis afternoon,tomorrowtonightin a few minutesin the futurein five years,四、一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,1、w

12、ill用于一切人称,shall只用于第一人称(I/we)。但现代英语倾向于所有人称都使用will而不用shall,shall主要出现在非常正式的英语场合中,或用于口语提出建议或请求。如:Shall I go home now?(请求)Shall we take different routes?(建议),四、一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,2、will/shall+do通常用来谈论未来会发生的事或是正在制定的计划;而be going to do通常用来谈论在一个较近的未来将要发生的计划中的或是有可能发生的事。如:They will see us if we go out at the mo

13、ment.(未来会发生的事)They will take different routes to the same destination.(正在制定的计划)My uncle is going to visit us next month.(在一个较近的未来将要发生的计划中的事)I think its going to rain.(有可能发生的事),四、一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,3、will/shall do相对较为正式,常用于书面语,表示一个相对较远的未来;be going to do常用于口语中,表示一个相对较近的未来。如:Im going to Beijing tomorrow

14、.(较近未来)Therell be no living things on the earth if people dont protect the environment.(较远未来),四、一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,4、be going to do 用于表示计划、打算去做某事(强调主观意愿);还可以表示根据事实情况极有可能发生的事。如:Im going to take another route.(计划)Its so cloudy.I think its going to rain.(根据事实极有可能发生),四、一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,5、在英语中,有些动词如go,co

15、me,leave,arrive等位置移动词可用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。如:Im coming.(我就来了。)Are we all going?(我们都将去吗?),四、一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,6.在含有条件状语从句或时间状语从句的复合句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时,且用will而不用be going to。如:Mum will go to Beijing if it doesnt rain tomorrow.When you get home,youll find a new bike in your garden.,cross,across,throughe.g.1)H

16、e _ the road and then swam _ the river.across,across B.cross,across C.crossed,cross D.crossed,across 2)Look!There is a train going _(across/through)quickly.,D,through,实战演练,用正确的时态填空:The twin brothers _(go)fishing next Tuesday.We _(meet)outside the school gate tomorrow.3.How _ they _(visit)the History

17、 Museum next week?-By bus.4.Look!The sun _(shine)through the window.5._ we _(take)different routes?-Ok.6.There _(not be)a football match next month.7.Madee _(live)in a small town in Thailand.It _(be)beautiful and quiet there,but it _(rain)a lot.8.He _(sit)on the balcony and _(look)out at the park no

18、w.,will go,will meet,will,visit,is shining,Shall,take,will not be,lives,is,rains,is sitting,looking,9.-When _ you _(arrive)in Beijing?-Two hours later.-How long _ it _(take)you to get there on the train?-Two hours.10.What _ your mother _(buy)for you when she goes shopping?11.Next Sunday they _(have)

19、a picnic.Simon _(bring)paper plates and forks.12.The Class 1,Grade 7 students _(hold)a party for the group of exchange students from Britain this Friday.13._he often _(drive)to work?,does,buy,will have,will bring,will hold,Does,drive,will,arrive,does,take,中考备考手册 7 B Unit 3答案Page25-27,第一课时 教材梳理一broth

20、ers,nearby,quickly,pushed,van,policemen,back,routes,surprised,stopped二1 quickly 2 knives 3 happily 4 turning 5 surprised 6 pushes 7 exit 8 cloudy 9 across 三D A D 1 get off the bus 2 in(the)north-west of 3 the way to the police station 4 on the other side of the road 5 cross the road/go across the ro

21、ad,第二课时 能力提升一mean,join us,Sounds great,twenty minutes ride,turning二C C A B C B A B C A三1 language 2 getting 3 passed 4 trouble 5 name 6 seller 7 money 8 by 9 again 10 seen四 1 maps 2 sound 3 returns 4 whether/if 5 knock 6 danger 7 tricks 8 make 9 forty-one 10 dark,一、基础词汇名词1.north-west 2.south-east 3.

22、monitor 4.note 5.robber 6.police 7.turning 8.knives 9.route 10.traffic 11.light 12.crossroads 13.corner 14.stairs 15.museum 16.exit 17.hotel 18.station 19.market 20.picnic 动词1.follow 2.drive 3.push 4.fail 5.work 6.cross 7.jump 8 join 9.mean 10 ring 11 stopped 12 report 13 smile 14 win形容词 1 afraid 2

23、another 3 surprised 4 cloudy 5 correct,初三英语第一轮复习学案 7 BUnit3答案,二、重点词组1.the police station 2.receive a call 3.live nearby 4.drive to/go toby car 5.three men in police uniform 6.take different routes 7.turn left into 8.stop at the traffic lights 9.run away quickly 10.stop talking 11.be surprised to see

24、 12.in the end/at lastIII根据中文提示写单词 1 suddenly 2 surprised 3 across 4 straight 5 passed pastIV用所给词的适当形式填空 1 quickly 2 to join 3 chooses 4 knives 5 buy,V单选 1-5 C D C A A 6-10 C D A C D 11-12 D CVI难点语法1)用正确的方位介词填空 1 up 2 round 3 along 4 across 5 from 6 over 7 through 8 down 9 to2)用will,shall 和be going

25、to 来谈论将来1 will be,will join 2 shall take 3 will meet 4 is going to rain,wont rain 5 are going to have,is going to bring3)选用other,another,the other,others填空1 the other 2 another 3 others other 4 others 5 other4)句型转换1.dont,will 2.How did 3.Whats,like 4.Take,turning 5.Dont,climb,5)完成句子1.Shall,go 2.stop

26、ped talking 3.to talk 4.Excuse me,the way to,on,turn,crossing,cross,on5 in,corner,of 6 out of 7does mean,do mean,meaning,自主复习一1 monitor 2 fail 3 north-west 4 along 5 corner 6 cloudy 7 following 8 Fifth 9 happily 10 to talk二 get there,walk over,go along,the traffic lights,at the corner,arrive at课堂巩固一

27、rings,nearby,drive,quickly,uniform,push,away,knife,surprised,laugh二1 tried to iron,tried to push the door open 2 Turn right into,turn left into Zhonghua Road at the traffic lights,中考指导书P49-50 7BUnit 3答案,3 was surprised to find,was surprised to receive语法梳理1 down 2 from 3 through 4 to 5 over 6 around

28、7 up/down 8 over/on to 9 across 10 along书面表达Dear Tom Our school will have an English festival.Im very happy to invite you to the festival.It will be bery interesting.We will have it in our school next Sunday.It is on April 4th,from 8a.m.to 6p.m.During the festival,we will have activities such as Eng

29、lish reading show,English handwriting competition,the word contest,English games,singing and dancing and English plays.We hope you can come and enjoy yourself.We are looking forward to seeing you that day.Yours,Jack 单元练习三(7B Unit1-3)一 1-5 C A C D A 6-10 D D A A A 11-15 D B D D B 二 16-20 C B D A A 21

30、-25 D B D C B 三 26-30 A D B C D 31-35 F T F F T 四 36shoppers 37quiet 38shower 39sick 40monitor 41ninth 42ours 43less 44to work 45restaurants,中考指导书P51 单元练习7A Unit1-Unit3答案,五 Hello,Mike!I want to tell you about my life in Xingguang Town.Xingguang Town is a modern town in Nanjing,the capital of Jiangsu

31、.It only takes about fifteen minutes to get to the centre of Nanjing by underground.There are some hills with lots of trees around the town,so there is less air pollution here.A beautiful park is near a river.People can go shopping easily in the town.If you want to try different food,you can go to Wangfu Street.Well have a farewell party on June 6th.Well have a picnic,play games and some other activities then.People in the town are also very friendly.I like studying here.,


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