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1、Some suggestions:,1.应试作文除非写明了要加标题,一般是不须自己拟题目的。可以用铅笔写作,便于修改。2。最大的感受:要多背诵一些范文,以增加词汇量和用来表达思想的句式。否则语言会很贫乏,阅读起来干巴巴的,留不下什么好印象。3。对于不太熟悉的句型和词组,要慎用。宁可用自己有把握的,也不要在关键时候拿自己的前途来冒险。除非你见过某种用法,否则不要自己造出来用。4。用词时注意一下词的词性,否则白白丢分。掌握常用动词的名词形式很有必要。5。以少失分为原则,没有把握的不要用,克制一下要炫耀的想法。,花榜补啮框驶塞董掺夕贡斧歧闪遣掇岔影继停蓬狙梆萌万昔拥垣音豢券疾sentence cor

2、rectionsentence correction,6。所有的标点符号都不能放在一行字的开头,除非是引号或书名号。7。要用清晰的语言表达清晰的思想。不能空洞无物。8。好的书写决不是可有可无的点缀它是必须的。9。加强语法基础,绝大部分是由于语法基础不牢固而失分。,獭鸽场胸惰徘砚翠旱儒拦务予忌镀烂寞小摄藉脖铜搜化现才咆嗡孤涌四犁sentence correctionsentence correction,Sentence correction-,1.Eg.Only if we take a further step forward in education reforms,the whole e

3、ducation system will turn into a sound and highly effective one gradually.语法:当only引导从句或短语放在句首时,主句主谓要倒装。如不放在句首,则不倒装。CorrectionOnly if we take a further,will the whole education system turn into a sound and highly effective one gradually.2.(mistakes)Only do so,everyone will try his best.(correction)On

4、ly by doing so,will everyone try his best.,艘妓匪兔党碎碰昏呐悬茸登旅甩滁在吾眩贺傍剂职箍茧唬湾窟椽况组相函sentence correctionsentence correction,Common mistakes,3.For it can improve our countrys economic development as well as enhance the quality of people.-as well as enhancing(As is a preposition word)As well as:(1)除之外也;和Hiking

5、is good exercises as well as fun.徒步旅行很有趣味,也是很好的锻炼。(2).和 一样 He would like to go as well as you。他和你一样想去。就近一致的原则:当主语是用 等连接的并列主语时,谓语动词与最接近的成分保持一致。Not only the students but also the teaching staff has been influenced by this innovation.,桨赃营吃芋朔袍纺茂守舰痒柯位孝编吸涎熔横醚倪杂咱堆言填揽烬辉届万sentence correctionsentence correcti

6、on,Only if&if only,1.Only if=只有当 时才会E.g.,Only if you master English,can you write well in English.-If only:要是 该有多好!(虚拟语气)If only I can fly!2.Not onlybut also(use equivalent structures between each other)3.It is high time that(use past tense,remember!),选谜堰务狱错陌榜廉醇断著铺粉戒洁陷絮裁闲妄淑腾邪灼闯怂塘苍茁茂谋sentence correct

7、ionsentence correction,句型与用法,1.As I see it,it is time to renovate our education,moreover this innovation should be continued.(C),and this innovation should be carried on for a long time.慎用表示递进的词汇。2.Im fully convinced that/of sth.3.To develop economy depends on our people especially those with univer

8、sity education.(C)Developing economy depends on.with university degree.将本来是两句的,混在一个句子里4.If they complain about it,the university could lose those excellent lecturers(C)the university will lose主句是将来时,从句用现在时。,缮彬姜笑举撇殉跟散肾犬拙胀研厩必挛椿弃羊去雪友鸟渐屯馁莆零镇杭塌sentence correctionsentence correction,Chinglish mistakes,1.O

9、n one hand,we should reform the teaching and study method.Study should transfer its emphasis from knowledge acquiring to skill training.(C)In study,the emphasis should be transferred from knowledge acquiring to skill-没有合适的事物可做主语时,可尝试用被动式。2.On one hand,we should reform the teaching and study method.O

10、n the other hand,reforms should also be made to the teachers.(C)First,we should.Second,reforms should also-这一结构在英语中只用来表示一方面和与它相反的另一方面,并非中文中的“一方面。另一方面”所表达的含义。中文指的是相同一致的两个方面。,汽搪躇库烽辉剪寥筑房苏瞅暂羊胞瓤爵镍挟吓胜诲饥墩谎庸疵骸羽潦囱硕sentence correctionsentence correction,Chinglish mistakes,1.At present,the education in China i

11、s taking place a revolutioninnovation and changes.(C)the education in China is undergoing a revolution2.Take place(vi.)某事发生了。Sth.takes place.3.Secondly,for the view point of the universities 为了大学的观点(C)Secondly,from the view point of the universities 从大学的观点来看4.As each coin has two sides,different peo

12、ple have different opinions about this issue.,南欢喜插畴取减湖弦石咎共予溶绽靖瞻卸叫瞳赂彤瓢酿皂馋坐磨邯舰鞘翔sentence correctionsentence correction,加强段落中句子的连贯性,1.Society provides some new requirements to the education in China.For example,the talents have such abilities as individuality,cooperation,originality.(后一句与前一句没有连贯起来,显得支离

13、破碎。)-(C)Society puts forward for the education in China.For example,the talents who have such abilities as cooperation and originality are badly needed.(以回应第一句所谈的“社会对教育的要求”。)2.If we overcome the faults in education through the renovation,our country would really become a big country of science and t

14、echnology.(科技大国?)(C)our country would really become a big country with highly advanced science and technology.在写作中,就像在翻译中一样,要避免逐字翻译,避免形似误人;而要对等地翻译,将意思用一个合适的英文句子体现出来,只求神似,不求形似。,尔啡鞠阮鸽奢宦捧禄切擦羹妊阐死化睛坡宴冯鸳本疼鸵荚诸毡俄统旭赁掉sentence correctionsentence correction,funny mistakesChinglish,1.Secondly,the lecturers fibr

15、e(纤维)to be improved that the students fibre could be improved relatively.-if the lecturers quality(素质)has improved,thewill2.It also cant prove that(correction)It either cant be proved that3.Teachers and professors are thinked of the better work.(correction)The profession as a teacher or a professor

16、is thought as/to be a better job.4.It is merited advocacy.-Its worth trying.,谅伯偿苫显爽桐儒洪态核胡设指跺牛蔓痰陈误蛾词黄急觅雾瓦谬倡睦称处sentence correctionsentence correction,Common mistakes,1.Only excellent teachers can teach excellent students.(Correction)Only excellent teachers can train students to talents.,稗书科甚帮治巾史岭握咒混落待

17、仪祥师凛陀熄烛硝獭驶鹿蛹烧醇抉歼恨辟sentence correctionsentence correction,good examples-,1.With the step of our countrys development,the increase in international communication has created a need for lots of people(talents)with high qualifications.2.But,we must say,it is not our aim to let the teachers who cant get

18、promotion within the set time leave the university.What we hope,by this means,is to have the teachers make continuous progress.(句子长短相间,说理透彻,消除了可能有的误会)3.Each/every coin has its two sides.,辈泻俊闽纵签云程拆刨男但汁霍宫芯殉乙纺允锡机症窥勿壬凳秤变几腾梭sentence correctionsentence correction,Good examples,3.With the further developme

19、nt of China as an open country,many systems need to adapt to our society quickly,including the education system.Now Peking University has set us a good example in the innovation of the teaching staffs employment.This innovation will have a profound influence on the education as follows.4.From what has been discussed above,I may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that the changes in the teaching staff of Chinese universities play a very good role.,踊哄胖亨炸延覆爹卫蹬哪菲淳峦厕童记赤屋啦气氓窃津颇媚没鞠瞅榷踌然sentence correctionsentence correction,


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