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1、.重点单词识记1universal /junIvsl/ adj.共同的,普遍的,全体的,全世界的2cast /kst/ vt.& vi.选派角色;投射(光、影);向投以(视线、笑容)3stubborn /stbn/ adj.固执的,顽固的4condemn /kndem/ vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责5dare /de(r)/ vt.& vi.& aux.敢于,胆敢6seize /siz/ vt.逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住;夺取,攻占7demand /dImnd/ vt.强烈要求;需要;n.要求;需求8scold /skld/ vt.训斥,责骂9deadline /dedlaIn/ n最后期限,截止

2、日期10broken /brkn/ adj.破损的,受伤的;中止了的;不连续的11opportunity /ptjuntI/ n机遇,时机,机会12liberty /lIbtI/ n自由13decline /dIklaIn/ n衰落,衰败;减少;下降;vi.& vt.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝14trend /trend/ n趋势,动向15seek /sik/ vt.& vi.试图,设法;寻找,寻求16prejudice /predIs/ n偏见,成见;vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见17disturbing /dIstbI/ adj.令人不安的;引起恐慌的disturb vt.打扰,扰乱disturbe

3、d adj.心烦意乱的,烦恼的18evident /evIdnt/ adj.清楚的,显然的evidently adv.明显地,显然地evidence n证据,根据19collection /klekn/ n作品集;收藏品;一批(人或物品);取走collect vt.收集,收藏20tendency /tendnsI/ n倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向tend vi.往往,趋向;vt.照看21gradual /rl/ adj.逐渐的,逐步的;平缓的,不陡的gradually adv.渐渐地,逐渐地22discrimination /dIskrImIneIn/ n歧视,区别对待;辨别力,鉴赏力discrim

4、inate vi.& vt.歧视;区分,辨别.重点短语识记1be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚2ask for somebodys hand in marriage(向女方)求婚3break ones promise违背诺言4fall in love相爱,坠入爱河5at first sight初次见面;乍一看6be accessible to可由进入/使用7put up举起;张贴;提供食宿8apply for申请9serve as担任,用作,起作用10dance to随着的节奏跳舞11spring up突然兴起,迅速出现12break up破裂,解散;破碎.经典原句默写与背

5、诵1Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a more awesome setting!想象一下在紫禁城上演这出歌剧吧不可能有比这更好的场景了!2The emperor finds the death disturbing.国王为死人的事感到不安。3However,although he would like to,he cannot break his promise and must allow Turandot to do as she wishes.但是,虽然他很想收回

6、这一允诺,但又不能食言,只能让图兰朵按照自己的意愿行事。4Calafs father and Liu have been seen accompanying Calaf,so Turandot seizes Calafs father and Liu,and demands that they tell her Calafs name or they will be beaten.有人曾看见卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿陪着卡拉夫,因此图兰朵把卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿抓了起来,命令他们说出卡拉夫的名字,否则就要拷打他们。5Wherever the Beatles went,there was a phenome

7、non called Beatlemaniathousands of fans would surround them,screaming and going crazy trying to see them.无论甲壳虫乐队到哪儿,总有一种被称为“披头士狂热”的现象成千上万的歌迷围住他们,尖叫着,疯狂地想见他们一面。1The disturbing news made people present at the meeting disturbed(disturb)2The situation is showing a tendency(tend) to improve.3If you are u

8、nwilling(willing),dont hesitate to say no.4Closure of the plant means 80 workers are facing unemployment(employment)5She was merciful(mercy) to the orphan;she often gave him food and water.6In the good care of the nurses,the boy is gradually(gradual) recovering from his heart operation.7I think its

9、time we sought(寻求) legal advice.8We offered to give them a lift but they declined(婉言谢绝)9Seize(抓住) the chance,otherwise youll regret it.10He stopped the man and demanded(要求) to know where he came from.1condemn sb./sth.for.因而谴责某人或某事condemn指责某人为condemn判处某人某种刑罚condemn sth./to do sth.

10、迫使某人接受困境(或不愉快的状况)He was condemned to life imprisonment.他被判终身监禁。Mark was condemned to do most of the work.马克被迫承担大部分工作。夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)They were condemned to a life of hardship.(2)We condemned him for his bad behavior.2(1)作为情态动词,用在否定句或疑问句中。(2)作为实义动词,可用于各种句式。dare作实义动词时,其后的动词不定式符号to可以省略。(3)I dare say.意为“

11、我认为,我想”,同I think.,其后接一个省去that的从句。Dare he go out at night?Yes,he dare./No,he darent.晚上他敢出去吗?是的。(只有在简略形式的回答中,情态动词dare才可用在肯定句中)/不,他不敢。He dares (to) go home alone.他敢一个人回家。He doesnt dare (to) go home alone.他不敢一个人回家。Does he dare (to) go home alone?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.他敢一个人回家吗?是的,他敢。/不,他不敢。I dare say

12、 she will come.我认为她会来。特别提醒在做有关dare的练习时,先要分清它是情态动词还是实义动词。 夯实基础翻译句子晚上他不敢出去。He darent go out at night.3demand (of sb.) to do.要求(某人)做,demand doing/to be done需要demand that.(should) do.要求satisfy/meet ones demands满足某人的需求on demand一经要求in demand需要make demands of对提出要求We can understand or remember the knowledge

13、 which the teachers demand of us to master.我们才能理解或记住老师要求我们掌握的知识。 (2013四川书面表达)特别提醒demand作动词时,后可接名词、不定式和从句作宾语,但不可跟 do结构;后接that从句时,从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气,即(should)动词原形。 夯实基础完成句子(1)Strike workers demanded to see the manager.罢工工人要求见经理。(2)My demand is that the information referred to in my report be emailed to

14、 Mr.Brown without delay.我的要求是:请立刻把我的报告中提到的信息发给布朗先生。4He made the mistake of leaving his valuable record collection with a former girlfriend.他犯了一个错误,把自己收藏的一批珍贵唱片留在了以前的一个女友那里。Two years ago he published a collection of short stories.两年前,他出版了短篇小说集。词义辨析collect,gather(1)collect指按一定原则或种类仔细地将相关的东西收集在一起,使其成为某

15、一整体的一部分。有时有认真选择的含义,指把不同类型的东西有秩序地编排或整理为一个整体。(2)gather表示没有选择性地加以收集、聚集;把分散的东西集中到一起,不仅可用于人和物,还可用于抽象的东西,如力量、印象等聚集起来,也指“采花、摘果”等。 夯实基础用collect,gather的适当形式填空(1)They were gathering flowers for the festival.(2)Ive collected over three hundred Chinese stamps since I came here.5decline to do.拒绝做a decline in在方面下

16、降in decline/on the decline在衰退中,走下坡路The minister declined to comment on the rumors.部长拒绝对那些传言发表评论。 夯实基础(1)用适当的介词填空There has been a steady decline in public services over recent years.Thankfully,this is a disease that is now on the decline.(2)翻译句子在许多方面生活水平正在下降。In many cases living standards are declini

17、ng.单项填空1Although Oriental ideas of womans subordination to man prevailed in those days,she meet with men on an equal basis.Adid not dared Bdared not toCdared not Ddid dare not to答案C解析A项中dare为实义动词,应为dare原形;B项中dare为情态动词,后接动词原形;D项中dare为实义动词,否定式为didnt dare to。2The boss demanded that Mary the work within

18、 a week.Afinished Bwould finishChad finished Dfinish答案D解析demand后跟从句时,从句中用虚拟语气(should) do。3Her lack of knowledge condemns her the kind of work that needs strength.Ato do BdoingCdo Dof doing答案A解析句意为:缺乏知识使她不得不做这种需要力气的活。condemn do sth.迫使某人做某事。4My little son out alone at night.Adares not go Bdares

19、not to goCdare not to go Ddoesnt dare to go答案D解析dare作情态动词时没有人称和数的变化,后面不能接带to的不定式;作实义动词时,有人称和数的变化,变疑问句和否定句时要加助动词do,后面接不定式,且to可以省略。根据句意可知此处用一般现在时。故选D项。.选词填空1The gallery houses one of the finest collections of impressionist art.2In addition to the rising birth rate and immigration,the declining death r

20、ate contributed to the population growth.汉译英1首先,在中国理科毕业生比文科毕业生的需求量大。(demand) (2012安徽书面表达)First,science graduates are in greater demand than arts ones in China.2如果我们团结得像一家人一样,互相关心帮助那些需要的人们,我们就能创造奇迹。(unite) (2011福建书面表达)We can work wonders if we unite as a family,caring for each other and helping those

21、 in need.1If the project is a success,similar constructions may spring up elsewhere in the country.2He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged.3When I first read Dickenss novel at the age of 12,I immediately fell in love with British literature.4The band broke up about 1970,but happily th

22、ey reunited in the mid1980s.5At first sight,there is nothing special about the watch,but in fact it is a mobile phone.1fall behind落后fall asleep入睡fall ill生病fall into the habit of养成的习惯fall into分成They fell in love with each other.他们彼此相爱了。夯实基础完成句子(1)He was so tired that he sat down and fell asleep(睡着了)(

23、2)He fell into the habit of(养成了的习惯) going there every Saturday evening,when he was in London.2break down(机器)出故障;失败;(身体或精神上)垮掉;破除;打破break off中断break through突破;冲破break out发生;爆发Police were called in to break up the meeting.有人叫来了警察将聚会驱散。图解助记 夯实基础用适当的介、副词填空(1)His health broke down from the stress of the

24、new job.(2)My girlfriend had broken up with me.(3)It will take ten years to break through the cultural barriers.(4)A fire broke out last night.单项填空While the husband computer games,his wife asleep.Aplay;was fallingBwas playing;fellCwas playing;was fallingDplay;fell答案B解析while意为“正当时”,引导的从句要用进行时态;又因fall

25、 asleep为瞬间性动词短语,不能用进行时,故选B项。.选词填空1If you are always cast down by such kind of failure,you will never succeed.2It was then that I finally realised I had been fooledfallen for one of the most basic tricks social hucksters used!3I was telling them about my exciting travels when he broke in with a story

26、 of his own.汉译英1我的谈话可以自然分成三个部分。(fall into)My talk falls naturally into three parts.2句子可以分成从句。(break up)Sentences can be broken up into clauses.用省略句改写下列句子1Ill ask for your help if it is necessary.Ill ask for your help if necessary.2Some of us study Japanese,and others study English.Some of us study J

27、apanese,and others English.3Though he was tired,he didnt stop at all.Though tired,he didnt stop at all.4Sorry,youve dialed the wrong number.Sorry,wrong number.5Have you got a light?Got a light? While the blues was popular,as a musical format it lacked variety and was too sad and slow to dance to.尽管蓝

28、调音乐非常受欢迎,但作为一种音乐形式,它缺少变化,而且太伤感、节奏太慢,不适合跳舞时伴奏。(1)太而不能(2)与not或never连用时,意为“无论也不过分,越越好”。,cannot.too.再也不过分(3)only/just/but非常去做(too前的only,just,but不仅没有否定意义,反而加重了too的肯定语气)(4)too ready/easy/eager/willing/anxious/表示肯定,作“过于、太会”解。(5)too.not to.表示肯定,含义是“非常必定能;太不会不”。Ill be only too

29、pleased to be able to do the job for you.我能为您效劳,真是十分高兴。 夯实基础翻译句子(1)Mary is too wise not to know it.玛丽很聪明,不会不懂的。(2)She is too ready to get angry.她动不动就生气。(3)You cannot be too careful.小心无过火。(4)One is never too old to learn.活到老学到老。.单项填空1Lily had to call a taxi because the box was to carry all the way ho

30、me.Atoo much heavy Btoo heavy muchCmuch too heavy Dheavy too much答案C解析考查结构,much修饰too,加强语气。2Must I turn off the gas after cooking?Of course.You can never be careful to use it.Aenough Btoo Cso Dvery答案B解析答语句意为:当然了。使用煤气的时候越小心越好。never无论也不过分,符合句意。.汉译英那就是那台零部件小得几乎看不见的新机器。( the n

31、ew machine whose parts are too small to be seen.1 small,the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries. (2013天津,5)AAs BIfCAlthough DOnce答案C解析考查省略句中的连词选择。句意为:尽管公司小,它在30多个国家有1 000名左右的采购员。as意为“因为”;if意为“如果”;although意为“尽管”;once意为“一旦”。2Film has a much shorter history,especially when such art form

32、s as music and painting. (2012新课标全国,32)Ahaving compared to Bcomparing toCcompare to Dcompared to答案D解析句子的主语是film,它和compare之间是被动关系,所以要用被动形式。因此只能选D项。“when compared to.”相当于when引导的状语从句的省略,补全后为:when it is compared to.。句意为:电影的历史短得多,尤其是它与诸如音乐、绘画等艺术形式相比较时。3 volleyball is her main focus,shes also great at bas

33、ketball. (2011北京,29)ASince BOnceCUnless DWhile答案D解析句意为:虽然排球是她的主要核心项目,但是她篮球打得也很棒。根据句意可知,这里表示让步关系。while虽然,符合句意。since既然;once一旦;unless除非。4It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. ,wed better take it to the garage immediately. (2011江苏,33)AOtherwise BIf notCBut for that DIf so答案D解析句意为:听起来好像

34、汽车的发动机出了故障。如果这样的话,我们最好马上把它开到维修厂(修理一下)。otherwise否则,要不然;if not如果不是这样的话;but for that要不是那样。以上三项均不符合句意。if so如果这样的话,符合句意。if so相当于if something is wrong with the cars engine。5We feel our duty to make our country a better place. (2011天津,1)Ait BthisCthat Done答案A解析句意为:我们觉得使我们国家成为一个更好的地方是我们的责任。四个选项均为代词。it在此处作形式

35、宾语,指代后面的动词不定式短语to make our country a better place,语法结构正确;this指代下文将要涉及的内容,而that往往指代上文提到的内容;one作代词,指代同类不同物。this,that和one均不能作形式宾语。6Whats the matter with Della?Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she still .(2009江苏,33)Ahopes to Bhopes soChopes not Dhopes for答案A解析答语句意为:噢,她的父母不让她参加这个

36、聚会,但是她仍旧希望能去参加。根据but这个并列连词以及hope的用法可知此处应该用hopes to。7Some of you may have finished Unit One. ,you can go on to Unit Two.(2009江西,35)AIf you may BIf you doCIf not DIf so答案D解析句意为:你们当中可能有些人已经结束了第一单元,如果这样的话你们可以开始第二单元。so代替前句意思的肯定情况,而not代替前面意思的否定情况。.单项填空1The judge condemned the criminal all his life in pris

37、on.Ato spend BspendingCto spending Dspent答案A解析句意为:法官宣判罪犯终生监禁。condemn sth./to do sth.宣判某人。2I wonder how he that to the teacher.Adare to say Bdare sayingCnot dare say Ddared say答案D解析A项中dare为实义动词,dare应用过去式形式;dare后不接doing,故排除B项;C项中dare为情态动词,其否定式应把not放在dare后。故只有D项正确。3 for us to surf on the sea in s

38、ummer!AWhat exciting it is BHow exciting is itCWhat exciting is it DHow exciting it is答案D解析考查感叹句。在感叹句的用法中,what通常修饰名词,而how通常修饰形容词或副词,此处是“Howadj.主语谓语”形式的感叹句。故选D项。4He felt that it didnt deserve .Aconsideration BconsideringCto be considered Dall of the above答案D解析deserven./doing/to be done值得。5Both the pa

39、rents are away on business.Who do you advise the child at home?Aattend Bto attendCattending Dattended答案B解析考查不定式作宾语补足语。advise后可接不定式作宾语补足语,构成advise do sth.结构。故选B项。6She for fifteen years,yet she didnt know what kind of person she .Ahad married;marriedBhad got married;married toChad been married;h

40、ad marriedDmarried;had married to答案C解析for fifteen years是时间段,谓语动词必须是延续性动词;get married相当于marry,是瞬间动词,不可延续;介词to只跟在be/get married之后,表示“与某人结婚”,因此应选C项。7Word comes that free souvenirs(纪念品) will be given to comes first.Ano matter whom BwhomeverCno matter who Dwhoever答案D解析四个选项中只有whoever可引导名词性从句,且在从句中作主语。8Thi

41、s is the first time we a film in the cinema together as a family.Asee Bhad seenCsaw Dhave seen答案D解析在“This/It is the first/second.timethat从句”中,that从句的谓语动词用现在完成时态。句意为:这是第一次我们全家人一起到电影院看电影。9With the number of cars increasing rapidly in cities,a major problem is the cars can be parked.Awhich Bthat Cwhen

42、Dwhere答案D解析空格引导is的表语从句且在从句中作地点状语,故选D。10The wise parents can tell whether their children are telling the truth they listen to their excuses for wrong deeds.Athe first time Bfor the first timeCevery time Dfor every time答案C解析句意为:每次听孩子为错事找借口时,明智的父母就能分辨出孩子是否在说实话。every time“每次”,在句中用作连词。A项可用作连词,但与句意不符。.阅读理

43、解AThe WorkStudy Program gives you the chance to work parttime on campus.If you need more money to cover all of your educationrelated costs,you may be eligible for this program.AdvantagesWork experience:Last year,more than 1,400 positions were available across all departments.The jobs vary from one d

44、epartment to the next,and in most cases,participants find a position in their chosen field.Money:During the regular academic year(September to April),you can work parttime and earn $3,200sometimes morewhile you take courses!During the summer time,you work fulltime and can earn around $6,000 over 18 w


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