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1、课堂教学设计课题: Unit1Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3 月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 The teaching content is taught the fourth class of the first unit of the eighth grade English volumes, 4a-4c part of section a is mainly through practice, skilled use of inquiry and expression of

2、 body of all kinds of discomfort and give appropriate recommendations of the sentence.教学目标知识与技能1、Knowledge Object:Summarize the grammar and practice them.2、Ability Object:Enable the students to do things using the target language and the grammar.过程与方法1. Practicing method.2 .Activities.情感态度价值观Learn t

3、o look after yourself and others.学情分析Through the first few hours of learning, students to express the physical discomfort can give appropriate suggestions教学分析教学重点The grammar.教学难点难点Use the grammar to do things.解决办法Read , practice, pair work教学资源CAI, A tape recorder.板书设计Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period 4

4、 Section A (Grammar Focus-4c)1.have a(an) +疾病名词, 表患病,如,2.be/feel +形容词, 表不适,3.hurt /cut/ break +具体部位,表伤害,如:4.take /get 表示诊治:5.用see或者go to 表达就医:6.用情态动词should表达建议3教学过程设计(第 4 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step1. RevisionStep2. Grammar focusStep3. PracticeStep4. MimingStep 5.HomeworkCheck the homework. Have the

5、 students write the word and expressions in 3a.Have the students read the sentences in Grammar Focus. And then sum up the grammar:1.have a(an) +疾病名词, 表患病,如,have a cold /fever/ cough/toothache /headache/ stomachache/ backache/, 某些搭配中还会用catch, 如, catch a cold.2.be/feel +形容词, 表不适,be/feel sick/bad/terri

6、ble,/tiredget hurt 表受伤3.hurt /cut/ break +具体部位,表伤害,如:hurt my leg, cut her finger, break his arm, hurt myself, cut himself, cut ones knee, hurt ones back 4.take /get 表示诊治:take ones temperature, take some medicine, get an X-ray,5.用see或者go to 表达就医:See a doctor, see the dentist , go to the doctor, go to

7、 the hospital.6.用情态动词should表达建议He should lie down and rest.She should take her temperature.Should I put some medicine on it ? Yes, you should./ No, you shouldnt.You shouldnt eat so much next time.1.4a.Fill in the blanks and practice the conversations.2.4b.Let the students do it individually, the tea

8、cher goes around the room finding out the common errors that students have. Write them on the blackboard and have students correct them. Then work in pairs.4c. Work in pairs . One student mimes a problem. The other students in the group guess the problem and give advice. A sample conversation:A: Wha

9、ts the matter ? Did you hurt yourself playing soccer? B: No, I didnt.C: Did you fall down?B: Yes, I did.D: You should go home and get some rest.The teacher moves around the classroom checking the progress and praising the group that does well. Then have one or two groups act out in the front of the class.write the word and expressions in 3a.read the sentences in Grammar Focus. And then sum up the grammar:Fill in the blanks and practice the conversations.correct them. Then work in pairs.Work in pairs进一步巩固前面学习的单词和短语通过读进一步总结语法规则掌握这些词的用法和区别通过做练习巩固所学的内容小组合作提高口语表达能力教学设计评价


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