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1、6课堂教学设计课题: Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 Teaching content of this course is mainly taught eighth grade English volumes unit eight self-test plate, in the class, first of all, the teacher shows the pictures to ena

2、ble students to understand another whale, finally, according to the book gives a whale of the words and phrases to fill in a form, write an essay about whales and speak whale protection教学目标知识与技能1. Review the present perfect tense2. Tell the differences between the present perfect tense and the past

3、tense3. Do some exercises about the phrases of the unit and review them.过程与方法Summary, leading in ,writing , shelf check, exercises情感态度价值观Protect animals and love animals学情分析By learning this unit , most students have mastered the comparative and the superlative教学分析教学重点Words and phrases: line , spoon,

4、 although , look good on, so that , not at all, keep on , at the end of , bring back, think of , write about, put down教学难点难点1. Remember new phrases and fill in the blanks 2. To tell the differences between the present perfect tense and the past tense解决办法Summary, shelf check ,exercises教学资源Multimedia,

5、 English book, PPT板书设计Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world ?Words and phrases: line , spoon, although , look good on, so that , not at all, keep on , at the end of , bring back, think of , write about, put down6教学过程设计(第 5 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 SummaryStep 2 Lead inStep 3 WritingStep

6、 4 Self-checkStep 5 Do some exercise.Step 6 HomeworkImportant phrases:feel free, as far as I know, in the face of, even though, at birth, up to, run over, walk into, fall over, or soKey sentences:Whats the highest mountain in the world?Qomolangma.How long is Qomolangma?Its 8,844.43 meters high. Its

7、higher than any other mountain.Which is the deepest salt lake in the world?The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lake.Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?Yes, I did. Its much older than the US.Important structures:1. cm taller/shorter 2. much /even/a little/l

8、ess +比较级3. times more than .4.Talk about how to protect pandas.对于鲸鱼你知道多少?鲸的体型是世界上存在的动物中最大的,鲸是终生生活在水中的哺乳动物,对水的依赖程度很大,以致它们一旦离开了水便无法生活,鲸形状像鱼,鼻孔在头的上部,用肺呼吸。体长可达三十米,是现在世界上最大的动物。鲸为适应水中生活,减少阻力,它们的后肢消失,前肢变成划水的浆板。身体成为流线型,酷似鱼。因而它们的潜水能力很强,小型齿鲸可潜至100-300米的水深处,停留4-5分钟,长须鲸可在水下300-500米处待上1小时,最大的齿鲸-抹香鲸能潜至千米以下,并在水中持续

9、2小时之久。3a Read the following words and phrases about whales. Put them in the correct place in the chart.1. Humans catch whales for meat, fat and oil2. Eat small fish and other sea life3. Jump high out of the water4. Rules on whale protection5. Huge6. Water pollution7. Live in the sea8. Some kinds hav

10、e teeth9. Learn more about whales10. Stop putting rubbish into the sea11. Sing songs12. Whale parts sold to make things likes candles and soapWhat do they look like?5 8Where do they live?7What do they eat?2What can they do?3 11Why do some of them have to be protected?1 6 12How can we protect them?4

11、9 103b Write a paragraph about whales and why they need to be protected. Use the information in 3a. Then make a poster.Whales are They live in They eat They canOne interesting fact is Another interesting fact isSome kinds of whales are in danger becauseWe should protect whales fromI think people sho

12、uld/shouldntRead these words then find the rules.clever-cleverer-cleverest nice-nicer-nicest easy-easier-easiest fat-fatter-fattest thin-thinner-thinnestbeautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful careful-more careful-the most carefulgood/well-better-bestbad-worse-worst many/much-more-most 1. Comple

13、te the chart.AdjectivesComparatives Superlatives highhigherhighestdangerousmore dangerousthe most dangerouslonglongerlongestpopularmore popularthe most popular2. Match verbs and objects. Then add one more object to each list.VerbsObjects1. reacha. my life, my money, my health2. achieveb. the top of

14、a mountain, the library,the farmhouse3. riskc. my dream, success,the endsAnswers: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a 3. Circle the correct word and /or fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets for each sentence.1. An elephant weighs (few/many) times more than a dog.2. An adult panda can eat (much/

15、a little) more than a cat.3. Canada is a (little/lot) less _ (crowded) than China.4. A tiger is (much/a little) _ (strong) than a man.Answers: 1. many 2. much 3. lot more crowed 4. much stronger一、根据句意,用适当的词填空。1. The biggest _ in the world is the Sahara.2. The river is too _ to swim in.3. China is on

16、e of _ civilizations (文明) in the world.4. The _ of the fastest animal is 120 kilometers per hour.5. What _ do you need for your coat? I want a large one.二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1. Jim is very _. Li Lei is _ than Jim. (hungry)2. Kates mooncakes are _ of all. (nice)3. Your box is _ than mine. But his is _ of

17、the three. (heavy) 4. Unit 2 is quite _. Unit 3 is _ than Unit 2. Its _ in Module (hard)5. This TV play is _ than that one. (good)6. My mother is very _. She is _ in my family. (busy)7. Lingling gets to school _ than the others. (early)8. She speaks English _ in our class. (well)9. Lucy jumped quite

18、 _. (far)10. I think English is as _ as Chinese. (important)11. This picture is _ of the four. (beautiful)12. Lucy did _ than Lily. (bad)三、单项选择。1. My brother is _ more outgoing than me. A. many B. little C. much2. October 12th was one of _ days in 2005. Shenzhou-VI was launched(发射)successfully. A. e

19、xciting B. more exciting C. the most exciting3. Which city is _, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou? A. beautiful B. the most beautiful C. more beautiful 4. _ children there are in a family, _ their life will be. A. The less, the better B. Fewer, richer C . The fewer, the better5. Mobile phones are very po

20、pular now and they are _ than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest6. In our city, its _ in July, but its even _ in August. A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hot, hotter7. Jacks handwriting is as _ as Mikes. A.good B. better C. best8. We can do the work better with _ money and _ people.A. litt

21、le, few B. less, fewer C. fewer, less9. Jim is the tallest student in our class and Tom is the second _ one.A. tall B. taller C. tallestAnswers: CCB ABC ABC1. Write a paragraph about how to protect endangered animals, use the useful sentences in 3b.2. Remember the words, phrases and sentences in thi

22、s unit.This unit phrase and sentence pattern3a Read the following words and phrases about whales. Put them in the correct place in the chart.Write a paragraph about whales and why they need to be protected. Use the information in 3a. Then make a poster.Read these words then find the rules.Match verbs and objects. Then add one more object to each list.Circle the correct word and /or fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets for each sentence.让学生对学过的短语和句型进行梳理导入新课通过设置一些问题自我检测做练习,提高解题技能通过做练习检测学习效果教学设计评价


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