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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)1. Cathy pclassical music to pop music. 2. Nothing is too difficult if you put your hinto it. 3. Susan dthrillers. She likes comedies. 4. The man reminds me of my math teacher who is very f. 5. I dont like to listen to quiet and g

2、entle music when Im d. 答案: 1. prefers2. heart3. dislikes4. famous/friendly 5. down. 单项选择(10分)1. What are you looking for? Im looking for the music CDyou lent me yesterday. A. whatB. whoC. whenD. that2. The womancame to see John yesterday is his aunt. A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. what3. I like to listen t

3、o music that can make me. A. happyB. relaxingC. boringD. to relax4. I prefer music thatme relaxed. A. makeB. makesC. hasD. have5. What do youMo Yans novels? I like them very much. A. look atB. likeC. think overD. think of答案: 15. DAABD. 完成句子(10分)1. 你不喜欢你的工作? 既然那样, 你为什么不辞职呢? You dont like your job? wh

4、y dont you leave? 2. 我们必须坚持原则。We must the principle. 3. 南希无法忍受太恐怖的电影。Nancy cant stand the movies too scary. 4. 充分的运动会帮助你保持健康。 exercise will help you keep healthy. 5. 我更喜欢能把歌词唱清晰的歌手。Isingerssing the words clearly. 答案: 1. In that case2. stick to3. that are4. Plenty of 5. prefer; who. 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳

5、选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. I like music that I can sing along with. B. Do you want to join the band? C. Who else can join our band? D. But Henry loves music thats loud. E. What do you play? F. Whats that? G. Why not sing aloud? A: Hi, Tom. Im starting a band. 1B: Sure, John. Id love to be in a band. A: OK, go

6、od! 2B: I dont want to play an instrument. I think I can sing. I like music that has great lyrics. A: 3B: Well, theres Dave. He plays the piano. But he prefers quiet music. A: What about Henry? He plays the guitar, doesnt he? B: Yes. 4A: Thats OK. We can play loud music and quiet music. B: What kind

7、 of music do you like, John? A: Oh, I like music that I can dance to. But theres just one problem for our band. B: 5A: I cant sing well. 答案: 15. BECDF. 阅读理解(10分)The programmes Sun Xiaomei hosts might be among the shortest on CCTV. On Screen Next Week is on once a week for 15 minutes, and TV You, He

8、and I comes on for five minutes each time once a week too. “Though these programmes are short, I have many ideas to make them more lively for the audience, ”she said. Sun was interested in music in her childhood. She played the violin since the age of five until she finished middle school. At first

9、her father wanted her to enter a music school; however, 16-year-old Sun Xiaomei became a student in Beijing Broadcasting College. Sun loves her job as a hostess very much. She pays great attention to learning from her comrades(同事), especially Zhao Zhongxiang. When Zhao Zhongxiang hosted The World an

10、d The Animal World, Sun would sit beside him to learn. “I am sure that when I am seen by hundreds of millions of audience on the weekend, I can make friends with them through my warm and easy talk, ”she said. 根据短文内容完成句子。1. TheSun Xiaomeiare On Screen Next Week and TV You, He and I. 2. ItSun Xiaomei

11、20 minutes to host the programmesweek. 3. In the sentence “I have many ideas to make them more lively for the audience”, the word “them” here means. 4. She played the violin516. 5. She has aandtalk to the audience. 答案: 1. programmes; hosts2. takes; each3. the programmes4. from; to5. warm; easy【方法技巧】

12、填词型阅读理解题阅读理解填词, 就是在充分理解的基础上根据文章内容及句子意思填词, 该题要求学生做到如下三点: 一、充分理解文章; 二、非常熟练地掌握考试说明所要求掌握的单词、短语; 三、熟知中考语法考点, 保证所填单词的形式正确。阅读理解填词是一类综合性强的试题, 文章一般为200个单词左右。为了做好该题, 读懂全文是基础, 所以学生需要非常熟悉单词。为了保证该题型的得分率, 需要精通单词的拼写、单词的词性、名词的单复数、动词的第三人称单数、动词的-ing形式、时态及语态、形容词及副词的比较级、最高级、句子成分分析以及简单句五种基本句型等语法知识。学生在平时记单词时, 可以有意识地进行归类、联系、区别, 如词性相同、词义相近的单词, 如think、believe和imagine; 词根相同、词性不同的单词, 如success, succeed和successful; 词根相同, 词义不尽相同的单词, 如interesting和interested; 一词多义, 如well“井(名词), 身体健康(形容词), 好(副词)”等。- 4 -


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