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1、三、代 词(一)人称代词、物主代词与反身代词熟读深思观察第1句,思考人称代词的用法;观察第2、3句,思考物主代词的用法;观察第4到6句,思考反身代词的用法。1.He loves her.他爱她。2.This is my pen.Yours(=Your pen)is over there.这是我的钢笔,你的在那边。3.The bag near the table is hers.桌子旁边的那个包是她的。,4.She is teaching herself English.她在自学英语。5.He lives by himself in the country.他独自住在乡下。6.The work

2、itself is easy.这工作本身很容易。,归纳总结1.人称代词可指代人或物,有主格和宾格之分,在句中可充当主语、宾语和表语。2.物主代词表示所属关系,有名词性和形容词性 物主代词之分,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和 定语。3.反身代词常指动作对象是动作发出者本身,有 单数和复数之分,可作宾语、表语和同位语。,(二)表示“两者”“多者”的代词熟读深思熟读下列句子,仔细体会画线代词的用法。1.If you cant decide which of the two books to borrow,why dont you take both?I wont read them this week.

3、如果你不能决定这两本书借哪一本好,为何不 把两本都拿去?我这周不看。2.I invited Joe and Linda to dinner,but neither of them came.我邀Joe和Linda来吃饭,但她们两个都没来。,3.Theres coffee and tea;you can have either.这里有咖啡和茶,你可以选择任何一种。Thanks!谢谢!4.I had to buy all these books because I didnt know which one was the best.我把所有这些书都买下来因为我不知道哪本 最好。,5.We had

4、three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for any.我们曾有三套园林工具,但似乎任何一套也派 不上用场。6.Of all the books on the desk,none is of any use for our study.桌上的所有书中,没有一本对我们的学习有用。,归纳总结1.all表示对三者或三者以上事物的全部肯定,在 句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语或同位语。2.both表示对两者的肯定,可作主语、宾语、定 语或同位语。3.none可作主语、宾语、表语或同位语,但不能 作定语。作主语、同位语时通常放在行为动

5、词 的前面,be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。4.either表示两者中的任何一个,强调个体,可 作主语、宾语或定语。5.neither的意义与both正好相反,指两个中的任 何一个都不,其用法类似于either,但neither 还可作副词,用于否定句中,意为“也不”。6.any表示多者中的任何一个。,(三)表示“另外”的代词熟读深思熟读下列句子,仔细体会画线代词的用法。1.I dont like this one;please show me another.我不喜欢这个,请给我另一个。2.He is ready to help others.他乐于帮助别人。3.She enjoys spe

6、nding other peoples money.她喜欢花别人的钱。4.Some children are reading;others are listening to the radio.有些孩子在阅读,有些则在听收音机。,5.He has two pens.One is red;the other is black.他有两支钢笔,一支是红的,另一支是黑的。6.Marys here.Where are all the others?玛丽在这里,其余的所有人都到哪里去了?7.Of the three foreign guests,one is from London;the other t

7、wo are from New York.在那三个外国客人中,一个来自伦敦,另外两 个来自纽约。8.Hell stay here for another two days(=two other days).他要在这里再呆两天。,归纳总结1.the other指代单数可数名词时,表示两者中的“另一个”。2.other在句中不能单独使用,一般修饰可数名词 复数,意为“(另外的)一些”,表示泛指。3.another一般表示单数,可单独使用也可接可数 名词的单数;但是如果其后有数词或few修饰 时,则接复数名词,表示在原有基础上需要“更多数量的”东西。4.others表示复数意义,相当于“other+

8、可数名 词复数”,不能作定语;the others相当于“the other+可数名词复数”。,【点金】以上代词常用于固定搭配中。(1)one.the other.一个,另一个(2)one.another.a third.一个,另 一个,第三个,用于表示三个不同的人或 物,含义是指同类事物。(3)“any other+可数名词单数”表示“(一定 范围内)其他任何一个”。,(4)与some对比使用时,常用others不用the others。Some cleaned the windows,others mopped the floor.有的擦窗户,有的擦地板。(5)some.others.th

9、e others.一些,另一些,剩下的一些,指所有的人或 事物之和。,(四)替代词it,that,one,those熟读深思熟读下列句子,仔细体会画线代词的用法。1.The Parkers bought a new house but it(=the house)will need a lot of work before they can move in.帕克一家买了一座新房,但是这座房子在搬进 去之前还需要做大量的工作。2.Im moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than that(=the ai

10、r)in the city.我要搬到农村去,因为那里的空气比城里的空 气要新鲜得多。,3.Weve been looking at houses but havent found one(=a house)we like yet.我们一直在看房子,但还没有找到一座我们喜 欢的房子。4.Mr.Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except the ones(=the pupils)who had already taken them.张老师将教材发给那些已经拿了教材外的所有 学生。,归纳总结1.that用来代替前面提到的单数可数名词或不可 数名

11、词,不和冠词连用,其后总有修饰语,表 示特指,相当于“the+可数名词单数/不可数名 词”。those常用来代替可数名词复数,相当于 the ones。2.one用来指与前面出现的单数可数名词同一类但 不是同一个,表示泛指概念,相当于“a/an+单 数可数名词”;ones用来指代前面出现的可数 名词复数,也表示泛指概念。,Susan gave me many valuable presents,ones that I had never seen.苏珊送给我很多珍贵的礼物,那些礼物我以前 从没有见过。【点金】(1)one可以和this或that连用,但 ones不能和these或those连用

12、,除非ones前有 形容词修饰。(2)the one相当于that;the ones相当于those。3.it指与上文提到的相同的事物,不能带任何修 饰语。A bird landed on my window.It chirped and danced.一只小鸟落在我的窗台上,又唱又跳。,(五)it的用法熟读深思熟读下列句子并思考it在句中的意义和作用。1.It was very quiet at the moment.2.It is eight oclock.3.It is five kilometers from the office to my home.4.It was rainy i

13、n spring in China.5.Where is my book?Its on the table.6.Who is making such a noise?It must be the children.,6.Who is making such a noise?It must be the children.7.Its kind of you to help me with the problem.8.Its no use crying over spilt milk.9.It is important that we(should)learn English well.10.It

14、 didnt occur to me that I would be the monitor.11.I think it hard for you to do the task on your own.12.It was because he was ill that he didnt come to school yesterday.,归纳总结1.it指代时间、距离、自然现象或事物的状态。2.it指代上文提到的事物、想法或性别不明的人。3.it可作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的从句、动名词或不定式充当的主语或宾语放在后面。4.it引导强调句型。5.it还可用于某些习惯用法中,但本身没有实际

15、意义。,试题精选1.What an amazing film!Its the most interesting film Ive ever seen.But Im sure it wont interest.A.somebodyB.anybody C.nobodyD.everybody 解析 根据上下文语境及答话人的意思:我敢肯 定这部电影不可能使每个人都感兴趣,说明该句 为部分否定。,D,2.The information he gave us is more important than we got ourselves.A.oneB.those C.thatD.the one 解析 根据

16、句子意思可以知道,选项代词所代替 的是句中不可数名词information,选项A、B、D 必须替代可数名词,只有that可以替代不可数名 词或特指的可数名词单数。,C,3.Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?.They are both expensive and of little use.A.NoneB.Both C.NeitherD.All 解析 根据问话人所用的most可知,句中 electronic dictionaries 应为三者以上,再根 据答句意义判断,选项应为否定,故应选none。该句答句部分bo

17、th.and很容易迷惑考生,使之 误认为是两者的否定形式,而误选 neither。,A,4.The winners,Bob and,who won the game,praised the losers,and.A.she;them;usB.her;they;are C.they;she;ID.her;me;him 解析 第一空为主语的同位语,故选人称代词的 主格;第二空和第三空为宾语的同位语,应选人 称代词的宾格,分析四个选项可以知道只有A项 符合句子结构。,A,5.Mr.Green kept telling her daughter not to surf the Internet too

18、 frequently,but didnt help.A.heB.she C.whichD.it 解析 分析句子结构可以知道,该句是有转折连 词 but连接的并列分句,故首先排除选项C(注意:如句中没有连词 but,可用关系代词which引导 非限制性定语从句);A、B两项不符合句意。,D,6.Which of the two books will you take?Ill take and I think of them is very important to me.A.either;neitherB.neither;both C.both;eitherD.either;both 解析 根

19、据答句意义可以知道,此句为肯定意义,说明答话人对两者都表示满意,故首先排除选项 A、B;选项D局部与整体意义矛盾,只有选项C符 合句子意思。,C,7.Never laugh at failure of,because enjoys being laughed at.A.others;nobody B.the others;everyone C.the others;anyone D.others;someone 解析 根据句子意思,第一空没有特定范围,表 示泛指;第二空应为表示否定意义的不定代词,意思为“没有人喜欢被人嘲笑”。,A,8.What do you think of the pric

20、e of these computers?They are at least equal in price to,if not cheaper than,at the other companies.A.itB.ones C.thatD.the ones 解析 分析句子意思可以知道,选项代词所指代 的名词为computers,且为特指,故应选the ones(=those),相当于the computers。,D,9.Its time to tidy your room,Mike!See the tidy room,Mum!is where it should be.A.SomethingB.

21、Anything C.EverythingD.Nothing 解析 根据答话人所说内容可以知道,房间里一 切都很整洁,含有整体性,应用everything。anything用于肯定句时,表示强调,该句无强调 之意。,C,10.Shopping online can provide convenience and choice,but not websites are safe enough for shopping.A.either;bothB.neither;any C.both;bothD.both;all 解析 第一空用both,构成 both.and,用来连 接两个宾语“既方便,种类又

22、多”;第二空用all 与not连用,表示部分否定,“并非所有的网站都 安全”,此处无两者之意。,D,11.Mr.Baker thinks his own inconvenience and of his fellow colleagues are the only thing that the government should deal with.A.whoeverB.someone C.thatD.any 解析 句意为:Baker 先生认为他的不便和他 同事的(不便)是唯一政府应该解决的问题。空 格中的词应该代替前面的不可数名词 inconvenience,故选that。,C,12.The

23、 CDs are on sale!Buy one and you will get completely free.A.otherB.others C.oneD.ones 解析 句意为:这些CD在促销。买一个就可以免 费得到另外一个。所以用one表示另一个。而其 它的选项,other是形容词,词性不合适。Others 名词,意为“其它的”。此处意思不合适。Ones 指代复数“其它的”,用在这里意思不合适。,C,13.Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please?A.whoB.what C.whoeverD.whateve

24、r 解析 whoever既作了to的宾语,又作is in charge of International Sales的主语。whoever作代词,指any person who/the person who任何人,无论谁,的人。,C,14.Jane was asked a lot of questions,but she didnt answer of them.A.otherB.any C.noneD.some 解析 所填词与not构成全部否定,四个选项中 只有any与not可以构成not any,相当于none,表示全部否定,故选B。,B,15.No progress was made i

25、n the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of.A.othersB.the other C.eitherD.another 解析 首先排除A项,因为A项是复数概念,指代 多个人或物;然后排除D项;another指“再 一;另一;又一(事物或人)”,the other指 两者中的另一个,故选B;最好排除C项,单纯一 个either不能作介词宾语,但是它可以作主语 或者定语。,B,16.The chairman thought necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.A.thatB.it C.thisD.him 解析 it 代替后面的不定式to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting,此句式为:think+it+adj.+(for sb.)to do sth.结构。,B,17.The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from spoken in England.A.whichB.what C.thatD.the one 解析 that用来代替前面出现的the English。,C,


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