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1、Hello,everybody:一下内容请结合笔记认真消化。四六级的真题解答思路都建立在课堂内容之上,请大家都看一下,少量内容可能超出课堂所学,目的在于让大家与一反三,适当扩充。各位:只有当你能彻底的熟悉所有句型,你才能真正得心应手的使用他们。注意:长句务必不要太长,不许超过20个单词。不要同时使用太多拉长方法,以免犯错。,第一部分:认识作文,二,评分大法则:符合题意是前提.Not many mistakes+but all the points covered 60%,2.A clear structure(三段式,干净,工整)70%,3.Ideas:logic,clear,persuasi

2、ve,special 80%,4.Some long sentences,complicated structures.(倒装,虚拟,复合,比较)90%,第二部分 应对策略,Part one语言能力篇,策略之一 了解错误 减少犯错:,一.主谓一致的错误 1.语法形式一致(the number ofa number of)2.意义上一致:形单意复,形复意单。(People,police,cattle),3.就近一致:A or B,either A or B,neither A nor B,not only A but also B+谓语动词(与B一致),戒烟对健康的重要性是毋庸置疑的。The i

3、mportance of giving up smoking to health is clear/undoubted/doubtless.,全面发展自己和把握有利机会是大学生走向成功的两大最重要因素。To develop themselves as possible as one can and to take all the favorable opportunities are the two most important factors to the success of university students.,二 时态语态错误:避免使用太难或拿不准的结构。原则:在合乎题目时态前提下

4、,以一般现在时为主;以一般将来时为辅;以一般过去时为补充;以虚拟语气为点缀。(尝试使用现在完成进行时:have been doing.),四.介词搭配错误:记单词要与介词一起记忆.例子:insist on,persist in,assist,resist againstdiffer indiffer from,五 冠词错误 1.An essential part 2.the+n.+of+n.3.the+单数=n的复数-表类别。the unknown(未知世界)the unemployed the good,the beautiful and the true.,Now I can see ho

5、w serious a problem it is.Birds of a feather flock together.He is a man of an unyielding spirit.,a burning/newly-risen sun a full moon a dark/free world two score of people three score and ten people scores/dozens of people,六,单词拼写(要准确高效记忆)例子:分开,辅助的,夸张,欣赏,策略之二 词汇突破,通用词汇的改善:如连接词的运用改善.第一,第二,第三,一方面,另一方面

6、,等等。,The most important factor we have to take into consideration is that,It is also of great importance to ponder over thatBesides what is mentioned above,it is still of necessity to pay close attention to that,On the one hand,on the other handSmoking is,on the one hand,very harmful to the health o

7、f the smokers themselves;it brings negative influence on the living environment around them,on the other(hand).,又如:but-howeverneverthelessnonetheless;sothereforein consequences,consequentlyWhat is more-more importantlymostlyTo sum up to be concluded in conclusion,2.各种话题有针对的重点突破:介绍 词汇方法,总结并高效记忆写作核心词汇

8、。,二漂亮句型之模板句:好好背诵一下很有好处!,(known/heard/had/read,etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.,Nothing is more important than to receive education.,We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.,There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from ba

9、d to worse.,It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.,An advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont create(produce)any pollution.,The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.,:So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it,Ri

10、ch as our country is,the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.by no means=in no way=on no account 一点也不,Bytakingexercise,wecanalwaysstayhealthy.,:Listeningtomusicenableustofeelrelaxed.,Onnoaccountcanweignorethevalueofknowledge.,Itistimetheauthoritytookproperstepstosolvethetrafficprobl

11、ems.,Thosewhoviolatetrafficregulationsshouldbepunished.,be+forced/compelled/obliged+to+V(不得不.),Sincetheexaminationisaroundthecorner,Iamcompelledtogiveupdoingsports.,It isconceivablethat+句子(可想而知的)Itisobviousthat+句子(明显的)Itisapparentthat+句子(显然的),Summerissultry.ThatisthereasonwhyIdontlikeit.,Forthepastt


13、izedmydream.,Theconditionofourtrafficleavesmuchtobedesired.(有很多不足有待解决),Smokinghasagreatinfluenceonourhealth.,Readingdoesgoodtoourmind.读书对心灵有益。Overworkdoesharmtohealth.工作过度对健康有害。,Pollutionposesagreatthreattoourexistence.,It is desired that she should come.(suggested,decided,proposed,ordered,recommend

14、ed.),五.经典疯狂句型专题谚语自己积累(如:fire is a good servant but a bad master.)疯狂语段背诵(新概念背诵),English may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future.,The language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly English.,Being able to absorb this information is

15、the key to the new century.,句式总结:may be the most important factor in deciding(who,which)can be something The of theis undoubtedly Being able to do is the key to,例子2.Alcohol and cigarettes are the two greatest killers in the world.,People are more attracted to things that are bad for them than they a

16、re to things that are good for them.,People know that they are bad for them,but they continue using them.,句式总结:andare the two greatestin the world.People are more.to things that are for them than they are to things that are for them.,The government and individuals ought to unite their efforts to fig

17、ht against environment pollution,by taking powerful and effective measures through strengthening legislations.(legislate),According to the cartoon/the chart,/the bar,/the table,Based on the statistics/message/information conveyed/expressed by the picture.,四级历年真题分析,2005,12 1.名校校园正成为旅游新热点(随着文化和教育的发展:t

18、ourism attractions(旅游热点)2.校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同(一些人,一些人,3.我认为(我)Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?,2006 4内容:1、有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课老师。(随着教育的发展,more and more universities begin to allow students to have a free choice of their teachers for some subjects2、学生选择老师时所考虑的主要因素是so what are the main f

19、actors that should be taken into consideration when they are choosing their teachers1.2.33、学生自选任课老师的益处及可能产生的问题。(benefits,advantages,every coin has two sides.bring negative influence to,(CET4 2007.)Spring Festival Gala on CCTV1.许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会(随着社会和文化的发展,more and more people prefer to watch2.但是有些人提出取

20、消春节晚会(some people hold the view thatbut some others hold a very different view thatthere is no agreement on whether or not theshould be cancelled)(a waste of time,a waste of money3.我的看法.(as far as I am concerned,I strongly maintain that),2007年6月英语四级作文及范文欢迎辞,欢迎加入俱乐部。标题:Welcome to our club本文要求考生写一篇欢迎辞

21、,属于一篇应用文写作,与04年6月的导游词类似,笔者认为难度不大,可按照以下提纲书写:1.表达你的欢迎;2.对你们的俱乐部作一个简要介绍。(English club)疯狂一下。,2007年12月大学英语四级 Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of Elective courses to choose.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow:1、各大学开设了

22、多种多样的选修课(教育的发展。2、学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课(so what are the reasons behind the choice of studentsthe most important factor3、以你自己为例(as far as I am concerned.,2008年6月21日英语四级作文及范文Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Internet.You should write at least 12

23、0 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1.有人认为网络可以让学习、工作更有效率(随着信息科技的发展,越来越多人开始关注。Internet is more and more widely used by peopleit can,directly and indirectly,influence.due to the fact that.2.还有人认为网络让青少年沉迷,进而影响学习(some others hold the view thatabandon themselves to).(playing computers

24、 is mentally unhealthy and physically harmful)3.你对于网络的看法,大学生做兼职1.如今有很多大学生在大学学习期间做兼职,创业。(Nowadays,there are a great number of university students begin to start their own business/do part-time jobs during their university life.)2.有的人认为这样是不明智的(it is inadvisable for them to do so due to the fact that d

25、oing part-time job can,to a large degree,bring influence on their normal study,这样影响学习。有的人认为这样可以拓宽学生视野,提高实践能力。(broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge,thus improving their ability of practice)3.你怎么认为。,知识与能力1.决定大学生职业生涯的因素有很多,(there are a variety of factors that decide the career of university

26、 students)一些人以为大学生择业中知识很重要(some of them hold the view that knowledge plays an essential role in their job-hunting;一些人认为能力更加重要(ability is,to a large degree,more important than other factors)。2.你怎么认为。3.大学生应该怎样面对知识能力的轻重问题,怎样应对。(university students should,on the one hand,pay close attention to the knowl

27、edge from text;they ought to,on the other hand,more importantly,attach great importance to the role of ability),The government and individuals ought to unite their efforts to help/to protect/to fight against,名校头衔1.一些公司和用人单位现在越来越不看重大学生的名校头衔(a number of companies are,nowadays,paying less and less atte

28、ntion to the reputation of universities),认为名校头衔并不能说明问题(and the maintain that the title of a university is,as a matter of fact,not everything)。2.谈谈名校头衔是否重要。(as far as I am concerned,though it is nice to have a diploma of a famous university,knowledge and ability are the most important factors in deci

29、ding who can be successful in the future.The way to be successful is undoubtedly to enrich our knowledge and ability.不要疯狂太多噢,够了),大学生健康1.大学生的健康状况令人担忧(nowadays,with the development of society and the increase of pollution,the health of university students are going from bad to worse),校园酗酒抽烟的现象时有发生(the

30、re are often a number of phenomena that many students become addicted to alcohol and cigarettes)。2.指出这一现象的危害。(there is no doubt in saying that smoking and drinking,to a large degree,bring negative influence on the life of students.It is mentally unhealthy and physically harmful for students to aband

31、on themselves to smoking and cigarettes)3.提出应对和解决措施。(the government and individuals ought to unite their efforts to prevent students from becoming addicted to smoking and),六级作文分析,2005年12月24日英语六级考试作文 A letter of declining a job offer 1、对公司提供的职位表示感谢(I am writing to you to express my sincere thanks/gra

32、titude to your offer of the post2、解释为何不能接受提供职位的原因(123,time,money,interests)3,希望予以谅解,并表达公司良好的祝愿 I wish you a great success and a bright future,2006年12月六级真题 Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Celebration of Western Festivals.1.现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的某 些节日(wi

33、th 文化,globalizationmore and more and Chinese people begin to celebrate the western festivals2.产生这种现象的原因(so what are the reasons behind the phenomenon,123.)3.这种现象可能带来的影响(so what are the possible tendency or influence of the celebration of western festivals in China?.),CET6 2007The Importance of Readi

34、ng Classics1.阅读经典著作对人的成长至关重要(with the development of university education,more and more attention is paid to the importance of reading classics.And reading classics may be one of the most important factors in deciding the growth of university students)(再疯狂一次)2.现在人们越来越少阅读经典著作,原因是(less and less people

35、 are paying attention to.time,interests3.作为大学生,你应该怎么做(as university students,it is important that we should pay close attention to reading classics and spend more time on classics),2007年12月六级作文真题及范文 1.如今数字化产品得到越来越广泛的使用(nowadays,with the development of information technology,digital products are beco

36、ming increasingly popular and widely used,such as.,例如2.数字化产品的使用对人们工作、学习和生活产生的影响(there is no doubt that digital products have,as a matter of fact,directly and indirectly,bring great influence on our study and life.digital products,to a very large degree,improve the efficiency of our work and life),20

37、08年6月大学英语六级 作文 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?1.随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多;(It is known to us all that,with the development of information technology,e-books are playing an important/essential role in our life)2.有人认为电子图书将会取代传统图书,理由是(some people hold the view that e-books may,for one reason or anothe

38、r因为某种原因,replace traditional books due to the fact that e-books are cheaper and more available.What is more important,they maintain that e-books can bring us convenience when we are seeking information)3.我的看法。,2008年12月英语六级作文真题How to Improve Students Mental Health1.大学生心理健康很重要(with the development of s

39、ociety and university education,more and more students feel the pressure from study and life.It is important that students live a physically healthy life/mental health may be the most important factor in deciding the success of academic studies)2.为此,学校可以(in order to improve the mental health of univ

40、ersity students,schools should try their best to help students live an easier life)3.我们自己应该,考试之预测,1.表格与数据显示英语或中文学习人数增加之趋势。-文化交流与语言交流。(according to the statistics from the chart,it is not hard to understand that an increasing number of people over the world are paying more and more attention to Engli

41、sh learning/Chinese learningAnd there is a tendency that more and more people are beginning to learn Chinese)(English learning may be the most important factor in deciding cross-cultural communication)(it is advisable to encourage more and more people to pay close attention to Chinese language and c

42、ulture),4.和谐社会主题,尊老爱幼,街坊互助,交通问题。Harmony harmonious society may beThe government and individuals ought to.,5.野生动物保护问题。With the development of industrializationthe government and 分析角度:社会,个人,政府。,小作文类型 虽然小作文不一定考,但还是要稍微注意一下。,1.询问信 I am writing the letter to obtain detailed information about It would be g

43、reatly appreciated if you could furnish me with some relevant materials regarding the following aspects I would like to have more details about,I wonder if there is My utmost concern is Thank you for your assistance and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience,2.求职(学)信 I am wr

44、iting the letter to apply for the position of,which you advertised in yesterdays China Daily,I am writing to you to explore the opportunity/possibility of working in your company,/studying in your school,informing you of my basic background and qualifications.,Dear Sir,I am looking forward to your r

45、eply and an immediate reply will be very much appreciated.,3.建议投诉信 I am writing the letter to complain about In order to solve the problem,it is advisable for you to take some effective measures before things get worse.I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.,I strongly sugge

46、st that immediate measures be taken to solve this problem,in that the delay of solving the problem may result in unfavorable consequences.,4.道歉解释信 I am writing the letter to express my apology for To remedy this unpleasant matter,I wish to,I hope the settle of the matter can meet your wishes.Please

47、accept my sincere apology once more and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.,It is my carelessness and neglection that cause your losses and I am awfully sorry for the inconveniences and damages we brought to you.Immediate measures are about to be taken to make up for the

48、 losses.,5.感谢信 I am writing the letter to express my sincere appreciation for I hope to have a golden opportunity to repay your kindness,My appreciation for your help is beyond words and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.,I am writing to you to express my deepest and mo

49、st sincere gratitude/thanks to you for what you have done for us.If it were not for your timely help and contribution,it would have been impossible for us to make it.(an immediate reply.consequences?),6.欢迎信:如欢迎老外来我校访学等等。I am writing to you to express my deep/sincere/great/heart-felt welcome(regretio

50、n,gratitude,thanks,hope)to you to come to our university,I am privileged to write to you to say welcome you toshould there be any thing I can do for you,please never hesitate to contact us and keep us informed of your needs or wishes.,It is my great honor to writing to you to say“welcome”to you to,7


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