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1、第一讲翻译的基础知识,What is translation?,翻译的分类,1)按所涉及的两种代码的性质,可分为语内翻译,语际翻译,语符翻译。2)按翻译主体的性质,可分为人工翻译和机器翻译两类。3)按翻译的工具和成品形式,可分为口译和笔译。4)按翻译的客体,可分为文学翻译和实用翻译。,翻译的标准严复:信,达,雅。More standards,Other factors affecting the evaluation of translation,the intention of the authorthe purpose of the translationthe needs of the

2、clientthe reader for whom the translation is intendedthe subject matterthe style and nature of the original workthe costthe time requirement,对中西翻译的比喻,绘画、雕刻类音乐、表演类桥梁、媒婆类奴隶、镣铐类叛逆、投胎转世类商人、乞丐类酒水、味觉类动物、果实、器具类竞赛、游戏类比喻本身及其他类,汉英心理文化对比,中国人重直觉与具象而西方人重理性与逻辑,在语言上则表现为汉语的形象性和英语的功能性:人,从;伞;雨;paper clip,knee-socks,中

3、国人重整体,西方人重个体,其表现为:(1)汉语词义较笼统(吃饭了吗?车来了。能借只笔用用吗?),英语词义较具体(breakfast,lunch,supper,dinner,pen,pencil,ball-pen,car,bus,taxi,truck,van);(2)汉语表意较模糊(单复数概念模糊,词类的界定模糊以及句子功能模糊),英语表意较准确;(3)汉语强调篇章的整体结构,讲究起承转合,注重对称平衡;英语强调篇章句式结构的严谨。汉语重意念,英语重形式(汉语的竹式结构和英语的树式结构):你不来,我不走。1)I will not go before you e.2)I will not go u

4、nless you e.3)I will go if you e.4)I will go when you e.,汉英语言文化对比,谱系(family):汉语属于汉藏语系,英语属于印欧语系类型(type):汉语是分析型(analytic)语言,其典型特征是没有屈折变化(inflection),即汉语的词没有词性和词形的变化;英语是分析型和综合型(synthetic)语言,有丰富的屈折变化形式。文字系统(writing system):汉语属表意文字,英语属拼音文字。语音:汉语是声调语言(tone language);英语是语调语言(intonation language)。词汇:(详见“英汉词


6、都由最基本的句子结构衍生而成(详见附1);6)汉语语序较为固定,英语语序则较灵活。,附1英语句子的树式结构:1.SV Someone was laughing.2.SVO My mother enjoys parties.3.SVC The country became totally independent.4.SVA I have been in the garden.5.SVoC Mary gave the visitor a glass of milk.6.SVOC Most people consider these books rather expensive.7.SVOA You

7、 must put all the toys upstairs.,英汉句法对比,先看一组英语句子:It was a bit of a shock when I received the telegram sending me for my first teaching appointment to a school in a suburb that I had never heard of.Joanna Stern had e to New York with a liberal arts degree from Boston University,which she discovered w

8、as not the key to the city.The Pananmanian leader publicly insinuated that he possessed promising information about Mr.Bush that was liable to harm his bid for the White House.Engels spoke,with the authority and confidence,born of forty years closest friendship and intellectual intimacy,during which

9、 he had grasped,as not other man had,the full significance of Marxs teachings.,再看一组汉语句子:5老关忙即跳下车去,摸摸腰间的勃郎宁,又向四下里瞥了一眼,就过去开了车门,站在门旁边。6那狗黄毛,黑眼圈,长身材,细高腿,特别地凶狠,要咬住人,不见点血腥味儿,决不撒嘴。7不一会,台风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。8.生产多了,价格就稳定,甚至下降一点。(这两组例句可供学生尝试翻译并与原文进行对比,从而加深对英汉两种语言各自特征的认识。),总结说明 对这两组例句进行对比,可以得出如下结论:

10、1 英语句子大多开门见山,搭起主谓空间结构(SV),形成句子主干(如句中划线部分所示),可参照下页英语句子的树式结构;汉语则不一定是主谓结构,如例(6)就属于“话题-说明”框架(topic-ment),也称为主题句。同时,汉语句子可以有很多动词连用,并按时间顺序排列,如例(5),被称之为编年史手法(chronicle style)。,2 英语有发达的关系词和关系手段,可以组成各种短语,表达各种语法关系,因而主谓一致,形式严紧;汉语是非形态语言,无词形变化,缺少关系手段,因而形式松散,断句不严,如例(6),(7),(8)。3 英语修饰语可以后置,当句子扩展为语段时,可以形成环扣式套接,因而句子可

11、以较长;汉语修饰语必须前置,当句子扩展为语段时,必须断句另起,因而句子不能太长(可参照附2的句子扩展模式)。4以上三点导致了英语句子重形合(hypotaxis),汉语句子重意合(parataxis)。,Reference versions我收到一封电报,一看吓了一跳,派给我的第一份工作是到一个我从没听说过的郊区学校去教书。乔安娜斯特恩到纽约来的时候,已经在波士顿大学取得了一个文科的学位,但是她发现光凭这个学位,在这座城市里是吃不开的。这位巴拿马领导人公开暗示,他掌握着不利于布什先生的材料。这些材料公开出来会危及布什为入主白宫而进行的竞选。由于四十年最亲密的友谊和思想契合,恩格斯对马克思学说的意

12、义比任何人都了解得彻底,他就是以这四十年所给他的资格和信心说了这些话的。,句子扩展模式汉语句子的句首开放性:对。不对。他不对。我认为他不对。我告诉过你我认为他不对。我明明告诉过你我认为他不对。我昨天明明告诉过你我认为他不对。我昨天开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对。英语句子的句尾开放性:He is reading.He is reading a book.He is reading a book written by Mark Twain.He is reading a book written by Mark Twain in the reading-room.He is reading a b

13、ook written by Mark Twain in the reading-room of our library.This is the cat that killed the mouse that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.,This is the farmer that sowed the corn,That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,That married the man all tattered and torn,That kissed the maiden all forlorn,That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,That tossed the dogThat worried the catThat killed the ratThat ate the maltThat lay in the house that Jack built.,


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