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1、语法专题三介词和介词短语,-2-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点一表示时间和日期的介词1.in用在表示年、季节、月份,或泛指上午、下午或晚上的名词前;on用在表示某一天,某一天的上午、下午或晚上的名词前;at用在表示某一时刻或时间上的某一点的词前。We will have a meeting at 8 oclock in the morning on Sunday.我们将在星期天早上八点钟开会。,-3-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,2.for后接“一段时间”,表示某事持续多久,多与完成时连

2、用;during表示“在期间”;through表示“一直,自始至终”。(2012广东,语法填空)The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds.这个新来的男孩子看了老师几秒钟。I went to France during the summer holiday.暑假期间我去了法国。They worked hard through the winter.整个冬天他们都在努力工作。,-4-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,3.from,sincefrom表示时间的起点,意为“从”,多用于“fro

3、m.to/till.”中;since表示“自从以来”。I have been waiting here from morning till noon.我在这里从早上等到中午。(2015福州质检)An anti-corruption campaign has continued since Dec.25,2013 when the Communist Party of China issued a five-year anti-corruption plan.自从中国共产党在2013年12月25日宣布反腐五年计划以来一场反腐运动还在继续。注意:for和since都常与完成时连用,但for接时间段

4、,since接时间点。如for two hours(持续)两小时;since last week从上周直到现在。,-5-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,4.before,by,till,untilbefore指“在之前”,与after相对。by指“不迟于,到时为止,在以前”,by后接过去时间,常与过去完成时连用;by后接将来时间,常与将来完成时连用。till(until)“直到为止”,在肯定句中,till/until必须与延续性动词连用;在否定句中,till/until常与非延续性动词连用。Please come before ten oclo

5、ck.请在十点钟以前回来。(2014大纲全国)September 30 is the day by which you must pay your bill.在9月30日之前,你必须支付账单。You must wait for him till tomorrow.你必须一直等他到明天。,-6-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,5.after,inafter+一段时间:表示“在之后”,用于一般过去时;但时间为点时间时,只能用after,即after+点时间,用于各种时态。in+一段时间:表示以说话时为起点一段时间之后,与一般将来时连用;但表示“在之

6、内”时,用于各种时态。After eight it began to rain.八点后开始下雨。(2014北京)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves in half an hour.简很匆忙,因为去机场的火车半小时内就发车了。,-7-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点二表示方位的介词1.on意为“在的上面”;over意为“在(垂直)的正上方”;above意为“在(不一定垂直)的上方”;under意为“在(垂直)的正下方”;below意为“在(不一定垂直)的下方”;

7、near意为“在附近”;next to意为“紧挨着”;round/around意为“在周围”;by意为“在旁边”;along表示沿着街、路、河岸等;across主要表示从某物的表面“横过”,涉及“面”的概念;past意为“从旁经过”;up表示向上,由南到北,由西到东,由沿海到内陆,由小地方到大地方,由农村到城市,反之则用down;through指从某物的内部“穿过”;over指“越过”某一障碍物。Pipes carry oil across the desert.输油管横过沙漠。It took us ten minutes to drive through the tunnel.我们开车10分

8、钟穿过了隧道。,-8-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,2.表示两者的位置关系时,in表示“在同一区域内或同一范围内”;on表示“接壤,相邻”;to表示“相离,相隔”,两者不属同一范围,也不接壤。Mongolia is/lies on the north of China.蒙古与中国北部接壤。,-9-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点三表示计量的介词1.at表示“以速度,以价格”。(2013广东,语法填空)The only reason a man would sell salt at a lo

9、wer price would be because he was desperate for money.一个人以低价卖盐的唯一原因可能是因为他非常需要钱。2.for表示“用交换,以为代价”。He sold his car for 500 dollars.他以五百美元把车卖了。注意:at表示单价(price),for表示总钱数。3.by表示“按计算”,后跟度量单位。接具体单位前用定冠词the,接具体度量名词时该名词前不加冠词。They are paid by the day.他们按天计算报酬。,-10-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点四表

10、示行为的工具、手段或者方式的介词1.by表示用某种方式,多用于交通。如by bus乘公共汽车,by e-mail通过电子邮件。注意:表示搭乘交通工具用by时,名词前不加冠词;用in时,名词前要加冠词。请比较:I went there by car/in a car.2.with表示“用某种具体工具、身体的某部分或器官”。We speak with our mouths.我们用嘴说话。注意:with表示用某种工具时,名词前必须用冠词或物主代词。,-11-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,3.in表示用某种材料或语言。Please speak in

11、English and write in ink.请用英语说并用墨水写。4.through表示“以(方法、手段),经由”,后面多接抽象名词。You can only achieve success through hard work.只有通过努力工作,你才能获得成功。,-12-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点五表示“除之外”的介词(短语)besides表示包含,“除之外还有”。except表示排除,“除之外”,指整体里面排除部分,后面可接代词、副词、介词短语,还可接that从句或wh-从句。but表示排除,多与nobody,none,no

12、one,nothing,anything,everyone,all,who等连用,其后可以接不定式。except for表示“除之外”,常在说明基本情况后,从细节上加以修正。apart from表示“此外,除之外还有”,相当于besides/as well as;表示“撇开来说,除去”,相当于except(for);in addition to表示“除之外还有”,相当于besides。,-13-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,Apart from going shopping,the old lady likes walking except

13、when it rains.天不下雨时,这位老太太除了购物还喜欢步行。Beijing is a beautiful city,except for its traffic.除了交通问题,北京是一座很美的城市。,-14-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点六表示原因的介词1.for表示原因,常与sorry,famous,punish,praise,thank,blame等词连用。(2013山东)The Smiths are praised for the way they bring up their children.史密斯夫妇因培养孩子的方式

14、而受到了表扬。2.at指情感变化的原因,意为“因听到或看到而”。He was surprised at the news.他对这个消息感到吃惊。3.from指“外在的原因”,如受伤、车祸、劳累等。The young man died from an accident.那个年轻人死于车祸。,-15-,-15-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,4.of指“内在的原因”,如疾病、饥饿,年老等。The old man died of hunger.那个老人饿死了。5.with指生理上或情感上的由外界到内心的原因。He was trembling with

15、 cold.他冷得发抖。6.by表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。She took your umbrella by mistake.她错拿了你的伞。,-16-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点七of 和to1.of+抽象名词=形容词of+great/much+抽象名词=very+形容词of+no+抽象名词=not+形容词The book is of great value to our research.这本书对我们的研究有很大价值。This old machine is of no use.这台旧机器没用了。2.to与情

16、感名词连用,表示“某种行动后产生的感觉”to+ones+情感名词=to the+情感名词+of sb.To our great surprise,the boy lied to the teacher.令我们非常吃惊的是,那个男孩对老师撒谎了。,-17-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点八against1.(表示方向)与方向相反;逆着;迎着;顶着against the wind 迎着风;逆着风2.(表示方位)紧靠着;倚靠着against the wall 靠着墙3.(表示对象)对不利;对有害;以为竞争对手;违反;违背fight against

17、同战斗;against the natural law 违背自然规律(2013课标全国)It was a real race against time to get the project done.Luckily,we made it.完成这项工程的确是和时间的一场赛跑。幸运的是,我们做到了。4.(表示对比)和比;和对照;以为背景against the blue sky 以蓝天为背景,-18-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点九beyond1.(表示位置)在往另一边;在往那一边;在往的更远处The house is beyond the b

18、ridge.房子在桥那边。2.(表示时间)迟于;晚于;在之后Dont stay here beyond midnight.不要在这里过夜。3.(表示范围)超出;非所能及The switch on the wall was beyond the babys reach.墙上的开关小孩子是够不到的。,-19-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,4.(表示程度)超出的范围;超过;对来说太难(2014北京东城3月联考)Math is beyond me.I can never get high grades.数学对我来说很难。我从来都得不了高分。5.(表示

19、数目)多于;超过There werent beyond twenty people present.出席的人不超过20个。,-20-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,考点十常用介词短语1.atat lunch在吃午饭at table在吃饭at school在上学at church在做礼拜at peace在和平时期at first=at the beginning初期at the beginning of 在的初始阶段at the end of.在结束时,-21-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,2.

20、inin a sense从某种意义上说in common共同;共有in place在适当的位置in practice在实际中;实际上in public公开地;当众in turn 依次;轮流;反过来in case 以免;万一in detail 详细地in office 在执政in power 当权;在执政in progress在进行中in return 作为回报,-22-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,in time 及时;最终in the way 挡路in exchange for 用以交换in favour of 同意;支持in the me

21、anwhile 同时in spite of 不管;不顾in terms of 就来说in addition to 此外,除以外,-23-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,3.onon behalf of 代表on condition that 以作为条件on sale出售on strike在罢工on the increase正在增加on the go忙个不停on the air正在广播on the contrary 相反,-24-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,4.underunder contr

22、ol 在控制之中under discussion在讨论中under development在发展中under construction在建设中under repair在修理中5.forfor lack of 由于缺乏for the benefit of 为了的利益as for 就而论;关于,-25-,考点一,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点七,考点八,考点九,考点十,6.byby chance=by accident 偶然;碰巧by name 用名字;名叫by far 到目前为止7.out ofout of order发生故障;失调out of place不得其所的;不适当的out

23、 of control 失去控制out of ones reach 某人够不着的地方out of the question 不可能out of question 毫无疑问,-26-,.用适当的介词或介词短语填空1.(2015课标全国)For those who fly to Guilin,its only an hour away by car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.2.(2015课标全国改编)At the same time,they warm up again for the night.3.(2015重庆改

24、编)Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68 above the average.4.(2015浙江改编)Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes to animals both on land and sea?5.(2015福建改编)A common memory they all have of their school days is the school uniform.,解析,-27-,6.(2015河南顶级名校模拟改编)They w

25、ere asked to rank them again,in the order they would vote for them.7.(2015河北邯郸质检改编)Seeing the sunlight,passers-by or trees outside might make you more aware of how you look,might make you think about walking or might inspire you to choose a green salad.8.(2015山西四校联考改编)Her interest in reading also be

26、nefited from the fact that her parents only let her watch half an hour of TV a day.9.(2015四川宜宾一诊改编)To our delight,the kids quickly adjusted themselves to the situation.10.(2015甘肃部分普通高中联考改编)To their amazement,they found that it was effective in trapping all the articles.,解析,-28-,11.(2015北京东城下学期综合测试改编

27、)The room he has just rented is about 9 meters in length and 3 meters wide.12.(2015广州调研改编)While other guys caught only three or four a day,Sams boat was always full of fish.13.(2015广东惠州一调改编)The young man could not believe his own ears and was in great surprise.14.(2015山西师大附中12月考改编)I laughed as I wat

28、ched my children play with their toys for hours,and thanked God for the greatest gift I had ever been given.15.(2015浙江省重点中学协作体适应性测试改编)We can become a smart shopper by choosing for value,not for looks;in other words,choose good quality goods with plain packages.,解析,-29-,16.(2015江西临川一中期中考试改编)America i

29、s growing older.Today,10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65.17.(2015云南部分名校1月统考改编)On some other websites,you can connect with people from all over the world.18.(2015山东省实验中学三诊改编)Ordinary people use it for shopping,banking,bill-paying,and communicating with family and friends.19.(2015重庆巴蜀中学模拟改编)Gre

30、at pity!His illness is beyond the treatment available so far.20.(2015广东惠州二模改编)Meanwhile,Doctor Marescaux in New York watched her on a video screen and then sent messages to the robot machine through the computer.,解析,-30-,21.(2014陕西改编)The Scottish girl with blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth

31、Chinese Speech Contest.22.(2014浙江改编)People wont pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying for expression.23.(2014重庆改编)She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went off the road.24.(2014江西改编)It is unbelievable that Mr Lucas leads a simple life despite his g

32、reat wealth.25.(2013课标全国改编)A serious study of physics is impossible without some knowledge of mathematics.,解析,-31-,.用适当的介词完成句子(每空一词)1.穿着红衣服的女孩们在讲意大利语。The girls dressed in red were speaking in Italian.2.他们面临的任务似乎远远超出他们的能力。The tasks they were faced with seemed far beyond their ability.3.由于你没有告诉我,我对你很生气。Im pretty angry with you for not telling me.4.她躺在床上,闭着双眼。She lay in bed with her eyes closed.5.她一听到这消息就痛哭流涕。On hearing the news,she burst into tears.,


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