1、participation in and contribution to the organizational accident investigation unit leadership, supervision of four no (the cause of the accident is not clear left off; those responsible for the accident and should be educated without education left off; responsible for the accidents did not address
2、 left off; do not take preventive measures did not miss) the implementation of the principle of completed accident statistics, analysis, reporting and evaluation comments; (F) to contribute to the safety recommendations or observations for the granting of recognition, reward; to have those responsib
3、le for the accident, criticism and punishment recommendations or opinions; (VII) participation in engineering and project design review, construction team qualification and acceptance, and work relating to scientific research achievement appraisal. 23rd: safety supervisory personnel terms of referen
4、ce: (a) the right to enter production areas, construction sites, control rooms, control room to examine the security situation; (B) the right to prevent illegal operations, in violation of, acts in violation of production labor discipline; (C) the right to request the protection of the scene of the
5、accident; the right to investigate the accident to any person within the company and extract raw data; right to take pictures of the accident scene, sound recordings, videos, etc; (D) survey of accident analysis and dealing with different opinions, reflect the right to deliver to the supervisor or s
6、ecurity oversight bodies; for violations of rules, procedures, hide or impede the investigation of the accident is entitled to reflect corrected or leapfrog. The fifth Festival rules and regulations article 24th: units of the company to the State and relevant safety regulations issued by the superio
7、r, standards, regulations, procedures, systems, accident prevention measures must be strictly implemented. Units may formulate rules in practice in the follow-up or supplementary regulations, but shall not be in conflict with higher provisions, shall not be less than the higher standards required. 2
8、5th: units of the company should establish a sound system to ensure safety of the procedure, as follows: (a) according to the regulation, issued by the superior system, technical measures against accidents and equipment manufacturers manual, operation procedures for enterprises of various kinds of e
9、quipment, systems, approved by the Chief Executive; (B) issued under the parents maintenance procedures and regulations, development of enterprise maintenance management systems; according to the canonical description technical regulations and equipment manufacturing, production of primary and secon
10、dary equipment maintenance procedures and quality standards, by the General Engineering .、Measures to prevent accidents when you need to modify the procedures of the enterprise, should be to supplement or to amend the relevant provisions of regulations, written notice to the persons concerned; (B) p
11、rocedures should be carried out once a year to review, revise, and notify the person in writing; does not need to be revised, should also issue a review and the signature of the individual can continue their written notice concerned personnel; (C) field procedures once every 3-5 years a comprehensiv
12、e加筋挡土墙设计与施工 提交日期:2004-04-07 浏览: 2158 加筋挡土墙设计与施工 黄春艳 贺世纪 【摘要】加筋土挡土墙是由填土和填土中布置一定的筋带(或筋网)以及墙面板三部分组成,加筋土是一种复合体结构,在填料中埋至具有挠性的筋带材料,改良了土的力学特性。加筋土挡土墙与其它挡土墙相比,具有良好的经济效益和推广价值。 挡土墙的使用场合 挡土墙是支撑路基填土或山坡土体,防止填土或土体变形失稳的构造物。按其结构特点,挡土墙可分为重力式、衡重式、加筋土轻形式以及混凝土半重力式等。而加筋土挡墙适用于石质土、砂性土、黄土地区修建较高的路肩墙。 加筋土挡墙的特点 加筋土由填土和填土中布置一定的
13、筋带(或筋网)以及墙面板三部分组成。它是法国工程师亨利维达尔在1963年发明的,主要用于挡土墙一类的建筑物,在欧洲普及后,加拿大、日本、美国等相继引进,现已被世界上许多国家采用。 加筋土结构能得到迅速发展和应用是由于它具有以下特点: 1、组成加筋土的面板和筋带可以预先制作,在现场用机械(或人工)分层填筑。这种装配的方法,施工简捷、快速,并且节省劳力和缩短工期。 2、加筋土是柔性结构物,能够适应地基轻微变形。 3、加筋土挡土墙具有一定的柔性,抗振动性强,因此,也是一种很好的抗振结构物。 4、加筋土挡土墙节约占地,造型美观。加筋土挡土墙的墙面板可以垂直砌筑,可大量减少占地。 5、加筋土挡土墙造价比
14、较低,加筋土挡土墙与钢筋混凝土挡土墙相比可减少造价的一半,与石砌重力式挡土墙比较,也可节约20%以上,同时加筋土挡土墙的造随墙高的增加而节省效果愈显著,因此它具有良好的经济效益。 方案比较 疏港路改造工程属旧路改建项目,是103国道京塘公路南段,该公路是连接天津市区与塘沽区及天津滨海新区的主要交通枢纽,也是历史上形成的天津地区主要干线,使该路的交通运输十分繁忙。为了确保行车速度,减少交通事故隐患,分别增设了高架桥、通道桥、人行天桥等构筑物,其中于庄子道桥3-13m的简支梁桥,两侧引道为加筋土挡土墙。 1、设计加筋土挡土墙施工方案: 加筋土挡土墙采用矩形120cm60cm13cm。 加筋土为高液
15、限粘性土。 筋带为聚丙烯土土带。 我项目接到施工图纸后,根据当前施工工期为雨季,如现场地质情况以及施工的难易程度,从工程造价、工程质量几方面进行分析,经过反复论证,最后与监理工程师一起确定如下方案。 2、因挡土墙施工工期正处雨季,而粘土易受水影响,力学性能不稳定,施工难度大,因此我项目建议采用受水影响小,且稳定性和成型较好的粉煤灰石灰。 3、为了确保距面板1.5m范围内填料的密实度和加筋体的排水功能,在距面板1.5m范围内填碎石屑,并用木夯击实。 4、为了有效控制面板的平整速度,在不增加造价的情况下把拉杆由原设计的110cm改为900cm,改造后的方案施工证明,不仅降低了施工难度、工程成本,而
16、且提高了工程质量。 施工工艺及方法 1、加筋土挡土墙施工工艺流程图 测量放样 基坑开挖 - 回填碎石 基础检验 立 模 板 - 浇筑挡墙基础及养生 检验混凝土平整度 拆 模 板 预制面板 测定面板平整度 - - 第一层面板施工 安装面板 - 第二层及以上各层面板施工 摊铺填料 顶层型板的施工 压实填料 墙顶填料的平整压实 平整填料 测 定 含 水 量 铺设筋带 - 摊铺填料 压实填料 筋土挡土墙施工工艺: (1)由测量人员根据设计,实地放线,确定加筋土挡土墙基础位置。 (2)开挖基坑,排除地下水,并且做好防水工作。分层回填碎石垫层,充分压实平整,保证足够宽度,监理工程师认可后方可进行下道工序。
17、 (3)在碎石基础上支模板,浇筑砼基础,充分振捣,防止出现空洞,混凝土基础每15m设置伸缩缝或沉降缝,表面应平整,便于第一层面板的支立,待养生满足要求后,拆除模板。 (4)第一层面板的施工: A、首先清除混凝土基础表面,准确划出面板边缘线,并拉线控制。面板与基础连接处用低强度砂浆调平,面板向内倾斜1/1001/200作为填料压实时面板外倾的预留度。 B、摊铺填料到面板预留拉环,由8吨压路机压实,在摊铺筋带前如拉筋带表面不能密贴,则用砂子摊平,保证筋带与填料表面密贴。 C、在筋带上摊铺不小于20cm的填料后进行压实,后分层摊铺压实至面板顶部,方可进行第二层及以上各层的安装,摊铺,压实,铺带。 (
18、5)第二层及以上各层的施工 面板安装 面板安装要在下一层面板填料完成以后,才能进行。面板安装要挂线施工,保证墙面竖直,安装注意防止边角碰坏和插销孔及插销变形,禁止发生损坏的面板上墙。为防止相邻面板错位采用木螺栓或斜撑固定。控制相邻面板水平误差不大于10mm,轴线偏差每20m不大于10mm。 填料的摊铺和压实 填料在碾压前要进行压实试验,填料时随时检查其含水量,保证其压实度达到要求。卸料作业要距面板1.5m2.0m,填料时距面板1.0m以内先不予回填,只填筑1.0m范围以外的填料并将其压实,再铺筑筋带前,再回填预留部分,由于人工压实。填料摊铺要求厚度一致,表面平整,筋带上填料必须大于 20cm
19、,防止压实机具损坏筋带,更不允许在未铺料的筋带上行驶。压实采用轻型压实机具,且面板不小于1.0m,压实先由两边开始,方向垂直于筋带向中心逐渐靠拢,禁止急剧改变方向和急刹车。 筋带的铺设和连接 在已经压实并整平的填料上承辐射状水平铺设,避免筋带在拉环上绕成死结并防止筋带的重叠。 (6)、达到设计高程后安装C型面板,压实整平,修正整个墙顶填料面,为路面基层的铺筑做好准备。 稳定性验算 工程概况 1、于庄子通道桥桥台两侧加筋土挡墙,墙高H=5.85m,分坡长度为15m。 2、路面宽度。 3、荷载标准为汽-20级。 4、墙后填土为粉煤灰r1=11.47KN/m3 r2=20KN/m3计算内磨擦角=25
20、 5、筋带采用聚丙烯土工带,带宽30mm,厚1.2m,容许拉应力为22.33MPa。 6、粉煤灰与筋带之间的视磨擦系数f=0.4,加筋体与地基之间的磨擦系数f=0.35。 7、地基为粘土,容许承载力=450Kpa 8、面板采用120cm60cm矩形混凝土面板,板厚为13cm,混凝土标号为25号。 Sx=0.3 Sy=0.6 内部稳定计算: 应力分析法 1、筋带受力计算 计算汽-20级重车荷载作用下等代土层厚度hc。 由图可知H=5.65 b=0 a=0 (1)B0的确定汽-20级中的重车为300KN,前后轴距L=1.4+4.0=5.4m.车轮接地长度a=0.2m 因此,重车的扩散长度B0为:
21、B0 =L+a+Htg30 =5.4+0.2=5.85tg30 =5.4+0.2+3.38 =8.98(m) 由于加筋土挡墙分段长度15m8.98,故取B0= B0=8.98m (2)L0的确定 根据加筋土工程设计规范(JTJ015-91)规定,挡土墙在进行内部稳定性计算时,应首先判断活动区是否进入路面宽度,根据此情况决定L0的限值车辆横向布置如图。 由于0.3H=0.35.85=1.75 取L0=12m (3)等到代土层厚度hc G 计算hc=棗棗?/P B0L0r1 3300 =棗棗棗棗 8.981211.47 =0.73(m) 3、筋带所受拉力计算 将等代均布土层h1布置在路基全宽上,以
22、2:1向下扩散。根据公式: TI=Thi+TFi+Tci, 计算的各层筋带所受拉力表: 筋带所受拉力表(垂直应力均匀分布法) 加筋层号 H1 (m) KI Bi (m) B/B1 (m) R1nF Kpa R2hc Kpa R1hc Kpa ci (Kpa) SxSy Ti 1 0.6 0.5599 25.6 0.977 0 20 8.37 4.685 0.18 1.538 2 1.2 0.5428 2602 0.954 0 20 8.37 4.545 0.18 2.163 3 1.8 0.5257 26.8 0.933 0 20 8.37 4.402 0.18 2.746 4 2.4 0.5
23、086 27.4 0.912 0 20 8.37 4.259 0.18 3.287 5 3.0 0.4915 28 0.893 0 20 8.37 4.115 0.18 3.785 6 3.6 0.4744 28.6 0.874 0 20 8.37 3.972 0.18 4.232 7 4.2 0.4573 29.2 0.856 0 20 8.37 3.829 0.18 4.656 8 4.8 0.437 29.8 0.839 0 20 8.37 3.659 0.18 4.989 9 5.4 0.4231 30.4 0.822 0 20 8.37 3.543 0.18 5.355 内部稳定计算
24、 筋带断面计算 Ti103 根据公式:Ai=计算并 i 列于下表 筋带断面计算表(垂直应力均匀分布法) 加筋层号 拉力 Ti (KN) 断面面积Ai (mm2) 总宽度 bi (mm) 加筋层号 拉力Ti 断面面积Ai (mm2) 总宽度 bi (mm) 1 1.583 68.90 68.1 6 4.232 189.5 189.5 2 2.163 96.9 96.9 7 4.656 208.5 208.5 3 2.746 123 123 8 4.989 223.4 223.4 4 3.287 147.2 147.2 9 5.355 239.8 239.8 5 3.785 169.5 169.5
25、 2)筋带长度验算 根据初步拟定的筋带长度, si 按公式Kf=棗 验算的各层的抗拔 TI 稳定系数列于下表: 抗拔稳定系数(垂直应力均匀分布法) 筋带层号 hI (m) Ti (KN) Li (m) Loi (m) Lei (m) bI (m) r1hi (KPa) r2hF (KPa) Kf 1 0.6 1.538 4.00 1.47 2.53 0.0681 6.882 0 0.62 2 1.2 2.163 1.302 2.698 0.0969 13.764 0 1.33 3 1.8 2.746 4.00 1.134 2.866 0.123 20.646 0 2.12 4 2.4 3.28
26、7 4.00 0.966 3.034 0.1472 27.528 0 2.99 5 3.0 3.785 4.00 0.798 3.202 0.1695 34.41 0 3.74 6 3.6 4.232 4.00 0.63 3.37 0.1895 41.292 0 4.98 7 4.2 4.656 4.00 0.462 3.538 0.2085 48.174 0 6.11 8 4.8 4.989 4.00 0.294 3.696 0.2234 54.72 0 7.17 9 5.4 5.355 4.00 0.126 3.874 0.2398 61.938 0 8.55 由上表可知除第1、2层筋带抗
27、拔稳定系数Kf=0.62Kf Kf=1.33Kf (=0.2)外,其余各层的Kf均大于2.0,为此,采用Kf=2.0仅求第1、2层筋带所需总宽度b1、b2 Ti Kf b1= 棗棗棗 2r1hizxLei 1.5380.62 =棗棗棗棗?/P 26.8820.42.53 =0.119 T2 Kf b2=棗棗棗 2r1hifxLei 2.163 =棗棗棗棗棗 213.7640.42.698 =0.14(m) 设计采用值 聚丙烯土工带的用量应以偶数的根据数表示,因此,需将计算筋带数量进行适当调整,从而确定设计采用量,根据采用的筋带数量计算抗拉强度安全系数Ks和抗拔稳定系数Kf值,结果列表1-5 -
28、 序号 筋带计算宽度 (m) 筋带数量 筋带总宽度bI (m) 采用的Ks AI Ks= Ti10 采用的 Kf 计算数量 (m) 采用数量 (根) 1 0.172 5.2 4 0.18 1.35 2.02 2 0.14 4.6 4 0.12 1.16 2.01 3 0.123 4.1 4 0.12 1.29 2.06 4 0.147 4.9 4 0.12 1.31 2.43 5 0.169 5.6 6 0.18 1.40 4.19 6 0.189 6.3 6 0.18 1.19 4.73 7 0.209 6.9 6 0.18 1.21 5.27 8 0.223 7.4 8 0.24 1.21
29、 7.78 9 0.239 7.9 8 0.24 1.23 8.60 外部稳定计算 滑移稳定性 等代土层hc布置于墙体后缘起的路基范围内,由图可知,作用于墙体的土压力是E tg=-tg2(ctg+tg2)tg2 =-tg50(ctg25+tg50)tg50 =-1.1910.2 =0.993 =44.79 cos(+) Ka=棗棗棗棗tg Sin(+2) cos(44.79+25) =棗棗棗梩g44.79 sin(44.79+50) =0.344 E=1/2rH(H+2hc)Ka =1/211.475.85(5.85+20.73)0.366 =89.76(KN) Ex=89.76cos25=8
30、1.35(KN) Ey=89.76sin25=37.93(KN) 墙体填土重力 W1=4.0058511.47=268.4(KN) W2=204.411.47=101Kg(KN) T=Ex=81.35(KN) N=268.4+101+37.93=407.33(KN) fN 0.35407.33 Kc= 棗?= 棗棗棗棗=1.751.3 T 81.35 (二)倾覆稳定性 1、求各力对墙0点的力矩 M1=W12W1=268.420=536.8(KN.m) M2=W22W2=1015.0=505(KN.m) MEy=Ey2WEy=37.936=227.6(KN.m) MEx=Ey2WEy=81.35
31、2.93=238.4(KN.m My 536.8+505+227.6 - Ko=棗=棗棗棗棗=5.321.5 Mo 238.7 (三)基础底面地基承载力验算 L L W12W1+W2W2+Ey2Ey-Ex2Ex - e=?-2dw = ?- 棗棗棗棗?/P 2 2 W1+W2+Wy 6 536.8+5.5+227.6-238.4 =?- 2 268.4+101+37.93 L =3-2.55=0.45m?(=1m) 6 N 6e max= 棗?1+ 棗) L L 4.73 60.45 = 棗?1+ 棗棗?) 6 6 =98 (=450KPa) (四)整体滑动稳定 由于墙前地形平坦,地基承载力较
32、高,因此整体滑动可不作验算。 revision, approved and issued. Field practice for additions or changes, should strictly carry out the approval process. 27th: the Corporations regular publication list of point system in force; Enterprise published annually a list of the units current point system, and complete list o
33、f all procedures relating to the systems. 28th: companies working in other organizations, individuals must be executed in strict two votes (and operational), three systems (shift system, mobile inspection system, regular rotation of test equipment) and the equipment defect management system; operati
34、on must strictly implement the system of safe construction and safe technology to give the low-down. If necessary, strictly implement the eight jobs, votes to ban homework. 29th: the operation records shall not be less than 12 months, the remaining long-term preservation archives (not less than 8 ye
35、ars). Sixth joint anti-accident measures planned and security technology protection measures article 30th: carbon company must prepare annual accidents per year action plan technical protection measures and security schemes. 31st: carbon annual anti-accident measures planned to voice security techno
36、logy protection measures planned by the companys leading organization, production and technical departments, safety supervision departments participate in the development.Article 32nd anti-accident measures plan should be based on national and superiors issued accident prevention measures, need to a
37、ddress significant deficiencies, and improve equipment reliability improvement measures as well as the accident prevention measures of the unit system. Anti-accident measures plan should be included in the maintenance or reconstruction plans, special expenses and establish account for security costs
38、. Article 33rd: security technology protection measures should be based on country, industry, standards issued by the group in order to scientific development, people-oriented as the starting point, reduce employee stress, improve working conditions and prevent personal injury accidents, prevention
39、of occupational diseases, promoting the standardization of safety facilities, improve the level of fire protection and other aspects of the preparation. Project safe construction measures of construction should be in accordance with the specific circumstances of the project, operation methods, const
40、ruction machines, industrial hygiene, the environment and other aspects of the preparation. Article 34th: safety, security, risk analysis, supervision, management, reliability analysis, the result should be the formulation of anti-accident measures planned an important basis of technical protection
41、measures and security schemes. Emergency plan for flood, earthquake, Typhoon and other required items, can be used as a basis for designing and updating of anti-accident measures plan. 35th: carbon companies should prioritize anti-accident measures planned, security technology protection measures required funds. Security technology protection measures required funds extracted from security costs each year, special use. Article 36th: safety supervision Department is responsible for the supervision of anti-accident