2、标准,并导致生物处理系统崩溃。因此,对与EGSB系统来说,城市污水处理中的关键问题是如何控制在高上升流速下的生物量流失。在本文中,提出一种改进型的EGSB反应器模型,它结合了EGSB 和UASB两者的优势。在一样环境下通过比较,试验性地研究EGSBm和EGSBc两种反应器。在东区污水处理厂中有一个初级出水沉降池。在对膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSBm)中水动力特征分析时,进行了停留时间分布(RTD)的实验和Polvmerase连锁反应实验,并且应用变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术来探索颗粒污泥中微生物的多样性。1.材料和方法1.1影响生物量和养料的来源常温厌氧颗粒污泥取自中国市的一家污水处理厂
3、,该厂主要利用全比例循环生物反应器处理酸性废水。黑色的颗粒污泥有规则的形状(=0.8 - 2毫米)和良好的沉降性能。污泥中含有悬浮固体(TSS)73.6克/升和挥发性悬浮固体(VSS)59克/升。在EGSBm和EGSBc两种反应器中,最初的接种污泥量占有效总量的65%。污水样本取自上区城市污水处理厂的一个初级沉淀池中。其中包括60%生活污水和40%的工业废水。污水的主要指标如表1。表1 污水的主要指标1.2反应器的描述工业生产中EGSBm和EGSBc反应器的原理图如图1。两个反应器都是有机玻璃制成的,容量为300 升,采用连续流动模式。在EGSBc中,配水系统在反应器的底部,进水和污水一起进入
4、循环。在EGSBm中,其混合液体通过循环泵和进水一起进入循环。EGSBm配水系统包括一个5升的水箱和4根聚氯乙烯管( PVC )。水箱置于反应器的顶部,管子延伸到反应器的底部。在东区污水处理厂这两种类型反应器都有,它们表现可以相媲美。图1EGSBc和EGSBm反应器的原理图在EGSBm反应器中,含颗粒污泥的混合液大约在反应器的中部通过循环泵进入循环,同位于反应器顶部的进水很好的混合。由于混合液受重力的影响,沿分布管道进而进入底部的反应堆。在底部的反应区域,复合液进一步混合了局部液体,水中有机物在高浓度的颗粒污泥中被有效地分解。废水向上循环,达到中间的流动循环管,很大一部分是被吸进管孔并通过水泵
5、循环至反应器顶部的水箱中,同时一小部分继续向上流动达到进一步分解。然后,向上流动的部分会进入三相分离器,在这里气体、水、颗粒状污泥会被分开。在分离后,颗粒污泥经过处理还能循环利用到上层反应室中去。1.3实验条件在这两个试验性反应器成功开动起来,反应达到了稳定的状态后,它们还得在常温下连续运行165 天。基于稳态条件下,总的反应过程分为十个阶段。每个阶段具体实验数据在表2中有详细说明。表2 各反应阶段的实验数据R:循环比例1.4反应器的性能评价在每个反应阶段,通过去除COD,CODfilt和SS的效率来评价EGSBc和EGSBm两者的总体性能。CODfilt表示经过定性滤纸后污水中的COD浓度。
7、230,美国贝克曼库尔特)测得四个不同区域的颗粒污泥的直径分布在0.04-2000微米的围。1.6水动力特性有一种利用锂离子(Li+)的脉冲追踪仪,可以通过锂离子反应器中不同区域停留的时间来分析水动力特性。在每一次试验中,通过脉冲注射器向进水中注入10mL浓度为10mg/L锂离子溶液,运用电感耦合等离子ICP/脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸盐AES外加铂金埃尔默奥普玛2100等离子发射光谱仪对污水中锂离子的浓度进行周期性检测。2 结果和讨论2.1反应器的性能1)上升流速(Vup)的影响。对于EGSBc和EGSBm两种反应器,上升流速对污水中COD和CODfilt浓度的影响在图2中有说明。结果表明在EGS
12、而且在上升流速高达10.3米/小时时,EGSBm反应器中污水COD含量几乎不变。2.2颗粒污泥的分析这幅变形梯度凝胶电泳剖面图显示的是从EGSBm反应器中提取的75天和165天颗粒污泥样本中9-12DNA片段。相比之下,我们可以从处理酸性污水的最初的接种污泥中提取第15号DNA片段。这些DNA片段分布在16S核糖核酸RNA的V3区段,每个基因片段代表一种微生物种类。图5颗粒污泥样本的变形梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)剖面图比较了不同污泥样品的变形梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)剖面图,结果表明,带1、2、3、4、9、10的接种污泥也存在于第75 天和第165 天 EGSBm污泥样品中,而其他的9个频段的接种
14、分布在0.01-0.4毫米围。在第110天,颗粒污泥的直径逐渐地变大。从中我们看到颗粒污泥在EGSBm中最初是分散的,随着反应条件的变化逐步聚集为厌氧微生物菌落。图6不同反应阶段颗粒污泥直径的变化2.3 水动力特性当进水向上流动通过颗粒污泥床时,它将和该区域污水混合(或分散到污水中)。因此,对于理想的塞式流动应分散考虑,如下面所表达的停留时间分布(RTD)模型:在公式中,D/UL表示无量纲的离散量,D表示扩散系数(平方米/小时),U表示上升流速Vup(米/小时),L代表反应器的长度(米)。对于理想的塞式流动反应器,D/UL的值是0。相反,对于理想的连续搅拌釜式反应器(CSTR),D/UL的值趋
15、近无穷大。通过脉冲示踪剂(例如,Li+)的方法,示踪剂浓度会随着试验时间在不同的水力停留时间发生变化,如图7。依据图7的结果,经过计算和总结得出了表3中的数据,记录了在三种不同的上升流速下无关量Vd和D/UL的值。图7 EGSBm和EGSBc两种反应器的水力停留时间(RTD)表3EGSBm和EGSBc两种系统中Vd和D/UL的值对于EGSBc系统,在上升流速为5米/小时时,D/UL最大可取0.18对应的Vd的最小值取10.13。当上升流速降为2米/小时时,D/UL的值会随之降低,意味着局部流动增强了。这与先前得出的结论一致,在EGSBc系统中,当上升流速超过5米/小时时,SS的浓度会随上升流速
18、L的最大值是0.18。在EGSBc系统中,无论Vup是增大还是减小,都会导致D/UL值的减小,主要是因为混合不充分进而增强了局部流动。在EGSBm系统中,良好的水动力条件确保了在较高流速情况下污水处理的效率。附件2:外文原文(摘自工业大学学报2009,4(16)development of a novel modified EGSB reactor for municipal sewage treatment at ambient temperatures In recent years,anaerobic treatment has become an attractive sustaina
19、ble wastewater treatment technology due to its low energy consumption and biogas production.In particular,the application of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket(UASB)and the conventional expand granular sludge bed(EGSBc )in domestic wastewater treatment has gained much more attention.The EGSBc is ge
20、nerally more efficient in COD reduction,and more resistant to shock organic loading rates(OLR)as well as the changes of temperature and pH than the UASB.However,the very high water velocity in the three-phase separator of EGSBc ,which is caused by the high Vup and methane bubble production,ofen lead
21、s to a significant washout of biomass and thus a high COD concentration in the effluent.As a result,the efiuent quality sometimes can not meet the discharge standards for municipal wastewater treatment plants or the biological treatment system eventually collapses .Therefore,the key problem for EGSB
22、c in municipal sewage treatment is to control the loss of biomass under a high up-flow velocity In this paper,a modified EGSB reactor was developed by combining the advantages of the UASB and EGSBc reactors.Pilot-scale study was carried out for both EGSBm and EGSBc reactors under ambient conditions
23、for the purpose of comparison.The effluent of a primary sedimentation tank in the Dongqu municipal sewage treatment plant was used as influent.The hydrodynamic characteristics in EGSBm were analyzed by Retention Time Distribution(RTD)experiments and the Polvmerase Chain Reaction.Denaturing Gradient
24、Gel Electrophoresis ( PCR-DGGE) technique was used to explore the microbial diversity in the granular sludge 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Sources of Biomass and Feed Influent Mesophilic anaerobic granular sludge was obtained from a ful1-scale internal circulation bioreactor treating citric acid produ
25、ction wastewater located in Wuxi City,China.The black granular sludge had a regular form(=0.8-2 mm)and good settleability.The sludge contained 736 gL total suspended solids(TSS)and 590 gL volatile suspended solids(VSS)The initial inoculated sludge volume occupied 65 of the effective volume of the EG
26、SBm and EGSBc reactors.The efluent from a primary sedimentation tank of Dongqu municipal sewage treatment plant located Shanghai was used as influent.The raw sewage consisted of 60of domestic wastewater and 40 of industrial wastewater.The major characteristics of the influent were summarized in Tab.
27、1 .1.2 Reactor Description The schematic diagram of the pilot-scale EGSBc and EGSBm reactors was shown in Fig.1.Both reactors were made of plexiglass with a total volume of 300 L and adopted a continuous flow mode.In the EGSBc ,the distribution system was placed at the bottom of the reactor,and its
28、effluent was recirculated to mix with the influent.In the EGSBm,its mixed liquid was recirculated to mix with the influent using a pump.The distribution system of EGSBm consisted of a tank of 5 L and 4 PVC tubesThe tank was placed above the top of the reactor,and the tubes extended from the tank to
29、the bottom of the reactor.The two reactors were run in parallel at Dongqu municipal sewage treatment plant and their performances were comparatively evaluated.In the EGSBm ,the mixed liquid containing granular sludge was recirculated approximately at the middle of the reactor to the top tank where i
30、t was mixed well with the influent.The composite influent then flowed downward gravitationally along the distribution tubes to come into the bottom of the reactor.In the lower reaction chamber,the composite influent was further mixed with local liquid and got degraded efficiently since a high concen
31、tration of granular sludge was available.As the wastewater flowed upward and reached the middle recirculation pipe,a large portion was sucked into the pipe orifices and recirculated to the top tank again by the pump,while a small portion continued to flow upward to achieve further degradation.The up
32、flowing portion then entered the three-phase separator where its gas,water and granular sludge were well separated.After separation,the granular sludge was settled and recycled to the upper reaction chamber. 1.3 Experimental Conditions After the two pilot-scale reactors had been successfully started
33、 up and reached a steady state condition,they were continuously run for a total period of 165 d at ambient temperatures.Based on the steady state conditions,the total operation period was divided into ten operation phasesThe specific experimental conditions of each operation phase are detailed in Ta
34、b.2. 1.4 Reactor Performance Evaluation In each operation phase,the overall performance of EGSBc and EGSBm was evaluated by the removal efficiencies of COD,CODfilt and SS.The CODfiltrepresented the COD concentration of the effluent after passing through a qualitative filter paper.The concentrations
35、of COD and CODfilt were measured by the standard potassium dichromate method,and the concentration of SS was measured by filtering,drying and weighing water samples.1.5 Granular Sludge Analysis At the end of the operation phases 4 and 10, granular sludge samples were taken from four different region
36、s in the EGSBm which were denoted as A,B,C and D in Fig.1.The distances of A,B,C and D from the reactor bottom were 2.0,1.5,1.0 and 0.5 m,respectively.After DNA was extracted from the granular sludge samples,the 16SrRNA genes were amplified for cloning and sequencing by polymerase chain reactions (P
37、CR)on specific regions.The PCR product was then differentiated by the use of DGGE. The differentiated strains were amplified again to make the strain quantity reach the needed measurement level.At pre-selected reaction times,the diameters of the granular sludge collected from the above four regions
38、were analyzed by a laser granularity instrument (Model LS230,Beckman Coulter of America)with a detection range of 0.04-2000 m.1.6 Hydrodynamic Characteristics A pulse tracer,Li+ was used to analyze the retention time distribution in the reactor.In each analysis,10 mL of 10 mg/L Li+ was introduced in
39、to the influent through pulse injection and its concentration in the effluent was determined periodically by ICP/AES coupled with a PerkinElmer Optima 2100 DV plasma emission spectrometer. 2 Results and Discussions 2.1 Reactor Performance 1)Effect of VupThe effect of Vup on the COD and CODfilt conce
40、ntrations of the EGSBc and EGSBm effluents is shown in Fig.2.Results indicate that the mean concentrations of CODfilt of the EGSBm and EGSBc effluents decreased from 94.1 and 97.1 mg/L(P1)to 59.4 and 71.4 mg/L(P5),respectively,when the Vup increased from 5.0 m/h(P3)to 10.3 m/h(P5). Effluent COD conc
41、entration of the two reactors had the same trend as CODfilt concentration.The EGSBm exhibited a much better performance and restorability at a high Vup than the EGSBc ,as reflected by the COD dataThe SS concentrations of the EGSBm and EGSBc .effluents increased significantly from 18.5 and 22.2 mg/L
42、to 60.1 and 126.5 mg/L,respectively,as the Vup increased from 2 m/h(P1)to 10.3 m/h(P5).It is seen that much less biomass was washed out of EGSBm than EGSBc under identical conditions.Therefore, the better restorability of the EGSBm ,could be ascribed to its high sludge concentration maintained. 2)Ef
43、fect of HRT.The effect of HRT on the COD and CODfilt concentrations of EGSBcand EGSBm effluents is shown in Fig.3.Results indicate that the mean concentrations of COD and CODfilt of the EGSBm effluent decreased from 119.7 and 94.1 mg/L(P1)to 104 and 82.6 mg/L(P7),respectively,when the HRT significan
44、tly decreased from 6to 2h.Similarly,the meanconcentrations of COD and CODfilt of the EGSBc effluent decreased from l22.7 and 97.1 mg/L(P1) to 113.3 and 91.5 mg/L(P7),respectively.As the HRT further decreased to 1 h,the COD and CODfilt concentrations of both EGSBm and EGSBc effluents increased rapidl
45、y.However,the EGSBm always achieved higher substrate removal efficiencies than the EGSBc due to its modified recirculation mode.The mean concentrations of VFA of both EGSBm and EGSBc effluents increased rapidly from 28 and 31 g/L(P6,HRT 4 h)to 42 and 65 g/L(P7,HRT 2 h),respectively.This implies that
46、 the VFA was used more rapidly for methane generation in EGSBmthan EGSBc at low HRT values. 3)Effect of OLR.The effect of OLR on the COD and CODfilt concentrations of the EGSBm and EGSBc effluents is shown in Fig.4.When the OLR suddenly decreased from 7.2(P8)to 1.2 kgCOD/(m3d)(P9), the EGSBm almost
47、maintained its treatment efficiency, while the treatment efficiency of the EGSBc was improved to some extent.When the OLR was adjusted from 1.2(P9) back to 7.2 kgCOD/(m3d)(P10),a rapid increase of the COD and CODfilt concentrations of both EGSBm and EGSBc effluents was observed during the initial pe
48、riod of P10.Thereafter,the EGSBm approximately restored its organic removal efficiency within 10 d,but the EGSBc failed to regain its removal efficiency even after 20 d.This clearly indicates that the EGSBm is more resistant to shock organic loadings.In general,the COD,CODfilt and SS concentrations
49、of the EGSBm effluent was notably lower than those of the ECSBc effluent when the experimental condition(e.g.,Vup , HRT,and OLR)was changed.Although the SS concentrations of both EGSBm and EGSBc effluents increased with the increasing Vup,the EGSBm always washed out much less biomass than the EGSBc .The COD concentration of the EGSBm effluent was maintained qu