《北方国际工业原料城B区8 ~12 楼基槽降水施工方案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北方国际工业原料城B区8 ~12 楼基槽降水施工方案.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、warm Franco-Prussian peace and harmony and the new year greeting cards, and the publicity photo gallery and the 2015 law and usage, law-abiding Holler, promotional materials such as calendars, market day, Festival Community law, legal in rural activities. Meanwhile, the County 9 townships (towns) Le
2、gal Office 85 villages, 4 community two committees cadre carried out against the peoples mediation law and standardized legal documents, the rural land contracting law and the rule of law training tour of the Marriage Act and other laws and regulations. Meanwhile, the party members of the party scho
3、ol teaching resources and annually to the village (community) the favorable opportunity for the County Clerk training 23,000 rural pave the way for the law and the 1972 legal advocacy Center legal publicity and education, increase their use of legal means to manage rural services, the ability to pre
4、vent and deal with conflicts and disputes. (Assessment points 3 points, since assessment 3 points) 13. increased on farmers workers Franco-Prussian education efforts, regularly in-depth to farmers workers concentrated live to, and work places and the main activities places carried out regular of rul
5、e of law education; insisted who competent who Franco-Prussian, and who labor who Franco-Prussian of work principles, State-owned enterprises, labor units established has farmers workers continues to Franco-Prussian education system, regularly or not regularly organization carried out education trai
6、ning. Franco-Prussian Union-related functions in the County Fairgrounds, station distribution center for migrants, legal service through the establishment of enquiry points and propaganda materials, sent out vans, station electronic display rolling, installation of car popularization anime and other
7、 forms of floating on the rule of law publicity and education activities. Positive return during the legal education of migrant workers, improve migrant workers law concept and awareness of labor rights according to law. For five years, and floating population of migrant workers, the rule of law pub
8、licity and education activities reached more than 600 times, issue the labor contract law, the census law, literature, more than 10,000 copies. (Assessment points 3 points, since assessment 3 points) three, and to innovation seeking development, further deepening rule of law publicity education of w
9、ay method, solid advance 65 Franco-Prussian target task of completed (assessment points 30 points, since assessment 30 points) 1. to legal six into activities for carrier, to I County 193 support rule of law publicity literary team for relies on, take masses joy Le see of national dance, and sketch,
10、 publicity way, active advance area within rule of law publicity education activities, County minority masses, and Religious clergy and religious peoples legal awareness is increased further. (Check with 3 points, scoring 3 points) 2. promote legal six kinds of entering activities, and vigorously ex
11、pand law six kinds of entering connotation and extension activities, establish a legal six kinds of entering model typical, typical leading and exemplary role in promoting the rule of law publicity and education work in our County, the County set up legal six kinds of entering model typical of 11. (
12、Check with 3 points, self-evaluation-3) 3. carrying out who is in charge of who Franco-Prussian, who law enforcement who legal principle, enactment of the XX County implement who is in charge of who北方国际工业原料城B区12#楼基槽降水施工方案一、工程概况:1、名称:北方国际工业原料城B区12#楼。2、地址:本工程位于包头稀土高新区北方国际工业原料城规划区内B区,东临万新路。3、规模:砼独立柱地梁基
13、础,三层框架,层高4.2m,总高14.3m,建筑面积3934.61。二、地质概况:本工程所在地为过去的采砂场,后回填。根据北方国际工业原料城一期工程岩土工程勘察报告,表土层为杂填土,承载力为120KMa,中层为素填土,承载力120KMa,下层为砾砂层,砾砂层为含水层,承载力为300KMa.三、降水方案1、降水总面积:80281=2240。2、根据B-11#楼基础开挖情况,11#楼比12#0.000高0.140m,预计在槽底标高-3.000m处见到素填土,素填土厚约1.100m,挖净素填土后地层为砾砂层(Q4 al+pl),槽底标高约-4.100m左右。3、B-12#楼基地标高-3.400m。4
14、、B-11#楼-4.000m见水,预计B-12#楼-3.800可能见水。5、3.1m4.1m土质为带粘性的土壤,其含水率很高,在其下层降水会使该层软土中水份下渗,如降水深度较小会使基槽内积水,为保证顺利施工,降水深度为0.8 m,即降水水位达4.9 m时可满足施工要求。6、降水方法:采用井点降水,即在基槽周边按一定距离布设井点,如基槽内有局部积水,可用积水坑明排。7、降水井深度确定,按下式确定(土木工程施工P20) HjH1+h+iL+H2+H3 Hj降水井深(m) H1基槽深度3.2 m(自然地面至最终槽底) h降水深度0.8 m(土木工程施工P20) i水力坡度1/10(土木工程施工P20
15、) L井点至基槽中心距14 m H2滤水管长度,根据地勘报告P42砾砂层最大厚度2.8 m,其下部为粉细砂含水层故滤水管长选6.0 m。 H3沉淀井管长度3.0 m Hj3.2+0.8+1/1014+6.0+3.0=14.4 m Hj选用15.0 m(由自然地坪算起)8、降水井井径确定:钻井直径600井管内径300,外径4009、井管类型及井结构:井管选用砼井管及滤水管井管外壁与孔壁间回填豆沙反滤料10、单井出水量估算:降水井为无压非完整井,采用武汉工大土木工程施工P20公式 Q=1.366K(2Hs)SlgR-lgx式中:K渗透系数 100m/d (建筑地基与施工手册P193) H含水层厚度
16、 2.8 m(地勘报告P42) S降水深度 0.8 m(土木工程施工P20) R抽水影响半径 R=1.95s HK =1.950.8 2.8100 =26.1 m X0环状井点系统的假想半径 X0= F环状井点系统包围的面积,每栋基槽面积28.084.0=1552 X0= =22.2m Q=1.366100(22.8-0.8)0.8/lg26.1lg22.2 =747M3/d 每小时单井涌水量74724=31 M3 /h11、井位布置:根据单井涌水量及B、C楼降水经验井位沿每栋楼基槽周边布置,井孔距基槽边3.0m,每隔15.0m布一井点,井深15m,共16眼。12、降水用潜水电泵,水泵出水量2
17、040m3/h,扬程2040m。一井一 泵,共16套。13、环基槽周边排水管选用直径150钢管,排水管将水排至万新路雨 水管道。14、环境评价:所降地下水为潜水,降水面积不大,抽水影响半径较小,降水深度仅0.8m降水时间很短,因而不会造成地下潜水形成大面积降水漏斗。排水送至万新路雨水管系统,不会造成地面积水。四、降水施工: (一)、施工准备 1、在基槽周边确定井位。 2、联系打井队伍,机具。 3、布设降水区内打井及抽水用电源线路。 4、确定排水干管位置及走向。 5、采购砼井管,潜水电泵、电缆、排水管及排水干管等机具设备。(二)、施工流程:确定降水方案降水施工准备打凿降水井机泵安装 机泵调试 降
18、水施工正式运行机泵运行检查管理定时检查井内水位下降情况挖槽并报请建设单位确定基槽施工方案基槽挖至砾砂层后即平整槽底,测出槽底标高根据建设单位确定的方案施工 降水结束拆除井泵、管路、回填井孔(三)施工工期预计:降水井数凿井排水管安装洗井安装降水拆泵清场井数单井深16眼15m2天2天2天2天15天4天各工序可穿插进行,比如钻井时即可安装排水管道,第一批井成井后即可洗井,洗井完毕即可安泵试抽。(四)施工人员组织:项目经理质检员安全员技术员 材料供应组降水水位测量员排水系统维护组机泵运行组电气安装维护组机泵安装组凿井组(五)主要设备配置: 1、凿井机具 逥转式打井机二台 洗井用污水泵2.4KW 二台
19、2、降水机具 潜水泵2.4KW 16台 电缆4 mm2 200m 排水 干管D100mm 200m 塑料水带D50mm 300m 三级配电箱 16个(六)降水井施工 1、降水井间距15m,环基槽周边布置,共计16眼。(见12#楼降水系统平面图) 2、降水井采用逥转式钻井,井深15m,泥浆护壁,40030050mm混凝土井壁管,滤水管部分外包两层过滤网,井壁管外用豆砂填100mm厚环状反滤层。 3、降水井成井后即行洗井,洗井要达到水清无泥。 4、降水井一井一泵,潜水泵安装后要逐一调试检查,并做试抽正常后方可投入降水运行。(七)排水系统安装 1、排水系统环基槽周边敷设,排水管D100mm钢管。(见
20、12#楼降水系统平面图) 2、排水系统为无压排水,安装管路时按1/100坡度放坡,最低点为万新路雨水口。 3、排水管要安装牢固,做好管道支墩或支架。 (八)降水运行 1、在降水井泵试抽正常和排水系统安装完毕即可投入正常降水运行。 2、每天上午8:00和下午6:00作井内水位观测,并作好记录。 3、专人看守和维护机泵、电路、确保正常运行。 4、专人看护排水管路,发现漏水即行修复,防止漏水冲垮基槽。六、降水施工的质量保证措施 1、质量保证体系项目经理质检员技术员 运行负责人凿井负责人水位观测员机电设备维护员2、由技术员、质检员会同凿井负责人检查钻孔深度。 3、下管前,由技术员、质检员、凿井负责人共
21、同检查井壁管,严禁使用质量不符合要求的井壁管。 4、井壁管绑扎定位用竹板条要绑扎牢固,井壁要保证接口处平顺、无错口、井管整体铅垂。 5、豆砂反滤料要干净、无土、粒径较一致。滚圆度,回填滤料采用环状分层法,防止一侧回填挤偏井管壁。6、洗井前技术员、质检员、凿井负责人共同测量井深。7、洗井水质达到水清无泥标准后技术员、质检员、凿井负责人共同测量井深。8、潜水泵在下入井孔前要试运行,并由技术员、质检员、运行负责人共同核对泵的口径、扬程、出水量和电机功率。9、上述共同检查数据要全部记入表中备查。六、降水施工安全保证措施: 1、安全保证体系项目经理质检员安全员 机泵运行工运行负责人凿井负责人机泵安装工电
22、工 2、进入现场作业人员一律戴安全帽。 3、各工种遵守各自的安全操作规程,不准违章作业。 4、机电设备、材料、工具要安装码放有序。 5、危险地段要设警告标志。 6、机泵、管道要安装牢固,不得有安全隐患。 7、电缆一律埋地。 8、严格执行一井一泵一闸一漏一灯。 9、夜间照明线路要整齐、规范、安全、严禁蜘蛛网式的照明线路。 10、注意防火、防漏电、防连电。七、降水施工结束 1、基槽按甲方制定的基础加固方案施工完毕后降水方可停止。 2、降水结束拆除机泵设备后,应对井孔用天然级配砂砾回填。 降水井登记表楼号井号钻井结构水井结构潜水泵孔径mm孔深m井径mm洗井前井深m洗井后井深m功率KW扬程m出水量T/
23、hB-12#楼降水系统平面图 Franco-Prussian, who law enforcement who legal literacy of the application of the principles at work (law Pu (2013), 6th) issued the single . Is the backbone area the rule of law publicity and education. (Assessment-2-, self-evaluation-2) 7. 65 Franco-Prussian work yilai, I County act
24、ive using 3.8 womens day, and March fully rule publicity months and 3.15 consumers interests protection day, and five or four youth day, and 6.24 international drug day, and 6.25 land day for opportunity, combined 12.4 national Constitution Day cum national rule of law publicity day, major activitie
25、s, and important node, using fair day carried out forms of rule of law publicity topic activities, on women interests guarantees method, and marriage method, and land method, and water And the law on notary, the peoples mediation law and other professional law legal advocacy work. In five years, dis
26、tribute all kinds of rule of law information materials (126,700), accepts all kinds of legal advice 18,000 visitors, posting signs more than 4,000 articles, achieve legal literacy does not remain dead, keep. (Check with 3 points, self-evaluation-3) 8. solid advance rule of law culture construction a
27、ctivities, 65 Franco-Prussian work yilai, in County carried out has Chinese soul? flying dream rule of law reading activities; September 2014, rule of law culture construction model base in mill black town middle school tone established, Franco-Prussian do, and Judicial Council gift youth legal read
28、ing more than 1000 more than this; 2015 television opened rule of law XX column, total making broadcast 4 period, 16 article rule of law news program. And give full play to 193 of the county supported the rule of law role of literary propaganda through popular and accessible essays, Allegro, dancing
29、 a variety of theatrical interpretation of laws and regulations promote the rule of law, they performed as the couple mahjong and the conciliation officers patrol in mind, collection and other programmes are well received by the masses. (Check with 3 points, self-evaluation-3) 9. increase grass-root
30、s mass culture of rule of law activities of the guidance, support, and training grass-roots cultural awareness cultural backbone of rule of law, the County year-round theatrical performance teams a total of 31 total support rule of law, mass culture of rule of law activities and healthy development.
31、 (Evaluation of 3 minutes, scoring 3 points) 10. active use of the Web site, television, mobile phones and other new media law publicity and education activities carried out. In June 2013, XX law popularization network officially opened, its built and opened, XX is the rule of law propaganda educati
32、on implementation of networked communication, actively develop Franco-Prussian governance according to law, innovation is a new initiative of the Franco-German forms of governance according to law; departments of industry and commerce, taxation, society set up the rule of law promotion portal sites;
33、 more than 6,900 employees from all walks of life the cadres and masses throughout the County opened a Franco-German mobile news-XX news. (Check with 3 points, self-assessment 3 points) 11. focus on combining rule by law education and rule of law. In August 2011, my County is named after the town of XX district village, Meng first border village, fengyang community 45 villages (communities) in April 2014, named Secretary for Commerce and industry, West side community as rule of law to create demonstration unit. (Check with 3 points, self-evaluation-3) four,11