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1、With the Shaanxi Expressway networking toll, toll extension business is now weighing charges for storage charges database security and backup of business data has become more prominent. After two years of operation, more and more awareness of the operating units to database stability issues is a pro

2、blem not to be ignored. Simple examples such as: failure of the servers and databases, general maintenance and management staff, in many cases, cannot be independent and quick recovery, had an impact on production. So we need a proper data backup solutions. Database is the core of the whole system,

3、database security should pay more attention. Therefore, the formulation of appropriate database backup strategy, is to maintain database security norms as well as the guidelines, to backup the data it needs from the technical, as well as administratively regulated. In data security, data security st

4、rategy is to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information. Therefore, database security policy will focus on these three points, including physical security, access control, data backup and emergency response. Here, in the toll collection system in the province uses the SQ

5、L Server database as an example to illustrate the idea of developing its security policy. 1 research background of construction of networked Expressway toll collection system reduced the number of drivers vehicles in the road network and improve road capacity, reducing environmental pollution due to

6、 parking, enhance the economic benefits of Highway and social image. Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll began in May 2004, as of now there are more than 200 data server, as more sections of grid-connected charges, charges data as the core of the whole system, it is necessary to establish

7、a set of data security and reliable solution. 2 purpose this time through the analysis of network data in server health, Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system based on data, statistical methods of data storage, data research, original charge as possible security, integrity and privacy

8、 of data. For the opening section after incorporation fees provide a reliable set of data security policies. 3 database security situation in the province Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system overview 3.1 database-tier systems, management systems, branch-level management system, the

9、provincial network centre split and transfer system, four-level system. Each system has its own separate data server is used to store their collection of premium business data, provide the basis for statistical analysis. 1, stand-level server storage fees collected from toll lanes flowing data and p

10、ass on this site blessing Kaku, cartridge information within this site, card box allocation, cartridge combination of information and frequency information. 2, the main storage server server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station data and the pass of blessing Kaku, the in

11、ternal cartridge information, reallocation of the cartridge and cartridge combination, personnel information, flight information, charges the actual payment data entry work. 3, Center-class server storage server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station dataWater data integr

12、ity can be up and running. So when a database server fails, you do not need to pass data to recover, simply through the collection procedure for charging water data collection to complete the fast recovery of server failures. 4.4 analysis summary summary analysis, lane because it is not a complete s

13、tation level data, so there is no need for dedicated backup. Stand-level server data because it is at the front of the charge as a whole, its fault directly affects the exercise normally, you need a complete offsite backup solution. Management, and data center server, due to its operations without m

14、anual data entry, so just use common artificial scheduled backups can be. 5 solutions in order to ensure that when the server after a hardware failover, backup data without changes or only minor changes can be quick and easy troubleshooting of server data recovery, you中铁上海工程局 P3墩人工挖孔桩安全专项方案重庆红岩村嘉陵江大

15、桥主塔基础施工P3墩人工挖孔桩专项安全方案编制: 魏飞复核:刘道风审核:徐建兵中铁上海工程局重庆红岩村嘉陵江大桥基础建设项目部二一三年三月目录一、工程概况1(一)、施工现场地形、地质条件、周边环境、地下管网、桩孔净距11.1、地理位置及地形地貌11.2、气象与水文11.2.1气象11.2.2水文21.3、地质构造31.4、地层岩性41.4.1第四系全新统41.4.2基岩51.4.3 岩体风化51.5、水文地质条件71.6、不良地质现象及地质灾害81.7、地下管网情况81.8、桩孔参数8(二)、施工要求和技术保证条件102.1、施工要求102.2、技术保证条件10(三)、施工现场危险和有害因素识



18、突发事件分析及应急预案449.4.1挖孔桩施工阶段防淹措施449.4.2挖孔桩防止变形,坍孔措施449.4.3井下作业人员昏厥的处理45十、计算书及相关图纸45need to select the real-time synchronization method of the programme. Typically backup system comes with backup solutions should be preferred. If the system comes with a backup plan if it cannot meet the requirements, so

19、ftware development methods is needed. Or third-party software systems are selected for backup. Because third-party backup software is usually priced very high, charging units require high price, so for only the first two methods are studied below. 5.1 use MS SQL2000 synchronized backups of SQL 2000

20、database in three ways, namely snapshot replication, transactional replication and merge replication. By comparison, excluding the first two programmes, select synchronization transactional replication and database Nothwind database, for example, for testing. The three parts of the main consideratio

21、ns in the synchronization of the data, can be thought of as three hosts. The Publisher, Distributor, and Subscriber; can be understood from the literal meaning, function is actually implemented to keep subscribers through the Distributor data timely and consistent data at the Publisher. 1, about sna

22、pshot replication to copy data changes infrequently, or are not required to keep the data current values (low latency), snapshot data is one of the best methods of data replication. When synchronization occurs, complete snapshot is generated and sent to the Subscriber. Because snapshot replication b

23、ulk copies released (items collection) a complete copy, it will publish all writes made to the snapshot folder. Project is to specify that you want to copy tables, data partitioning, or database objects. Projects can be a full table and certain columns (using a vertical filter), certain rows (using

24、a horizontal filter), a stored procedure or view definition, the stored procedure execution, view, indexed, view, or user-defined function. Snapshot replication does not maintain data the fastest real-time updates, and the bulk copy released (items collection) a full copy of the mechanism will gener

25、ate a lot of network traffic. Only small volumes of replication used, data is static and does not need to be updated in real time database. So do not use snapshot replication the synchronization modeData table, add a new data field MSrepl_tran_version, publishing software depending on whether the co

26、ntents of this field changes to determine whether you need to publish the data. And SQL 2000 data is modified judging is managed by the kernel, not for external programming. Such as modify the structure of the original data table, a direct result of running lanes and management software that doesnt

27、work. Due to the above test results to prove that this scenario is not suitable as a backup method for networking toll system in Shaanxi Province. 5.2 using specially developed backup software after the above tests, through the systems subscriptions, publish method in Shanxi province under the netwo

28、rking software sync backup, demand cannot be met, backup software so I decided to use for the development of synchronization, synchronize backups. As a result of independent development, it has a high degree of flexibility in backup. Easier for seamless integration with existing systems. Backup soft

29、ware developed for the synchronization, you must meet the following requirements: in order to ensure synchronous backup software can start on Windows startup, and are not easily shut down by the operation, it should be developed using a Windows service. Synchronize backup software is the software th

30、at runs 24 hours, must be able to steady operation. In order to reduce network bandwidth to the greatest degree in the backup, and only need to back up the tolling system generates the new data table. The backup software should be able to automatically filter the add new data in a database table, an

31、d synchronized backups of data that meets the conditions of form. Flags field of the current charging system using a dedicated TransferMark, any kind of toll system software after changing the record, both on the field is zero, this record has been changed to notify other software. Use this field as

32、 a flag to identify whether data has changed. In addition to this field,59P3墩人工挖孔桩安全专项施工方案一、工程概况(一)、施工现场地形、地质条件、周边环境、地下管网、桩孔净距1.1、地理位置及地形地貌红岩村嘉陵江大桥为嘉陵江河谷岸坡地貌,嘉陵江由西向东流向,河谷走向较平直,河谷形态呈不对称“U”型,河谷宽350400m,河床高程一般160170m,最低处148m,主流靠右岸即南岸一侧。河谷总体地形为南高北底,由于拟建大桥位于市区,人工活动频繁,对两岸地形改造大。嘉陵江北岸为堆积岸,高程170175m一带为平缓河漫滩,

33、地表堆积砂卵石及粉细砂,P3主墩位于该地带;175m以上为江北滨江路路堤,路面高程195m左右,为嘉陵江级阶地,地形较平缓,地表分布有密集的民房和企业。1.2、气象与水文1.2.1气象1)重庆属亚热带季风性湿润气候,区内的气象特征具有空气湿润,春早夏长、冬暖多雾、秋雨连绵的特点,年无霜期349天左右。2) 气 温多年平均气温18.3,月平均最高气温是8月为28.1,月平均最低气温在1月为5.7,日最高气温43.0(2006年8月15日),日最低气温-1.8(1955年1月11日)。 3) 降水量、蒸发量最大年降水量1544.8mm,最小年降水量740.1mm,多年平均降水量为1082.6mm,

34、年最大降雨量1544.8mm,年最小降雨量740.1mm,降雨多集中在59月,约占全年降雨量的70%,且强度较大,暴雨时有发生;日最大降雨量266.5mm(2007.7.17),日降雨量大于25mm以上的大暴雨日数占全年降雨日数的62%左右,小时最大降雨量可达62.1mm;多年平均蒸发量1138.6 mm。4) 湿 度多年平均相对湿度79%左右,绝对湿度17.7hPa左右,最热月份相对湿度70%左右,最冷月份相对湿度81%左右。5) 风全年主导风向以北风为主,频率13%左右,夏季主导风向为北西,频率10%左右,年平均风速为1.3m/s左右,最大风速为26.7m/s。6) 雾日全年平均雾天日数3

35、040天,最大年雾天日数148天。1.2.2水文工程区位于嘉陵江流域,嘉陵江属长江的一级支流,发源于秦岭山区,于重庆市区汇入长江。根据重庆红岩村嘉陵江大桥工程防洪评价报告(重庆西科水运工程咨询中心,2011.7),红岩村立交一带的水文特征如下:据北碚水文站资料统计,工程区嘉陵江的实测最大流量44700m3/s(1981年7月16日),实测最小流量为205 m3/s(1985年3月28日),多年平均流量2250 m3/s,多年平均最大流量23600 m3/s,多年平均最小流量335 m3/s。该河段多年平均最枯水位为163m左右。三峡水库正常蓄水后水库按175m(吴淞高程)方案运行时,嘉陵江回水

36、至北碚麻柳坪,工程河段处于水库变动回水区,枯季为水库特性,汛期为天然河道,该河段具有水库和天然河道的双重特性。工程河段枯水季节一般在11月至次年4月,最枯水位13月。汛期洪水主要由暴雨形成,多出现在69月。根据北碚水文站实测的系列资料,利用北碚站设计洪峰流量资料和水位流量关系,推算出桥位处的设计水位,见表1.2.2-1,水位为黄海高程基准。表1.2.2-1工程区嘉陵江各频率特征水位表汛期11月次年4月频 率流量(m3/s)水位(m)水库水位(m)100年一遇1%50800194.5417550年一遇2%46700192.7820年一遇5%41100190.4410年一遇10%36500188.

37、511.3、地质构造工程区处于金鳌寺向斜西翼(图1.3.3-1),为川东褶皱束中沙坪坝重庆复式褶皱曲中的次一级褶曲,无断裂构造通过,构造裂隙不发育。据调查测绘,场地岩层倾向 130140,倾角510,岩层面间结合好。据实地量测,基岩中发育裂隙三组,裂隙发育情况如下:L1裂隙:倾向3500,倾角5565,裂隙面粗糙,宽度28mm,偶见粘性土充填,裂隙间距25m不等,延伸长度一般510m,局部可达数十米,切割深度520m,连通性较好,裂隙属硬性结构面,结合差。L2裂隙:倾向260270,倾角6575。裂隙面较直,延伸长度35m,闭合为主,裂隙间距25m不等,无充填物或局部有部分方解石充填,裂隙属硬

38、性结构面,结合差。L3裂隙:倾向8090,倾角6575,倾向与L2裂隙相反,裂隙性状与L2一致。图1.3.3-1 构造纲要图1.4、地层岩性经地面调查和钻探揭露,本线路工程沿线出露地层为侏罗系中统沙溪庙组沉积岩层和第四系全新统土层。表层主要为第四系冲洪积层和因人类工程活动堆填的人工填土层;下伏基岩为侏罗系中统沙溪庙组陆相沉积岩层,岩性可划分砂岩、砂质泥岩。各层岩土特征由新至老分述如下:1.4.1第四系全新统1)填土层(Q4ml)主要分布于南岸嘉陵路以下的岸坡中,堆填时间时间10年以上,厚度为515m,为江北滨江路修建时的弃土。主要由粘性土夹砂、泥岩碎块石组成,含少量建筑垃圾、卵石,结构松散稍密

39、,稍湿饱和。该填土腐蚀性由3.1节可知,其对钢结构、混泥土结构及钢筋混泥土结构中钢筋无腐蚀。2)冲洪积层(Q4al)主要分布河床及左岸漫滩中,由粉细砂和卵石组成。粉细砂,分布于漫滩表层,灰色,松散,厚度一般01.0m左右;卵石层,卵石粒径一般为10150mm,含量约6075%,局部呈胶结和半胶结状态,磨圆度较好,以亚圆形为主,卵石的母岩成分以火成岩、变质岩为主,骨架间以细砂、粉质粘土充填,结构中密,厚度04.8m,平均厚度2.0m。P3主墩位处地表为卵石层。3) 残坡积层(Q4el+dl)粉质粘土:褐灰褐红色,由粘土矿物组成,含少量岩石碎屑,可硬塑,稍有光滑,摇震反应无,干强度中等,韧性中等。

40、残坡积成因,厚0.54.5m,厚度较薄,主要分布于A5桥台的地表一带。1.4.2基岩侏罗系中统沙溪庙组 (J2S),为一套强氧化环境下的河湖相碎屑岩建造、由砂岩、泥岩不等厚的正向沉积韵律层组成,现分述如下:砂岩:灰色、灰白色,中粗粒结构,薄中厚层状构造,主要矿物成分为石英,次为长石,含少量云母及粘土矿物,为泥砂钙质胶结。岩体完整较完整,属较硬岩,呈透镜体及和砂质泥岩互层分布在整个场地内,岩体基本质量等级为IV级。砂质泥岩:紫红色,泥质结构,厚层状构造,主要矿物成分为石英、长石及粘土矿物。岩体完整较完整,属较软岩,分布于整个场地内,为构筑物的主要持力层,岩体基本质量等级为IV级。1.4.3 岩体

41、风化根据钻孔岩芯特征和钻孔声波测试和室内物理力学试验,工程区岩体风化主要有以下特征。1)强风化:强风化带厚度一般1.04.0m,砂质泥岩的岩体破碎,风化裂隙发育,岩芯成块状,岩质软,局部手可捏碎,强度低,声波波速2400m/s以下;砂岩呈灰黄色,岩体较破碎,风化裂隙较发育,岩芯成块状和短柱状,岩质较软,锤击声哑,声波波速3000m/s以下。2)中风化:中风化带厚度一般12.019.0m,砂质泥岩的岩体较完整,岩芯呈中长柱状,岩质较硬,声波波速2400m/s3200 m/s,自然抗压强度10.2Mpa,饱和抗压强度6.3Mpa;砂岩的岩体较完整完整,岩芯呈中长柱状,锤击声脆,岩质较硬,声波波速3

42、000m/s4000 m/s。3)微风化:风化顶面在地表以下1519m,岩体完整,岩芯呈中长柱状,砂质泥岩声波波速大于3200 m/s,自然抗压强度12.4Mpa,饱和抗压强度7.6Mpa;砂岩完整,岩芯呈中长柱状,声波波速大于4000 m/s。河床中的P3墩钻孔揭示的风化特征见表1.4.3-1表1.4.3-1 P3墩钻孔揭示的风化特征墩位钻孔孔口高程覆盖层厚度m强风化带(m)中风化带(m)底界孔深厚度底界标高孔深厚度底界标高P3墩N23170.91 1.964.1164.91 18.512.5152.41 N24169.56 03.83.8165.76 1713.2152.56 N25170

43、.35 4.84.80165.55 17.612.8152.75 N26168.98 2.83.81165.18 1612.2152.98 N27170. 18.112.9152.11 N28168.971.731.3165.97 1714151.97 N29167.921.43.62.2164.32 1612.4151.92 N30169.86 1811.6151.86 N31169.93 2.24.22165.73 1813.8151.93 N32168.09 1612.8152.09 N33

44、167.61 1512.8152.61 由表1.4.3-1可以看出, P3墩强风化带的底界高程在164166m间,界面分布较稳定,中风化带的底界高程在151153m间,界面分布较稳定。1.5、水文地质条件工程场地地形总体特征南高北低,地形较起伏较大,降水从高处向地处排泄,汇集于嘉陵江中,水文地质环境总体较简单。地下水以松散孔隙水和基岩风化裂隙水为主,地下水总体较贫乏。补给源主要为冲沟和大气降水,水量大小受气候和季节性的影响,变化较大。1)地表水工程区主要的地表水系为嘉陵江,南岸滴水岩可见1条冲沟,水流从陡坡奔流而下排入嘉陵江中,雨季时水量较大,且可漫出冲沟流到嘉

45、陵路上,勘察期间水量较小,流量1050l/s。为了解地表水的腐蚀性,取嘉陵江水进行水质分析,滴水岩冲沟水的试验成果(1#出水口、2#出水口)利用重庆市轨道交通五号线先期开工段红岩村站岩土工程详细勘察报告,分析成果见表1.5.1-1,其中5#冲沟位于滴水岩一带,其成果水质分析成果。 表1.5.1-1 水质简分析成果汇总表 水样试验编号SO42-mg/lCa2+mg/lMg2+mg/lCl- mg/lOH- mg/l游离CO2mg/lHCO3-mmol/l侵蚀性CO2mg/lCO32-mg/lNH4+mg/lpH值取水样位置1#出水口181.31126.1422.6750.050.0010.962

46、.滴水岩冲沟2#出水口73.3578.968.4155.290.0021.923.10.000.0033.07.75江水1#31.5257.449.087.420.0015.嘉陵江注:滴水岩冲沟流水由1#出水口和2#出水口流水汇流而成。依据公路工程地质勘察规范(JTG C20-2011)附录K,按类环境水进行判定,场地地表水对钢结构、混凝土结构、钢筋混凝土结构中钢筋具微腐蚀性。2)地下水A 基岩裂隙水基岩裂隙水包括风化裂隙水和构造裂隙水。风化裂隙水分布在浅表基岩强风化带中,由大气降水补给,水量小,受季节性影响大。构造裂隙水分布于厚层块状砂岩层中,以层间裂隙水或脉状裂隙水形式储存,泥岩相对隔水。工程区基岩中地下水水量有限,随季节有所变化,基岩裂隙水主要呈脉状或滴状,水量很小。B 松散层孔隙水填土层:场地内填土的分布位置相对较高,下伏岩面较陡,降水进入填土层后易于向低洼处排泄,勘察期间将孔内循环水被提干后,观测恢复水位,24小时后,基本无恢复水位,为干孔。根据经验和类比相似场地,素填土的渗透系数可取为2.0m/d。冲洪积层:工程区的冲洪


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