1、Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting for the overall budget bill. (VIII) the strictly enfor
2、ce economic discipline. First, accept peoples Congress and peoples political consultative conference, monitoring, auditing, social public supervision. County FSA financial information has been organized in 10 townships the quality inspection, County Board of audit organizations in a timely manner Xi
3、n Ning Zhen, main leaders leave town and any audit work; II is an active rural financial budget, sangong funding for public works, full acceptance of the community supervision, progressively establish open and transparent budgetary system. (I) pay close attention to the team. Solid rural financial c
4、adre training, annual training 353 new threat definitions, the completion rate for the year reached 126%; strengthening the assessment and training of cadres of township finance, expand rural finance. Provision and exchange mechanism for establishing rural finance staff, optimizing the allocation of
5、 personnel and improve work efficiency. (J) implement Township to ensure basic funding mechanism. Enhanced rural financial guarantee level. Generally in stable operation of township finance throughout the County. Township village level institutions under the jurisdiction and comprehensive safeguards
6、 (including communities, hereinafter the same) essential expenditures based on, gradually widened to increase the management of township and village-level organizations performing public functions and necessary expenses such as the provision of public services needs to implement policies concerning
7、peoples livelihood and promote urban and rural economic and social development provides the necessary financial guarantees. Establishment of other public service provision mechanism, increased environmental governance, security, stability, operation and maintenance of public services in rural areas
8、and other public services coverage. (11) the County Treasury to pay first paperless implementation of national Treasury centralized payment process-wide electronic management, Xin Ning Zhen city took the lead in the implementation of financial authorization where the financial electronic documents,
9、marking the County Treasury centralized payment electronic management information system was successfully started, funds paid into the paperless era. After you implement the electronic management, essential changes in the traditional means of payment. Cutting the financial . 20 Finance Director, age
10、d 46 and 11-bit, no financial Director under 30 years of age, lack of the forces nouvelles, to meet the needs of financial work in the new situation. In addition, treatment not safeguarded. At present, due to the number of leadership positions, and many longtime town Finance Director Xiang CAI offic
11、ials near retirement, remained the General cadre; economic treatment difference (people earning 40,000 yuan), brain drain is serious. Nearly 6 years, Kai Jiang has turned over more than 10 villages and towns finance cadres or transferred. New personnel retain not, audition last year in the 13 rural
12、finance service centre staff will have 3 job, appears one of the few Editors. Third, financial supervision without full coverage. Currently Xiang fiscal system for personnel number, and personnel business quality are with not Shang funds regulatory of development requirements, on through this system
13、 allocated of various funds also can for regulatory, but for in township implementation of sector special and large project funds, as land, and water, and agricultural, and immigration, and poverty, and blood anti-, and energy, sector allocated of funds, for human, and business capacity and time of
14、limit, also failed to into Township financial full regulatory of category. (B) the measures in order to solve the problems existing in the financial management of villages and towns, further呈贡新区洛龙乌龙片区市政道路测量工程监理实施细则编 号: SZDL-XD-001编 制: 审批(总监): 编制日期:2009年7月10日编制单位:云南新迪监理公司呈贡新区洛龙乌龙片区市政道路项目监理部目 录一、 专业工程
15、概况(3)二、 编制依据(4)三、 质量控制目标(4)四、 施工测量监理方法及措施(10)五、 施工验收测量监理工作(23)一、专业工程概况1、龙回路龙回路位于吴家营片区南部区域,道路线形为一条直线,呈东南走向,与北中央大道、南中央大道平行。起点位于吴家营村东部规划20m道路,向西经过的主要道路有:新潭3号路、南洛龙路、规划20m道路、新昆洛路和园塘路,止于呈艺路,全长2995.953m。道路长度:2995.953m;道路等级:城市级次干道;路面类型:沥青混凝土路面;计算标准轴载:BZZ100;桥涵荷载等级:公路级;2、亚广西路亚广西路位于吴家营片区西部,道路位于吴家营片区中不,与吴家营片区新
16、昆洛路平行,北起北中央大道,向南延伸,主要经过北中央大道、南中央大道、规划20m道路,亚广北路、龙回路,止于新吴雨路。其中,起点顺接已施工完成的北中央大道,接点顺接新吴雨路。其他相交道路均未施工,在本次设计中,依据控规要求进行并系统协调与相交道路的衔接。道路长度:1277.906m;道路等级:城市级次干道; 3、园塘路园塘路位于吴家营片区西部,与片区内新昆洛路平行,西起市府中路,向南延伸,主要经过北中央大道、南中央大道、规划60米道路、已建三铝公路、龙回路、止于新吴雨路。园塘路为吴家营片区道路加普通系统连接环形道路的重要车更是次干道。道路长度:1834.025m;道路等级:城市级次干道;4、呈
18、雨水管、污水管、道路照明、交通工程、公交车停靠站、环境绿化工程等。二、编制依据1、监理规划;2、委托合同3、设计图纸;4、工程测量规范GB50026-93;5、城市测量规范(CJJ 899);6、城镇道路工程施工与质量验收规范CJJ1-2008;7、城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范CJJ2-2008;8、给水排水管道工程施工与质量验收规范GB 50268-20089、其他相关法规、标准;三、质量控制目标1、本工程质量达到设计和业主要求,争创优良工程;2、工程质量一次性验收合格;31设计要求1、龙回路道路断面总体布置形式为一块板,横断面布置形式为:23.0米(人行道)+24.25m(非机动车道)+
19、27.75m(机动车道)=30m机动车道路拱横坡采用1.5%单向横坡,人行道为2.0%单向坡,非机动车道与人行道共面。平纵面线形指标表序号技术指标名称单位技术指标1路线全长2.9445762平曲线个数个03变坡点个数个74最大纵坡%2.2045最小纵坡%0.1516最大坡长m3207最小坡长m1208凸型竖曲线最小半径m100009凹型竖曲线最小半径m600010凸型竖曲线最大半径m2000011凹型竖曲线最大半径m1500012最大填高m641613最大挖深m44452、亚广西路横断面布置形式为:23.5米(人行道)+24.25m(非机动车道)+24.25m(绿化带) +27.75m(机动车
20、道)=40m机动车道路拱横坡采用1.5%单向横坡,人行道为2.0%单向坡,非机动车道与人行道共面。平纵面线形指标表序号技术指标名称单位技术指标1路线全长1.2779062平曲线个数个03变坡点个数个44最大纵坡%3.2435最小纵坡%0.3066最大坡长m407.9067最小坡长m1108凸型竖曲线最小半径m10009凹型竖曲线最小半径m200010凸型竖曲线最大半径m300011凹型竖曲线最大半径m30003、园塘路横断面布置形式为:23.0米(人行道)+23.5m(非机动车道)+22.0m(绿化分隔带) +211.5m(机动车道)=40m机动车道路拱横坡采用1.5%双向横坡,非机动车道、人
22、23m (侧分带)215m(机动车道)+8.0m(中央分隔带)=60m机动车、非机动车道道路拱横坡采用1.5%双向横坡,人行道为2.0%单向坡。市府中路龙枝西路段中庄2号路段横断面布置形式为:22.5米(城市绿带)+24.0米(人行道)+24m(非机动车道)+23m (侧分带)218.5m(机动车道)+8.0m(中央分隔带)=72m机动车、非机动车道道路拱横坡采用1.5%双向横坡,人行道为2.0%单向坡。平纵面线形指标表序号技术指标名称单位技术指标1路线全长3.1483852平曲线个数个33平曲线最小半径m5104平曲线最大半径m15005平曲线最小长度m279.3066平曲线总长度m1582
24、6n1/10000三级1.20.112151/7000124n1/5000注: 表中n为测站数。水准点测量的主要技术指标应符合下表:等级二等三等四等五等路线长度(Km)5016每千米高差全中误差(mm)261015仪器型号DS1DS1DS3DS3DS3视线长度(m)5010075100100前后视较差(m)135大致相等前后视累积差(m)3610视线离地面高度(m)基辅分划或黑红面读数较差(mm)基辅分划或黑红面所测高差较差(mm)水准尺因瓦因瓦、双面双面单面观测 次数与已知点联测往返往返往返往返环线或附合往返往返往往往返较差、
25、环线或附合线路闭合差()平丘地4 L12 L20 L30 L山 地4 n6n注:n 为水准路线单程测站数,每公里多于16 站,按山地计算闭合差限差。水平角方向观测法技术要求等级经纬仪型号光学测微器两次重合读数差( )半测回归零差( )一测回中2c较差( )同方向值各测回互差( )四等及以上DJ11696DJ238139一级及以下DJ212189DJ61824注:当观测方向的垂直角大于3时,该方向2 倍照准差的变动范围,可按相邻测回同方向进行比较。内业计算中数字取值精度的要求等级观测方向值及各项修正数( )边长观测值及各项修正数(m)函数位数边长与坐标(m)方位角值( )二等0.010.0001
26、80.0010.01三、四等0.10.00170.0010.1一级及以下10.00170.0011电磁波测距三角高程测量的技术要求等级仪器测回数指标差较差()测回差()对向高差较差(mm)附、闭合差( )中丝法三丝法四等DJ237740D20 D五等DJ221101060D30 D注:D 为平距,以公里记。四、监理方法及措施4.1其施工测量监理工作流程:(1)设计交桩测量监理程序:由勘察设计单位提供交桩 勘察设计单位进场确认施工复测施工单位复测监理复核 不合格 合格业主认可交施工单位交桩:由业主安排勘察设计单位向监理工程师和施工单位交桩。本项目一级导线桩、高程控制桩由昆明测绘研究院现场交桩。路
27、线转角桩、方向桩、桥梁和重要构筑物定位桩,路线水准控制桩由铁道部第二勘察设计院现场交桩。复测、复核:施工单位对勘察设计单位的交桩进行复测,监理工程师进行复核,交桩数量和精度满足施工要求时,上报业主签暑接桩文件,然后提供给施工单位据此进行施工放样测量。(2)施工测量加密点,临时水淮点测量监理程序施工单位放样,复测加密控制点、临时水准点监理复核 合格 不合格签证同意使用施工单位据工程实地情况,加密控制点、临时水准点,要求上报施工测量加密点,临地水准点测量报告,上报监理工程师复核批复,合格后方能使用。(3)线路复测放样监理程序:业主签署接桩文件桩志交桩主要控制点、转角点、曲线五大桩中线复测中边桩放样
28、高程测量复核临时水准点、中桩地面高程复测横断横断面放样监理复核签证 不合格 合格进行下道工序(4)平面、高程放样监理程序准备工作:熟悉设计图纸,按照图纸要求计算测量复核数据根据规范要求自检合格施工单位测量放样方案放样数据内业计算监理审核 不合格 合格施工单位测量放样填写测量放样报验单监理复核签证 不合格 合格下道工序42、施工过程中测量监理工作控制(一)工程施工测量管理方面的监理为完成本项目施工测量工作,各合同段项目部应建立测量管理组织,配备具有相当经验的技术人员,有实际操作能力,有测绘上岗证的测量人员,配置相当等级并经检验合格的测量仪器和工具,各级测量组织既要分工明确,又要紧密配合,相互协作
34、线路床中线一般桩位(三)主要质控目标值(1)桥梁桩基放样准确,不发生桩位偏差超规现象;(2)各桥墩柱垂直、定位准确,桥面系曲线控制顺适美观,符合设计要求;(3)挡土墙、雨、污水管及截、排水沟等带状构造物轴线偏位在误差允许范围之内,能与平纵线型顺适协调;(4)道路平面位置及各结构层厚度达到设计及相关规范要求:(5)各项高程控制符合设计要求;(6)各项资料齐全无误。43表格测 量 复 核 记 录工程名称:承包单位: 市政施1测量 部位测量 项目原测值复测结果测量复核情况草图备注原施测人或交班人复核测量人技术负责人:年 月 日improve financial management level of
35、 villages and towns throughout the County, from the following aspects: first, strengthen the team construction and management. Establishing and perfecting the incentive mechanism of cadres of township finance, promote the rational flow of cadres, improving political and economic treatment, targeted
36、training, improve staff quality, optimizing the personnel structure. Gradually standardize selection into the mechanism clearly Township fiscal officer position in professional conditions, adhere to the every necessary principle, and strictly control non-professionals entering the villages and towns
37、 finance team. Discussion on Township finance staff development training approach, a broad range of mass cultural and sports activities, increase the intensity of annual physical examination, complete insurance, appropriate pressure relief, protection of physical and mental health! Second, increasin
38、g the financial security this difficulty. Recommends that the Council define difficult County, and must operate guarantee funds. Recommends that the City Council introduced a variety of policies, according to the local economic strength and manpower to consider. Third, focus on mechanisms, strengthe
39、n financial supervision. Perfecting the mechanism of supervision of County and township levels and financial performance appraisal mechanisms, with a focus on play a financial role and County financial hub, pay attention to the supervision and inspection of the use and management of funds. All-relat
40、ed funds from central to local comprehensive, integrated. Improve the distribution of agricultural subsidies and payments for huinong effective collection of funds to departments, a hole in and out to ensure that the use of more accurate. All regions of the VI standard Township financial management
41、experience in reforms, basic practices are basically similar, but focused, make standardizing the management of village and town finance details. Kaijiang County was weak, in-depth implementation of the Department of finance to develop information accessible, publicly, conduct random inspection syst
42、em, and regulate the supplement Township financial management performance evaluation, further quantitative assessment, guide each Township was formed by the financial system and the economy; the second is to develop township set norms .5, and other 103*2 Yuan (containing temporary wage) (ii) commodity and service sex spending 2*21 Yuan 1, and Office fee 30*711 Yuan (containing books miscellaneous, and General Office supplies, and publicity fee) 2, and printing fee 265*86 Yuan (conta