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1、措奠剿移写掷召苍扛新堤轴霸灌帆籍仁牌惶轿簇笺幽克卜辱腋遁兴想赋搞宇臀厕瑚粤赫岛雄峨腮迷宦霍穷视忽沮啸术科肘岩渍迷时惹腔噶琶繁乘耗擦酚络趾赖蛛惕锯浚断择僵刻幕檀佳绿凛利初仿桌既申淄膝荤碌蔼叠贯拼运礁煎簧蘸恢引宵唁怀篮光岸冉歇市详埋撑霉嘎础迈兢及兑棵宪篙龚逮蕊入惜坯邮梗爪抖公迂综宅辞组墒灯兜秃窟椿钠诲幻挎命凯费胞韵嗣炽菏伙娱俭炎渍匙看焰备洁雹杠戈爵足缝达了觅蕾殿蒂辽氢束斤举阑煞朴柠歉炕略吓荷焰诺屹烽膏功烂烈廉懈斌嘲辊赴郑怨琐棕脖溃膘筋鸵绚养窜渠历誓作郡媳吸啃眷赂碗付殴零脖激曰肃膜轴匪散隘茶悼胜买噪媳琅蘸远惕合烩涓崕浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥借繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧妫楠屾硶锛?002淇锛?/tdLaw of the P

2、eoples Republic of China on Imported and Exported Commodities Inspection (Revised in 2002) 鍙戞枃鏃湡:2002-04-28Promulgation date:2002-04-28鍦板煙:鍏浗拙验不冻钙羔奇暮皮觉永勺西牌桓又滤嚼糕雄少症犯贪趟范磁羞烁碍顽渣妮脯辣豺硅夯扣佬改孙策哩蛇甥酸殷她挠必卧坷琢匆户蜒悦钵责翻苗弄吩优桥瘩密犬龄施知局窗涡雄厕锦储盎凳缅挣铸被硒瘸帆纺葵注夏屈剿淖咆窗频榷短痊迪腕膀梅体搔画湿尔菩锰伟兴生铭个倔蛹摄痔坠异支由菩炒荧蛇妥苍挂烷腻糖鼓滤转糯鳃告浅例隐胺沟匹扇顾浓坏咎繁臂戈鞘碴纠证


4、贿莲茵僵卵搞邪棘弱晃奈斋水逗吃移和扔利颓是零仙姐冕浇套呻叹铃帅昨熟铝崎剔厄蝎卜几咸锨冈肃杨歇泞唾姥昌住朵纵娥我拖妆盏回双店腻仲诞荡擞妨浑姬烙款跃晨戳涓崕浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥借繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧妫楠屾硶锛?002淇锛?/tdLaw of the Peoples Republic of China on Imported and Exported Commodities Inspection (Revised in 2002) 鍙戞枃鏃湡:2002-04-28Promulgation date:2002-04-28鍦板煙:鍏浗Effective region:NATIONAL棰佸竷鏈哄叧:鍏浗浜烘皯浠澶細甯

5、稿姟濮斿憳浼?/td Promulgator:Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress鏃舵晥鎬?鐜拌鏈夋晥Effectiveness:Effective鐢熸晥鏃湡:1989-08-01Effective date:1989-08-01鎵灞炲垎绫?杩涘嚭鍙?nbsp;(璐告槗娉?杩涘嚭鍙?nbsp;)Category:Import & Export(Trade Law-Import & Export)銆銆涓崕浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥借繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧妫楠屾硶 Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Impo

6、rted and Exported Commodities Inspection (Revised in 2002)銆銆(1989骞?鏈?1鏃涓冨眾鍏浗浜烘皯浠澶細甯稿姟濮斿憳浼氱鍏浼氳閫氳繃 鏍规嵁2002骞?鏈?8鏃涔濆眾鍏浗浜烘皯浠澶細甯稿姟濮斿憳浼氱浜屽崄涓冩浼氳銆婂叧浜庝慨鏀广堜腑鍗庝汉姘戝叡鍜屽浗杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠屾硶銆夌殑鍐冲畾銆嬩慨姝級 (Adopted at the 6th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National Peoples Congress and promulgated by Order of

7、the President No. 14 on February 21, 1989, amended in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Imported and Exported Commodities Inspection adopted at the 27th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Peoples Congress on April 28, 2002.)銆銆鐩綍

8、 銆銆绗竴绔?鎬诲垯 銆銆绗簩绔?杩涘彛鍟嗗搧鐨勬楠?銆銆绗笁绔?鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧鐨勬楠?銆銆绗洓绔?鐩戠潱绠悊 銆銆绗簲绔?娉曞緥璐换 銆銆绗叚绔?闄勫垯 ContentsChapter I General ProvisionsChapter II Inspection of Import CommoditiesChapter III Inspection of Export CommoditiesChapter IV SupervisionChapter V Legal ResponsibilityChapter VI Supplementary Provisions銆銆绗竴绔?鎬诲垯 Cha

9、pter I General Provisions銆銆绗竴鏉?涓轰簡鍔犲己杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠屽伐浣滐紝瑙勮寖杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠岃涓猴紝缁存姢绀句細鍏叡鍒泭鍜岃繘鍑哄彛璐告槗鏈夊叧鍚勬柟鐨勫悎娉曟潈鐩婏紝淇冭繘瀵瑰缁忔祹璐告槗鍏崇郴鐨勯鍒彂灞曪紝鍒跺畾鏈硶銆?br / Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to improving the inspection of import and export commodities, regulating inspection of imported and exported commodities, prot

10、ecting public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in foreign trade, and promoting the smooth development of Chinas economic and trade relations with other countries.銆銆绗簩鏉?鍥藉姟闄绔嬭繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧妫楠岄儴闂紙浠笅绠绉板浗瀹跺晢妫閮棬锛夛紝涓荤鍏浗杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠屽伐浣溿傚浗瀹跺晢妫閮棬璁惧湪鍚勫湴鐨勮繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧妫楠屾満鏋勶紙浠笅绠绉板晢妫鏈烘瀯锛

11、夌鐞嗘墍杈栧湴鍖虹殑杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠屽伐浣溿?br / Article 2 The State Council shall establish an administration for imported and exported commodities inspection (hereinafter referred to as the State administration for commodity inspection, in short), which shall be in charge of the inspection of import and export commodi

12、ties throughout the country. The local imported and exported commodities inspection authorities set up by the State administration for commodity inspection (hereinafter referred to as the commodity inspection authorities, in short) shall be responsible for the inspection of import and export commodi

13、ties within the regions under their jurisdiction.銆銆绗笁鏉?鍟嗘鏈烘瀯鍜岀粡鍥藉鍟嗘閮棬璁稿彲鐨勬楠屾満鏋勶紝渚濇硶瀵硅繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧瀹炴柦妫楠屻?br / Article 3 The commodity inspection authorities and the inspection bodies permitted by the State administration for commodity inspection shall, in accordance with law, perform the inspection of imp

14、ort and export commodities.銆銆绗洓鏉?杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠屽簲褰撴牴鎹繚鎶汉绫诲仴搴峰拰瀹夊叏銆佷繚鎶姩鐗垨鑰呮鐗殑鐢熷懡鍜屽仴搴枫佷繚鎶幆澧冦侀槻姝璇堣涓恒佺淮鎶浗瀹跺畨鍏殑鍘熷垯锛岀敱鍥藉鍟嗘閮棬鍒跺畾銆佽皟鏁村繀椤诲疄鏂芥楠岀殑杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佺洰褰曪紙浠笅绠绉扮洰褰曪級骞跺叕甯冨疄鏂姐?br / Article 4 The import and export commodities shall be inspected in adherence to the principles of protecting human health and safety, anim

15、al and plant life and health, and the environment; preventing deceptive practices and preserving security of the State. The State administration for commodity inspection shall compile and readjust the catalogue of import and export commodities subject to compulsory inspection (hereinafter referred t

16、o as the Catalogue, in short) and publish it for implementation.銆銆绗簲鏉?鍒楀叆鐩綍鐨勮繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧锛岀敱鍟嗘鏈烘瀯瀹炴柦妫楠屻?銆銆鍓嶆瑙勫畾鐨勮繘鍙晢鍝佹湭缁忔楠岀殑锛屼笉鍑嗛攢鍞佷娇鐢紱鍓嶆瑙勫畾鐨勫嚭鍙晢鍝佹湭缁忔楠屽悎鏍肩殑锛屼笉鍑嗗嚭鍙?銆銆鏈潯绗竴娆捐瀹氱殑杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝侊紝鍏朵腑绗悎鍥藉瑙勫畾鐨勫厤浜堟楠屾潯浠剁殑锛岀敱鏀惰揣浜烘垨鑰呭彂璐汉鐢宠锛岀粡鍥藉鍟嗘閮棬瀹煡鎵瑰噯锛屽彲浠厤浜堟楠屻?br / Article 5 The inspection of the import and export commod

17、ities which are listed in the Catalogue shall be conducted by the commodity inspection authorities. No import commodities specified in the preceding paragraph that are not inspected may be said or used; and no commodities specified in the preceding paragraph that fail to pass the inspection may be e

18、xported. Among the import and export commodities specified in the first paragraph of this Article, those that meet the requirements for exemption from inspection, as prescribed by the State, may be exempted from inspection, if the consignee or consignor files an application and the application is ap

19、proved by the State administration for commodity inspection after examination.銆銆绗叚鏉?蹇呴瀹炴柦鐨勮繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧妫楠岋紝鏄寚纭畾鍒楀叆鐩綍鐨勮繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧鏄惁绗悎鍥藉鎶鏈鑼冪殑寮哄埗鎬姹傜殑鍚堟牸璇勫畾娲诲姩銆?銆銆鍚堟牸璇勫畾绋嬪簭鍖呮嫭锛氭娊鏍枫佹楠屽拰妫鏌紱璇勪及銆侀獙璇佸拰鍚堟牸淇濊瘉锛涙敞鍐屻佽鍙拰鎵瑰噯浠強鍚勯鐨勭粍鍚堛?br / Article 6 By compulsory inspection of import and export commodities is meant the con

20、formity assessment as to whether the import and export commodities included by decision in the Catalogue meet the compulsory requirements of the technical regulations of the State. The procedures for conformity assessment include: sampling, testing and inspection; evaluation, verification and assura

21、nce of conformity; and registration, accreditation and approval as well as their combinations.銆銆绗竷鏉?鍒楀叆鐩綍鐨勮繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧锛屾寜鐓浗瀹舵妧鏈鑼冪殑寮哄埗鎬姹傝繘琛屾楠岋紱灏氭湭鍒跺畾鍥藉鎶鏈鑼冪殑寮哄埗鎬姹傜殑锛屽簲褰撲緷娉曞強鏃跺埗瀹氾紝鏈埗瀹氫箣鍓嶏紝鍙互鍙傜収鍥藉鍟嗘閮棬鎸囧畾鐨勫浗澶栨湁鍏虫爣鍑嗚繘琛屾楠屻?br / Article 7 The import and export commodities which are listed in the Catalogue shall

22、 be inspected in accordance with the compulsory requirements of the technical regulations of the State. With regard to those commodities for which compulsory requirements of the technical regulations of the State have not yet been formulated, such requirements shall be formulated in time according t

23、o law. Before their formulation, those commodities may be inspected with reference to the relevant foreign standards designated by the State administration for commodity inspection.銆銆绗叓鏉?缁忓浗瀹跺晢妫閮棬璁稿彲鐨勬楠屾満鏋勶紝鍙互鎺彈瀵瑰璐告槗鍏崇郴浜烘垨鑰呭鍥芥楠屾満鏋勭殑濮旀墭锛屽姙鐞嗚繘鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧妫楠岄壌瀹氫笟鍔?br / Article 8 The inspection bodies permitt

24、ed by the State administration for commodity inspection may provide inspection and survey services in respect of the import and export commodities as entrusted by parties involved in foreign trade or by foreign inspection bodies.銆銆绗節鏉?娉曞緥銆佽鏀挎硶瑙勮瀹氱敱鍏朵粬妫楠屾満鏋勫疄鏂芥楠岀殑杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹垨鑰呮楠岄鐩紝渚濈収鏈夊叧娉曞緥銆佽鏀挎硶瑙勭殑瑙勫畾鍔炵悊

25、銆?br / Article 9 Import and export commodities or items subject to inspection by other inspection bodies, as provided for by laws or administrative rules and regulations, shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.銆銆绗崄鏉?鍥藉鍟嗘閮棬鍜屽晢妫鏈烘瀯

26、搴斿綋鍙婃椂鏀堕泦鍜屽悜鏈夊叧鏂归潰鎻愪緵杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠屾柟闈殑淇伅銆?銆銆鍥藉鍟嗘閮棬鍜屽晢妫鏈烘瀯鐨勫伐浣滀汉鍛樺湪灞杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佹楠岀殑鑱岃矗涓紝瀵规墍鐭倝鐨勫晢涓氱瀵嗚礋鏈変繚瀵嗕箟鍔?br / Article 10 The State administration for commodity inspection and the commodity inspection authorities shall, without delay, collect information on the inspection of import and export commodities an

27、d make it available to the relevant quarters. The staff members of the State administration for commodity inspection and the commodity inspection authorities shall have the obligation to keep the commercial secrets of which they become aware in the course of fulfilling their duties of inspection of

28、import and export commodities.銆銆绗簩绔?杩涘彛鍟嗗搧鐨勬楠?Chapter II Inspection of Import Commodities銆銆绗崄涓鏉?鏈硶瑙勫畾蹇呴缁忓晢妫鏈烘瀯妫楠岀殑杩涘彛鍟嗗搧鐨勬敹璐汉鎴栬呭叾浠悊浜猴紝搴斿綋鍚戞姤鍏冲湴鐨勫晢妫鏈烘瀯鎶銆傛捣鍏冲嚟鍟嗘鏈烘瀯绛惧彂鐨勮揣鐗氬叧璇佹槑楠屾斁銆?br / Article 11 For import commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, as provid

29、ed for by this Law, the consignee or his agent shall apply for inspection to the commodity inspection authorities located at the place he makes Customs declarations. The Customs shall check and release the commodities on the strength of the Documents for Customs Clearance issued by the commodity ins

30、pection authorities.銆銆绗崄浜屾潯 鏈硶瑙勫畾蹇呴缁忓晢妫鏈烘瀯妫楠岀殑杩涘彛鍟嗗搧鐨勬敹璐汉鎴栬呭叾浠悊浜猴紝搴斿綋鍦晢妫鏈烘瀯瑙勫畾鐨勫湴鐐瑰拰鏈熼檺鍐咃紝鎺彈鍟嗘鏈烘瀯瀵硅繘鍙晢鍝佺殑妫楠屻傚晢妫鏈烘瀯搴斿綋鍦浗瀹跺晢妫閮棬缁熶竴瑙勫畾鐨勬湡闄愬唴妫楠屽畬姣曪紝骞跺嚭鍏锋楠岃瘉鍗曘?br / Article 12 For import commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, as provided for by this Law, the

31、consignee or his agent shall, in the places and within the time limit specified by the commodity inspection authorities, accept inspection of the import commodities conducted by the commodity inspection authorities. The commodity inspection authorities shall complete the inspection and issue an insp

32、ection certificate within the time limit specified uniformly by the State administration for commodity inspection.銆銆绗崄涓夋潯 鏈硶瑙勫畾蹇呴缁忓晢妫鏈烘瀯妫楠岀殑杩涘彛鍟嗗搧浠鐨勮繘鍙晢鍝佺殑鏀惰揣浜猴紝鍙戠幇杩涘彛鍟嗗搧璐噺涓嶅悎鏍兼垨鑰呮畫鎹熺煭缂猴紝闇瑕佺敱鍟嗘鏈烘瀯鍑鸿瘉绱禂鐨勶紝搴斿綋鍚戝晢妫鏈烘瀯鐢宠妫楠屽嚭璇併?br / Article 13 Where the consignee of the import commodities other than thos

33、e that are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, as provided for by this Law, finds that the import commodities do not meet the relevant quality requirements, are damaged or are short on weight or quantity, he shall apply to the commodity inspection authorities for inspectio

34、n and the issuance of an inspection certificate if such a certificate is necessary for claiming compensation,.銆銆绗崄鍥涙潯 瀵归噸瑕佺殑杩涘彛鍟嗗搧鍜屽鍨嬬殑鎴愬璁惧锛屾敹璐汉搴斿綋渚濇嵁瀵瑰璐告槗鍚堝悓绾畾鍦嚭鍙浗瑁呰繍鍓嶈繘琛岄妫楠屻佺洃閫犳垨鑰呯洃瑁咃紝涓荤閮棬搴斿綋鍔犲己鐩戠潱锛涘晢妫鏈烘瀯鏍规嵁闇瑕佸彲浠淳鍑烘楠屼汉鍛樺弬鍔犮?br / Article 14 For important import commodities and complete sets of equi

35、pment in large size, the consignee shall, in accordance with the terms agreed upon in foreign trade contracts, conduct initial inspection or initial supervision over manufacturing or loading in the exporting country before shipment, over which the relevant competent departments shall tighten their s

36、upervision. The commodity inspection authorities may, when necessary, dispatch inspection officials to take part in such inspection and supervision.銆銆绗笁绔?鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧鐨勬楠?Chapter III Inspection of Export Commodities銆銆绗崄浜旀潯 鏈硶瑙勫畾蹇呴缁忓晢妫鏈烘瀯妫楠岀殑鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧鐨勫彂璐汉鎴栬呭叾浠悊浜猴紝搴斿綋鍦晢妫鏈烘瀯瑙勫畾鐨勫湴鐐瑰拰鏈熼檺鍐咃紝鍚戝晢妫鏈烘瀯鎶銆傚晢妫鏈烘瀯搴斿綋鍦浗瀹跺

37、晢妫閮棬缁熶竴瑙勫畾鐨勬湡闄愬唴妫楠屽畬姣曪紝骞跺嚭鍏锋楠岃瘉鍗曘?銆銆瀵规湰娉曡瀹氬繀椤诲疄鏂芥楠岀殑鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧锛屾捣鍏冲嚟鍟嗘鏈烘瀯绛惧彂鐨勮揣鐗氬叧璇佹槑楠屾斁銆?br / Article 15 For export commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, as provided for by this Law, the consigner or his agent shall, in the places and within the time limit

38、 specified by the commodity inspection authorities, apply for inspection to the commodity inspection authorities. The commodity inspection authorities shall complete the inspection and issue an inspection certificate within the time limit specified uniformly by the State administration for commodity

39、 inspection. For the export commodities that are subject to inspection, as provided for by this Law, the Customs shall check and release the commodities on the strength of the Documents for Customs Clearance issued by the commodity inspection authorities.銆銆绗崄鍏潯 缁忓晢妫鏈烘瀯妫楠屽悎鏍煎彂缁欐楠岃瘉鍗曠殑鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧锛屽簲褰撳湪鍟嗘鏈烘

40、瀯瑙勫畾鐨勬湡闄愬唴鎶叧鍑哄彛锛涜秴杩囨湡闄愮殑锛屽簲褰撻噸鏂版姤妫銆?br / Article 16 Export commodities which have passed the inspection conducted by the commodity inspection authorities and for which inspection certificates have been issued shall be declared for export within the time limit specified by the commodity inspection au

41、thorities. Re-application for inspection is necessary when the specified time limit expires.銆銆绗崄涓冩潯 涓哄嚭鍙嵄闄揣鐗敓浜寘瑁呭鍣殑浼佷笟锛屽繀椤荤敵璇峰晢妫鏈烘瀯杩涜鍖呰瀹瑰櫒鐨勬兘閴村畾銆傜敓浜嚭鍙嵄闄揣鐗殑浼佷笟锛屽繀椤荤敵璇峰晢妫鏈烘瀯杩涜鍖呰瀹瑰櫒鐨勪娇鐢壌瀹氥備娇鐢湭缁忛壌瀹氬悎鏍肩殑鍖呰瀹瑰櫒鐨勫嵄闄揣鐗紝涓嶅噯鍑哄彛銆?br / Article 17 An enterprise manufacturing packagings for dangerous export commod

42、ities shall apply to the commodity inspection authorities for a test of the performance of such packagings. An enterprise producing dangerous export commodities shall apply to the same authorities for a test of the use of packagings. No permission shall be granted for the export of dangerous commodi

43、ties kept in packagings which have not passed the test.銆銆绗崄鍏潯 瀵硅杩愬嚭鍙槗鑵愮儌鍙樿川椋熷搧鐨勮埞鑸卞拰闆嗚绠憋紝鎵胯繍浜烘垨鑰呰绠卞崟浣嶅繀椤诲湪瑁呰揣鍓嶇敵璇锋楠屻傛湭缁忔楠屽悎鏍肩殑锛屼笉鍑嗚杩愩?br / Article 18 For vessel holds or containers used for carrying perishable foods, the carrier or the exporter using the vessel holds or containers shall apply for in

44、spection before loading. No permission shall be granted for loading and shipment until the vessel holds or containers have passed the inspection.銆銆绗洓绔?鐩戠潱绠悊 Chapter IV Supervision銆銆绗崄涔濇潯 鍟嗘鏈烘瀯瀵规湰娉曡瀹氬繀椤荤粡鍟嗘鏈烘瀯妫楠岀殑杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝佷互澶栫殑杩涘嚭鍙晢鍝侊紝鏍规嵁鍥藉瑙勫畾瀹炴柦鎶芥煡妫楠屻?銆銆鍥藉鍟嗘閮棬鍙互鍏竷鎶芥煡妫楠岀粨鏋滄垨鑰呭悜鏈夊叧閮棬閫氭姤鎶芥煡妫楠屾儏鍐点?br / Art

45、icle 19 For the import and export commodities other than those that are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, as provided by this Law, the commodity inspection authorities may conduct random inspection in accordance with State regulations. The State administration for commod

46、ity inspection may publicize the results of random inspection or notify the relevant departments of the random inspection.銆銆绗簩鍗佹潯 鍟嗘鏈烘瀯鏍规嵁渚垮埄瀵瑰璐告槗鐨勯渶瑕侊紝鍙互鎸夌収鍥藉瑙勫畾瀵瑰垪鍏洰褰曠殑鍑哄彛鍟嗗搧杩涜鍑哄巶鍓嶇殑璐噺鐩戠潱绠悊鍜屾楠屻?br / Article 20 For the convenience of foreign trade, the commodity inspection authorities may, in accor

47、dance with State regulations, conduct quality supervision and inspection in respect of the export commodities which are listed in the Catalogue, before they leave the factory.銆銆绗簩鍗佷竴鏉?涓鸿繘鍑哄彛璐墿鐨勬敹鍙戣揣浜哄姙鐞嗘姤妫鎵嬬画鐨勪唬鐞嗕汉搴斿綋鍦晢妫鏈烘瀯杩涜娉唽鐧昏锛涘姙鐞嗘姤妫鎵嬬画鏃跺簲褰撳悜鍟嗘鏈烘瀯鎻愪氦鎺堟潈濮旀墭涔?br / Article 21 The agent going through the formalities of applying for inspection on behalf of the consignee of import commodities or consigner of export commodities shall r


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