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1、the migration and development, production, into Qianshan ecological economic construction and when Yunwu Tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological tourism, poverty alleviation and development projec

2、t, ensure that the vast majority of immigrants benefit, giving priority to the masses of immigrants directly benefit of planting industry, animal husbandry and fishery processing industry, service industry and a village items called. The immigration area formed by Hu Fang Zhen e Hu rice of high qual

3、ity rice industry to Zixi Xiang mainly green red bud taro industry, to Wuyishan Zhen Huang Gang Shan mountain organic tea to Wang Er Zhen, Hu Fang Zhen lean meat type pigs based ecological animal husbandry industry and promote the immigration area agriculture and rural economy sustained steady and r

4、apid development, realize agricultural increase Effect, immigration income.(4) immigration production and employability skills training skilled migrants training 3 times more than 600 people, arrange 8.35 million yuan of funds, immigration cadres technical training 1 times 20 people, arrange 4 milli

5、on yuan of funds. According to the market demand, relying on Jiangtian company training in agricultural science and technology building, to provide free training and technical guidance services for immigrants. We also with the County Bureau of agriculture matchmaking, established the breeding and tr

6、aining base, free of charge for immigrants learning breeding technology training. At present, establishment of planting and breeding science and technology demonstration garden 12, held breeding experts, business owners, immigration representatives, who number of more than 6000 people. Built in Lun

7、pond reservoir shift People resettlement work of Luntan reservoir resettlement work involves a wide range, workload is big. This year, I do due diligence, work actively, Lun Tan reservoir resettlement - He Kou Zhen Tan synthetic village construction progress with each passing day, all construction p

8、rojects have been basically put in place this year were included in the county to meet municipal Party committee, economic inspections of the highlight of the city government. The next step work plan. 1, a positive response to the implementation of the Central Soviet area county policy. The whole vi

9、llage advancement that it is necessary to paying special attention to the poor village people urgent need to address the constraints of poverty causes the infrastructure bottlenecks, but also do a good job of blood function of industrial development to take off deficient to become rich. Use the limi

10、ted funds on the blade, They are still ready to play the greatest benefits. We will continue to adhere to the whole village advancement and the new rural combination for transportation, water conservancy, agriculture, forestry, power supply, communications, and other departments of the project funds

11、 for poverty alleviation in the village of support, and strive to 2015 poverty population reached 50. 2. Make poverty alleviation and relocation work. The county is a geological disaster prone areas, disaster peoples life and property are dangerous, living in the mountains, the mountains, geological

12、 disaster area residents of 4.3 million people, the journey is difficult, difficult to go to school, go to a doctor difficult, electricity is difficult, is still the biggest problem, therefore, in the villages and towns enthusiasm, I do to supervisor Original industrial sector and strive to新建铁路武汉至广州

13、客运专线乌龙泉至花都段站前工程第标段第七单元 隧道施工作业指导书新建铁路武汉至广州客运专线乌龙泉至花都段第标段双侧壁导坑法开挖作业指导书编 制 人: 审 核 人:技术负责人:单位负责人:中铁五局武广客运专线XXTJIV标项目经理部工程部二00六年十月 湖南郴州目 录一、施工准备2二、开挖32.1 施工工艺32.2 开挖方法52.3 支护102.4监控量测102.5 超前地质预测预报10三、质量控制11四、主要机械设备12五、劳动力组织12六、 安全、环保水保措施136.1 安全措施136.2环保水保措施14双侧壁导坑法开挖作业指导书一、施工准备(1)施工测量放样。开挖前应将控制开挖的中线、水平


15、要根据实际,结合规范要求,预留初期支护变形量1015cm,即开挖轮廓线还要放大1015 cm。(4)开挖作业照明安装,钻眼机具到位,高压风水管的连接。(5)做好洞内、外排水系统,保证排水畅通。(6)规划弃碴场位置,布设出碴路线,出碴设备准备。二、开挖采用双侧壁导坑法施工,将大断面隧道分割成三半,六部到八部分别施工(见施工工艺)。先施工一侧,将隧道跨度减小,同时分割后的隧道采用台阶法施工。2.1 施工工艺2.1.1施工工艺流程(见下页)2.1.2双侧壁导坑法施工横、纵断面示意图如下:横断面 纵断面(1)施工工序如下:1、利用洞口导向措施或洞身上一循环架立的钢架施作隧道洞身,侧壁导坑纵向超前支护。


17、超前支护掌子面处)。11、拱部初喷4cm厚混凝土,架立拱部钢架,钻设径向锚杆后复喷混凝土至设计厚度。12、开挖部,喷8cm厚混凝土封闭掌子面(下一循环拱部超前支护掌子面处)。13、拱部初喷4cm厚混凝土,架立拱部钢架,钻设径向锚杆后复喷混凝土至设计厚度。14、两台阶法施工第、部。15、喷8cm厚混凝土封闭掌子面。16、导坑底部初喷4cm厚混凝土封闭,安设钢架封闭成环,复喷混凝土至设计厚度。17、逐步拆除临时钢架,灌注部临时仰拱。18、灌注隧底填充。19、根据监控量测结果分析,待变形收敛后或根据需要,利用衬砌模板台车一次性灌注二次衬砌(拱墙衬砌一次施作)。2.2 开挖方法2.2.1土质隧道开挖双

18、侧壁导坑法开挖主要适用于双线隧道级围岩洞口段和偏压、浅埋隧道开挖。在开挖过程中要根据实际围岩地质情况,合理选择开挖方法。土质隧道一般不需要进行爆破,可用风镐开挖,先大至开挖成型,后进行修整达到设计开挖轮廓。因土质隧道围岩较差,在开挖过程中容易出现掉块,过早开挖设计轮廓会出现因掉块造成超挖。2.2.2石质隧道开挖2.2.2.1 爆破设计双侧壁导坑法开挖石质围岩隧道采用光面爆破或预裂爆破。光面爆破和预裂爆破参数应通过爆破成缝试验方法确定(见指南附录B成缝爆破试验)。当无试验条件时,有关参数采用指南表 6.3.6-1和表6.3.6-2选用。 钻孔钻眼前先检查开挖断面中线、水平和断面轮廓


20、用矿灯作业)。进行爆破时所有人员应撤至安全地点。级围岩双侧壁开挖光面爆破参数表序号炮眼分类炮眼数雷管段数炮眼深度炮眼装药量药卷量装药量合计药量个段cm卷/孔Kg/孔Kg1侧壁导坑掏槽眼111203.50.70.72131203.50.70.73441203.50.72.845512030.63.054612030.62.46扩槽眼267、8、9、10、1112040.820.87内圈眼151112020.46.08周边眼531312010.210.6小 计1132120472=941中部上台阶掏槽眼111203.50.70.72131203.50.70.73441203.50.72.84551

21、2030.63.054612030.62.46扩槽眼377、8、9、1012040.813.67内圈眼181112020.411.28周边眼341312010.26.89底板眼51012020.42.0小 计10343.21中部下台阶掘进眼271、2、3、4、5、61202.50.513.52周边眼6712010.21.2小 计3314.7合 计362151.9循环设计进尺:1.2m 总钻孔量:434.4m 开挖量:185.16m3 炸药单耗:0.82kg/m32.2.3装碴运输双侧壁导坑法开挖断面各分部断面较小,无法采用大型机械出碴,且该段隧道较短,均采用无轨运输。、部开挖断面小,采用挖掘机

22、翻碴。部采用装载机装碴,自卸汽车出碴,运输至指定弃碴场倾倒。2.3 支护支护参数要根据设计围岩支护类型确定。双侧壁导坑法开挖支护类型,根据性质、用途可分为两种:一、初期支护;二、临时支护。不管是临时支护还是永久性初期支护,在隧道开挖成型后都要及时施作,防止由于隧道围岩有很大变形而影响隧道结构安全 。临时支护在中部下台阶开挖,仰拱施工前拆除。2.4监控量测隧道开挖成型后要及时埋设监控量测点,进行监控量测工作。监控量测点的初始读书要在12小时内获取,最迟不超过24小时。监控量测数据要及时分析整理 ,根据监控量测反馈信息,合理指导施工。为预留变形量、支护参数的调整,施工方法的改变提供技术依据。监控量

23、测方案见“监控量测施工作业指导书”。2.5 超前地质预测预报双侧壁导坑法开挖使用与围岩较差的大跨度隧道,因此在施工过程中要做好超前地质预测预报工作,根据隧道的实际地质情况编制超前地质预测预报方案,根据方案隧道开挖面前方进行必要的超前地质预测预报。有效预防重大地质灾害事故的发生。详见“超前地质预测预报作业指导书”。三、质量控制采用双侧壁导坑法开挖,由于开挖步骤比较多,因此工序比较复杂,必须合理安排工序,才能保证施工规范、有序进行,从而保证施工进度。双侧壁导坑法施工时,应沿一侧分一步或两步进行,每开挖一步均应及时施作喷锚支护、安设钢架、施作中隔墙,底部应设临时仰拱,中隔墙分部联结而成,之后施工另一


25、要求实施的,即导坑下部开挖时,应一次将仰拱部分也开挖到位,仰拱开挖后不能露置,按设计要求及时施工仰拱初期支护,确保支护体系闭合,这对大跨度软岩隧道施工时非常重要的,只有这样才能保证初期支护的整体效果,形成有效的承载圈,从而保证隧道的施工安全。施工中特别注意施工用水和隧道渗水的排放。由于工序多,施工用水和隧道渗水容易在边墙处汇集,浸泡拱脚基础, 使其变软,从而造成初期支护和围岩的整体下沉。中隔壁临时支护的作用在于分隔隧道、形成支柱,从而“减小”开挖断面,减小隧道断面效应,同时传递荷载,因此在施工中爆破必须注意药量控制,不能对中隔壁临时支护造成很大破坏,同时注意加强中隔壁的支护质量,确保其支撑强度

26、,从而保证使用本工艺施工成功。四、主要机械设备气腿式风钻、空压机、电焊机、切割机、混凝土搅拌机、锚杆注浆机、砂浆搅拌机、双液压浆机、氧割设备、装载机、挖掘机、自卸汽车、混凝土罐车、湿喷机。五、劳动力组织现场管理1人、技术2人、施工员3人;安全1人,质量1人;开挖作业人员:32人 ,支护25人,钢筋网及钢拱架加工5人,司机5人,其他人员23人。六、 安全、环保水保措施6.1 安全措施(1)洞内需设置通风系统,如果洞内有害气体超标,施工人员禁止入洞。(2)爆破作业时,要有专人指挥。所有人员应撤至不受有害气体、振动及飞石伤害的安全地点。(3)对软弱破碎,不稳定围岩实施多钻眼,少装药,短进尺,多循环,



29、备挡板及棚布,防止粉尘飞扬,减少对生产人员和当地居民造成危害,必要时对运输道路进行洒水。()施工完毕后要对弃碴场进行平整,并在其上覆盖厚度为50cm的耕植土复耕。可采取喷播植草或人工造林的方式进行。()工程全部完工后及时清理施工现场垃圾,做到文明退场。avoid disaster and deep migration project, 2015 relocation of poverty alleviation project 55 households, 237 people. 5, 2015 implementation of key projects, the original Cent

30、ral Soviet area county poverty alleviation project in 2014, my county is included in the Central Soviet area county, industrial development has a rare opportunities. In the future, my county each year 1000 million industrial poverty funds, according to the provincial poverty alleviation and immigrat

31、ion office file spirit, combined with the county is actual, I run for a period of two months of research work, to develop the industry of poverty alleviation funds allocation principle, proposed at the beginning of the . Cooperatives as a platform for the implementation of projects to ensure more th

32、an 60% of industrial poverty funds to kind of production data distributed to poor households, for poor households benefit, make cooperative industry bigger and stronger. To achieve a win-win model, a poor households through participate in industry get income, to take off deficient to become rich, th

33、rough a cooperative support further development and growth, to better promote economic development. Get support cooperatives stipulates the obligation to their. Industrial development training, technical guidance services; the second is production products all packet acquisition; the third is bear t

34、he market risk to provide a minimum reserve price, to ensure that the interests of poor households currently. County to declare industrial development projects a total of 25, a total investment of 45 million yuan, which industry, poverty alleviation funds 1000 million yuan. Ta8429 people involved in

35、 the project of poverty population, accounting for poor people throughout the county 60 per cent of the project are mainly: Tea planting project 6, planting 6874 acres of tea cultivation; red bud taro planting project 6, 545 acres of red bud taro planting; high-quality rice planting project 8, culti

36、vation of high-quality rice 20680 mu; bamboo tending project 1, tending bamboo 8600 acres; hollow seed planting project 1, planting hollow colza 1020 mu; lotus project 1, planting lotus 1082 acres; pig raising Colonization project 1, 300 head of pig breeding. 2, Lun Tan reservoir submerged projects

37、continued construction of the project to achieve Lun Tan reservoir final inspection requirements, Lun Tan reservoir submerged projects under the project still needs to be done. One is area, mainly the Tianzhu Mountain tube station, Gexianshan Forest Farm relocation project, reservoir Wharf project,

38、affect the reservoir area surrounding the production and living of the masses of small wharf, sidewalk in production and daily life of another star project; the second is reservoir resettlement point He Kou Zhen Tan Village Kindergarten construction projects and follow-up industry assistance and dev

39、elopment projects, industrial seven road improvement project.In recent years, my county attaches great importance to the three rural, has always been to solve the three rural problems as the top priority, strictly implement the strong agricultural Huinong policy, and achieved good results. According to the county government, the population and family planning strong agricultural benefits of agricultural policy self-examination Report are as follows: first, checking and- 15 - 中铁五局(集团)武广客运专线XXTJ标项目经理部


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