7 8 脱硝施工方案.doc

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《7 8 脱硝施工方案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7 8 脱硝施工方案.doc(25页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Teaching affairs according to law, and overall social harmony and stability. Third, persist in using the system right, limiting the power to ensure that Government powers the Sun run. Improve the mechanism for the Government. Strictly implement democratic centralism, according to the County Governme

2、nt work rules, expert consultation, public participation, review of legality, collective discussion, decided to pass through the procedure of the triple a, the meeting decided collectively to prevent the mouthpiece. In 2015, a County Executive Meeting 11 times, 13 times a County Office. Improve the

3、bidding system. Further strengthen and standardize construction project bid notification documents, specification bidding, while anchored in the construction loan qualification bid specific clearance and illegal lending qualification issues to effectively prevent corruption problems in the field of

4、engineering. Strengthen auditing supervision and public funds. Strengthen the audit supervision focus area, sector, industry, budget implementation, peoples livelihood and social security funds, authority, economic responsibility audit to achieve full coverage. Project, a major project on peoples li

5、velihood and other municipal investment projects, poverty relief funds, and pension funds three agricultural funding and other government funding, strengthen its monitoring of performance, strictly regulate the management, ensure the safety of public funds. Deepening of open. On administrative power

6、, financial budget and final accounts, the allocation of public resources, social welfare and other matters affecting the peoples interests, full and timely public and widely accepted all aspects of supervision. Comprehensive functions according to law. Put the Government into the orbit of rule of l

7、aw, education and guidance team model for learning statue law, abide, uphold the application of the rule of law in dealing with things and solve problems thinking, the rule of law. Accept the peoples Congress and the CPPCC, judicial and social supervision, seriously go through NPC motions, recommend

8、ations and proposals of the CPPCC. Four, Chi and more at style, promoting good governance, promoting the construction of anti-corruption system. Strictly implement the gang dual accountability system. Combined with a clean government and economic deployment, inspection, examination, advancing the co

9、nstruction of honest and clean government construction and implementation of the responsibility system of a clean and honest Government. Further education. Carefully study the partys political theory, enhance political awareness and guide team members to observe political discipline and rules. Enhan

10、ce the power of honesty in politics, especially the education of organizations watching the style construction of leading cadres on the road forever, the old stone such as low education, enhanced team awareness of independent Commission against corruption. Strengthen the supervision of leading cadre

11、s. Prominent members of leading groups and departments of the Government leaders the key minority, strengthen supervision and management, so that leading cadres in important matters, an important period, key links on right to hold, rights to use and manage spouse children and staff. Strengthening th

12、e risk prevention of the ICAC. Around key industries and areas, promote risk prevention and control work, the independent Commission against corruption risk prevention and control to the grass-roots level, projects, and progress was made in extending financing, operation and control of power further

13、 specification. Stern disciplinary cases. Serious handling use authority involvement and intervention of urban and rural planning and construction project approval or seek illicit interests, such as case, case for systems of government corruption cases will check, rot will be rewards. In 2015, the c

14、ounty public office staff of 77, in which 69 people government system. Improving government organs style. Strictly sequential . Means innovative ways and urge the members of the municipal Accountability Office units in accordance with the Division of tasks duties of due 单位代码: 编 号: 施 工 方 案项目名称 通辽热电7#

15、、8#脱硝安装 编制单位 编制: 日期: 随工程资料长期保存diligence. Improve the system of accountability report, in time for formation of accountability for the conduct of inspections to verify, of late, fail to report, and skimming fraud criticized. Strengthen communication with the discipline inspection and supervision, in-

16、depth analysis of the results accountability, promote standardization and institutionalization of accountability. Summary of implementation of both inventory system, further clarifying the responsibilities, pushing forward the work. Actively promoting the establishment of leading cadres implement bo

17、th documentary handbooks regime, achieving traces of assumed responsibility and accountability. (C) strengthening inner-party supervision. Actively promote the talks, letters and commands, such as implementation of inner-party supervisory system, urging implementation of the triple a collective deci

18、sion, party and government levels three is not directly in charge, last stand and other decision-making systems. With municipal organization Department and make 2016 democratic life related work, will be both implementation as main elements of democratic life, and gradually perfect the democratic me

19、eting check and publish content. Third, the discipline of the partys political discipline, guarantee to implement the partys line, principles and policies (a) to strengthen the general supervision of the CPPCC will age. Effective in discharging its oversight responsibilities, strengthening party com

20、mittees, peoples congresses, Governments, CPPCC National Committee and Secretary General discipline, resolutely correct and the investigation of cliques, canvassing buying and running, rumors false accusation behavior, ensure that the general discipline, uncompromising perform. To be promoted, cadre

21、s, or reuse the honest reply work, make checks on cadres selection and appointment of the independent Commission against corruption, to prevent sick promotions, ill post. (B) strengthening supervision of the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements. Around the Central and provincial pa

22、rty Committee and municipal implementation of the major decisions and arrangements to carry out supervision and inspection, resolutely correct and the investigation on the policy, policy responses and perfunctory lead under sleep, measures fail to ensure that departments at all levels implement Thir

23、teen-Five planning, town zoning adjustments and reforms as well as economic and social development policies. Four, basic honesty and strict check unhealthy tendencies and corruption around mass (a) yanguobamao-corruption campaign. Around the village (community), town (Street) and base stations, publ

24、ic services at all levels, units and mass violations in the field of law enforcement interests and the outstanding issues of the masses feel strongly about special improvement. Set up a special leading group, establishing a programme of work, by deploying startup, clear investigation, supervision an

25、d accountability, summarizes the standard stage work and initiatives to ensure that special efforts to achieve tangible results. Step up the co-ordination, increase the intensity of urging Guide, build the clues about the problem troubleshooting, Jamie law-related clues covered transferring departme

26、nts collaboration mechanisms, as well as job scheduling, notification system. Laminated real responsibility, in accordance with Commission for discipline inspection coordination, Department, classification clear principles, four-level funding for various projects promoting City-County rural cleansin

27、g, unhealthy tendencies and corruption harm public interests leads big bottom, rural collective three-capital and village-level financial inventory. The parent supervision and inspection on the implementation of crucial decisions and arrangements for poverty eradication, integrate Nano凯天通辽项目经理部 锅炉专业

28、公司目 录一、编制依据1二、工程概况、施工范围及工程量12.1工程概况12.2施工范围1三、施工准备和施工条件1四、综合进度和配合要求14.1综合进度14.2配合要求1五、施工主要机具及材料25.1主要施工机具及工器具25.2施工人员配备2六、主要施工方法和步骤26.1 7#脱硝施工方法和步骤26.2 8#脱硝施工方法和步骤3七、施工质量标准和工艺要求47.1质量控制标准47.2质量管理目标47.3质量保证措施4八、成品保护要求5九、施工中的主要危险点与安全技术措施59.1危险点预测59.2职业安全卫生管理要求79.3安全管理目标109.4 OHS危害辨识与危险评价表(见下页)10十、环境保护

29、及文明施工措施和要求1510.1环境保护措施及要求1510.2文明施工措施及要求16十一、应形成的质量记录和验收级别16十二、附表1712.1交底培训记录1712.2施工小组安全联保卡1912.3施工方案执行过程检查表2012.4施工方案执行过程不符合整改验证记录2112.5施工方案验证记录227#8#脱硝安装施工方案 目录 凯天通辽项目经理部 锅炉专业公司一、编制依据1. 根据凯天环保科技股份有限公司提供的设计图纸2. 工程建设标准强制性条文(电力工程部分) 2013年版3.电力建设施工及验收技术规范锅炉机组篇(DL/T 5047-95)4.电力建设安全工作规程(火力发电厂部分)DL5009

30、.1-20025.国家电网公司基建安全管理规定(2010年版)6.电力建设施工质量检验及评价规程第2部分:锅炉机组(DL/T 5210.22009)7. 电力建设施工质量检验及评价规程第8部分:加工配制(DL/T 5210.82009) 二、工程概况、施工范围及工程量2.1工程概况通辽热电厂7#、8#脱硝安装工程,总重509吨。其中烟风道150吨;烟风道支架30吨;SCR反应器85吨;反应器主支架200吨;平台扶梯16吨;镀锌格栅板18吨;氨喷射格栅2套;高压风机4台;SCR膨胀节12个;SCR装置催化剂81.6m3;单轨吊(2吨)2台;蒸汽吹灰器4台;声波吹灰器4台。2.2施工范围本项目施工

31、作业范围包括: 7#、8#脱硝系统安装。三、施工准备和施工条件1) 图纸、资料齐全,要求施工人员认真熟悉图纸、掌握规范。2) 施工中所需的材料、用具、设施等制备齐全。3) 设备检查合格后允许安装。4) 设备到货能够满足连续施工的要求。5) 施工机械具备使用条件;6) 所有施工人员体检合格,安全考试优良;四、综合进度和配合要求4.1综合进度7#、8#脱硝工期为2014年10月28日至2014年12月30日。4.2配合要求1) 施工场地需要垫土平整,孔洞需要盖钢板,现场通电,保证夜间照明2) 通道要求,保证6#、7#、8#、9#电除尘与引风机室通道畅通。保证9#脱硝下面通道在需要时畅通。3) 要求

32、设备组装件宽度不得超过3.2米,高度不得超过3米。并根据现场实际情况组合。4) 保证设备按供货计划表按时供货。五、施工主要机具及材料5.1主要施工机具及工器具序 号名 称型 号 规 格数 量备 注1汽车吊70t2台2汽车吊25t3台3平板车25t1台4电焊机直流焊机16台5倒链5t8台负荷试验合格7倒链2t12台负荷试验合格8钢盘尺100m1把经校验合格9卷扬机2t2台10卸扣5t4件11卸扣3t4件5.2施工人员配备序号工 种数量备注1管理人员32起重工4具备相关资质3钳工44电焊工18具备相关资质5铆工15六、主要施工方法和步骤6.1 7#脱硝施工方法和步骤根据施工现场场地狭窄运输通道受限

33、等因素影响,要求制作单位加工成品物件宽度不得超过3.2米,高度不得超过3米,重量不得超过5吨。并根据现场实际情况,对不符合现场实际情况的超尺寸超吨位烟道及反应器部件进行加工调整。烟道部分;反应器进口烟道矩形直管5分上下两段组合。反应器E、D、C、B、A段,分片、分段加工后,进行预组装。具体方式E段;壁板E-CB1-2、E-CB3-2分上下两片加工。壁板E-CB2-2、E-CB4-2整片加工。壁板E-CB1-1、E-CB2-1、E-CB3-1、E-CB4-1加工成4件。D段;壁板D-CB1、D-CB2、D-CB3、D-CB4整片加工。C段;壁板C-CB1、C-CB2、C-CB3、 C-CB4整片



36、置安装吹灰系统安装风机及附属设备安装安装完成。6.2 8#脱硝施工方法和步骤根据施工现场场地狭窄运输通道受限等因素影响,要求制作单位加工成品物件宽度不得超过3.2米,高度不得超过3米,重量不得超过6.5吨。并根据现场实际情况,对不符合现场实际情况的超尺寸超吨位烟道及反应器部件进行加工调整。烟道部分;反应器进口烟道矩形直管2分上下两段组合。反应器E、D、C、B、A段,分片、分段加工后,进行预组装。具体方式E段;壁板E-CB1-1、E-CB1-2整片加工。壁板E-CB2-1、E-CB2-2整片加工。壁板E-CB3-1、E-CB3-2、E-CB4-1、E-CB4-2加工成4件。D段;壁板D-CB1、

37、D-CB2、D-CB3、D-CB4整片加工。C段;壁板C-CB1、C-CB2、C-CB3、 C-CB4整片加工。B段;壁板B-CB1、B-CB2、B-CB3、B-CB4分上下两片加工。A段;A板顶板分上下2片加工。壁板A-CB1、A-CB2、A-CB3、A-CB4整片加工。具体安装步骤;采用25吨、70吨汽车吊逐步施25吨、70吨汽车吊能满足现场施工要求(如图1)。首先用25吨汽车吊将轴、轴A、B烟道支架安装到12.7米标高出口烟道支座安装安装出口风道14、13、12、11号件烟道支架安装到14.9米标高灰斗检修平台、出口烟道10、17、9及膨胀节安装烟道支架安装到22.9米标高进口烟道支座安

38、装进口烟道8、7、6、5、4、3号件2号件第一节安装反应器E段分片安装反应器D段分片安装烟道支架安装到26.1米标高反应器C段分片安装烟道支架安装到30米进口烟道2、1安装反应器B段分片安装整流格栅安装反应器A段分片安装轴轴A、B钢支架安装扶梯平台安装格栅板安装14.9米平台设备安装热解炉安装段催化剂轨道梁安装SCR催化装置安装吹灰及其他设备安装安装完成。 七、施工质量标准和工艺要求7.1质量控制标准7.1.1质量验收应优先以厂家图纸、说明书等技术文件为准,厂家技术要求不详的,参照规范、验标、精品工程暂行标准的有关规定执行。7.1.2设备安装过程中,应及时进行检查验收;上一工序未经检查验收合格

39、,不得进行下一工序施工。隐蔽工程隐蔽前必须验收合格,并办理签证。7.1.3 测量器具必须检测合格。7.1.4 钢架在安装之前,设备基础各方验收合格。7.1.5 必须保证规范或图纸给定设备安装中心线偏差之内钢架垂直度误差在3mm。7.2质量管理目标7.2.1无重大设备损坏事故发生。7.2.2分项安装工程合格率100%。7.2.3顾客满意度达100%。7.3质量保证措施7.3.1烟道支架垂直度为3-5mm,找正对角线误差不得超过8mm。八、成品保护要求1) 设备吊装存放时严禁刮碰。2) 严禁在风机设备上点焊物件。九、施工中的主要危险点与安全技术措施9.1危险点预测9.1.1危险点:倒链拉断预防控制

40、措施1) 倒链在使用前应做100%负荷试验,确认检查链条有无损坏及严重锈蚀部位。2) 清楚了解提升物的重量,不允许超负荷使用,严禁双链改单链使用。3) 链条严禁打结或扭曲。4) 两台或两台以上倒链抬吊同一重物要降负荷百分之五十使用。9.1.2危险点:高空落物预防控制措施1) 施工作业处及吊车吊物下方要有专人监护,防止人员通过或滞留。2) 高空作业要备有工具袋工具要备有工具绳,传递物品严谨抛掷。3) 施工时如避免不了交叉作业,应搭设安全隔离层,并保证隔离层强度达到安全稳固9.1.3 危险点:设备坠落预防控制措施:1) 设备绑扎时,所使用的钢丝绳应在物件上缠绕一圈,钢丝绳安全系数不宜过大。2) 吊

41、件、设备提升过程中,防止与周围的设备相撞。3) 绑扎绳、吊挂绳应绑牢,避免绳索重叠,吊挂点的棱角处垫半圆管皮,以免损伤钢丝绳。4) 就位时吊挂绳的拆除要防止绳扣松脱串动而脱落。5) 吊装时作业人员与司机配合好,避免误操作。6) 设备提升过程中拴好牢固的溜绳。9.1.4危险点:吊件回落挤伤手脚预防控制措施:1) 吊车回钩时作业人员应互相照应,扶正设备或吊件时,作业人员的脚要远离设备或吊件底部,手要扶在设备或吊件的侧面,并且精力集中,防止挤伤手脚。2) 吊件、设备提升过程中,防止与周围的设备相撞。3) 起重指挥人员在指挥吊车时,物件必须在视力范围之内,严禁远距离隔人传递信号。9.1.5危险点:高空

42、作业不系安全带造成人员坠落预防控制措施:1) 所有施工人员必须经过三级教育合格后方可进入施工现场进行作业,高空作业时安全带要挂在上方牢固可靠处,上方没有系挂处时,施工时应提前准备好水平防坠器及垂直速差器。2) 烟道安装时,安全网和安全绳应及时搭设,保证施工人员在上方行走时系挂安全带方便,做好冬季除雪除冰。9.1.6危险点:指挥人员信号不清楚造成人身伤害控制措施:1) 指挥人员发出的指挥信号必须清晰、准确。2) 指挥人员应站在使操作人员能看清指挥信号的安全位置上,当跟随负载进行指挥时,应随时指挥负荷避开人及障碍物。3) 指挥人员不能同时看清操作人员和负载时,必须设中间指挥人员逐级传递信号,当发现

43、错传信号时,应立即发出停止信号。4) 使用对讲机指挥吊装作业时应具备2套及以上通信方式,必须有第二种备用通信方可施工。9.1.7危险点:不正确使用卸扣造成物件坠落预防控制措施:1) 卸扣不得横向受力2) 卸扣销子不得扣在活动性较大的索具内3) 不得使卸扣处于吊件的转角处,必要时应加衬垫并使用加大规格的卸扣4) 根据重物选择相适应的卸扣9.1.8危险点:不正确使用大锤、手锤及撬杠造成人员伤害预防控制措施:1) 大锤、手锤、手斧等甩打性工具的把柄应用坚韧的木料制作,锤头应用金属背楔加以固定。打锤时,握锤的手不得戴手套,挥动方向不得对人。2) 使用撬扛时,支点应牢靠。高处使用时严禁双手施压。9.1.

44、9 危险点:不正确使用钢丝绳造成人员及设备损伤预防控制措施:1) 起吊物应绑牢。吊钩悬挂点应与吊物的重心在同一垂直线上,吊钩钢丝绳应保持垂直,严禁偏拉斜吊。落钩时应防止吊物局部着地引起吊绳偏斜。吊物未固定时严禁松钩。2) 钢丝绳应符合GB1102-74圆股钢丝绳的规定,并且必须有产品检验合格证。3) 钢丝绳应防止打结或扭曲。4) 钢丝绳严禁与任何带电体接触。5) 钢丝绳应根据物体的重量选择8-10倍安全系数的钢丝绳。6) 钢丝绳不得与物体的棱角直接接触,应在棱角处垫以半圆管、木板或其他柔软物。9.1.10危险点:冬季施工天气寒冷施工人员预防控制措施:1) 施工现场应设置天气预报栏,并及时更新,

45、以便施工人员能够了解当天天气情况。2) 施工现场应设置休息室。3) 休息室内应备有中暑药品及医疗器具。冬季会中暑吗4) 温度低到多少度不允许焊接作业9.2职业安全卫生管理要求1) 凡是参加锅炉现场施工的人员,应认真学习和贯彻执行电力建设安全工作规程及上级颁发的有关安全工作文件。2) 凡是参加施工作业的人员必须经三级安全教育,考核合格方准上岗作业。3) 凡是参加施工作业人员必须经县级以上医院体检合格后方准上岗作业,对于不宜从事高处作业人员,严禁登高作业。4) 施工前应对施工人员进行安全技术交底。5) 起重、焊接等特种作业人员必须持证上岗。6) 施工人员必须正确配戴安全帽;超过2m以上高处作业必须

46、正确系好安全带,并挂在高于腰部的上方牢固可靠处。7) 施工人员必须穿平底、软底鞋。8) 人在横梁上通行,必须设置安全扶绳,安全扶绳用绳夹子夹在立柱上,其高度不得低于施工人员的腰部,手扶安全扶绳,安全带挂在扶绳上,手推安全带前行。若安全带无处系挂时,可采用水平防坠器作为安全带的挂点。严禁不挂安全带在梁上行走,严禁在距离地面高度2米以上的高空无防护措施进行作业。9) 使用大锤、手锤时,手柄应用坚韧的木料制作,锤头应用金属锲加以固定,打锤时不得戴手套,挥动方向不得站人。使用撬杠时,支点应牢固,高处使用时,严禁双手施压。10) 起重司机必须精力集中,不准在工作时从事与作业无关的事。作业时不准与周围人闲谈,工作时间内操作人员及指挥人


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