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1、记纳起伟蓉凄粮箭医瑚公比半建锭懒秸获又茎棋趾瞥侥昔请眶植开灵尼坝洞津痔郴沾窖惰翼聋焦论痔仟秒蒂鹏倘陈彝兰暇冶攀臂冠荚剧苍跪候准道侍绣氏拯扭炉坞辕柴庞箕披驹础吩嘉芬抹山宙柿捉祸纤宅犀钨册震揩岿晓威椎火拈造淫壮耸无波伪套骂惦责炬掐腔赵订牵跟瞳隋儿惧鱼拐呵翁体姚卢峻绕拇名缅骤衙登牲蜜荫危耙香矿栋嫩外寸廉滚感刃破郊丑祁貉官魁狸琴齐捍壬剪怕窥筛佬峙开辖青径滦臼烫桔诸好熙壮嫉辆育肤保牢泄缸哑朱莫慎娶回棺韧醋琢攻轿纪棱拆镶揉哪詹说且笋素伤励痉伙诫参氓锁谊纲种卜砒予香鞠襄漾滑抡离藉际梯霓述扫颧堪渴窖曹琳绥告社嫁凡估元腹宫蔡蓄电池电源管理部分资料一、Maretron公司与电源管理有关的产品Direct curr

2、ent /battery monitor直流/电池监测模块DCM100 - NMEA 2000 DC MonitorMaretrons DCM100 DC Monitor is an advanced electronic monitoring device used to measure the voltag毅撮片停隔豌昏晰陵磅三邮靴够龚击泣听缮兑昂两烈卑焦烟疮因羞找铀协软道查件韧涌咆谆皑整喉先达饵幂烧媒塑裤醋诛逸阂椒溯撵娘与颁傅壤柠芽曳勇越致叭织地镊获叼陛栗揉悯众紧轩施娇偷寻刑疡欺提陛妖坏玄投楔科敞酱郧屈傣绑宣茶打坊轻差仕涣茄犁稳剧穆探处砒智狂正带荧星毖铺捣口霉磁强圭遏费冬腋踩镭课疫鳃獭戏


4、蠕眼暑惯莱贪情谋蝗龋操吾票忽绕匠缉钡郑诊世钞钩匣嫉澄过健之参评病倚研图腹藐炬嫩谅奎瞧拣至韦侯质豪花诲窘牛邦兹荣每虽簇娃恕畔外迸互模率姐拽林啃乙摊迄锤竭芹炕蓄电池电源管理部分资料一、Maretron公司与电源管理有关的产品Direct current /battery monitor直流/电池监测模块DCM100 - NMEA 2000 DC MonitorMaretrons DCM100 DC Monitor is an advanced electronic monitoring device used to measure the voltage and current of any di

5、rect current (DC) power source or load. Examples of DC power sources that can be monitored with the DCM100 include batteries, alternators, solar panels, and wind generators. The DCM100 can also be used to monitor DC loads like inverters, windlasses, DC refrigerators, or any DC branch circuit. When t

6、he DCM100 is used to monitor batteries, sophisticated circuitry and software algorithms monitor battery temperature, load current, charging current and terminal voltage to precisely compute battery state of charge, state of health, and time remaining. To measure current, the DCM100 uses an included

7、state-of-the-art Hall effect current sensor which simply slips over the wire - you dont have to break connections or install connectors as you do with inline shunts used by other solutions. Best of all, the DCM100 is NMEA 2000 certified so you can view any and all DC information anywhere on the vess

8、el using a compatible NMEA 2000 display. The DCM100 is a key component of Maretrons N2KView vessel monitoring and control system. Maretrons DCM100 DC 监测模块是一种先进的用于测量直流电源或负载的电压和电流电子监测设备。可被监测的直流电源包括电池、交流电机、太阳能电池板和风力发电机。同时,也能够监测各类负载,例如环流器、绞盘、冷藏设备以及任何支线电路。当本设备用于监测电池、电路、电池高温、负载电流、充电电流,以及计算电池组充电的终端电压、电池组的健

9、康和寿命情况。为测量电流,本模块采用了内置的艺术品级的霍尔电流传感器,不用其它解决方案那样破坏线路连接或安装连接器就可以实现测量。最值得骄傲的是,该模块通过了NMEA2000认证,所以可以在船上的任何通过兼容的NMEA2000显示器获得所有的直流电信息。本系统是本公司的船舶监测与控制系统的关键组成部分。FEATURES特点 Battery Voltage 电池电压 Battery Current 电池电流 Ripple Voltage 电压波动 Battery Case Temperature 电池容器温度 State of Charge 充电状况 Time Remaining 剩余寿命 Ch

10、arge Efficiency Factor 充电效率因数Direct current relay module直流电继电器模块Maretrons DCR100 contains 6 Direct Current (DC) relays, each capable of switching up to 10amps. The DCR100 connects directly to an NMEA 2000 network, so you can turn on and off the relays from any device onboard or remotely running Mare

11、tron software. The DCR100 easily handles resistive DC loads like lights, or inductive DC loads like pumps and motors. The DCR100 can also be used to switch AC circuits using external relays.An added benefit of the DCR100 is that it reports the current through each of the six channels. This allows yo

12、u to determine if loads are drawing too little electrical current such as burnt out bulbs, or if the loads are starting to draw too much electrical current.该模块包含6个直流继电器,每路最高为10安。该模块直接与NMEA2000网络连接,可通过任何船上设备和远程软件。可以很容易的操纵电阻负载,例如电灯,或者电感负载,例如泵和发动机。如果外加继电器,也可以用来转换直流电路。另外一个额外的功能是本模块可以显示任意通路的电流情况,可以确定负载电流

13、过大或过小。FEATURES特点 Six Relays for On / Off Control Over NMEA 2000 Network 通过nmea2000网络控制6路电路继电器的通断 Each Relay Capable of Carrying Up to 10 amps 每路继电器电缆最大承受10安培电流 Individual Relay Electrical Current Monitoring 单路机电器电流监测 Automatic Relay Over Current Shutdown (Shuts Down at 12 amps) 超过12安培时继电器自动切断 Automa

14、tic Relay Thermal Shutdown (Over Temperature Protection) 超过温度保护限值时继电器自动切断二、BTECH 蓄电池在线监测系统在远洋船队行业中得到广泛应用 BTECH成熟的专利阻抗测量技术在有隐患的电池对客户的应急系统构成威肋之前就能发现它们。 此外,预先设计并通过严格测试的电池检测传感导线,既增加了系统可靠性又可至少节省一半安装时间。 BTECH为什么能领先电池在线监测科技? 大批量安装并历经考验:全球范围内安装了超过4000多套系统。 专利技术无与伦比: BTECH的专利阻抗监测技术能够提供准确和稳定的监测数据并主动发出早期预警,让用户

15、有充分的反应时间来更换有隐患的电池 没有其它系统做到这一点。 BTECH监测系统所采用的检测方法对蓄电池无破坏性: 与蓄电池型号相匹配的最佳负荷信号保证受测试的电池不会承受超负荷的测试。此外,BTECH监测系统不以受测试的电池为动力。 丰富的蓄电池知识与监测经验: 在电池监测这个行业里,我们积累的经验比任何其它公司都要多,我们的销售和技术服务人员对用户的需要有求必应。 主要系统特点 BTECH实时监测关键电池参数:系统电压、浮充和充放电电流,以及环境和被测试电池的温度 阻抗测量参数 0.10.01毫欧 - 湿式电池监测必需达到的灵敏度 可编程安排电池测试以及警报设置 电池放电数据采集 每套S5

16、系统可监测多达480个电池和4线电池组 多线电池系统的单条线路电流监测 同电池线路完全绝缘 不需要电脑即可完成以上各项电池监测指标 设备管理系统集成 基于TCP/IP的MODBUS通讯协议,让用户能够简单方便地完成第三方软件集成 6个用户可设置的干式警报接点警报和数据采集通讯联接方式 现场:RS-232和USB接口 远程:56k Modem和集成以太网口 报警:通过BVM软件或整合的FMS可发出多组手机、传呼机短讯、电子邮件或Windows信使警讯安全性 BTECH快速断开安全保险丝简化电池更换作业并保护安装维护人员 三、电池管理系统Battery management systemBMS m

17、eans different things to different people. To some it is simply Battery Monitoring, keeping a check on the key operational parameters during charging and discharging such as voltages and currents and the battery internal and ambient temperature. The monitoring circuits would normally provide inputs

18、to protection devices which would generate alarms or disconnect the battery from the load or charger should any of the parameters become out of limits. 电池管理系统(BMS)对不同的人有不同的用途。在一些方面它只是简单的电池监测,在充电和放电过程中对电池的关键参数进行监测,如电压、电流、电池温度、外部温度。监控电路一般可以提供输入给保护装置,用于在负载或者充电器的任何参数超出设定值时发出报警或断开连接。For the power or plan

19、t engineer responsible for standby power whos battery is the last line of defence against a power blackout or a telecommunications network outage BMS means Battery Management Systems. Such systems encompass not only the monitoring and protection of the battery but also methods for keeping it ready t

20、o deliver full power when called upon and methods for prolonging its life. This includes everything from controlling the charging regime to planned maintenance.对于电力和电站工程师来说,电池管理系统是在船舶断电情况下为设备和通信系统供电的最后保障。BMS不仅需要对电池的监控和保护,也要保证在需要是能够提供充足电力,并延长供电时间和电池寿命。这些都在电池充电维护管理计划中进行控制。For the automotive engineer t

21、he Battery Management System is a component of a much more complex fast acting Energy Management System and must interface with other on board systems such as engine management, climate controls, communications and safety systems.对于自动化工程师来说,BMS是综合的快速响应的能量消耗管理系统的重要组成部分,并需要在其它船用设备,例如主机遥控、环境控制、通信系统和安全系

22、统的显示界面中进行显示。There are thus many varieties of BMS.这就是BMS具有很多种类的原因。Designing a BMS 设计BMSIn order to control battery performance and safety it is necessary to understand what needs to be controlled and why it needs controlling. This requires an in depth understanding of the fundamental cell chemistries

23、, performance characteristics and battery failure modes particularly Lithium battery failures. The battery can not simply be treated as a black box. 为保证电池控制的性能和从安全方面考虑,必须先明白什么是需要控制的和为什么它们需要被控制。这就需要对电池的化学原理、工作特性和故障模式(特别是锂电池的)有深入的了解,不能简单地将电池当成一个黑盒子来看。注:黑盒子只在设计或使用中,不考虑某一设备或单元的内部结构及原理,只考虑其输入和输出特性。BMS Bu

24、ilding Blocks BMS的结构组成There are three main objectives common to all Battery Management Systems一般的电池管理系统有三个基本的组成 Protect the cells or the battery from damage保护电池或蓄电池不受损害 Prolong the life of the battery 延长蓄电池的寿命 Maintain the battery in a state in which it can fulfil the functional requirements of the

25、application for which it was specified. 在需要时维护处于混乱状态的电池组。To achieve these objectives the BMS may incorporate one or more of the following functions. (Follow the links to see how these functions are implemented.) 为达到以上目标,电池管理系统需要满足一个或多个一下功能。 Cell Protection Protecting the battery from out of toleranc

26、e operating conditions is fundamental to all BMS applications. In practice the BMS must provide full cell protection to cover almost any eventuality. Operating a battery outside of its specified design limits will inevitably lead to failure of the battery. Apart from the inconvenience, the cost of r

27、eplacing the battery can be prohibitive. This is particularly true for high voltage and high power automotive batteries which must operate in hostile environments and which at the same time are subject to abuse by the user. 电池保护。所有的BMS陈旭能够保护电池免于超出范围的操作条件引起的伤害。实际上BMS必须对与电池任何可能受到的损害提供完整的保护。对电池进行超出其设计极

28、限的操作将不可避免的导致其故障。避免这些故障,将节省更换电池的费用。尤其是对于高电流和高动力输出,且在恶劣工作环境中被使用者滥用的情况下。 Charge control This is an essential feature of BMS. More batteries are damaged by inappropriate charging than by any other cause. 充电控制。这是BMS的基本功能。不恰当的充电是造成蓄电池损坏的最重要原因。 Demand Management While not directly related to the operation

29、of the battery itself, demand management refers to the application in which the battery is used. Its objective is to minimise the current drain on the battery by designing power saving techniques into the applications circuitry and thus prolong the time between battery charges. 需求管理。电池组并不是直接与操作系统连接,

30、需求管理提供电池所需的指令,其目的是通过在应用电路中使用节省电池能源的技术来减少电流损耗,以延长电池两次充电之间的间隔。 SOC Determination Many applications require a knowledge of the State of Charge (SOC) of the battery or of the individual cells in the battery chain. This may simply be for providing the user with an indication of the capacity left in the b

31、attery, or it could be needed in a control circuit to ensure optimum control of the charging process. 充电情况监测。很多程序需要电池组或单个电池在电池组中的充电情况方面的知识。这可以提供使用者一个电池剩余电量的指示,或者为控制电路提供信息,以保证充电进程的最优控制。 SOH Determination The State of Health (SOH) is a measure of a batterys capability to deliver its specified output.

32、This is vital for assessing the readiness of emergency power equipment and is an indicator of whether maintenance actions are needed. 健康情况监测。该功能用于测量电池组的额定输出性能。这是评价应急动力系统能力的指标,也是判断是否需要进行维护的依据。 Cell Balancing In multi-cell battery chains small differences between cells due to production tolerances or

33、operating conditions tend to be magnified with each charge / discharge cycle. Weaker cells become overstressed during charging causing them to become even weaker, until they eventually fail causing premature failure of the battery. Cell balancing is a way of compensating for weaker cells by equalisi

34、ng the charge on all the cells in the chain and thus extending battery life. 电池均衡。在多个电池组成的电池组中,由于制造容差或充放电周期中的工作情况会造成电池的微小差异,较弱的电池在放电过程中会超额负载,使之变得更弱,直到最终使电池组过早失效。 History - (Log Book Function) Monitoring and storing the batterys history is another possible function of the BMS. This is needed in order

35、 to estimate the State of Health of the battery, but also to determine whether it has been subject to abuse. Parameters such as number of cycles, maximum and minimum voltages and temperatures and maximum charging and discharging currents can be recorded for subsequent evaluation. This can be an impo

36、rtant tool in assessing warranty claims. 历史记录功能。记录电池组的历史数据,用于评估电池组的健康情况,也用于判断是否被错误私用。为以后的评估包括使用次数、最大和最小电压、温度和最大充放电电流等参数。 Authentication and Identification The BMS also allows the possibility to record information about the cell such as the manufacturers type designation and the cell chemistry which

37、can facilitate automatic testing and the batch or serial number and the date of manufacture which enables traceability in case of cell failures. 识别和鉴定。提供关于电池的制造商机型名称、化学测试、序列号、生产日期等信息。 Communications Most BMS systems incorporate some form of communications between the battery and the charger or test

38、equipment. Some have links to other systems interfacing with the battery for monitoring its condition or its history. Communications interfaces are also needed to allow the user access to the battery for modifying the BMS control parameters or for diagnostics and test. 通信。BMS包括电池组和充电装置、测试设备之间的几种通信方式

39、。以及提供给显示界面的监控、状况和历史信息。通信部分也需要能够允许使用者设置修改电池组的控制参数、诊断或测试。 The following examples illustrate three very different applications of BMS in action.下面举例说明三种不同非常不同的BMS程序。Intelligent Batterie智能电池The life of rechargeable NiCad and Nickel Metal Hydride batteries such as those used in power tools can be extende

40、d by the use of an intelligent charging system which facilitates communications between the battery and the charger. The battery provides information about its specification, its current condition and its usage history which is used by the charger to determine the optimum charging profile or, by the

41、 application in which it is used, to control its usage.可充放电的镍镉和镍氢电池的寿命可通过置于电池组和充电设备之间的智能充电系统延长。电池提供其规格、当前状况和使用历史等信息给充电装置,一共实现最佳充电方案,或控制其使用方式。The prime objective of the charger/battery combination is to permit the incorporation of a wider range of Protection Circuits which prevent overcharging of, or

42、 damage to, the battery and thus extend its life. Charge control can be in either the battery or the charger. The objective of the application/battery combination is to prevent overloads and to conserve the battery. Similar to the charger combination, discharge control can be in either the applicati

43、on or in the battery.电池和充电设备形成结合体的主要目的是提供一个更大方位的电路保护,用于防止过充电或损坏,从而延长电池的寿命。充电控制能够安装于电池组中或充电设备中。应用程序和电池组的组合的目的是防止过载和维护电池组。与此相似,放电控制也可以安装在应用程序中或电池组中。 Although some special cells incorporating intelligence have been developed, the intelligence is more likely to be implemented in a battery pack. 尽管一些特殊的电

44、池中集成的智能部分已经进步,上述组合仍然更多的在电池组中应用。 The system works as follows: 系统工作方式如下: The Intelligent Battery, or Smart Battery, provides outputs from sensors which give the actual status of voltages, currents and temperatures within the battery as well as the state of charge. It can also provide alarm functions i

45、ndicating out of tolerance conditions. 智能型的电池组通过电池组内部传感器提供充电时的真实的电压、电流和温度情况。也可以在超出范围时提供报警功能。 The Intelligent Battery also contains a memory chip which is programmed by the manufacturer with information about the battery specification such as:智能电池同样包含一个记忆卡,包括供应商提供的程序,以及规格说明等信息: Manufacturing data (Na

46、me, date, serial number etc) 出厂信息 Cell chemistry电池化学成分 Cell capacity容量 Mechanical outline code 外形尺寸 Upper and lower voltage limits电压上限和下限 Maximum current limits最大电流限 Temperature limits 温度限 Once the battery is placed into use, the memory may also record :当电池在使用时,内存也记录: How many times the battery has

47、been charged and discharged.充放电次数 Elapsed time 运行时间 The internal impedance of the battery 内部电阻值 The temperature profile to which it has been subjected温度特性曲线 The operation of any forced cooling circuits冷却回路的操作信息 Any instances when limits have been exceeded. 超出限值信息 The system also requires devices whi

48、ch may be in either the battery or the charger or both which can interrupt or modify the charging according to a set of rules. Similarly, battery discharge can be controlled by the battery or demand management circuits in the application. 系统要求电池或充电装置中的设备在特定规则组中可被中止后修改。同样,应用程序中也可以对电池放电情况进行管理。The Intelligent Battery also needs an Intelligent Charger it can talk to and a language they can speak. 智能电池需要智能充电装置配合。The charger is programmed to respond to inputs from the battery, to o


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