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1、step shape, control of step size, set aside a decoration project, to run up and down the stairs the same faade stepping angle. 4.4 reverse triangular plate is in the Middle bench, reinforcement time side boards. Reverse triangular plates consist of a number of triangular pieces of wood nailed to the

2、 wood, and two triangular wood blocks high and wide of the right angle equal to step on a side, timber section for 50mmx100mm and third corner Board with bench support cross-ridged fixed between the side plates. 4.4 (1) expansion joints template support set: first support good expansion joints side

3、of wall template (wall sides are for multilayer Board), stay its concrete pouring Hou, will its template demolition, again support another side wall template, but this wall by expansion joints side with 200 thick high-density squeeze plastic poly benzene Board for template, another side for multilay

4、er Board, expansion joints North-South State surface the with 200x200 thick multilayer Board box for across die, to control expansion joints of upper and lower vertical degrees. 4.4 (2) treatment of construction joints: this construction is not the principle of construction joints, such as construct

5、ion joints, subject to the following requirements: construction joint in beam and plate with steel mesh or wood-mode blocked. Attention to the retention of construction joints must be perpendicular to the axis of the beam and plate, shall remain oblique Cha. Before the next concrete pouring, constru

6、ction joints of concrete should be cutting hair, and loose stones should be left floating pulp, water and moist. 5 construction considerations 5.1 template installation, upper and lower column formwork system should be installed on the same vertical line. 5.2 templates on each floor after installati

7、on, should release agent brush template. 5.3 for the joints is greater than 2mm, paste the crack tape. 5.4 no hard hit when stripping pry, to prevent damage to the template and the pouring of concrete. 6 quality standard for reached concrete of standard, we according to concrete structure engineerin

8、g construction quality acceptance standard (GB50204-2002) developed has internal control standard, as Xia by shows: concrete quality internal control standard project allows deviation national standards internal control standard axis location 5 3 end of die Shang surface elevation 5 3 adjacent two B

9、oard surface level poor 2 2 surface flat degrees 5 3 pre buried plate center line location 3 3 pre buried tube, and reserved hole center line location 3 3 pre buried bolt center line location 2 2 Exposed length +10,0 +10,0 reserved hole center line position 10 10 section size +10,0 +10,0 reinforcing

10、 the centerline location 5 5 exposed length +10,0 +10,0 die frame support must have sufficient strength, rigidity and stability, supporting parts must have sufficient support area. Template size is accurate, seam marks neat and orderly. Structures of yin and Yang founder straight, joint width shall

11、not exceedproblems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of si

12、tuation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders cant do masses work, Fa

13、ced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the partys ruling capability, the maintenance and development o

14、f the partys advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of party committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the partys governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of

15、maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Processing to improve as a guide to the country. What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaopings mass. Deng also pu

16、t people support does not support, agreed not to agree, happy happy, promise not to promise as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theor

17、y, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, close

18、ly for CPC and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that cr

19、eated and developed in the long struggle of the partys mass line, is to realize the partys ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route, can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall

20、of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the partys leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the mas

21、ses, to the masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party湄洲湾至重庆高速公路莆田段(萩芦至五星段)A12合同段 施工便道技术交底编制:审核:中铁航空港集团深圳分公司(湄渝项目部)2013年3月18日工程技术交底书交底内容:为了有序、高效的组织和指导施工便道的施工,保证施工便道的施工质量,满足主体工程的施工需求,依据福建省高速公路工标准化管理指南(工地建设)相关规定特交底如下:一、工程


23、生影响,所以初步确定沿右线外侧红线内侧5米范围进行修筑。3.机械配置情况:挖机2台,自卸车2台,推土机2台,装载机2台,压路机1台。4.经现场统计,横顺大桥至沽洲村口之间共有11道自然沟渠横穿1#施工便道,在填筑便道前,结合现场地形埋置圆管,保证原有排水系统畅通。详细位置及数量见以下表图:施工便道圆管预埋数量统计 序号建议采用规格长度(米)数量(节)备注1直径0.3m84小型流水渠2直径1m84中型流水渠3直径0.3m84小型流水渠4直径0.3m84小型流水渠5直径0.3m84小型流水渠6直径0.3m84小型流水渠7直径0.3m84小型流水渠8直径0.3m84小型流水渠9直径1m84中型流水渠

24、10直径1m147中型流水渠11直径0.3m84小型流水渠合计:直径0.3m总计32节;直径1m总计15m。三、施工方法 (一) 填方施工1,施工顺序:施工准备测量放样清表挖淤、夯实碾压地基运料、摊铺整平换填碾压质量控制下层施工。2,施工工艺基床以下路堤填筑按“三阶段、四区段、八流程”施工,具体填筑工艺流程详见下图。3、施工工艺(1)填筑应水平分层填筑,分层压实,路便道土质路基地段基层为不小于20厚的碎(片)石垫层,面层为5厚的凝结碎石面层,各场(站、区)、重点工程作业区进出场便道200米范围内采用C20砼进行硬化,厚度不小于20。(2)填方边坡坡度控制在1:1,挖方边坡控制在1:0.5,边坡

25、必须修整、拍实,坡率不陡于设计。路面从中线向外侧设置1.5%横坡路拱,路基坡脚需施做0.3m*0.3m排水沟,保障路面排水畅通。4、横向、纵向半挖半填(1)、按照施工便道图纸要求采用分层填筑的方式,避免因填筑不当出现路基纵向裂缝。(2)、将原地面翻松或在山坡一侧的自然坡设置宽度不小于2米的内向倾斜2%4%的反向台阶。(3)、填筑时从最低标高处开始挖台阶往高处分层摊铺、碾压,在填挖交接处,做好横向、纵向、原地面的拼接,碾压做到密实无拼痕。(二) 路基挖方施工:1、土方开挖(1)、开挖前,根据图纸利用全站仪定位设计平面线和边桩位置,并测出放样点高程,确定开挖边坡高度以及开挖位置。(2)、做好临时排

26、水设施,临时排水设施应与永久排水设施相结合。(3)、采用挖掘机配合自卸汽车及铲车开挖运输。对于施工场地狭窄段无法用机械进行施工段,采用在人工配合下进行机械施工。(4)、深挖段采用“横向分层,纵向分段,阶梯掘进”的方式施工。(5)、每段开挖完成以后,要及时清理和修整边坡,坡度不陡于设计。采用沽溪河道卵石对边坡进行防护。(6)、 路基开挖过程中,坡顶外截水沟根据地形情况,及时进行施工,每层施工时,设计路堑边沟,来不及施工时,应设置横向反坡,纵坡进行临时排水,保证开挖过程中路基不积水,边坡不漫流。施工准备场地清理测量放样前期防护及挖排水沟既有边坡稳定机械开挖边坡修整加固及防护检验合格施工工艺框图:








34、施工需要,当不能满足大型机械施工时要及早更换小型施工机械。6、临近既有线施工时,有列车通过时,安全员要提前通知施工人员停止作业,并指挥现场施工人员、机械撤离施工区域,以免发生危险。 中铁航空港集团一公司湄渝项目部技术交底签到表序号姓名班组/交底人备注1234567891011121314151617waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level acc

35、ording to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. const

36、ruction materials are . Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dus

37、t, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide 1 galvanized steel w

38、ire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, a

39、ngle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case

40、 of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.21.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall orstep shape, control of step size, set aside a decoration project, to run up and down the stairs the same faade stepping angle. 4.4 reverse triangular plate is in the Middle bench, reinforcement time si

41、de boards. Reverse triangular plates consist of a number of triangular pieces of wood nailed to the wood, and two triangular wood blocks high and wide of the right angle equal to step on a side, timber section for 50mmx100mm and third corner Board with bench support cross-ridged fixed between the si

42、de plates. 4.4 (1) expansion joints template support set: first support good expansion joints side of wall template (wall sides are for multilayer Board), stay its concrete pouring Hou, will its template demolition, again support another side wall template, but this wall by expansion joints side wit

43、h 200 thick high-density squeeze plastic poly benzene Board for template, another side for multilayer Board, expansion joints North-South State surface the with 200x200 thick multilayer Board box for across die, to control expansion joints of upper and lower vertical degrees. 4.4 (2) treatment of co

44、nstruction joints: this construction is not the principle of construction joints, such as construction joints, subject to the following requirements: construction joint in beam and plate with steel mesh or wood-mode blocked. Attention to the retention of construction joints must be perpendicular to

45、the axis of the beam and plate, shall remain oblique Cha. Before the next concrete pouring, construction joints of concrete should be cutting hair, and loose stones should be left floating pulp, water and moist. 5 construction considerations 5.1 template installation, upper and lower column formwork

46、 system should be installed on the same vertical line. 5.2 templates on each floor after installation, should release agent brush template. 5.3 for the joints is greater than 2mm, paste the crack tape. 5.4 no hard hit when stripping pry, to prevent damage to the template and the pouring of concrete.

47、 6 quality standard for reached concrete of standard, we according to concrete structure engineering construction quality acceptance standard (GB50204-2002) developed has internal control standard, as Xia by shows: concrete quality internal control standard project allows deviation national standards internal control standard axis location 5 3 end of die Shang surface elevation 5 3 adjacent two Board surface level poor 2 2 surface flat degrees 5 3 pre buried plate


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