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1、宝鸡市东风路高级中学导学案 年级: 高二 使用时间:2014.12 主备人:李艳 审核人:王斌琳 张洁 使 用 人:高二课题Unit 2 Poems课型阅读课教学目标一、知识与技能:了解诗歌的押韵和节奏,深刻理解这首诗二、过程与方法:自主合作展示质疑点评三、情感态度价值观:提高学生合作意识,提高他们运用语言的能力。教学重点能够深刻理解这首诗 教学难点让学生能够灵活运用诗中的重点词和短语。课 时Period 5 Reading:Ive saved the summer教学用具录音机、导学单 教学流程复备栏教学过程:一、自主学习1. 课前朗读单词(从bare 至load) 2. 在书中划出并翻译下

2、列短语1.继续不停地_2.碰巧_3.继续/别挂断(电话)_4.有可能. 5.试验, 试穿 6.泄漏/发出(声音)/释放/放宽(衣服) 7.盼望 二、自我检测 ( 用正确单词和短语填空 )1.Avoicecamefrom_(黑暗),butshecouldntseeanyone.2.Myfriendswerewearingtwoorthreesweatersforextra_(温暖).3.Ifyouareeasytogetlost,youdbettertakea_(指南针)4.An_(合适)methodmustbefoundtodealwithsuchsituation.5._(分析)thedif

3、ficultsentenceshelpstounderstandthetextwell.6.Thesongsofbirds_(唤醒)me.7. Whatevertheresultmaybe,_weshouldtryourbesttodoit.8. Perhapseveryonecanmakeaseriousmistake_.9. Hisnobleexample_therestofustoworkharder.三、合作学习 1. 听诗歌 Ive saved the summer 并回答下列问题1) Does the poem have a rhythmic pattern?2)Does the

4、poem have rhyming words?2. 读诗歌 Ive saved the summer 并回答下列问题1) Who is the speaker in the poem and who is he /she speaking to ? Give reasons to support your answer.Reasons to support your answer: The speaker in the poem is a parent. He is speaking to his son. Reasons: firstly, the parent sends his son

5、 _ of the summer. Secondly, he leads his son to _. Thirdly, he teaches the son to be _. Finally, he would give the son all his love to help him_ _ _. All these show the great and selfless love of a parent.2)Which of the following is the closest to the speakers message? Give a reason for your choice.

6、A. If its cold, Ill warm you; if its dark, Ill give you light; if youre hungry, Ill feed you; if you want to love, Ill give it to you.B. Although the future may be difficult for you, whenever you need warmth and love, remember Ill have some to give you.C. While youre away Ill remember your smile and

7、 Ill love you always. When you return, I hope you will love me.3. 翻译这首诗:4. 语言点:1)hold on_ 翻译下列句子:They managed to hold on until help arrived.Hold on to your glass, Bob!知识拓展:hold back _ hold down _hold forth _hold onto_hold to_ hold sth./ sb. up _2) inspire vt. 鼓舞, 激励, 驱使(+to) inspire sb. to do sth. 鼓

8、舞某人做某事His noble example inspired the rest of us to make greater efforts. _ 赋予.灵感, 给.以启示 inspire sb. 赋予某人灵感His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. _ 激起, 唤起(感情, 思想等)inspire sth. in sb. 使某人产生某种感情; inspire sb. with sth. 激发某人的某种感情inspired adj. 受到鼓舞的 inspiring adj. 令人振奋的 inspiration n. 灵感

9、 他的演讲鼓舞了我们再作尝试。His speech _. 他的一番鼓励激起了我的信心。His encouraging remarks _ me. 美丽的景色使作曲家灵思泉涌。The beautiful scenery _. 军乐声总是令人振奋的。The sound of martial music _. 四、课堂达标1. She wore a dress with a p_ of roses on it. 2. He climbed the hill with a heavy l_ on his shoulder.3. His speech i_ us to try again. 4. The sound of martial music is always i_.五、作业: 预习语法虚拟语气六、备课组交流反思


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