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1、Unit 13 Coastal and Ocean Navigation1 INTRODUCTION TO U.S. AIDS TO NAVIGATION SYSTEM1.1 TYPES OF MARKSLateral marks are buoys or beacons indicating the port and starboard sides of a route to be followed, and are used in conjunction with a conventional direction of buoyage.侧向标是指港口和航线的右舷应遵循的,并配合传统的浮标方

2、向使用的浮标或灯塔。Generally, lateral aids to navigation indicate which side of an aid to navigation a vessel should pass when channels are entered from seaward and a vessel proceeds in the conventional direction of buoyage. 通常,航行横向助航设备表明当船舶进入一个朝海的航道或船舶朝传统的浮标方向前进时应朝航路标志的哪边通过。 Since all channels do not lead f

3、rom seaward, certain assumptions must be made so the system can be consistently applied.因为并非所有航道都朝向海,所以我们必须假设从而使系统可以经常被应用 。In the absence of a route leading from seaward, the conventional direction of buoyage generally follows a clockwise direction around land masses.由于渠道并非从朝海方向引进以来,传统的浮标一般是顺时针方向围绕着

4、大陆板块运动。Virtually all lateral marks are located in IALA Region B and follow the traditional 3R rule of red, right, returning. 实际上几乎所有的侧向标都处于国际航标协会B区,并按照传统的3R的红,向右,回转的规则。In these waters, returning from seaward and proceeding toward the head of navigation is generally considered as moving southerly alo

5、ng the Atlantic coast, westerly along the Gulf coast and northerly along the Pacific coast在这些水域,从朝海方向回转和继续流动到地区边界通常被认为是移动大西洋沿岸偏南,墨西哥湾沿岸以西和太平洋沿岸偏北。Preferred channel marks are aids to navigation which mark channel junctions or bifurcations and often mark wrecks or obstructions. 首选的航道标志是航标标志着通道路口,分叉和经常

6、标记沉船或障碍物。Preferred channel marks may normally be passed on either side by a vessel, but indicate to the mariner the preferred channel. 首选通道一般可以通过标记的船的一面,但表示对水手的首选渠道。 Preferred channel marks are colored with red and green bands. 首选的频道标志用红绿两种色彩来标记。 II BUOYS AND BEACONS The IALA maritime buoyage guidel

7、ines apply to buoys and beacons that indicate the lateral limits of navigable channels, obstructions, other dangers such as wrecks, and other areas or features of importance to the mariner. This system provides five types of marks: lateral marks, safe water marks, special marks, isolated danger mark

8、s and cardinal marks. (Cardinal marks are not presently used in the Unite States) Each type of mark is differentiated from other types by distinctive colors, shapes and light rhythms. 国际航标协会海上浮标指引适用于浮标和信标指示的通航渠道,障碍物,其他危险,如沉船,以及其他对于船员比较重要的特征。该系统提供五种类型的标记:侧标志,安全的水痕,特殊标志,独立危险标志和其他基本标志。 (基本标记目前没有在联合国通用)

9、每一类型的标志都有自己独特的颜色、形状和光线。Buoys are floating aids to navigation used extensively throughout U.S. waters. They are moored to the seabed by concrete sinkers with chain or synthetic rope moorings of various lengths connected to the buoy body. Buoy positions represented on nautical charts are approximate p

10、ositions only, due to the practical limitations of positioning and maintaining buoys and their sinkers in precise geographical locations. Buoy positions are normally verified during periodic maintenance visits. Between visits, atmospheric and sea condition, seabed slope and composition, and collisio

11、ns or other accidents may cause buoys to shift from their charted locations, or cause buoys to be sunk or capsized. 浮标是遍布全美的漂浮着的航路标志。他们通过与系泊链或合成不同长度的绳子连接到具体的系泊浮标坠入海底。由于定位的实际限制和浮标难以保持精确的坠入地理位置,海图上浮标的位置只是大概位置。浮标的位置通常是通过定期维护来核实。在观察过程中,大气和海况,海底坡度的构图,碰撞或其他意外事故可能导致浮标从图上绘制的位置处移动,或导致浮标沉没或倾覆。Buoy moorings va

12、ry in length. The mooring lengths define a watch circle, and buoys can be expected to move within this circle. Actual watch circles do not coincide with the symbols representing them on charts. 浮标系泊长短不一。系泊长度是一个可视位置圈,浮标可以在这个圈子内移动。实际上可视位置圈与图上代表的并不一致。Mariners attempting to pass a buoy close aboard risk

13、 collision with a yawing buoy or with the obstruction which the buoy marks. Mariners must not rely on buoys alone for determining their positions due to factors limiting buoy reliability. Prudent mariners will use bearings or angles from fixed aids to navigation to positively fix their position.航海者试

14、图冒着碰撞的危险来利用偏航的浮标或者这类浮标标记的物体来通过此地。海员不能单独依靠浮标来确定由于各种因素限制下自己的位置。谨慎的海员将使用固定的轴承或角通航,修订他们的位置。Beacons are aids to navigation which are permanently fixed to the earths surface. These structures range from lighthouses to small unlighted daybeacons, and exhibit a daymark to make these aids to navigation readi

15、ly visible and easily identifiable against background conditions. The daymark conveys to the mariner, during daylight hours, the same significance as does the aid to navigations light at night. 窗体底端灯塔灯塔灯塔灯塔 灯塔灯塔灯塔是永久固定在地表的船舶助航设备。这些结构从灯塔到小型无光日用灯塔,且具有夜晚使用能力使这些航标随时在各种背景条件下容易识别。该日用灯塔传达到水手,在白天和夜晚有有同样的导航意

16、义。Vessels should not pass fixed aids to navigation close aboard due to the danger of collision with rip-rap or structure foundations, or with the obstruction or danger being marked.为了避免船舶碰撞乱石堆和基石的危险,船舶不应该靠近已有标记的障碍和危险物。III LIGHTED AIDS TO NAVIGATIONMost lighted aids to navigation are equipped with co

17、ntrols which automatically cause the light to operate during darkness and to be extinguished during daylight. 导航灯大部分都配备了可自动使光在夜晚运行将在白天熄灭的控制装置。 These devices are not of equal sensitivity, therefore all lights do not come on or go off at the same time. 这些设备是不是平等的敏感性,因此所有的灯不是在同一时间运行或关闭。 Mariners should

18、 ensure correct identification of aids to navigation during twilight periods when some lighted aids to navigation are lit while others are not. 当仅有些助航灯亮着而其他关闭的晨昏蒙影的时段,船员应该确保正确的可辨别的助航设备The lighting apparatus is serviced at periodic intervals to assure reliable operation, but there is always the possi

19、bility of a light being extinguished or operating improperly. 照明器具是周期性的间隔保养以确保可靠的操作,但总有灯坏了或运作不正确的可能性。 The condition of the atmosphere has a considerable effect upon the distance at which lights can be seen. 大气对光的最大能见距离有重要的影响。 Sometimes lights are obscured by fog, haze, dust, smoke, or precipitation

20、which may be present at the light, or between the light and the observer, and which is possibly unknown by the observer. 有时灯都掩盖雾,霾,尘埃,烟雾或降水可能存在于光明,光与观察员,并可能是由观察者未知。 Atmospheric refraction may cause a light to be seen farther than under ordinary circumstances.大气折射可能会引起一盏灯照射到比一般情况下更远。A light of low in

21、tensity will be easily obscured by unfavorable conditions of the atmosphere and little dependence can be placed on it being seen.有些低强度的光将很容易被不好的大气条件搞模糊,而当被看见时,不大可信。 For this reason, the intensity of a light should always be considered when expecting to sight it in thick weather. 出于这个原因,所以当在阴郁的天气光的强度

22、应该总被考虑。 Haze and distance may reduce the apparent duration of the flash of a light. 薄雾和距离可以减少闪光的明显持续时间。 In some atmospheric conditions, white lights may have a reddish hue. 在一些大气条件,白灯可能有红色的色调。Lights placed at high elevations are more frequently obscured by clouds, mist, and fog than those lights loc

23、ated at or near sea level. 在高海拔放置的灯总是比位于或接近海平面的灯更频繁的被云,雾遮蔽。In regions where ice conditions prevail in the winter, the lantern panes of unattended lights may become covered with ice or snow, which will greatly reduce the visibility of the lights and may also cause colored lights to appear white. 冬季冰冻

24、盛行的地区,无人值守玻璃灯箱可能会覆盖着冰或雪,这将大大减少灯光能见度,也可能导致彩色光发出白色光。The increasing use of brilliant shore lights for advertising, illuminating bridges, and other purposed, may cause marine navigational lights, particularly those in densely inhabited areas, to be outshone and difficult to distinguish from the backgrou

25、nd lighting. 越来越多的宣传灯,通明桥梁使得辉煌的避光作用增加,尤其是在那些密集的居民区,可能会导致更亮于海洋的航标灯,难以区分背景光。 Mariners are requested to report such cases in order that steps may be taken to improve the conditions.船员被要求要报告想这样的情况,以便可采取措施来改善这种条件。The “loom” (glow) of a powerful light is often seen beyond the limit of visibility of the ac

26、tual rays of the light. 一个功率强的光发出的“光芒”,往往是超出了实际的光射线能见度限制。 The loom may sometimes appear sufficiently sharp enough to obtain a bearing. 有时可能出现的光芒,强烈到足以获得方位。 At short distances, some flashing lights may show a faint continuous light between flashes.在短距离,一些闪烁的灯光闪烁之间可能会有微弱的连续光。The distance of an observe

27、r from a light cannot be estimated by its apparent intensity. 根据出现灯光的强度,观察者无法估计到灯的距离。 Always check the characteristics of lights so powerful lights, visible in the distance, are not mistaken for nearby lights (such as those on lighted buoys) showing similar characteristics of low intensity. 经常核对有强烈灯

28、光的灯的特征,远远的望见,不要误认为是附近显示低强度特性的灯的灯光(如亮着的浮标),。If lights are not sighted within a reasonable time after prediction, a dangerous situation may exist requiring prompt resolution or action in order to ensure the safety of the vessel.如果灯没有在预测后合理时间内被看到,一个危险的情况可能存在,要求尽快解决或采取行动,以确保船舶的安全。The apparent characteri

29、stic of a complex light may change with the distance of the observer. 复合光明显的特点可能会改变观察者的距离。 For example, a light which actually displays a characteristic of fixed white varied by flashes of alternating white and red (the rhythms having a decreasing range of visibility in the order: flashing white, fl

30、ashing red, fixed white) may, when first sighted in clear weather, show as a simple flashing white light. 例如,灯,实际上固定白色的不同特性是由白色和红色交替闪烁显示的(有节奏的能见度范围顺序递减:闪光的白色,闪烁的红色,固定白),当第一次在晴朗的天气被看见,显示为一个简单的闪烁白光。 As the vessel draws nearer, the red flash will become visible and the characteristics will apparently b

31、e alternating flashing white and red. 由于船舶的靠近,红色闪光灯会变得可见和特征似乎是白色和红色交替闪烁。Later, the fixed white light will be seen between the flashes and the true characteristic of the light will finally be recognized as fixed white, alternating flashing white and red (F W AL WR).后来,固定白光有时闪烁有时一直保持亮着,最终被确认为固定的白色,白色和

32、红色交替闪烁(F W AL WR)。If a vessel has considerable vertical motion due to pitching in heavy seas, a light sighted on the horizon may alternately appear and disappear. 由于在波涛汹涌的大海倾斜,船舶大幅度垂直运动,在地平线上看到一条光线可能交替出现和消失。 This may lead the unwary to assign a false characteristic and hence。因此这可能导致粗心的去赋值一个错误的特征。The

33、 true characteristic will be evident after the distance has been sufficiently decreased or by increasing the height of eye of the observer.真正的特点在距离充分的减少或增高了观察者的观测高度后变得明显。也很明显的距离后,已经充分下降增加观察者的眼睛高度或。Similarly, the effect of wave motion on lighted buoys may produce the appearance of incorrect light pha

34、se characteristics when certain flashes occur, but are not viewed by the mariner. 同样,波动影响亮着的浮标,当某些闪烁出现时,可能会产生不正确的外观特征,但不是由船员观察。 In addition, buoy motion can reduce the distance at which buoy lights are detected.此外,浮标灯检测时,浮标运动可以减少其距离。Sectors of colored glass are placed in the lanterns of some lights

35、in order to produce a system of light sectors of different colors. In general, red sectors are used to mark shoals or to warn the mariner of other obstructions to navigation or of nearby land. Such lights provide approximate bearing information, since observers may not the change of color as they cr

36、oss the boundary between sectors. These boundaries are indicated in the Light List and by dotted lines on charts. These bearings, as all bearings referring to lights, are given in true degrees from 000to 359, as observed from a vessel toward the light. 有色玻璃行业是摆在一些灯光的灯笼,以生产出不同颜色的光界别制度。一般来说,红色部门都用来标记滩

37、涂或其他障碍物警告船员对航行或附近的土地。这些指示灯可提供近似轴承信息,因为观察员不得在颜色的转变,他们跨部门间的边界。这些边界表明在光表和图表上虚线。因为所有的指灯轴承这些轴承,真实度,给出了从000 到359 ,如从对灯船观察。Altering course on the changing sectors of alight or using the boundaries between light sectors to determine the bearing for any purpose is not recommended. Be guided instead by the cu

38、rrent compass bearing to the light and do not rely on being able to accurately observe the point at which the color changes. This is difficult to determine because the edges of a colored sector cannot be cut off sharply. On either side of the line of demarcation between white, red, or green sectors,

39、 there is always a small arc of uncertain color. Moreover, when haze or smoke are present in the intervening atmosphere, a white sector might have a reddish hue.改变对不断变化的行业中下车或使用部门之间的界限光来确定轴承为任何目的,不建议。为指导,而不是由当前的罗盘方位的光线和不依赖于能够准确地观察点时的颜色变化。这是因为很难确定一个有色行业的边缘不能切断急剧下降。任之间的划界白色,红色或绿色行业线一侧,总有一种不确定的颜色的小弧线。此

40、外,当薄雾或烟雾是大气中存在的干预,一个白色的部门可能有一个红色的色调。The area in which a light can be observed is normally an arc with the light as the center and the range of visibility as the radius. However, on some bearings the range may be reduced by obstructions. In such cases, the obstructed arc might differ with height of e

41、ye and distance. When a light is cut off by adjoining land and the arc of visibility is given, the bearing on which the light disappears may vary with the distance of the vessel from which observed and with the height of eye. When the light is cut off by a sloping hill or point of land, the light ma

42、y be seen over a wider arc by a vessel farther away than by one closer to the light. 在其中一灯可观测区通常是一个与光为中心的能见度为半径圆弧。但是,在某些轴承的范围可减少阻力。在这种情况下,可能会有所不同阻挠弧和距离与眼睛的高度。当光线切断毗邻土地和能见度弧给出,轴承上的光消失可能会随该船只从中观察距离和眼睛的高度。当光线是由一个倾斜的山坡削减或土地点关闭,指示灯可以看到了一个更广泛的船只远离弧比一个更接近光明。The arc drawn on charts around a light is not int

43、ended to give information as to the distance at which it can be seen, but solely to indicate, in the case of lights which do not show equally in all directions, the bearings between which the variation of visibility or obstruction of the light occurs. 周围绘制一个图表上的电弧光不打算就该等在它可以被看到,而只是表明在灯的情况下,距离,不会显示在各

44、个方向同样,轴承的变化之间的信息发生的知名度或阻塞的光。 IV CHARACTERISTICS OF AIDS TO NAVIGATIONOnly aids to navigation with green or red lights have lateral significance. When proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, the mariner in IALA Region B, may see the following lighted aids to navigation:只有航标灯用绿色或红色的横向意义。当

45、传统的浮标方向出发,在国际航标协会B区的水手,可以看到下面的航行灯辅助工具:* Green lights on aids to navigation mark port sides of channels and locations of wrecks or obstructions which must be passed by keeping these lighted aids to navigation on the port hand of a vessel. Green lights are also used on preferred channel marks where th

46、e preferred channel is to starboard(i.e., aid to navigation left to port when proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage).到航标的渠道和港口沉船或障碍物的位置必须通过保持对这些船只的港口手点燃航标灯通过双方助航标志。绿色灯也用在那里的首选渠道马克的首选渠道是向右舷(即援助向左港口时,在传统的浮标方向进行导航)。* Red lights on aids to navigation mark starboard sides of channels and lo

47、cations of wrecks obstructions which must be passed by keeping these lighted aids to navigation on the starboard hand of a vessel. Red lights are also used on preferred channel marks where the preferred channel is to port (i.e., aid to navigation left to starboard when proceeding in the conventional

48、 direction of buoyage).到航标的渠道和障碍物的位置沉船右舷必须由这些照明设备,以维持对船舶的导航右舷通过双方助航设备红灯。红灯也用在那里的首选渠道标志着首选途径是端口(即左向右舷援助时,在传统的浮标方向进行导航)。* White and yellow lights have no lateral significance. The purpose of aids to navigation exhibiting white or yellow lights may be determined by the shapes, colors, letters, and ligh

49、t rhythms.白色和黄色灯光已经没有侧向的意义。参展的导航灯为白色或黄色助航设备的目的可能是确定的形状,颜色,字母,轻节奏。* Most aids to navigation are fitted with retroreflective material to increase their visibility in darkness. Red or green retroreflective materials used on lateral aids to navigation which, if lighted, will display lights of the same color.大部分航标与反光材料,以增加他们的知名度在黑暗中安装。红色或横向助


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