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1、Gay is now a provincial key construction project of aluminum Ltd-province with an annual output of 50,000 tons of technical innovation project of environmental protection and energy saving of electrolytic aluminum project manager. In this technological transformation projects, he has overall respons

2、ibility for the day-to-day affairs of the project. In order to ensure that southern companys control the scale of investment, strengthen field management, pay special attention to project progress, and ensure a successful operation, the overall goal. He and Engineering Department under the leadershi

3、p of all the staff in the companys technical command, on the difficulties and to overcome technical difficulties in the process, work hard, have made outstanding achievements, mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, careful organization and management achieved remarkable results. Technical

4、 innovation project of the year, started and completed a series of bids and completed to date, from production engineering to put into production after nearly a year, has achieved very significant results. A project first 56 slots from dismantling the old slot just 168 days, civil engineering, insta

5、llation, commissioning, guarantee engineering quality under the premise, on the production side transformation under difficult conditions, created the national industrys fastest speeds. II 32 large prebaked electrolytic cell on November 7 has been installed, marks has an annual production capacity o

6、f 50,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum production capacity of aluminum. Entire project almost 8 months earlier than planned, achieved the goal of production transformation benefits that year, created favorable conditions for aluminum through South. Second, effectively control the investment. Project

7、 is subject to a scientific approach to bidding, bidding to make savings of 20 million Yuan, in the implementation process of the project, every domestic prices of steel, cement and other building materials, the old buildings on the base encountered great difficulties in dealing with significant inc

8、rease in the volume of civil engineering, but through rationalization and optimization, project control in fixed investment of 350 million Yuan. Third, environmental energy-saving effect of the project. Project investment of nearly 30 million Yuan, using large prebake technology and aluminum oxide d

9、ense phase and hyper dense phase conveying technology, fluoride and other harmful gases purification efficiency of up to 98%. Compared with Soderberg cell before the modification, power consumption can be reduced by 1500 tons of electrolytic aluminum, and project environmental protection and energy

10、saving effect is obvious. Four are in a relatively short period of time to the normal production. After four months of efforts, a project has put into operation all the 54 240KA large cell into regular production, stable current channel conditions and all the economic indicators are good, current ef

11、ficiency in October had reached 93%, is close to and reach the domestic advanced level. In the case of production half of the cell, this effect can be achieved and better level in the industry. 50,000 tons of electrolytic modification process, from preliminary study to equipment selection, cost cont

12、rol, project progress, quality control and coordination among the various sub-projects and various professional, technical command under the correct leadership, both from an overall perspective, emphasis on integrity, and earnestly implement the relevant laws and regulations, strictly act according

13、to the contract. He tried to learn relevant knowledge, good style of business, operational and organizational coordination ability, project efficiency, quality and safety assurance system in place, with all units involved with the coordination and good .龙河路-道路恢复工程步道 专项施工方案江苏兴厦建设工程集团有限公司北京榆垡分公司2015年9

14、月7日Four outstanding works. They are derived from their own inner feelings. I also sent a student to attend the class Department speech contest, failed to get a good result, but also actively cooperate with the Department and class activities! in order to create a demonstration dorm room, our weekly

15、class to every bedroom check, where proposed is insufficient. In order to clean up the bedroom, we use the brush brushes a bedroom again. For the class out of a force. In the event we, many projects did not get the desired results. But we understand that we tried, and in the struggle. Also has made

16、good progress in many of the! in my class the work carried out and the results achieved, thanks to the concern and support of the Department, thanks to instructor teachers good, proper guidance, thanks to 46 students in the class will work closely together, to work together. Of course, we also have

17、our weaknesses, needs to be further correction in their future learning and life, with a view to achieving greater results. Five declarations of good party branch branch is a fortress, a party member is a banner. Fighting in the railway engineering construction Group Headquarters Headquarters branch

18、es, a total of members 18. Role of the Xiang-GUI railway and tight South Lebanon railway, heavy, poor conditions of disadvantage, the branch closely around the construction work. Holding high the flag of our party members, unite and lead staff on the difficulties, overcome difficulties, take the zhe

19、ngyou, a job well done and an engineering task, won the highly valued by leaders at all levels. Since October last year since the project began, Headquarters Branch is tightly around the center of its activities. Face South, climate is wet, sooner or later temperature larger, specific difficult, I b

20、ranch from thought requirements all workers active motivated, do can long-term hard, dare fight of spirit prepared, while requirements all members lead, encouraged colleagues Zhijian each other help, each other learning business knowledge, overcome temporarily difficult, active into to engineering o

21、fficial starts of the prepared work in the to, play out has as a branch of fighting fortress role and members of pioneer model role. Since its start, I command under the correct leadership of the party branch in the Group and the superior party, centering on building a qualified party branches, bran

22、ch of the forts and the battle to play the exemplary vanguard role of party members, actively working. In command personnel less, and task heavy of situation Xia, all members always according to party stronger, and style to are, and service better, and efficiency to high of requirements, from overal

23、l starting, better to completed has production organization, and coordination, and guarantees and the management work, in engineering progress, and quality, and benefits, and safety, aspects are made has good of results, get has owners and the Group and grass-roots units of praise. First, give full

24、play to the exemplary role of party members. The exemplary role of party members and cadres are silent on the command, the exemplary role of party members and cadres are the best of the ideological and political education. We pay close attention to party building, requires political party members an

25、d cadres must take the lead in learning, set strict demands on themselves, .目 录第一章 编制说明4一、 编制依据4二、 工程步道施工遵守的有关规范、标准4三、 编制原则4四、 工程概况5五、 主要工程量5第二章 总体施工安排7一、 总体施工安排71 总体施工安排原则72 工期施工计划7二、 施工准备计划73 技术准备74 施工准备8三、 劳动力配备8四、 施工机械、机具计划8第三章 施工工艺、方法与技术措施10一、 现况步道及路缘石拆除10二、 路缘石及步道施工101 施工测量102 土基处理113 基层施工:114

26、 路缘石155 人行步道砖铺装156 花岗岩人行道块料铺设16三、 铣刨路面施工171 工艺流程172 施工准备173 沥青面层铣刨施工18第四章 保证管理措施19一、 质量目标191 质量保证体系192 工程质量保证措施20二、 安全保证措施211 安全生产目标及保证体系212 安全生产技术措施22三、 文明施工措施221 环境保护措施222 施工尘埃控制233 地上、地下管线保护23四、 成品保护措施23五、 隐蔽工程的质量保证措施251 隐蔽工程验收程序252 质量管理措施253 质量缺陷控制措施25六、 工程保修工作承诺261 保修范围262 保修期限承诺26七、 各种防雨材料的准备2

27、61 雨施主要材料计划2629第一章 编制说明一、 编制依据本工程施工专项方案编制依据如下:1、工程施工图纸 2、 国家有关建筑工程法规、规范及文件 3、 建筑施工安全检查标准4、龙河路-道路恢复工程施工图二、 工程步道施工遵守的有关规范、标准1、城市道路设计规范CJJ 37-902、道路交通标志和标线GB5768-19993、北京市城市道路工程技术规程DBJ01-45-2000 4、北京市工程测量技术规程DB11/T339-20065、市政基础设施工程质量检验与验收统一标DBJ01-90-20046、北京市市政工程施工安全操作规程DBJ01-56-20017、施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JG

28、J46-20058、建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-20019、绿色施工管理规程DB11-513-200810、市政基础设施工程资料管理规程(DB11/T808-2011)11、城市道路工程施工质量验收标准(DBJ01-11-2004)三、 编制原则 1、严格执行工程施工过程中涉及的相关规范、 规程和设计标准。2、遵守、执行招标文件各款的具体要求,确保实现业主要求的日期、质量、安全、环境保护、文明施工和造价等各方面的工程管理目标。 3、在认真、全面理解设计文件的基础上,结合工程情况,应用新技术成果,使施工方案具有技术先进、方案可靠、经济合理的特点。 4、充分研究现场施工环境, 妥善处理施工

29、组织与周边接口问题, 使施工对周边环境的影响最小化。5、施工方案编制尽可能做到总体施工部署和分项工程施工组织相结合,重点项目和一般项目相结合,特殊技术与普通技术相结合,总体上使施工方案具有重点突出,内容全面,思路清晰的特点。四、 工程概况 本工程为龙河路-道路恢复工程,本工程为人行步道工程、路缘石工程、拆除现况人行步道、沥青路面铣刨工程及渣土外运等工程。1)人行步道施工:C40透水步道砖+2厘米1:5水泥砂干拌+30厘米水泥稳定碎石。2) 人行步道施工:花岗岩+2厘米1:5水泥砂干拌+30厘米水泥稳定碎石。3) 更换路缘石:现况路缘石更换为型号为15*30*100cm及8*25*80cm两种预

30、制混凝土平缘石。4) 拆除现况人行步道及路缘石。5) 渣土外运(具备消纳证及消纳场正式发票原件)。6) 铣刨沥青混凝土沥青混凝土铣刨厚度为4cm,铣刨时我单位严格按照施工规范,保证质量、安全及做到文明施工。五、 主要工程量序号名称单位数量1水泥稳定碎石,30cm厚51692C40透水步道砖,10*20*10cm23223花岗岩8*30*60cm481142cm厚1:5水泥砂干拌81335预制混凝土立缘石m2156预制混凝土平缘石m20571:3水泥砂浆厚2cmm38.388渣土外运及消纳t2946.629拆除人行道872310拆除旧路材料1957.4811拆除路缘石m42012铣刨沥青混凝土,

31、4cm厚260第二章 总体施工安排一、 总体施工安排1 总体施工安排原则(1)综合考虑地方因素,合理组织机械、材料供应,将施工效率提到最高。 (2)先拆除现况步道及路缘石铣刨沥青混凝土路面路床碾压成形水泥稳定碎石路缘石施工透水步道砖及花岗岩铺装。(3)按流水作业顺序,区、段工序安排平行作业,施工工序合理安排,使施工安全顺利的进行。2 工期施工计划 根据工程施工总体进度,合理安排,组织施工,满足施工总进度要求及质量要求。二、 施工准备计划3 技术准备(1)搜集本工程涉及标准规范及合同对工程的工期、质量、安全、文明施工的要求,编制施工方案和安全技术措施,为现场施工提供可靠安全技术保障。(2)组织有

32、关的施工员、技术员及施工队熟悉施工图纸、施工质量要求及相关验收规范。(3)现场施工过程中,安排专业技术人员现场指导施工,严格按照制订的施工方法进行施工,如遇特殊情况需要进行施工方法的调整时,应暂时停止现场施工,及时与监理单位、建设单位沟通,另行制定施工方案。(4)施工前核查地下管线施工是否完成,避免遗漏地下管线。(5)做好开工前的材料计划,原材料计划、机械(机具)计划、劳动力计划、施工进度计划等工作。4 施工准备 (1)施工现场做到“三通一平”,按施工现场的具体要求将水电接到使用地点,保证路通及场地平整。(2)施工放样:用全站仪的坐标放样功能,采用坐标法放样,确定步道中线和边线桩位,并且在木桩

33、上标注桩号。高程测量:测量每个桩位处的高程,并且上报监理进行审批确认。 (3)做施工人员安全教育工作,把安全工作放到第一位落实后进行施工。三、 劳动力配备序号工 种人 数1管理人员72测量工23瓦工155砼工57电工18普工209合计50四、 施工机械、机具计划序号名称型号数量备注1挖掘机1.1 m31台路面2压路机1台路面3推土机1台路面4刮皮机1台路面5RP952摊铺机一台路面6自卸车CA3101(5T)5辆路面7砂轮切割机6台透水砖切割8洒水车1台洒水9水准仪DS321台测量10全站仪GTS- 6021台测量第三章 施工工艺、方法与技术措施一、 现况步道及路缘石拆除 现况步道及路缘石拆除

34、,并挖除现况结构及渣土外运。本施工需要人工配合机械,保证拆除及挖除的合理性、安全性。所有挖拆的渣土及时外运在指定的渣土消纳地点;渣土外运需要办理消纳证、消纳场正式发票原件等证件。施工过程中合理安排,做到文明施工,安全施工,保证施工现场的整体环境,不能给市民带来负面影响。二、 路缘石及步道施工1 施工测量1)控制点的测设(1)准备工作符合勘察单位交接的GPS点和水准点,沿主线两侧加密导线点和加密水准点。 (2)水准测量水准测量采用四等附合水准测量方式进行,在进行水准测量之前,进行水准仪的i角检测,不得大于20,否则,仪器必须送检测部门进行检验和校核。 水准点在施工期间每月复核一次,大雨过后应及时

35、复核,绘制点位图并存档。2)测量准备工作(1)、内业计算测量人员进行路线中线、桩位坐标计算,平均每20m布设一个桩位。计算结果需经过二次复核,监理复核结果无误后,可用于施工放样。(2)、桩位放样使用全站仪的坐标放样功能,采用坐标法放样,在导线点上架设全站仪,直接放样所需桩位,并且用标有桩号的木桩定位。放样完后,桩位要加以妥善保护。2 土基处理路基施工时先进行测量放线,根据设计图纸人行道进行放样。然后进行场地清理,清除人行步道范围内的渣土及腐殖土等按规范和设计的要求的深度和范围清除及回填处理,对底基层进行碾压,碾压三遍后,测压实度,以后每压一遍,测定一次直至达到设计要求。碾压的遍数,应按压实度要

36、求,经现场试验确定。压实度应93%,用灌砂法测出。并做到碾压表面应无显著轮迹、翻浆、起皮、波浪等现象。压实过程中应采取措施保护地下管线、构筑物安全。碾压成横坡为1%向行车道的排水方向。由于人行步道上又检查井不能采用机械碾压。对于井室周围无法碾压的地方,采用人工夯实,要做到无漏压、无死角。3 基层施工: 1)主要材料 (1)、水泥:要符合国家技术标准要求,普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣硅酸盐水泥或火山灰硅酸盐水泥均可采用,早强、快硬及受潮变质的水泥不应使用。水泥初凝时间应大于4h,终凝时间应在6h以上。宜采用强度等级较高的水泥,如42.5级水泥,水泥稳定碎石的水泥剂量一般应控制在3%5.5%。(2)、水:

37、饮用水均可使用。(3)、碎石非机动车道水泥稳定碎石集料级配碎石压碎值应不大于30%,最大粒径不大于31.5mm。见下表:层位通过下列方筛孔(mm)的 质量百分率31.5100199.54.752.360.60.075基层688638582232162881503 2)技术标准(1)、非机动车道推荐配合比为水泥:碎石=3:100,采用悬浮密实型,压实度93%,水泥稳定碎石7d龄期无侧限抗压强度2.5Mpa,设计弯沉值0.45mm。干燥、中湿路段:20cm厚悬浮密实型水泥稳定碎石(3%)岩石地基路段:20cm厚悬浮密实型水泥稳定碎石(3%)3) 施工准备工作(1)技术准备:我们组织全体人员学习水稳


39、我部已落实运输车辆10辆,车辆外观整齐,性能良好,车厢清洁。同时制定十不准以加强驾驶人员的督导,按正确的操作程序进行装料、运输、卸料,为提高摊铺质量创造良好条件。(5)现场准备 清除底基层表面的杂物、积水等。并将底基层表面洒水湿润。 为确保边缘部分压实度,两侧各加宽30cm进行摊铺。 确保做好路基测量,宽度放样,架设好钢丝绳。摊铺点的松铺系数按试铺段确定的数值进行控制。4)施工工艺 (1)、施工后场 水泥稳定碎石摊铺时,项目部技术人员驻守后场,实时对配合比、含水量、水泥剂量等进行控制。调试拌和机,分别称出拌缸中不同规格的碎石、水泥、水的重量,测量其计量的准确性;调试拌和时间,保证混合料的均匀性

40、;检查混合料含水量、集料级配、水泥剂量、7天无侧限抗压强度;拌和时混合料含水量控制,试铺时水稳碎石出料及时取样检查混合料含水量和水泥剂量是否有变化,再根据前场检测含水量结果作调整。(2)、混合料运输: 装料:装料根据放料人员的提示,按前、后、中三次作业的方法进行,不得太满外溢,车内混合料须在初凝时间内运到工地; 覆盖:采用油布覆盖混合料; 车辆倒车时在摊铺机前30cm处停住,卸料时挂空挡,注意不要撞击摊铺机,不要把料卸在摊铺机外面。3、施工前场摊铺:施工采用一台RP952摊铺机进行作业,另准备一台RP751W备用,摊铺机拼装宽度为6.0m,采用钢丝绳控制摊铺厚度和高程。第一层水稳摊铺时,采用一

41、台摊铺机先摊铺可以用摊铺机摊铺的施工段,剩下的采用人工摊铺;第一层摊铺结束后,压路机及时碾压,碾压完成后立即进行第二层摊铺。摊铺时匀速摊铺,及时检查摊铺厚度;摊铺中螺旋布料器应均衡地向两侧供料,螺旋布料器的料置略高于螺旋布料器2/3为度,使熨平板挡板前混合料在全宽范围内保持一致,避免摊铺层出现离析现象,设专人检查铺筑厚度及平整度,发现局部离析、拖痕及其他问题应及时处理;中途不得随意变速或停机,摊铺速度在1.03.0米/分钟范围内。 碾压:碾压是关系到基层内在质量的关键工序。而影响碾压工序的关键因素又是碾压组合和含水量。设立专人指挥碾压,注意稳压充分,振动不起浪、不推移,压路机碾压时重叠1/2轮

42、宽,每约50米作为一作业段。对碾压过后出现的问题及时进行处理。碾压时及时检查含水量,以略高于最佳含水量来进行碾压,压路机停车要错开,离开3m远为宜,最好停在已碾压好的路段上,以免破坏基层结构,严禁压路机在已完成的或正在碾压的路段上掉头和急刹车,以保证水泥稳定碎石基层表面不受破坏。摊铺前一至两天积极联系检测中心,碾压完成后,及时进行压实度检侧,发现压实度不足,及时进行补压,根据水稳碎石施工特点,必须控制碾压时间,在水泥终凝时间前结束碾压,并达到要求的压实度,同时没有明显的轮迹。碾压完成后采用进行洒水养生。 横接缝处理:水泥稳定混合料摊铺时,连续作业不中断,如因故中断2h,则设横缝,每天收工之后第

43、二天开工的接头段面设置横缝,每当通过桥涵,在其两边设置横缝。 自检与抽检水稳摊碾压完成后,及时进行压实度、水泥剂量、含水量的检侧,如果发现压实度不足,及时进行补压,自检合格后及时报请监理工程师及现场检测人员进行抽检,抽检合格后方可进入养生。 养生: 水稳碎石覆盖2小时后,可采用喷头为喷雾式洒水车洒水养生,每天洒水次数视气候而定,整个养生期间始终保持水泥稳定碎石层表面湿润。在7天内应保持基层处于湿润状态,养护完成后方可进行下一道工序,在养生期间封闭施工现场。7天后进行钻孔取芯,芯样应完整,表面密实。4 路缘石本工程路缘石采用混凝土缘石。步道两侧采用预制混凝土路缘石,缘石尺寸1530100cm及8

44、*25*80cm。 弯路缘石按转弯半径在加工厂预制,运至现场的缘石由人工砌筑,精益求精,严格按图施工。做到结构内坚外美,线条直顺,弯道圆滑。加强成品保护意识,减少二次或多次倒运。钉桩挂线后,沿基础一侧把路缘石依次排好。安装路缘石时,铺筑1:3水泥砂浆卧底2cm;按放线位置安装路缘石。 相邻路缘石缝隙用8mm厚木条或塑料条控制,缝隙宽不大于10mm。路缘石安装后,必须再挂线,调整路缘石至顺直、圆滑、平整、对路缘石进行平面及高程检测,每20m检测一点,当平面及高程超过标准时应进行调整,标准允许偏差为+1-3mm之间。无障碍路缘石、盲道口路缘石应按设计要求安装。缝及养护勾缝前先将路缘石缝内的土及杂物

45、提出干净,并用水润湿,然后用符合设计要求的水泥砂浆灌缝填充密实后勾平,用弯面压子压成凹型。用软扫除扫除多余灰浆,根据具体情况适当洒水养护。路缘石养护期不得小于3天,不得碰撞路缘石。场地清理所用的混凝土及砂浆均先卸置于铁皮板上面,侧平石安装完毕后,及时将剩余材料移除,并对有污染的场地和路面进行清理。5 人行步道砖铺装本工程步道使用透水砖,1:5干硬性水泥砂浆卧底2cm;10*20*10cm透水步道砖;透水步道砖是做完基层水泥稳定碎石后开始施工。根据设计图纸,路面砖的铺筑应从路面砖基准点开始,并应以路面砖基准线为基准,按设计规定的图案铺筑路面砖。铺砖时应轻拿平方,用橡胶锤敲打稳定,但不得损伤砖的边

46、角。井室周围、边角及不合模处,小方砖采取切割,铺盲道砖,应将导向砖与停步砖严格区分,不得混用。铺盲道时应将导向行走砖与止步砖严格区分,不得混用,路口处缘石与盲道出口处不得有台阶。铺筑路面砖时,不得站在垫砂层上作业,可在刚铺筑的路面砖上垫上一块大于0.3m的木板站在木板上铺筑。方砖铺好后,应对步道砖进行平面及高程检测,当平面及高程超过规定时,应返工处理。并检查方砖是否稳固及表面平整度,发现步道砖有活动现象,应立即休整。平面弯曲路面的施工可采用调整路面砖接缝宽度进行,其接缝宽度应符合下列要求:弯道外周路面砖的接缝宽度不应大于6mm,弯道内周路面砖的接缝宽度不应小于2mm,竖向弯曲路面的施工应将路面基层及垫砂层采用竖向曲线过度,其接缝宽度宜为26mm。路面砖之间的接缝中应采用砂灌满填实,接缝灌砂的方法应符合下列要求:在路表面均匀撒薄薄一层接缝用砂;用苕帚或板刷等工具将路面上的砂子扫入接缝中;用振动碾压机按本规程中所示的方法碾压使砂灌入接缝;接缝灌砂与振压要反复进行,直至接缝灌满填实为止。路面砖路面施工完后,路面上砂子应清扫干净。养生3天后方可通行。6 花岗岩人行道块料铺设 1)、测量控制(1)采用全站仪以闭合导线法确定轴线


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