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1、,盧淑宜校長Lo Suk Yu29/6/2007,健康食品亞洲會議 ASIA HEALTHY FOODS CONFERENCE 學校分享-保良局方王錦全小學 Sharing-Po Leung Kuk Fong Wong Kam Chuen Primary School 講題-學校推行健康飲食政策的挑戰及成效 Topic-Successful Story:The Winner of Gold Award of“EatSmart school.hk Campaign 2006”,目標:建立學童健康飲食的文化The direction of establishing children healthy

2、 eating culture,積累、培養、營造Accumulate,Cultivate,Building常規性、與生活相連Routine,Related to daily life,何謂文化?Culture?,飲食習慣 Eating habits,建立學童健康飲食的策略The direction of establishingchildren healthy eating culture,制訂指引,要求供應商配合。Set the guidelines and collaborate with the food supplier.,發揮午膳委員會及小食部委員會的功能Display“Lunch

3、Committee”&“Tuck Shop Committee”,1.發揮午膳委員會及小食部委員會的功能Display“Lunch Committee”&“Tuck Shop Committee”,經常監案及跟進食品質素。Supervise the food quality.,a.委員會就學童健康飲食營養,討論學校提供予學生的午膳及小食所需要的元素。Committee suggests suppliers to provide suitable healthy food and snacks for students.,b.家長委員試食。Food trial by PTA committee.

4、,c.學生進膳反應。Reflection from students.,1.發揮午膳委員會及小食部委員會的功能Display“Lunch Committee”&“Tuck Shop Committee”,d.校方經常與供應商保持聯絡。A good communication between school&supplier.,e.透過問卷瞭解訂飯家長及學童的意見。Getting information from parents and students through questionaire.,f.透過中文大學的專業意見,建議供應商作出改善。Give suggestion from exper

5、ts in the Chinese University of Hong Kong to food suppliers to make improvements.,2.實施學童健康飲食政策Policies on establishing children healthy eating habits,1.03-04年度-推行飲水政策 小食部停止售賣汽水及薯片、蝦條等食品 Academic year 03-04 Implement Drink Water Scheme Stop Selling soft drinks and fried snacks in tuck shop.,2.04-05年度

6、-小食部推出健康食品(乾果、水果、車厘茄、菠蘿片)學生如攜帶漢堡包及汽水,校方給予提示 Academic year 04-05 Start selling healthy snacks like dried fruits and fresh fruits in tuck shop.Advise students not to bring junk food such as hamburgers and soft drinks.,2.實施學童健康飲食政策Policies on establishing children healthy eating habits,3.06-07年度-確保學生進食

7、足夠的蔬菜量,學生必須吃光餐盆上的菜,及可添菜。為控制學生食量,避免學生添飯及添肉。禁止家長為學生帶漢堡包及汽水作為午膳。Academic year 06-07 Advise students to finish all the vegetables on their plates during lunch to assure they eat enough vegetables Avoid refilling students plates with rice or meat to monitor their dietary quantity and quality.,1.常規課程。常識科及

8、視藝科中,滲透有關五彩蔬果營養價值的知識元素。1.Routine curriculum.Merged the characteristics of nutrition values into Art&General studies.,3.把知識滲透在學生的日常生活中,務求學生能掌握技能及至實踐。Merged the knowledge of healthy eating culture into students daily life with a view to mastering the skill to implement.,2.課程統整及專題研習。以健康為主題的課程統整及專題研習三年級

9、主題:飲食營養。2.Curriculum&Project Topics related to integrated curriculum&projects P.3 topic:Diet nutrition.,3.非常規課程:五彩蔬果計劃、飲水計劃營養講座(家長及學生)。3.Special curriculum Colorful Fruits&Vegetables Project,drink water scheme,nutrition talks(parents&students).,統整活動Integrated Curriculum:Healthy Seedling,五彩蔬果獎勵計劃Colo

10、rful Fruits and Vegetables Project,生果日Fruit Day,健康美食親子烹飪比賽Healthy Food Cookery Competition,我愛早餐I like Breakfast,素食日Vegetarian Day,日日大踏步活動Daily Big Strides activity,同學活動後的感受Students feeling after doing the activities,蕭渼樺可以憑券換健康小食,又可以增加我們做運動的機會。2C Siu Hon WaWe can use the tickets to get the snacks.Thi

11、s can increase our chance to do exercise,陳巧樺可以讓我們知道運動的重要性。Chan Hau Wa:Let me know the importance of exercise.,伍鑫彬可以多做運動。Ng Yim BunWe can do more exercise.,高梓誦我每星期都有參與大踏步活動,我很喜歡這活動,因為很多同學一起大踏步,很有趣。我也知道飲食要營養均衡,吃三份蔬菜。2B Ko Si ChungI join the Big-Stride activity.I like this activity because I can do wit

12、h my classmates together.It is full of fun.I also know that a balanced diet,should eat three vegetables.,陳瞳心可以推廣健康,多做運動!1B Chan Tung SumIt can promote the health,and do more exercise.,鍾敏媽媽知道有這個活動,叫我多參加,多點運動,又叫我課餘時跑步。Chung ManMy ma,after knowing the activity,tells me to join in order to do more exerc

13、ise and also tells me to jog in the spare time.,何穎婷我喜歡這活動,因為很有趣!1B Ho Wing TingI like this activity because it is interesting.,同學活動後的感受Students feeling after doing the activities,家長及學生營養講座、工作坊Nutrition talks and workshops for parents&students,香港學童與本校學童體重過肥情況Percentage of overweight students in Hong

14、Kong and our school,學校推行健康飲食政策的成效The effectiveness of Healthy Eating Policy in our school,統計數據 Statistics,學童午膳調查進食蔬菜量(建議進食菜量最少為90)The amount of vegetables intake during lunch(suggested amount:at least 90),學校推行健康飲食政策的成效The effectiveness of Healthy Eating Policy in our school,中文大學健康教育及促進健康 中心統計分析from

15、HKCU Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion,學校推行健康飲食政策的成效The effectiveness of Healthy Eating Policy in our school,學校推行健康飲食政策的成效The effectiveness of Healthy Eating Policy in our school,家長意見Parents views,推行學童健康飲食政策的困難Obstacles to promote Healthy Eating Policy,快餐文化 Fast food Culture家長教育/生活習慣

16、Parental Education,解決方法 Solutions,循序漸進 Proper sequent arrangements,持之以恆 Perseverant promotion,家校合作 School-parent cooperation,政府支援 Governments support,願各位能實踐健康的生活習慣,擁有健康的身心!Wish you all a healthy body physically&mentally,謝謝大家!,Thank you!,保良局方王錦全小學Po Leung Kuk Fong Wong Kam Chuen Primary Scho電話:24661882 請聯絡鍾佩茵主任 網址:http:/www.plkfwkc.edu.hk 電郵:infoplkfwkc.edu.hk,


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